第 輯

顧 問【英】Gavin D.Murphy(劍橋大學)【美】ElliottGimson(麻省理工學院)伍家文蔣昆侖劉海霞
總 編江萍
主 編鄧濟栓
執(zhí)行主編謝 琴
2 Angle角度
2 《哪吒2》:中國動畫,改寫影史
5 “入網(wǎng)”30年,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)帶來了什么?
8 Event事件
8 杭州崛起:從阿里到“AI六小龍”
16 Topic話題
16 春天十分美好,然而沒有錢
20 View言論
23 Voice聲音
12 Phenomenon現(xiàn)象
12 DeepSeek霸屏,一場全球AI話語權的深度轉(zhuǎn)移

26 Word段子客
26 所以沒得商量
30 多媒體
30 媒體在發(fā)聲
36 影視基地
38 美文鮮讀
38 媽媽的智慧標語
42 你的空閑時光,決定你的人生高度
46 日歷女孩
52 經(jīng)典
52 《槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵》,幫你我認識人類的命運

56 環(huán)球視角
56 格陵蘭島是一個什么樣的地方?
60 口語通
60 海洋奇緣2
62 隨身聽
64 花young曬場
64 你是真努力,還是假努力?
LETTER/讀者往來68 悄悄話
"Are you sure?" he asked. "Do you really want a picture of yourself in this empty room?
Yes, I was sure. But should I post the photo? People could think I was an author who wasn't worth listening to, whose book wasn't worth reading.
Over the 25 years it took me to finish my memoir, I asked myself, “Are you sure? too many times to count. It was terrifying to admit that I hadn't been the strong advocate my son needed while he suffered from an undiagnosed brain tumor. I chose to face my fear and share my story so that other women—other mothers—might learn from my mistakes. With a shaky heart, I decided to be open about my feelings.
In the room, I said with a smirk, “It happens to the best of us." I posted the photo on social media the next morning. But by late that afternoon, I had reached half a million views. Some responded, "You're not alone."
Sharing our weaknesses is one of the bravest things we can do. Being open about our flaws helps us connect with others, breaking down the barriers betweenus.

2025 Is the Year when the Internet Could Finally Die
he 2000s will probably go down as the decade that
the technology industry
built its foundations. After
having made it through the
millennium bug, and with
key technologies such as
Google just a couple of
years old, the first decade of the century saw the number of Internet connections and their speed expand drastically, and the size and price of devices shrink, leading to the proliferation of hardware such as the iPad and the laptop.
By the end of that first decade, we had a version of the Internet of today: a world of powerful, prevalent computers, streaming media, online shopping and the first inklings of social networks.
The 2010s were the years that the real world truly embraced that new
當國產(chǎn)大模型DeepSeek實現(xiàn)中國AI“彎道超車”,當宇樹科技穿著紅色棉襖、轉(zhuǎn)著紅手帕表演東北秧歌的16個人形機器人登上央視舞臺,人們發(fā)現(xiàn)杭州的創(chuàng)新圖譜已悄然超越“電商之都”的固有印象。這座被馬可·波羅譽為“世界上最華貴的天城”的城市,正在演繹從互聯(lián)網(wǎng)經(jīng)濟到智能文明的進化論。多年以后,在書寫21世紀全球智能化編年史時,人們或許會記起,2025年年初,“made inHangzhou”的Al技術首次讓他們體會到了潮水的巨大力量。在這片誕生過阿里巴巴傳奇的土地上,創(chuàng)新物種何以持續(xù)涌現(xiàn)?
杭州科技企業(yè)“六小龍” | |
UNITREE宇樹 | 全球首家公開零售高性能四足機器人并 最早實現(xiàn)行業(yè)落地的公司,旗下B2-W 機器狗曾被馬斯克發(fā)推點贊,機器人亮 相蛇年春晚。 |
deepseek | 開源大模型以1/20成本超越GPT-40, 被稱為AI界的“拼多多”,模型R1推出 后登頂多國APP下載排行榜。 |
游戲科學 GAME SCIENCE | 推出中國首個3A大作《黑神話:悟 空》,在全球最大游戲發(fā)行平臺steam 打破并行玩家紀錄,成為該平臺有史以 來第二大游戲。 |
群核科技 MANYCORE | 云設計軟件平臺和SaaS服務提供商, 擁有全球最大的室內(nèi)場景認知深度學習 數(shù)據(jù)集。 |
BrainCo YOUR RRAN CONTROLS FVFRYTHING | 非侵入式腦機接口公司,在康復、大健 康、人機交互等領域具有領先優(yōu)勢。 |
DEEPRobotics 云深處科技 | 在中國率先實現(xiàn)四足機器人全自主巡檢 變電站,其制造的機械狗在新加坡協(xié)助 隧道檢修工作,被外交部發(fā)言人林劍在 社交媒體上點贊。 |
移動互聯(lián)網(wǎng)時代, ioS和安卓都是美國的。今天的Al時代,中國有了DeepSeek。2023年春節(jié)熱議ChatGPT2024年春節(jié)熱議Sora。2025年春節(jié)熱議DeepSeek。

T here are two types of people I dare not make eye contact with when I'm on the road. One is the armed security guard standing around the armored cash carrier, and the other is the taxi driver.
Humans will find ways to eat. Generally, we call delicious things ingredients, and awful things medicinal materials. So, there's nothing that can't be eaten.
— A student asked his teacher why animals and plants don't evolve into forms that humans can't eat in a lecture on the protection of animals and plants, and the teacher answered as above.
Skills with excessive repetition and a fixed pattern are “not worthy of continuous learning", because in the next few years, these skills will either be replaced by AI or be on the way to being replaced by AI. Getting rid of “skills unworthy of continuous learning", there will only be “skills worthy of continuous learning" left.
Facing the upheaval caused by AI, how should one choose “skills worthy of continuous learning'"?

How nice a person is in general doesn't matter at all. What really matters is how nice the person is to you.
The essence of inner conflict is that we substitute mental or psychological issues for real problems.
So There's No Room for Discussion
My aunt had a 20,000 yuan debt on her credit card and couldn't pay it off. She felt so stressed that she went on a trip to relieve the pressure. Well, when she came back, the debt had increased to 30,000 yuan.
I realized how amazing my deskmate was today. I gave him the wrong answers to a history test paper, and he could still provide explanations in a very convincing way. I even couldn't find any flaws at all. It was only later that I realized I had given him Test Paper 1 but the answers to Test Paper 2.
When my sister first started her medical internship at the hospital, she filled in the patient's breathing and pulse rates in the wrong places. She wrote that the patient was breathing 78 times per minute. The director asked, “Is that patient an air blower orwhat?"
My dad drove the car to rush through the passage on the highway right at the last second of tollfree period. He was very excited because he saved 1,250 yuan. But because he stepped on the gas too hard and couldn't stop in time, he rear-ended the car in front. He had to pay 27,000 yuan in compensation. He couldn't fall asleep all night.
The alarm clock can't wake me up. So every night before going to bed, I put my phone next to my cat at home. When it gets woken up by the alarm, it will come and wake me up by slapping me.
B sad, or anxious self—even if you started the day feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. And it turns out, many people are likely experiencing the same pattern in their moods, a new study says.
What time of day do you feel your best and worst?
Researchers at the University College London found that people tend to rate their feelings of happiness, life satisfaction, and sense of life being worthwhile highest in the morning, and lowest around midnight.
Researchers found that people were happiest on Sunday mornings, with Saturday coming in at a close second. Life satisfaction and sense of life being worthwhile ratings were also at their highest on weekend mornings. This could be due to socialization and employment patterns. Another study found that even unemployed people had improved wellbeing on weekends likely due to increased social time.
Researchers also found that anxiety symptoms were lowest on Sundays, which researchers attribute to the “sequence of daily activities” that vary on weekends versus weekdays.
Feelings of satisfaction, that life was worthwhile, and happiness, however, plummeted to their lowest at midnight across all days of the week. Similarly, loneliness, was consistently lower in the morning and higher at night, regardless of the day of the week. It wasn't just time of day or day of the week that influenced mood the time of year also impacted respondents? well-being. Winter is associated with the highest levels of loneliness and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Respondents had lower levels of loneliness, depression and anxiety symptoms in other seasons, and had higher levels of happiness, life satisfaction, and feeling that life was worthwhile.

irritable /'iritobl/ adj.易怒的;暴躁的
irritate /'irteit/vt.刺激(皮膚或身體部位);使煩惱(尤指不斷重復的事情)
irritation/, iri'terfn/ n. 生氣;氣惱;惱怒
Translate it into English.
外刊寫的: It wasn't just time of day or day of the week that influenced mood—the time of year also impacted respondents' well-being.
Detective Conan: Long lastin Anime
1994年初,《名偵探柯南》開始在《周刊少年 Sunday》上連載。隨著原作人氣迅速攀升,《名偵探柯南》很快被改編成同名電視動畫,于1996年首播。隨后《名偵探柯南》也在海外市場打開知名度,在亞洲其他國家和地區(qū)甚至歐美擁有了大量擁。


Guns,Germs,and Steel:The Fates of Human Societies has had the kind of impact that most scholarly authors can only dream about for their works.First published in1997, the book won a Pulitzer Prize the next year forits author,Jared Diamond,a professorof geography at the University of California at
Los Angeles. Almost immediately, thebooksoldmuchbetterthan most serious works (more than 1 millioncopies)andstartedtoturn up on collegereading lists.
The story begins 13,000 years ago, when Stone Age hunter-gatherers constituted the entire human population. Around that time, paths of development ofhumansocieties ondifferent continents began to diverge greatly. Early domestication of wild plants and animals in the Fertile Crescent, China, Mesoamerica, the southeastern United States, and other areas gave peoples of those regions a head start. Whywheat and corn,cattle and pigs, and the modern world’s other “blockbuster” crops and livestock arose in those particular regions and not elsewhere was, until now, but faintly understood.
美國總統(tǒng)特朗普多次表示要“購買”丹麥自治領地格陵蘭島,引起輿論嘩然。隨著特朗普“買島”的聲浪越來越大,許多人注意到,美國有著悠久的“買地”史。美國當前領土中大約 40% 都是通過“主權購買”的方式獲得的。1803年,美國從法國手中買下路易斯安那。1819年,美國和西班牙簽署了《亞當斯一奧尼斯條約》,規(guī)定美國將從西班牙手中獲得佛羅里達的大部分地區(qū)。1854年,美國用1000億美元從墨西哥手中購得了大約7.7萬平方公里土地,其中包括如今的亞利桑那州和新墨西哥州部分地區(qū)。1867年,美國用720萬美元從俄羅斯手中買下了阿拉斯加一如今阿拉斯加州占美國領土的17%。令特朗普垂涎已久的格陵蘭島,究竟是個怎樣的地方?特朗普對格陵蘭島的“執(zhí)念”,到底從何而來?
Greenland's roadto independence
reenland is actually the world's G biggest island -- by area - that is not a continent. The total area of Greenland is 2.16
million square kilometres, including other
offshore islands. 80 percent of the land mass
is covered by an ice cap. The ice-free areas
are about 410,500 square kilometers. This
corresponds to the size of Norway. With
a population of around 57,000, it is one of the least densely populated countries in the World.
Humans have inhabited Greenland for more than 4,500 years. According to historians, the first humans were thought to have arrived in Greenland around 2500 BC. The group of migrants apparently died out and were succeeded by several
True hard work is result-oriented, economical, scientific and efficient, while faking it is just process-oriented, wasteful, foolish and inefficient.
Productivity theatre means making the mistake of putting the cart before the horse in work or study. Hard work is just an approach, not an end in itself. If the goal cannot be achieved, there is no difference between working hard and faking it.
My younger brother is a typical example. He is simply using tactical diligence to cover up strategic laziness: His notebook is marked in a riot of colors with markers; he takes notes carefully, but he doesn't do any deep thinking on his own. I call him a “self-touched player".
In high school, there was someone in my class who always continued to do his exercises with earplugs on while others were playing during breaks or after school. But he always ranked the bottom of the class after every test. He never realized that the music playing in his earplugs all the time was the biggest obstacle to his study.
Once when my history teacher was checking our notes, he commented that a girl's notes were like works of art, but that didn't stop her from having the lowest history score during tests. I was lucky enough to see her notes, which were really like works of art. Even her exam papers were beautifully written. Her notes had both artistic and ornamental values instead of key points for scoring. I just thought to myself, with all that time she spent in making such a thing, she could do other things better.
People who pretend to work hard often complicate simple things, deify complex things, gamify sacred things, and emotionalize scientific propositions.
When my elder sister was preparing for the national examination for admissions to the civil service, she would sit in the library at 8 am and only come back at 11~pm . She wasn't back when I went to bed, and she had already left when I woke up. Two months later, she had finished reading a long fan fiction of 6 million words, along with four novels, two variety shows, and five TV dramas. When the results came out and she checked the scores, as expected, she failed.
They just keep their heads down and rush forward, forgetting to look up at the sky. If you keep using a certain method for a long time and still don't feel any obvious improvement, then you have to seriously think about what's wrong with your methods.