aoFIT Brand Collateral
Are supports and braces just plain and boring?
Only needed when you're in pain?
Just for the elderly or the injured?
With rising pressures and a growing desire for a better life, supports aren't just for sports or recovery. They're essential in every aspect of our lives, offering the support our bodiesneed.
Supports should be about health, confidence, and limitless potential. They help you find the perfect balance in daily life, offering protection, shaping your body, and making your life healthier, more beautiful, and happier!
They should not only provide protection and support but also be more comfortable, more stylish, and seamlessly fit into everyday life.
When you're working out, wouldn't it be great to feel more stable, safe, and strong? At work, imagine having less pain and fatigue, so you can stay focused. And in everyday life, who wouldn't want a reliable partner, quietly helping you become the best version of yourself?

And that's where aoFIT's new mission begins.
Braces that double as stylish accessories,becoming a unigue part of your everyday wardrobe.
Helping you shape beauty both 'inside and out.

Our braces are not just about safeguarding your body's health-they also emphasize fashion.

Promoting everyday protection through stylish braces and supports.
Filling the gap in daily protection awareness.
Helping more people understand how to protect themselves.

Indailylife,weoftenoverlooktherisksofpotentialbodilyharm. Whetherit's from household chores, long hours of sitting at work,or exercise during leisure time,these seemingly ordinary activities can lead tounexpected injuries.
By combiningaestheticswithfunctionality,our braces and supportstransformintofashionable pieces,breaking thetraditionalperception of protective wear. They easily integrate into daily life,challengingconventionalideasabout protection.This allows awareness ofbody protectiontoseepintoeverydayroutines, helping more people realize the importance of dailycareandlearnmoreeffectivewaysto protectthemselves.
We believe that only by helping more people understand how to protect themselves can we truly bring the idea of a healthy lifestyle to life.
Fulflling aWell-rounded Pursuit ofa High-quality Healthy Life
. Lightweight & Minimalist Design .Breathable,Skin-Friendly Material .Effortless Everyday Wear

by health-focused smart technology. Providing protection that is safer, more reliable, and more thoughtful.
What's aoFIT self-con

Leading the Way to a Healthier Lifestyle with Braces and Supports

We design braces and supports to improve health, while also focusing on giving our customers style andconfidence.
Weredefine supports andbraceswithamodern look,and ourbracesaredesigned withcreative touches,offering endlessstylingpossibilities.
We've always believed that technology and science can make life better, improving health and vitality. Wefocusoncomfort,effectiveness,anda seamless design that meets your needs. Byleveragingadvancedglobaltechniquesand cutting-edge technology,our goal is to elevate aoFIT's supports and braces to improve your health andwell-being.

We prioritizeproduct sustainability and eco-friendliness while focusing on promoting a holistic healthy lifestyle in everyday life.From lightweight sports protection and posture support to daily protection, aoFIT supports self-confidence and accompanies you in discovering your"best self,"fully committed to protectingyourfamily'shealthand enablinga future of completewell-being every day.
aoFlT is your partner on the journey to becoming your best self. We provide essential support for managing your health and well-being.

The Stylish Expression of Traditional Braces and Supports
The Innovators in Daily Health Protection and Support
\vartriangleright TheAdvocatesof Modern Protective Solutions: Protectto Perfect
\vartriangleright ThePursuers of an Ultimate Healthy Lifestyle
Expressing Traditional Braces Through Fashion Aesthetics
We transformtraditionalbraces and supportsintosleek,fashion-forward essentials-becauseprotection should look as good as it feels.
Redefining Daily Health Protection with Innovation
Revolutionizing daily wellnesswith smart, intuitive products that protect and support without compromising on comfort or style.
Embracing Self-Perception Through "Protect to Perfect"
We champion solutions designed for the modern lifestyle-where performance, confidence,and well-being are all part of the journey.
Pursuing Excellence to Lead a Healthy Lifestyle
From workout to workday, we believe in elevating your health and confidence through thoughtful design and everyday functionality.
Respect for theBody
The body is a unique expression of every individual. We beginwith respecting and understanding thebody through precise ergonomic research.Our products are designed to fit the body's natural curves, offering the right amount of support and comfort-ensuring yourbody feels cared for at alltimes.
Respect for Unseen Needs
Werecognize thesubtlechallenges of daily lifethat often go unnoticed.By addressing these"hidden needs,"we createvisiblesolutionsthatbreakawayfromtraditional brace designs. Our products make wearing braces fashionable and practical, combining function with warmth and understanding.
Respect for Pain
We face pain head-on with empathy and professionalism. Through innovative design and advanced technology, we offer relief and support. Whether it's from sports or everydaywear,weprovideprecisesolutionsto alleviate discomfortandrestore confidence and comfortto life.
Respect forFeedback
We value every voice and the strength it brings.We listen closely to our users-whether it's feedback, suggestions, or critiques-and use it to drive product evolution and service improvement. Authentic needs inspire our design to evolve, turning each piece of feedback into thefuel for our brand's growth.

Wellness and Respect

We emphasize truly understanding the body's needs and respecting every subtle change it undergoes. Through scientifically grounded protection,we promote a high-quality,healthy lifestyle.
Innovation and Fashion
Professional protection and fashion are never an either-or choice. By breakingfromtraditionaldesigns,wefocusonnewfabrics,processes, andtechnologies.Ourinnovativeapproachblendsfashionwith practicality,making ourproductsnot only toolsforhealth protection butalsostylishpiecesthatshowcaseindividuality.
Technology and Friendliness
Technologyenhances thesenseofwell-being.It'snotjustabout cold,impersonaltech-it's about creating warm,friendly interactions. Using cutting-edge technology,we offer personalized, intelligent product experiences, ensuring each use is filled with comfortandcare.
Sustainability and Social Responsibility
Sustainability is embedded in thebrand's genes.We prioritize eco-friendly materials and ESG practices, while promoting healthy lifestyles. Our commitment to social responsibility drives us to contributeto environmental protectionand the widespread adoptionofhealthyliving.
Physical independence is the foundation of mental independence.
aoFlT advocates a healthy lifestyle with the attitude of "ProtecttoPerfect."
Prevention and protection are more important than treatment.
We integrate protection awareness into the smallest details of daily life, offering professional support and protection to help shape a healthy, confident posture.
Explore more possibilities and untock the best version of yourself.

As a global leader in the braces and supports health lifestyle, aoFIT is dedicated to fulfilling the pursuit of high-quality living, making the world a happier and more wellness-focused place through its wearables.
At the forefront of a healthy lifestyle, aoFIT is leading a global revolution in daily protection, ushering in a new era of comprehensive wellness.
Life Force
The courage to innovate and break boundaries, showcasing the sunward vitality of life, bringing endless possibilitiestotheworld.
Elegant Expression
Relaxation is not laziness, but an elegant philosophy of life. Embodying the aesthetics of life with a relaxed effortlessvibe,refining composureinthefast and slowpace ofurban life.
True self beginswith cherishing and accepting whowe areWerefusetobe definedencouraging every unique edge to shine under the sunlight.
Social Responsibility
Friendliness is more than a smile; it's about building a symbiotic network through action.
Warmth is the highest form of fashion -tmaking every product a gentle force for change in the world.

When work wears you out, aoFIT's posture corrector helps you stand tall and breathe easier. When doing household chores,aoFlT's back brace feels like a hug,making every tasklighter and more enjoyable.When you're pushing your limits in the gym, aoFiT's knee brace boosts your performance, always putting your needs first. As you undergo your health transformation, aoFIT's braces give you that extra edge; wherever you are,aoFiT is always with you. We believe in"Protect to Perfect,"knowing that true independence of the mind comes from the independence of the body. Fits your style, be your best!

Stair Climbing Stress- Knees bear 3-4x body weight when going up and down stairs.
Heavy Lifting — Lifting 20{\sfkg}+ loads like luggage or furniture.
Frequent Climbing - 15+ floors daily or 10 floors nonstop increase knee strain.
Repeated Bending-Bending {30+} timesa day strains thelower back.
Knee bracereducesmeniscus wear

Repetitive Motion ^{- 2+} hours of typing or similar hand movements.
Neck & Spine Strain- 15° head tilt = 12kg pressure; 30°=18kg
Heavy Gripping — Lifting 4k9^{+} objects like water buckets.
Prolonged Poor Posture - Looking down {20+} minutes.
Wrist brace prevents tendonitis
Posture corrector improves alignment
These unseen daily pressures are exactly what aoFIT is designed to support - providing care where itmattersmost.
If you
Advocate for a healthy lifestyle and desire more comprehensive dailyprotection.
Value the wearing experience and prefer comfortable, stylish supportproducts.
Care about the health of your loved ones and want to give a gift of visibleprotection.


Aurora Pantone 283C/U |
Blush Pantone 243C/U |
Marble Sunburst CMYK Pantone 0,0,0,0 380C/U Obsidian Dove Pantone Pantone black CoolGray1C/U Dune Forest Pantone Pantone 4755C/U 336C/U |
aoFIT believes in the vitality of life.We celebrate gorgeousness in all forms.
Good postures and healthy bodies are more gorgeous.
Protect to Perfect.


Fits Your Style, Be Your Best
(comfortable)(protective) (fashionable)(transformative) (realign)(self-confident)


You can catch us on Instagram,Facebook,Pinterest,and more.Let's connect-we're excited to partner with you.

aoFIT is dedicated to every experience ourusers have,even down to the smallest details in packaging.
Weput great careinto thevisual aesthetics and choose eco-friendly materials,all to ensure that happiness begins with the packaging.


aoFIT's Exclusive Original Brand Character, a Piece of Intellectual Property
·A designthatseamlesslyintegrates aoFiT'saesthetics andcorevalues.
· Communicates our brand's spirit through a unique image and story.
·Empowers diverse expressions and connections for aoFIT.

aoFIT Flagship Store
We want to connect with you,providing the opportunity to experience our products and servicesfirsthand.Your feedback is important to us- let's startaconversation.

aoFIT Space
We're dedicated to designing, developing, and delivering high-quality health supports using the latest techniques and innovative technologies. Looking ahead, we're building a flagship store model that supports a modern, healthy urban lifestyle. Our goal is to bring aoFIT's philosophy of "Preservation over Treatment,Protect toPerfect"to lifeineveryaspect.
We're on this journey together.
Designed foreffortless movement, blending comfort, aesthetics, and flexibility - perfect for light exercises such as yoga, Pilates, jogging, cycling, and hiking.
Engineered withEMSand advanced smart technologiesfor precise daily health support. Minimize
exerciserisks andelevate wellness with safer, smarter, and more efficient protection.
Integrating cutting-edge
technologies, such as EMS, it helps users relieve sports injuries and fatigue from daily life, providing a more intelligent protection and health experience.
Designed for gym training and ball sports, this series is scientifically
engineered to reduce injury risks for
fitness enthusiasts and athletes.
Smart Series
Showcasingtriple-engineered innovationwith advancedmaterials,precisioncraftsmanship,and cutting-edge technology.It redefines protection by addressing traditional brace limitations, delivering enhanced safety and professional solutions.
"Protect to Perfect."A
thoughtful gift combining care and wellness. Share protection and affection with loved ones through elegantly designed wellness braces.
Innovation Series
Functional design meets urban aesthetics.Effortlesslyintegratesinto daily outfits,expressingpersonalitythroughstyle-forwardprotection.
Fashion Series
Braces crafted from comfortable, lightweight fabrics, providing protection for daily activities both at home and in the office.

Effortless Protection, Uncompromised Comfort
Ergonomicbionicdesign,combinedwith comfort-focusedwearabilityandpoweredby dual-tech innovation. The design precisely contoursthebody'snatural curves,informed by in-depth analysis of humanbody data and individual needs. Modular adjustability and advanced industry techniques - such as seamless compressionmolding-breakfree from traditional brace constraints, redefining the experience of "wearing without feeling, protectingwithprecision."
Smart Protection with Style, Innovation for Well-being
Blending functional aesthetics with cutting-edge technology, this design revolutionizes braces & supports with a stylish touch.Timelessfashion meets scientificinnovation,integrating EMS and infrared technology to support muscle recoveryand training-ensuringeveryday health and enhancing a vibrant lifestyle.
A Commitment to Sustainable Design, Redefining Future Protection
From biodegradable packaging to recycled fabrics, every step - from design and developmenttoproduction anduse, whichreflectsadeepcommitmentto sustainability. By merging fashion-forward design, advanced technology,and eco-conscious innovation,theproduct not only protects well-being but also leads the way in shaping a healthier, greener future.
aoFITpioneers community-centricmarketing by strategically empowering 500+ verifiedKoLs/KoCsas product experience ambassadors within just four months. This creator alliance transcends traditional marketing, forming a vertically integrated advocacy ecosystem where authentic user insights fuel iterative innovation. Through co-created content and trust-based engagement, we're reshaping health protection awarenesswhile cultivating premiumwellness lifestyles.
aoFiT Brand Achievements
Amazon'sChoiceinJust10Days - Withindays oflaunch,aoFiT'sbackbraceearned theAmazon's Choice badge and quickly climbed to the Top 10 in its category, establishing itself as a standout product. Our posturecorrector secured a spot in theTop 30, whileourkneebrace entered theTop 50, gaining recognitionasapreferredchoice.
10,000+ Units Sold
In just four months, aoFIT's braces and supports have exceeded 10,000 units in sales, with momentum continuing to build as demand rises.
Repurchase Rate
In just three months, aoFIT has achieved an impressive 15%+ repurchase rate, a testament to growing customer trust and satisfaction.
115%+ Average Growth Rate of Monthly Sales
Our flagship storehas seenmonthly traffic surge by over 60%_{\prime} whilesaleshaveincreased115% month-over-month, driving aoFIT's continued rise in visibility and brand recognition on Amazon.
aoFIT Team
Global Team, Empowering Worldwide Brands
We unite elite professionals across continents, integrating expertise in branding, product development, and strategic marketing under a unified global management system. Guided by multicultural sustainability strategies, we execute end-to-end operations - from innovative design to R&D and production - through specialized cross-border collaboration. Harnessing worldwide intelligence, we drive the future of brands through boundaryless synergy.
Precision-Crafted Design, Expertise-Driven Innovation
aoFIT's in-house design team leads the braces & supports industry with ^{7+} yearsaverageexperience, having shaped iconic collections for Under Armour, Li-Ning, Reebok, and Decathlon.Delivering 100+ annual protective equipment designs, our specialists combine technical mastery with market insights to engineer aoFIT'sdistinctiveproductDNA.
Innovation-lnfused Manufacturing, Quality Redefined
Built on 14 years of industry leadership, aoFIT's think tank of braces & supports experts pioneers next-generation solutions. We merge advanced production philosophies with cutting-edge material science, continuously breaking new ground in ergonomic engineering and performance-enhancing technologiestoredefineindustrystandards.

Every aoFlT product is designed to meet the highest global quality and safety standards. With over a decade of expertise in our supply chain, we ensure the exceptional quality and innovation that you deserve.
aoFlThas secured over 40patents and meets rigorous global standards, including CE, UKCA, and European intellectual property certifications.

Expertly designed for health and protection, ensuring comprehensive support for your well-being.
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