World Wide Group Technology Leads the Future
提供一站式高端線(xiàn)路板設(shè)備專(zhuān)案服務(wù) Provide one-stop high-end circuit board equipmentsproject services

World Wide P.C.B.Equipments Company Limited環(huán)球電路板設(shè)偏有限公司
World Wide Group was established in 1990, a diversified group company that integrates high-tech, high-quality, excellent service and sound management, providing advanced production processes and supporting equipment for the PCB industry, as well as one-stop project services for software and hardware configurations.
With over 30 years of unwavering persistence,professional management system, stable equipment quality, comprehensive technical services, and an outstanding employee team, World Wide Group's equipment and services have become the trusted choice of major PCB factories, and have successfully established a premium brand image in the industry. As Industry 4.0 is gradually advancing, the PCB manufacturing equipment, as the mother of electronic system products, is also entering the 5G era along with the changes in global technology. World Wide Group continues to support the Chinese PCB industry to move towards the"new generation of intelligent manufacturing".
Crafted with dedication to perfection, in the future, we will continue to launch more, more advanced and market-oriented equipment and intelligent manufacturing systems, serve the industry, and embark on a new journey together.


World Wide Group's main PCB customer application areas

High multilayer PCB production

Longnan City, Jiangxi Province, and established Jiangxi Keyao Equipment Company Limited. The new company covers an area of about 60 acres (nearly 40,000 square meters), planned to be developed in two phases. The first phase includes a 3- story factory (18,000 square meters), a 5-story office building (5,000 square meters), and a 6-story dormitory (5,0o0 square meters). The second phase of development will be initiated based on market conditions. In the future, Jiangxi Keyao Equipment Company Limited. will continue to innovate and optimize on the basis of existing technologies to adapt to market changes and meet customer needs, realizing the company's sustainable development.

Group strategic layout集團(tuán)戰(zhàn)略布局
Site scale: 2,500 square meters
Agency,sales,after-sales,and parts maintenance for high-end PCB equipment/ Semiconductor packaging equipment

Site scale: 60 acres (40,000 square meters) Business:
One-stop smart automationequipment/ Independently developed brand

Site scale: 270 square meters
Provide semiconductorpackaging/HDl /PCB one-stopserviceforSoutheastAsiancustomers
including equipment installation, customer training, parts supply, equipment maintenance andtechnicalservices.

Sitescale:1500 square meters
Provideone-stopservicesfordomestic customersin semiconductorpackaging/HDI PCB,
includingequipment installation, customer training, parts supply, equipment maintenance andtechnical services.

Examples of applications
Copper foil is directly processed

Leading in high productivity in industry

Copperfoildirect procesing LTHΦ80-55-80μm
Small aperture copperfoil BVHprocessing (bare copper foil t2um) Φ 40 μm

Rawceramicsheet processing Φ40μm
Copperfoilisdirectlyprocessed LTH Φ70-45-70 μm
The core components of Mitsubishi Electric's unique technology, equipped with a newlydevelopednewoscillator and a new electronic scanning mirror,Thisincreases productivitybyabout 30% Achieve unrivaled productivity, stable machining quality, and excellent positioning accuracy.
It supports the visualization and automationoflaser processing

Itiscompatiblewiththeinternational standardOPCforFAcommunication. Enablecollaborationwithon-site production management systems and SCADA.In addition, as standard it is equipped with pulse energy monitoringfunctionthat monitors the energy of each machined hole to achieve traceability,increase efficiency rate.
《KeyTechnologies》 Superiorprocessingstability Laser oscillator/f lens/electronic scanning mirror/control unit
MitsubishiElectric'sin-house developed laseroscillatorcan vibrate short pulsesfrom high peaks Laser beams with longest pulses. Theindependently developed vibratorensures high processing Capabilities and excellent performanceinavariety ofprocessingfields.
Itispossibletogeneratehighlystable pulsesthatareindependentofthe frequencyofthescanningmirror.We ensureexcellentstabilityandqualityina variety of processingfields.

High productivity
Low operating costs
《Key Technologies》laservibrator
The latest ultra-high-speed scanning mirrors and high-precision controltechnology have achieved highest production efficiency in industry.
Synchrom technology
Afterthemachiningtableismoved,unlikethe conventional laser processing control method, when machining table is moved, laser processing atthe same time,sothe non-processingtime is shortened.

Laser vibrator
Construction oscillator,which can be easily updated by only replacement parts, and the independent technology guarantees low operating costs and high equipment operating efficiency.

Mach auto cut laminator has been serving thePCBindustryforalongtime,andthe latest design modelshavebeen launched in response to PcB requirements.
Equipment features:
The laminator hot press roller is easy to replace
· It is easy to maintain and the film pressure is good anduniform
·During operation,the dropin temperature of thehotpressrollerisslow
· Compatible with very thick board (Mach 30NPUT)

Improve the uniformity of pressure of the hot press roller on the PCB

Quickly change hot press rollers to reduce downtime


The system is suitable for vertical exposure as well as roll-to-roll automatic exposure, and achieves high accuracy with low tension alignment. There is a partial area alignment function (optional).
Equipment features:
Theroll-to-rollautomaticexposuremachine solvestheproblemofFpc


Equipment features:
UV-LED multi-wavelength exposure
Thelightsourceisanenergy-saving,long-life,and environmentally durableLED.UseSCREEN-specifictechnology,whichefficiently synthesizesmultiplewavelengths and irradiatesenergyuniformly fromthetoptothebottomofsoldermask.
Whetherit'sink,high-sensitivity dryfilms,orthe common ones used in traditional contactexposure equipmentand projection exposure equipment Dryfilm,this device providesa high level of Dlexposure qualityforalltypesoflight-sensitivematerials.
High-speed alignment scanning
Thealignmentscanningfunctiondoesnotpauseworktable operation,andthemultipletargetscanbereadandscannedwithout pause.
Comparedtothetraditionalstep-by-stepalignmentmethod,even high-densitytargetsubstrates arepossible
Read alignedtargetsinshortperiodoftimetoincreasedproductivity andaccuracy.

Models can be selected from mass production to prototype and small batch production
The full range of Ledia equipment is available not only in an automatic single-sided exposure model, but also in an automatic double-sided exposure model, which has been added substrate flap device; There is also a manual exposure model. Users can choose the right one according to their needs including high-volume production, prototype, and small-batch production.
※In addition,we have developed a"Basic Manual Exposure Model"withintegrated functions.For more information, pleasecontactoursalesstaff


Double table model - Ledia Twin
Highest quality and highest throughput
By maintaining the highest quality, productivity canbeincreased by1.5times
Whilemaintainingahighlevelofexposurequality, productivitycanbeincreasedbyupto1.5times. Thedual-tableLediamodelcontinuesmaintainhighlevelof exposurequalityandalignmentaccuracy.Newdoubletable design,Reducethetime of machine alignmentscanningand boardexchange.Comparedtoconventionalsingle-table models with standard LED light sources,productivity isupto 1.5timeshigher.
Itcanbeconfiguredtoloadandunloadautomaticlinesina smallerspace.
Floorspaceis reduced by 60% comparedtothe previous model,maximizingproductivity.Multiplesubstratescanbe exposedatthesametime. Itsupportssimultaneous exposureof2or4substrates,which greatlyimprovestheproductionefficiencyofFPCsubstrates.
Multiplesubstratescanbeexposed atthesametime Simultaneous exposure of2 or4 substrates greatlyimproves FPCsubstrate productivity.

LI-TW-S | |
Lightsource | UV-LED365+385+405nm |
Numberofshots | 5or6 |
Maximumexposure area | 5head:540x661mm 6head:610x661mm |
Minimumlinewidth(L/S) | 30um |
Equipmentsize | W2,000mm D3,460mm H2,213mm |
Equipmentweight | 5,000kg |
\*The above specifications are for reference only and asubject to themanufacturer's final design.

Compatibleto dryfilm andsolder mask inks.The wavelength output ratiocanbecontrolled independentlyandlowexposureis realized,in orderto reduce the environmentalimpact,contributeto the reduction of production costs.
Real-timemonitoring of the curved surface of the substrate during exposure,automatic adjust the heightof exposure head,avoidingbackwarping, andmaintaining stablehigh quality.
Maintains the amount of light between the exposure heads, and the auto-correction function maintainsstable accuracyreducing machine down time,therebyreducing equipment downtime.
High-speed and high-precision automaticalignment High-speed and highprecisionautomatic alignment:Through scanning and photography, multi-pointhigh-speed camera andmultiple alignmentalgorithms achieve different expansion and contraction compensation requirements
SCREEN is present in a wide range of high-tech applications such as semiconductors and LCD panels,so thatitcan meet therequirements of Industry 4.0 specifications.

High-speed detection
About 15,000 printing plates per day
It is equipped with a four-channel (RGB+B/W) imaging sensor
Inspection capabilities that support a high level of defect detection accuracy

Laserholesand 20\upmu m lineswithadiameterof 30 \upmum atthetopoftheholeandholetopcanbeinspected atthesametime.

Whetherit'sline patterninspectionorlaser hole inspection and analysis,onlythis one machine is needed.


ries model:
Ledia 8
SCREEN has refined its unique optical design, image processing, and direct imaging technologies overmany years,selling scanners,laser plotters, direct imaging systems, and other related products.
The Ledia 8 incorporates these core technologies to deliver even higher accuracy, reliability, and productivity.
A variety of mechanisms
for automatically
accommodating deflection, regardlessofthe type of
board, ensure stable
imaging quality.
Mechanical clamp (option)

Alignment processing

TheLedia8features extensive alignment functionality to accommodate increasingly rigorous alignment accuracy requirements.

Design matching function
Scan alignment methodStraincorrection

Triple-wavelength LED light source
The proportions at which wavelengths are mixed can be adjustedtoprovide controloverthe cross-sectional shape ofthe photosensitive material.
Triple-wavelength LED light source


INSPECTA COMBO Drilland Routing Dual-purposeX-rayTarget Drill Machine
INSPECTASX X-ray target drilling machine
Shapeanddiameteroftargetreference | Circle(0.5-3.5mm)(0.0196”-0.1378” | ||
Abnormalplatedetectionstandard | point-to-point,layerdeviation,overallandcomprehensivetolerances | ||
Boardthickness | 0.1mm(0.00393”)to10mm(0.4” | ||
XL,XRandY-axismovementacceleration | Linearmotor60m/min(2362"/min) | ||
X-YPositioningAccuracy | 0.005mm(0.196mils) | ||
X-YPositioningrepeatability | 0.004mm(0.157mils) |

X-RAY camera
· Perform high-intensity exposure (for thicker board)
·The camera is equipped with a pressfootto keep the board flatand touchthe worksurfacetoreduceimpactof deviations.
QR code labeling system (optional)
Labelthe production board with a QR code, cooperate with scanningand reading data,and automatically confirm the process
Detection.methodItcanbedetected accordingtodifferent specificationsofthetarget
Categorization (grouping) function
Thisfeatureis used to label different type of boards Example: ·Class A/group=±0.025mm(1mil) ·ClassB/Group = ±0.050mm(2mils) ·ClassC/group = ±0.075mm(3mils)
Statistical data
Through Pluritec's Gulinterface,information data can be processed quickly, integrate database and printing, or connectedtothecustomer'sMESsystemforreal-time managementofequipment
·WholeBoard andlayer-to-layererrors
· Point-to-point/layer-to-layer positioning
·ExpandorContract/standard deviations,etc
·Layerswithin the board
Distinguish the choice
·Diffusion error
· Error between upper and bottom layer ·point-to-pointerrorwithinthelayer


·The airbagtypevacuumlamination pressurizesthe product comprehensively and uniformly
·Pressureandvacuumlevelcanbe controlled in multiple stages
Thefullyautomaticvacuumlaminatorcan be connected tothe pre-process and postprocessequipmentensurethatthe productisfreeof
For products: PCB/FPC/HDI For process: DF/PIC lamination


·Theairbagtypevacuumlamination pressurizesthe product comprehensively and uniformly
·pressure and vacuum level can be controlled in multiplestages
·The automatic vacuum leveling machine can be connected tothe pre-process and postprocess
·Vacuum lamination (first stage) ^+ pressing leveling (second stage)
For products: HDl/IC Substrate
I For process: Coating SM/DFSR/ABF laminating ^+ leveling
Leveling Effect:


·Design and manufacture specifically for use with the JsW one-stage vacuum laminator.
·Assemblywithmechanicalarmfor rotating board 90° rotation function, which assistto align 2panels onleft and right or front and back in the same round.
·Build with self-cleaning device
· Improve the yield rate and productivity of vacuum laminating machine, and reduce labor cost.
Corresponding process
DF/PIC pre-lamination
Origin: Designed in Korea & Manufactured inKeYao
Specially designed forFPC/rigidflex board dry film pre-mounting


TV series
Roll-to-rollTV7200inthefieldof electronics
·Equipped with a color CCD and high-speed image
processoritcanachievehigh-speed and stable
· Defects are detected and output as color images Continuitycheckandoutputoftestresults
·AOlfunctioncanbe added tobecome an all-in-one machine
Modelname | Application | Productwidth | Minimumdetection capacity | Lens | Checkingspeed |
TV7200 | COF,FPC | 35mm/48mm/70mm, 250/500mm | 8/8-45/45μm (L/S) | 16k | 2.4-6m/min |

Fexible board product Checkingspeed testingequipment

Roll-to-rollAOlRA7400Winthefield ofnewenergyvehicles'
·AOl equipmentforroll-to-roll FPCuse for new energy vehicleproducts
·Itisa perfect match with theroll-to-roll exposure System"RD3000FB".
· Correspond to specifications for high-energy automotiveproducts
·Productswith transparent substratescan alsobe detectedperfectlywithoutfalsealarms
※There is also a modelRA7500』double-sided inspectionequipmentforchosen
Roll-to-rollAolinthefieldofelectronics 『RA7100
·FPCfine-pitchimageinspectionequipmentfordigital devicessuch as smartphones,tabletterminals,and wearabledevices
·Rare high-speed testingcapability and highperformancetestingequipmentin theindustry
·Withtheroll-to-roll conveyortechnologyandhighperformanceimageprocessingsystemthatwehave cultivated over many years,we can stably inspect high-defintionimages
RA7400W | RA7100 | RA7200 | |
Application | EV(BMS) | Mobile/EV | COF |
Productwidth | 520mm | 260mm | 35/48/70mm |
Minimumdetection capacity | 70/70μm(L/S) | 15/15μm (L/S) | 8/8μm (L/S) |
Lens | 16k | 16k | 16k |
Checkingspeed | 10.8m/min | 5.4m/min | 2.4m/min |

Producing various large-scale vacuum lamination machines, customizable according to customer requirements
Heating Method:
Control methods:
? Electric heating
? Electric heating with thermal oil heating ? Thermal oil boiler (diesel, heavy oil,gas) ? Steam boiler
Vacuum System:
o Single machine single pump ? Two pumps forone orthree pumps for one ? Multi-machine multi-pump Non-vacuum
? Computer multi-stagetemperatureand multi-stage pressure automatic programmonitoringsystem ? Multi-stagetemperature ^+ multi-stagepressureprogramcontrollersystem ? Multi-stagetemperatureprogramcontroller +4 stagepressurecontrolsystem
Guided Vehicle:
? Push-pulltypecar-formodelsabove 600tons ? Frictionlesstypecar-formodelsbelow600 tons
Auxiliary equipment:
? Storage and unloadingracks(A:TYPE,B:TYPE,C:TYPE) ? Variousrefluxlines(manual,semi-automatic,automatic) ? Carrierplates(aluminum alloy,steel,special steel)

Suitable for multilayer printed circuit boards copper foil laminated boards Flexible printed circuit boards rigid-flexible printed circuit boards
Equipment features
· The press steel frame body is welded with high-strength steel plates after computer-precise structural calculation and stress deformation analysis, and the internal stress is completely eliminated, ensuring the long-term repeatability precision of the mechanical.
· The hot plates are ground through multiple precision processing procedures, and the parallelism and flatness of each hot plate are within ±0.015 \mathsf{mm}/\mathsf{m} ,andthetemperature toleranceiswithin ±1.5°C
· The pistons are white-machined and ground, with a hardness of \mathsf{H R C50°}~55° ,wear-resistant and oil-tight, and the oil seals adopt universal standard oil seals for easy maintenance and repair.

2019香港廣展2500m2物流庫(kù)存“洛奇”成爲(wèi)環(huán)球略合作伙伴Rocket Data Technology Limitec
成立“環(huán)球光電科技設(shè)備有限公司” World Wide Electro-optics Technology Equipments Limited
成立科耀集團(tuán)Establishment of “ Ke Yao Group"
-科耀微電子(香港)有限公司KeYao Micro-Electronic(Hong Kong)Limited-江西科耀機(jī)電設(shè)備有限公司Jiang XiKeYao Equipment Co.,Ltd-科耀微電子(廣東)有限公司Ke Yao Micro-Electronic (Guang Dong) Co., Ltd-科耀微電子(泰國(guó))有限公司KeYao Micro-Electronics(Thailand) Co.,Ltd
成立“環(huán)球半導(dǎo)體封裝設(shè)備有限公司”World WideSemi-Conductor Equipment Limited
成立“金創(chuàng)科技發(fā)展有限公司”Golden Innovation TechnologyDevelopment Limited

Hong Kong Headquarter
World Wide Group 16 Yip Wo Street On Lok Tsuen Fanling.N.T Hong Kong