Q4,Vol. 18,2024
Q4/vol. 18, 2024
05/2024LiuGongGlobal Dealer Conference and 11·26 GlobalClientFestival
10/TheFirst International HR&FinanceAnnual Meeting
±b{12}/ WeareLiuGongFans!
Published by: LiuGong Overseas Business Division
Editorial Department: Branding & Marketing Section
Editor-in-Chief: Wang Donghu
Executive Editor: Peng Pingping
Luo Yuming, Li Zheng, Qin Hongzhi Wei Yuxin, Pei Qiong, Chen Xiaoling, Mo Li, Ou Linning, Zhang Tianyi, WangChongbin
Electrify the Future
19/ LiuGong's Electric Wide-Body TrucksBoost Green MininginIndonesia
21/856HEWheel LoadersDelivered toTurkishCement KeyAccount
22/ A World We Share: LiuGong's Journey to a Greener Future
Approved by: Zheng Yaming
26 Global Footprint
28/LiuGong andYontrakarnMachineryOpenedNew Branch in Chiang Rai, Thailand
29/ LiuGong'sSouthAfricanDealerBurGersHosted CustomerDay
{\mathfrak{s o}}/ LiuGongIndonesia Hosted 2024National Technical Skills
31/TheFinals of 7^{\mathfrak{m}} LiuGong Global Technical Skills Competition Concluded Successfully
33/ LiuGongSignedDealershipAgreementwith ASC
34/LiuGong Celebrated 10^{\mathfrak{n}} Anniversary of its Forklift Factory in Argentina
35/TheGrand Opening of LiuGongDealer Serpema's New Headquarters
36/ LiuGongPowers ArthurGama toVictory on theTrack
38 Sales Express
40/CompleteSetofMiningEquipmentDelivered toIndonesianCoalMiningCustomer
41/21BulldozersDelivered toaMajorAgricultural Customer in Indonesia
42/12-TonLargeWheel LoaderDelivered to Leading Global Building Materials Company
44/LiuGongIndonesia'sFirst9125FHDDelivered toMining Customer
46/LiuGong886HSlagLoaderMadeItsDebut intheSouthAfricanMarket
48/ LiuGong's Full-line Equipment Supports SugarIndustryDevelopment inIndonesia
50/LiuGong SD25A Rotary Drilling Rig Made Its MiddleEastMarketDebut
51/LiuGongWide-bodyTrucksMadeTheirDebut inGuinea
52 Exhibition 54/EXCON/Peu 55/ EXPO AGROVIDAS/Bolivia
57/Nigeria Mining Week/Ngehia
59/ ECOMONDO/ Jtaly
60 LiuGong Care
62/ Interns from PIM Joined LiuGong for Engineering MachineryInternship
\mathtt{64}/ CustomerVisit of 870H Wheel Loader
66/LiuGongEuropeHeldFirstAerial Work Platform Service Training
68/LiuGongCentral AsiaHeldDealerService Training
70 UGC
82/ Regional Highlights
84/Merry Christmas
87/ 2024 Regional Event Spotlight
2024 LiuGong Global Dealer Conference and 11.26 Global Client Festival
OnNovember6,2024LiuGongGlobalDealerConferenceand11·26GlobalClientFestival kickedoff inLiuzhou,Guangxi,atthecompany'sheadquarters.
NET PROFIT 1.321 Billion RMB
In his speech, LiuGong Chairman and CEO, Zeng Guang'an,analyzed both macro and micro economic conditions, highlighting the steady rise in LiuGong's global sales. This reflects the strong influence of the LiuGong brand and its competitive edge in the market. Zeng emphasized that LiuGong,together with its dealers and partners, will continue to expand market opportunities and driveindustrygrowth.
Attheconference,LiuGongunveileditsnewT-series wheel loaders and F-series excavators, integrating smart technology and innovative design.The F-series now covers arangeofequipmentfrom1.7to120tons,with a varietyofattachmentsandanexpandedproductportfolio from 12 to 70 models, showcasing LiuGong's ongoing commitment toinnovation and product diversification. ThenewT-seriesloadershavefurtherimproved comfort andcontrol,enhancedreliability,andreducedfuel consumptionandtotalownershipcosts.
50 electrified green products were displayed,including excavators, graders, and bulldozers, all performing excellently inreducing noise,cutting emissions, and improving energy efficiency. These products not only meetglobalenvironmentalstandards but alsoincorporate thelatestelectric drive technology, demonstrating LiuGong'ssignificant achievements in environmentalprotection and sustainable development.
Since launching theGreenAlliance initiativeatthe2023GlobalDealer Conference,LiuGong has shown astrongcommitmenttogreen development throughsupportforpublic welfareprojectsinAfrica.InAugustthis year,thefirstphaseofthewaterwell project was successfully completed. During this year's conference, LiuGong furtherstrengthened theGreenAlliance by signing deepening agreementswith Universitas GadjahMada in Indonesia, BeijingInstituteofTechnology,and fivedealers andcustomersto advance sustainabledevelopment.
LiuGong isdedicated toproviding comprehensive solutions. In addition to construction machinery, LiuGong has continuouslyexpanded itsproduct line, introducing strategic newproducts such as aerial work platforms,forklifts,sugarcaneharvesters,tractors, cranes,etc.,creatingmorebusiness opportunitiesfor dealers.Furthermore,LiuGong offers a full range of after-marketservicestoensurethecontinued,stable operation of its equipment,providing dealers and customerswithpeaceofmind.
At the conference, LiuGong signed intent purchase orders with its partners and set targetsfor2025.Customer representatives also signed strategic partnership agreements with LiuGong, further solidifying their collaboration. LiuGong also recognized outstanding dealers for their contributions to the company's global growth, expressing gratitude for their key role in LiuGong's success and enthusiasmfordeepeningfuture cooperation.
The First Dealer Annual Meeting in Italy
By He Xiaoming
OnNovember5,theLiuGong Italyteam successfullyheld itsfirstdealer annual meeting in Rimini.During the event, Wang Yi, Vice President of LiuGong Europe; Fabio, Country Manager of LiuGong Italy; and Carlo, Product and After-Sales Manager of LiuGong Italy,provided detailed insights into LiuGong's business operations in Italy, investment and development strategies and the2025newproduct launchplans, offeringattendeesacomprehensive roadmapformarket growth.
Themeetingalsoincludedareview of LiuGongItaly'sremarkable achievementsand challenges over the past year, as well as indepthdiscussionswithdealerson future development directions and collaborative opportunities.This inauguraleventnotonlygavedealers a clearerunderstandingof LiuGong's market goals and strategicvision in Italy but alsostrengthened theirconfidence anddeterminationtoworktogetherwith LiuGong to expand theItalian market.
The First International HR & Finance Annual Meeting
By Deng Shuping, Zhong Dan
From November 7 to 9, LiuGong successfullyhosteditsfirstoverseas HR and Finance Annual Meeting underthe theme ofProfessionalism, Efficiency, and Collaboration. The event brought together 35 HR managers and 50finance representatives from around theworld todiscusstrendsand improvement strategiesinHRandfinancial management aligned with LiuGong's "Comprehensive Globalization" strategy.
Zeng Guang'an, Chairman and CEO of LiuGong, attendedthemeetinganddeliveredakeynote speech. He emphasized that building a global HR system plays a crucial role in LiuGong's ambition to become a world-leading enterprise. He called on HR teams at all levels to continuously enhance their professional and business capabilities to support LiuGong's high-quality development.
During the event,Li Yuning,Senior VicePresident of LiuGong,showcased theprofound art of Chinese calligraphy, creating a cultural bridge that deepened friendships amongLiuGong's global teamsandfosteredgreaterunityandmutualtrust.
Participantsalsoengagedinin-depthdiscussions onthedevelopmenttrendsinHRandfinancial management inthecontextof LiuGong's globalization strategy.They shared innovative ideas andworkedtogethertodevisenewstrategies aimed at building industry-leading HR and financial managementsystems.Theseeffortswillprovide strong support for LiuGong's ongoing expansion in overseas markets and contribute to achieving its goals ofprofit growth,business growth,and capabilityenhancement.
LiuGong's Electric Wide-Body Trucks Boost Green Mining in Indonesia
Luo Yuhang
In October, 25 electric wide-body mining truckswere successfully delivered to a large mining site in Indonesia and havebeen gradually put intooperation.The customer had previously purchased two electric wide-body trucks, and the outstanding performance of the products secured this follow-up Order.
The DW105AE is specifically designed to meet the mining industry's demands for efficiency, safety, and environmental sustainability. Equipped with a powerful electric drive system, it features a highcapacity528kWhbattery and a 500kWmotor,allowingstableoperationeven inharshconditions.
Compared to traditional diesel machine, the DW105AE consumes less energy, increases energy recoveryby 5% ,and significantlyreducescarbon emissions-cutting operational costswhile minimizing environmental impact.The truck also incorporates anadvanced control system that supportsreal-time monitoring,remote operation, and fault diagnostics, enhancing operational convenienceandsafety.
■ Lu Yifan, Shan Zhonghao
On November 27, LiuGong delivered the856HE electricwheel loaders inbulk to a key account in Turkey's cement industry, marking a significant breakthrough for LiuGong's electricmachineryintheTurkishmarket.
LiuGong's new generation of 856HE electric wheel loaders,with stable performance, convenient maintenance and multi-conditionadaptationfeatures,won thetrustof customers,and obtained batchorders.Efficient serviceresponse and sufficient spare partsreserve supportreduce operation and maintenance costs,creating morevaluefor customers.
In this collaboration, the customer praised the outstanding performance of the LiuGong 856HEand expressed interestinfurtherstrengtheningthepartnership.Thisunderscores both thestrong market trust in theLiuGongbrand and thecompetitiveness of itselectric machineryinTurkeyandEurope.
856HE Wheel Loaders
A World We Share:
LiuGong's Journey to a Greener Future
By |Christopher Watts
Vision Rooted in Purpose
For over sixdecades,LiuGonghas grownfrom a local machinerymanufacturertoagloballeaderin construction equipment. Yet, this evolution is not just aboutgrowth,it is aboutimpact.Asstewardsofthe worldweshare,LiuGonghasembracedthecallto act on climate change,protect natural resources and ensurethatthecommunitiestouchedbyitswork alsoreap thebenefitsof a healthier,greenerplanet.
This deeperpurpose cameinto sharpfocus during the 2023 LiuGong Global Dealer Conferencewith the launchoftheGreenAlliance.
More than an initiative,the GreenAlliance is a statement of collective intent.It brings together dealers,customers and public interest groups under one mission:to ensure that every machine,every innovationandeverypartnershipisasteptowarda moresustainablefuture.
BuildingHopeAcrossBorders: LiuGong's Sustainability Journey Gains Traction
LiuGong's commitmentto sustainabilitygained significant momentum inFebruary2024.Thecompanysecureda landmarkorderfortwo856HEelectricwheelloaders in Indonesia, marking a crucial step in promoting green technology.Thisachievementwasswiftlyfollowedby thedeliveryofa922FEelectricexcavatorinIndia,which exceededcustomerexpectationsandspurred additional orders.
Ina groundbreaking move,GroupeBellemare inCanada deployed thecountry'sfirstelectricwheel loader,the LiuGong 856HE, for local glass recycling operations. ThispartnershipunderscoredLiuGong'smissiontodrive environmentalresponsibility and reduce carbonemissions.
March witnessed significant expansions in LiuGong's electricfleet.TheintroductionoftwoDW105AEelectric mining trucksin Indonesiamarked theirdebut in the local market,contributing totheregion's green and sustainable development. Holcim,a global leader in sustainable construction,signed a contract to order600 LiuGong electricmachines to their fleet,including wheel loaders,excavators,andtrucksandthenordered300 more.
March alsosawover50unitsof820TEelectricloaders were shipped to multiple countries,catering tovarious applications.
April was marked byLiuGong'sbold displayof electric machinery at INTERMAT2024inParis,featuring six pure BEV machines.This historic showcase solidified LiuGong's position as a pioneer in electrical equipment. Thecompanyalsodelivereditsfirst922FEelectric excavatorinThailand,drivinglocalenvironmental protection initiatives.
Europeanrentalcustomerspurchasedover50unitsof the 856HE and820TEelectricwheel loaders,demonstrating growing demandforsustainablemachinery.
May 2024 marked a significant milestone for LiuGong's GreenAlliance,as the companylaunched itswater well charity project in South Africa on May 7. This
initiative introduced Africa's first electric earth-moving machinery,reaffirmingLiuGong'sdedicationto sustainable development. Later that month, LiuGong showcased itselectricmachineryexpertiseatthe Construction&SurveyProductivityImprovement Expo (CSPI-EXPO) in Japan,featuring six electric machines.
The company'spresenceat TurkiyeKOMATEK2024 yieldedsubstantialordersfor856HEelectricwheel loaders and870HEelectricexcavators.
ThroughoutMay,LiuGong's global reachexpanded significantly.The company shipped over 20units of the856HEtocustomers inNorway and finalized multipleordersforthe820TEelectricloadersin Finland.Thailandreceived abatchof 820TEloaders, primarily used for cleaning glass waste. LiuGong also participated in SVENSKA MASKINMASSAN 2024, showcasing the870HEelectricwheel loader and 922FE electricexcavator.
June2024witnessedLiuGong'sunwavering commitment toelectrification and global expansion. OnJune10,the companyunveiled itselectric product lineup and charging solutions at Poland's eRobocze Show. Three days later, the LiuGong 856HEelectricwheelloadermadeitsBrazilian debut at a mining press conference,captivating nearly100industryleaders.Atthe 15^{th} International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum in Macao, LiuGong showcased its 9027FE electric excavator,highlighting advancements in electrification,automation,and intelligence.
ThroughoutJune,LiuGong continued tomakestrides globally.Indonesiareceived LiuGong electricloadersfor industrialparkoperations,whilethecompanyachieved significantmilestonesatHillhead2024,securing multiple ordersfornewelectricproducts.Amajormilestonewas reachedwithLiuGong'sfirst1,0o0monthlyoverseas loadersales,including over 100 electricunits,solidifying itspositionasagloballeaderinsustainableconstruction equipment.
July and August 2024 marked significant milestones for LiuGong's social responsibility initiatives.
On July 2, the company commemorated its sales achievementsatitsheadquarters,reaffirmingits dedicationtoelectrification.August27witnessed the successfulcompletionofthefirstphaseoftheGreen Alliance waterwell project inMabeskraal,SouthAfrica. This groundbreaking initiativeprovides clean waterto over 25,000households through a 150-meter-deep well equipped with a solar-powered pump, paving the way for ahealthierandmoresustainablefuture.
September2024showcasedLiuGong'sinnovative spirit.At theVertikal Days exhibition in the UK,the companyunveiledthreenewelectricaerialwork platforms onSept. 11-12. India welcomed its first 926FE towed electric excavator on Sept. 13. LiuGong anddealerZMGcelebratedthearrivalofArgentina's first electric wheel loader,the856HE,onSept.20. Marking its first large-scale export of electric mining trucks,LiuGongdelivered25DW105AEmining trucks toIndonesiaonSept.25.
OctoberandNovember2024sawLiuGongexpand its globalpresence.The companyintroduced itsfirst 870HEelectricwheelloadertoTaiwaninOctober.The 4280DEelectricmotor graderdebuted inNorwayfor trial use,receiving positivefeedback mid-October.In November,LiuGong deliveredsixelectric excavators toIndonesia,further solidifying itsfootprint in the region.These developments demonstrateLiuGong's unwavering commitment to innovation,sustainability and global expansion.
Legacy of Shared Responsibility
AsLiuGong'selectrificationinitiativesspreadto countries likeBrazil,Thailand and Norway,the company'sactionsreverberatefarbeyondits factories.Thesemachinesreduce carbonfootprints, while theirpresenceinspiresothers to imagine and invest in agreenertomorrow.
But LiuGong'sstory is not only about machines or technology,it's aboutpeople.It's about the communities made strongerby access to clean water, thefamiliesbreathingcleanerair,and thegenerations thatwill lookbackatthistimeasthemomentthe worldischoosingsustainabilityoverconvenience.
Road Ahead
LiuGong's journey serves as an enduring reminderthattheworldweshareisboth agiftandaresponsibility.Byembracing innovation and collaboration, and by leading with purpose, LiuGong is helping illuminatethepathforwardasthe global leaderinsustainablemachines.Itisa path paved not with machinery alone,but withhope,resilience and theunwavering belief that a greener, more sustainable worldiswithinreachforusall.
LiuGong and Yontrakarn Machinery Opened New Branch in Chiang Rai, Thailand
Wanlaya Khattiya
OnOctober19,LiuGonganditsdealer YontrakarnMachinery opened a new branch in Chiang Rai,Thailand,aiming toprovide high-quality machinery and exceptionalservicetocustomersin northernThailand.TheActing Governor of Chiang Rai, the Consul (Commercial) from the Consulate General of China in Chiang Mai,alongwithover200customers attended the opening ceremony.
LiuGong's South African Dealer BurGers Hosted Customer Day
By Su Yijian
On October 24,LiuGong's SouthAfricandealerBurGers held its annual Customer Day in Johannesburg.Over 200 customer representativesandpartners attended it.
In his opening speech, Tiaan, the head of BurGers,expressed his sincere gratitude for the longtermsupportandcollaboration from customers and promised that BurGerswould continuetogrow and enhance its servicestoprovide more comprehensive solutions.
This annual Customer Day serves as a bridge for communication betweenLiuGong and its customers, allowing them to gain a more directunderstanding and experience of LiuGong'sbrand culture,thereby strengthening their trust in the brand. The LiuGong 856HEelectricloadershowcasedat theeventreceived highpraisefrom the attendees.
During the event,famous South African actors and singers gave outstanding performances, whilerenowned artistscreated caricatures for the guests on-site. Customers enjoyed craft beer and a variety of burgers.
LiuGong Indonesia Hosted 2024 National Technical Skills
By Jim Wahyu
From October 17 to 18, LiuGong Indonesia successfully hostedtheFinal National TechnicalSkillsCompetition 2024 at the LiuGong Customer Experience Center, in collaboration with Politeknik Negeri Jakarta (PNJ). DjauhariOratmangun,Indonesia'sAmbassadortoChina and Mongolia; Levi Lin, President Director of LiuGong MachineryIndonesia;and Syamsurizal,Director of PoliteknikNegeriJakarta,attended theevent.
WiththetaglineChallengeYourself,Achieve Greatness,thecompetitionprovided technicians with anopportunitytoshowcase theirexpertise in operating LiuGong's electric heavy machinery, particularlythe856HEwheel loader.A totalof 21 participants,organizedintoseventeams,competedfor thechampionshiptitleand thehonorof representing LiuGong Indonesia at the 2024 LiuGong Global Technical Skills Competition,whichwillbe held in China this November.
The Finals of 7th LiuGong Global Technical Skills Competition Concluded Successfully
By Luo Na
On November 7, during the annual award ceremony of the 2024 LiuGongGlobalDealerConference,winnersof the 7^{th} LiuGong Global Technical Skills Competition were honored,with global dealers andcustomerswitnessing thisglorymoment.
The competitionfollowed a team-based format,with8teamsfrom 11 countries across 8 regions advancing to the finals.They competed in three key areas: precision component measurement & assembly, electricproduct PDl&new energy component testing,and complete machinefaultdiagnosis&troubleshooting.Theparticipants showcased their expertise and demonstrated outstanding teamwork throughout theevent.
In the end,the LiuGong Overseas Business Center team won theglobal championship,while theAsia-Pacific regional team took second place. Teams from Africa, Indonesia,and LatinAmerica claimed third place,and the MiddleEast&Central Asia and NorthAmericaregional teamsreceivedhonorablementions.
TheLiuGong Global TechnicalSkillsCompetitionhasnotonlybecome aplatformtoshowcase the talents of LiuGong's global service teams but also a key opportunity for training and selecting skilled personnel.ThecompetitioninspiresLiuGongemployeestocontinuouslystriveforexcellence andfuels its commitment tohigh-quality development.Luo Guobing,SeniorVicePresident of LiuGong,Ltd., remarked during theopening ceremony:“TheLiuGongGlobal Technical SkillsCompetitionprovidestalent and skills support forour global expansion.I hope that teamsfrom allregionswill use this event as a bridge to further strengthen technical exchanges, deepen friendships, and contribute to the high-quality developmentof themanufacturing industry."
LiuGong Signed Dealership Agreement with ASC
On December 2, LiuGong held a dealer signing ceremonywithArabianSupportCompanyfor Machinery and Equipment (ASC) at the LiuGong Global R&DCenter.Theceremonywasattended by Mr.Luo Guobing,SeniorVicePresident of LiuGong,Mr.Li Dongchun,General Manager of LiuGong's Overseas Business Center,Mr.Ziad Sudairi,ChairmanoftheBoardofDirectorsof ASC Parent Group,Mr.Mike Fritz,SeniorVice President of ASC Parent Group,Mr.Ahmed Nadeem, General Manager of ASC, along with otherLiuGongrepresentatives.
ASC,a key memberof Saudi Arabia's leading ZMS Group, specializes in construction, mining, industrial equipment, and commercial vehicles. With its sharp market insight, expert sales team,and robust after-sales support,AsC has establisheditselfasatrustednameintheSaudi market.
Through this collaboration, LiuGong aims to strengthenitspresenceintheMiddleEastmarket, enhancing brand visibility and market share. ByprovidingASCwithpremiumproductsand technical support,LiuGongwill helpASCachieve new milestones in the region. Together,both partieswillleveragemarketopportunitiesand resourcesto drive mutual growth and success.
LiuGong Celebrated 10' th Anniversary of its Forklift Factory in Argentina
On December 6, LiuGong's forklift factory in Argentina,LiftingmachS.A,marked its10th anniversary. LiuGong and its dealer ZMG co-hostedagrandcelebrationattended by nearly 100 guests, including industry customers, dealers, government officials.
By Matias Femando Allegrett
LiftingmachS.A.covers an area ofover10,000 square meters, featuring a 2{,}400\;m^{2} warehouses, 2{,}800\;m^{2} of factory roads, 300\;\mathsf{m}^{2} offcie area, and a concrete loading and unloading zone.The factory is equipped with advanced production lines, a paintingworkshop,andtestingfacilitiestoensure exceptional product quality.
As the first and only forklift manufacturing factory in Argentina,Liftingmach S.A.hasbeen committed to providing the local market with high-quality and reliable equipment. Over the past decade, Liftingmach S.A.has produced over 6000 units of fuel and diesel forklifts, earning widespread trust andrecognitionfromlocaldealers andcustomers through its mature production processes and excellentcraftsmanship.
The Grand Opening of LiuGong Dealer Serpema's New Headquarters
Mariana Brito
OnDecember12,LiuGong'sLatinAmericandealer Serpema officially inaugurated its new headquarters in Campogrande, Brazil. The event was attended by nearly 300 guests, including Wang Linjun, President of LiuGong LatinAmerica,ClaudioSoler,Chairmanof Serpema, industrycustomers and partners.
During the event, Serpema showcased a variety of LiuGong machines,including 835H,848H,838T wheel loaders,913E,915E excavators,and 6612Erollers.
Serpema'snewheadquarterscoversanareaofover 10{,}000\;\mathfrak{m}^{2} ,featuringatestingareaofover 1{,}000\ m^{2} ,a parts warehouse, fully equipped workshops and an engine assemblyrooms.Additionally,thenewheadquartersis designedtotakeadvantageoftheregion'sabundant rainfall,witha30,000-literwatertankinstalledinthe equipmentandpartswashing areaforrainwatercollection and recycling.
Founded in 2002, Serpema has grwon from an equipment maintenanceprovidertoalargemachinerydealerin partnershipwithLiuGong.Currently,it hasachieveda 65% marketshareintheSouthMatoGrossoregion. TheopeningofSerpema'snewheadquarterswillfurther strengthenitspositionintheregion.
LiuGong Powers Arthur Gama to Victory on the Track
Mariana Brito
OnDecember 14-15,ArthurGama,a Brazilianracing driver sponsoredby LiuGong, won the annual championship in the Stock Car race,leading the points table.This success positions him to shine in Brazil's premier racing event.
Since 2023,LiuGong has sponsored ArthurGamainaseriesofcompetitions. HehasbeennamedtheRookieof the Year and claimed the top spot on thepointstablewithremarkable performance in multiple races, establishing himself as a championship leader.
"The support from LiuGong over the past two years has beenvitalto my career. Representing such a renowned brand gives me a sense of belonging, like being part of a family,and it motivates me to push harder. In the future, both my name and LiuGong's will be well-known worldwideontheracetrack,”Arthur Gamastated.
Complete Set of Minir Eauipmen! Delivered to Indonesian Coal Mining Customer
By Ma Chao
InSeptember,LiuGongsuccessfullydelivereda batchofwide-bodytrucksandminingexcavators to an Indonesian customer. As one of LiuGong's key partners in Indonesia,the customer has built a strong relationshipwithLiuGongsincetheircollaboration began in 2022.They havepurchased over 100LiuGong machines, demonstrating their trust in the equipment's performance,reliability,and after-salessupport.
The delivered wide-body trucks and mining excavators were specially designed for mining operations.The DW105Awide-bodytruckstands outwith its exceptional loadcapacityandfuelefficiency,making it anideal choice for mining transport.Meanwhile,the 975EHD excavator excels in coal mining with its powerful digging capabilities and durability.Together,these machines significantlyenhanceoperationalefficiency atthe miningsite.
21 Bulldozers Delivered to a Major Agricultural Customer in Indonesia
Zeng Qinghong
In September,LiuGong Indonesia delivered 21 bulldozersto amajor agricultural customer.
Since 2024,LiuGong has delivered over 30 machines to this customer, including excavators, graders, bulldozers,and skid steerloaders,covering thefull range of LiuGong products. Thanks to the outstanding performanceof LiuGong equipment and its comprehensive after-sales service system, thecustomerplaced anotherbulkorderfor 21 bulldozers, which were quickly put into use for agricultural landreclamationprojects.
LiuGong Indonesia will collaborate with its distributorISStoprovidefull-service support for the project, including on-site service personnel and parts consignment policies, ensuring thesmooth operation of theproject.
On October 9,LiuGong officially delivered its 8128H largewheel loader to a leading global company in the building materials industry.
By Zhong Ke
12-Ton Large Wheel Loader Delivered to Leading Global Building Materials Company
During the bidding process, LiuGong distinguished itself from other global construction machinerymanufacturerswithitssuperiorequipmentperformance and reliable, efficient after-sales service.This led to ongoing equipment orders, showcasingtheglobalcompetitivenessofLiuGong'slargewheel loaders. Additionally,LiuGong implemented a customized delivery plan that adhered to thehighestqualitystandards.
LiuGong Indonesia's First 9125FHD Delivered to Mining Customer
Ouyang Jie
In November, LiuGong Indonesia successfully delivered its first 9125FHD large excavator to a major open-pit coal mining customer for overburden excavation and loading, helping the customer improve operational efficiency.
As LiuGong's independently developed flagship model of the new generation F-Series,the 9125FHD integrates cutting-edge technology and innovative design, fully meeting the demanding requirements of mining operations. Since its launch in the international market, the 9125FHD has achieved market breakthroughs in multiple countries.This successful delivery in Indonesia marks a significant step in LiuGong's steady expansion of large-scale mining equipment in the Southeast Asian market.
Currently,LiuGong Indonesiahasreceivedseveral intended ordersforthe9125FHD,whichwillbe fulfilled insuccession.
LiuGong 886H Slag Loader Made Its Debut in the South African Market
Su Yijan
On December 6, LiuGong successfully delivered an886HslagloadertotheSouthAfrican market,providinganefficientsolutionforlocal slag handling operations. This machine was a customizedproductdevelopedthroughclose collaborationwiththecustomertomeetthe uniquerequirementsof SouthAfricanworking conditions,withmodifications and delivery completed in just sixmonths.
Slaghandling involves extreme high-temperature environmentsthatdemandexceptionalheat resistance,safety,and stability from equipment. The LiuGong 886H slag loaderfeatures a specially designedheat-resistantbucket,reinforced protectivecabin,and high-temperature-resistant hydraulichosesand electrical wires,allowing it towithstand intense heat and flyingsparkswith ease.
The Customer's Equipment Manager
Thereliabilityand efficiencyofthe LiuGong slagloaderhave exceeded our expectations.The specialized solution not only enhances operational efficiencybut also significantlyreduces maintenance costsandsafetyrisks.