HEADMISTRESS’S INTRODUCTIONAbbotsholme was founded by Cecil !eddie in 1??9. His vision for education encompassedeverything we still hold dear today – academic rigour and a wealth of co-curricularand each other.Our teachers engage our pupils without limits. At the heart of our philosophy is the desireOur teachers reach for the top, carefully monitoring progress and encouraging each childhumility, courage and integrity are reflected in everything we do. A kind school, we looka[er one another. We take pride in working in partnership with parents to give each childearliest opportunity. You have to feel it to believe it?Amy ThorntonthreeA tradition of individuality, excellence
BACKGROUND, HISTORY & CULTUREOriginally called ‘The New School’, Abbotsholme was established in 1889 by the visionary exercise, manual labour, recreation and arts. Pioneering in its day, this avant-garde approach enjoyed a strong following by a number of Reddie’s creative-minded contemporaries, and was influential in the foundation of other many other schools sharing a common belief in experiential end empirical learning, critical thinking and, importantly, a personalised approach. Abbotsholme’s main building is a stunning red-brick Arts & Crafts edifice, with many original the school’s early days and into the 21st century. Originally a boys’ school with the curriculum designed to ‘prepare boys for public service’, Abbotsholme became coeducational in 1969. Reddie retired in 1927, but his endeavours remain very evident in the well-rounded education we provide, and the charming, an Abbotsholme education.Today, we all delight in our many unique traditions, such as our biannual whole-school trek to legend of our wonderful school for future generations.four
AN EDUCATION FOR LIFEBuilding on Reddie’s early ideas, Abbotsholme aims to prepare its pupils for the whole of life – to be able to respond to life’s challenges and opportunities – by giving them a balanced education through a strong academic curriculum and an extensive range of extra-curricular activities in an inspiring setting.We fully acknowledge the importance of balance between academic and physical endeavours Knowledge to help everyone achieve and succeed to the best of their individual academic ability;An understanding of the natural environment and the importance of protecting it;Physical and intellectual challenges which build strength and test courage, as well as providing a Cultural and social enrichment to widen perspective and to develop awareness of our and pastoral staff ensures that each child’s needs and aspirations are met. Abbotsholme is Education is offered from Nursery through to Sixth Form, providing a healthy continuity for through annual reunions, dinners, events and sports.exchange visits, and to expand their knowledge across a range of disciplines. sevenAt Abbotsholme, ‘An Education for Life’ is more than just a motto
ACADEMICWhatever gifts a pupil may possess in other areas, a sound academic education and excellent examination results in core subjects are invaluable in an increasingly competitive world.Abbotsholme’s most recent ISI inspection identifies fulfilment of our objective to have a This healthy culture develops exponentially, so that success for our younger pupils may be built process, with close, individual attention the accepted norm at Abbotsholme. Children learn Projects such as our Electric Car Challenge encourage pupils to think creatively in order to From an early age we encourage curiosity and questioning, and the subsequent healthy our life goals.thinking – learning to solve problems through analysis – which provides the ‘real life skills’ a competitive environment.eightPastoral care, small classes and significant one-on-one attention help children to achieve highly supportive environment
SPORT & OUTDOOR OPPORTUNITIESAbbotsholme’s ‘education for life’ philosophy has been our foundation for over a century, and never has our programme of sport and outdoor opportunities been richer and more rewarding than today, complementing other areas of intellectual and creative endeavour to achieve a We value sport in broader terms as a means of developing self-awareness and confidence, but also empathy and humility, recognising that we all have different talents and face different challenges. Sport teaches respect, and it forces quick decision-making – sometimes under the usual indoor and outdoor sports such as cricket, football, hockey, tennis and many more, all of which are enjoyed equally both by boys and girls. We are always exploring new opportunities to extend the sports provision through appropriate, targeted investment, and continues with activities such as kayaking, bushcraft, rock scrambling, orienteering and caving, while the annual three-day hikes in October are enjoyed by the whole school.All pupils work towards a Duke of Edinburgh Award – Bronze from Year 9, Silver in Key Stage 4 and Gold in the Sixth Form – a tremendous adventure whose challenges add a valuable new dimension to school life, and help to develop an understanding and an appreciation of the wider world. We have our farm, but we also run an on-site Equestrian Centre with horses and ponies appropriately selected for pupils’ use and enjoyment. We enjoy success at competition level, and our horses and facilities provide a tremendous opportunity to develop an interest in a variety of disciplines.elevenExtensive grounds and beautiful playing fields are complemented by our synthetic pitch opens the door to hiking, camping and of Abbotsholmians
THE ARTSinterpretation at the heart of the school’s long journey. Visual Art, Music and the Performing Arts – although different disciplines – give our pupils the chance to explore and express their individuality from an early age, and make an invaluable contribution to our rich curriculum within and beyond the classroom.For our young artists, a light and airy studio in the senior school provides the perfect expression through a variety of visual media in two and three dimensions. Pupils will study works from numerous artists, learning about their historical context, and eventually become able to make judgements about the aesthetic merit and qualities of a work of art through their command of the appropriate critical vocabulary.about lighting and composition in a professional-type environment, and explore post-production Pupils are encouraged to learn a musical instrument at an early age, and many will continue with audiences within and beyond the school, either individually, in a concert, or as part of a with audiences often invited in to watch the students perform.twelveA wealth of facilities, generous space and abundant sources of stimulation help pupils to develop confidence and individuality through self-discovery and self-expression
BOARDINGseventeenChildren of all ages love the boarding experience at Abbotsholme, where opportunities abound for academic The boarding provision and associated pastoral care at Abbotsholme is excellent, and thosesuperb range of opportunities beyond the conventional curriculum. Mindful that it is theirhome for much of the year, we listen carefully to boarders’ feedback to ensure we continuallyprovide the best possible experience for all. As a result, boarding is an attractive choice evenfor those who live within commuting distance, with around one third of pupils choosing toboard either on a full, weekly or flexi basis. Our boarding population, comprising childrenfrom across the UK and from 10 different countries, helps to shape the culturally rich anddownstairs and Years 10 and 11 upstairs, with plenty of opportunity for joint activity asappropriate. As with the girls, the environment is designed to ensure that the boys are ableincreased autonomy and independence is respected and encouraged, every student can beconfident of access to the highest degree of appropriate pastoral care as a matter of course.With the phenomenal breadth of extra-curricular opportunities available, boarding at
FARM & ESTATEA 70-acre working farm, equestrian centre and country estate form part of Abbotsholme’s The largely arable farm has been running as part of Abbotsholme since the school was farming and wider community. From Year 7–9 pupils study towards a Level 1 BTEC in Agriculture; in Years 10 and 11 they animal welfare. or BTEC level 3 during Years 12 and 13. There is also an opportunity to undertake BHS qualifications alongside the BTEC. The outdoor manège facilitates tuition throughout the year, with private or shared lessons available on the school’s horses and ponies either purely for pleasure, or towards competition. Subject to availability, we also offer pupils the chance to stable their own horse at school, so that the continuity of the relationship with their equine friend can be maintained.eighteenAn environment offering some balance
twenty oneAbbotsholme offers children the chance of some wonderfully rich, of opportunities, experiences and resources which will inspire and help individual character to develop. Located in its own light and bright classrooms within the Prep School, the Nursery is a happy and vibrant introduction to Abbotsholme, and whose young pupils are a key aspect of our community. Continuity of education is highly beneficial to children’s development, and our experienced staff work hard to ensure that the transition to Reception at age 5 is as seamless as possible for pupils progress to be measured and monitored in order to ensure steady development in all areas during these crucial, formative years. We provide tremendous variety in our stimulating curriculum to encourage a thirst for knowledge and a love of the learning processes – new things on an extra-curricular basis. We offer numerous enrichment opportunities to enjoy with friends and classmates, and to help ensure that their time in Abbotsholme’s Prep will be events, and we encourage them to participate appropriately in their child’s education by In time, Prep pupils begin organically to adopt our values, becoming respectful, confident and happy, with strong morals and developing leadership skills, so that by the time they enter Senior School in Year 7 they are fully prepared for the challenge of this next phase of their lives.
SENIOR SCHOOLFor pupils progressing from our Prep School the transition to Year 7 marks an important milestone in the Abbotsholme journey, while those children joining us from other schools feel reassured by our culture of friendliness, cooperation and encouragement from pupils The coeducational nature of our community contributes positively to the harmonious environment we enjoy, and the well-balanced character engendered in our pupils. unique and that their rates of progress will vary and differ. Our Learning Development Team is The curriculum is broad, with our ‘education for life’ philosophy providing some welcome variety as the academic demands gain momentum. Intellectual stimulus applied through our individualised ‘Stretch & Challenge’ programme ensures that pupils’ development is allowed to pupils are more gifted or more dedicated to particular sports – be it table tennis or cricket – and encouragement is given appropriately through our various programmes to help pupils to achieve their best personally, or at competition level. their very best at exam time so that doors remain open for future decisions relating to education and careers.twenty twoStudies necessarily become more intensive, but increased opportunities for sport, art and extra-curricular pursuits ensure that a healthy and fruitful balance is maintained
twenty fiveSIXTH FORMMost pupils stay with us post-GCSE to study A Levels and BTECs, though the physical, social and intellectual aspects of the Year 12 and 13 environment will differ immensely We recognise that students are here through choice and a new degree of maturity is evident of their young lives, with help and guidance at all stages from specialist staff. We provide an time comes to finalise their subject choices, targets have been achieved and options are clear.the Performing Arts for a more practical, ‘project management’ approach. The small class achieve their best possible results, and their first-choice university for the majority who Project Qualification) in a subject of their choosing, either to complement their studies, or the environment and the resources to enable study extensively beyond the curriculum – for those who choose to do so – or to take advantage of the many recreational opportunities to provide occasional relief from the rigours of study and help develop an interesting, likeable and broad-minded character.A ‘community within a community’, the Sixth Form is full of wonderful characters; individuals of gravitas, humour, intellect, sporting and artistic prowess, who each leave their mark at Abbotsholme
LOCATIONAbbotsholme’s magnificent estate lies in a beautiful, rural location on the Staffordshire/Derbyshire border in the heart of central England, just a few miles from the important Peak Although in a countryside setting, Abbotsholme enjoys easy access to the neighbouring towns of Stoke-on-Trent, Derby, Nottingham, Burton upon Trent and Birmingham, whose industrial away, and the major road network within easy reach. Uttoxeter is just six miles south; famed a museum trip to London, for example, is a formality which can enrich the academic educational experience. Importantly, we are also able to enjoy frequent visits from authors, artists and other Admissions on 01889 590217 or email enquiries@abbotsholme.co.ukschool day, with an opportunity to meet the Headteacher, pupils and staff. For those who check our website for upcoming dates.twenty sixA picturesque location in the heart of England, across the nationBIRMINGHAMM1M6M6M6M69Peak DistrictA38A38A50Burton-on-Trent