

發(fā)布時間:2023-6-12 | 雜志分類:其他


游戲特色Game Features1. 豐富多彩的角色互動。游戲中,許多江湖游戲角色是可以和他一起互動來獲取該游戲角色的好感,當好感刷到一定程度后,可以執(zhí)行拜師,結(jié)緣,結(jié)義,向其學習武學等特殊操作。1.Rich and diverse character interactions. In the game, many Jianghu characters can be interacted with to improve their favorability. When the favorability reaches a certain level, special actions such as becoming apprentices, forming bonds, or learning martial arts from them can be performed.2. 靈活多變的經(jīng)脈系統(tǒng)。游戲中,角色獲得修為后可進行經(jīng)脈修煉,修煉經(jīng)脈會獲得屬性成長,并可使用特殊道具對經(jīng)脈修煉激活進行成功率的提升或者獲得額外附靈,暗靈屬性等的操作。2. Flexible and versat... [收起]


Game Features

1. 豐富多彩的角色互動。游戲中,許多江湖游戲角色是可以和他一起互動來獲取該游戲角色的好感,當好感刷到一定


1.Rich and diverse character interactions. In the game, many Jianghu characters can be interacted with to improve their favorability. When the favorability reaches a certain level, special actions such as becoming apprentices, forming bonds, or learning martial arts from them can be performed.

2. 靈活多變的經(jīng)脈系統(tǒng)。游戲中,






2. Flexible and versatile meridian system. In the game, characters can cultivate their meridians after gain -

ing cultivation. Cultivating meridians allows for attribute growth, and special items can be used to increase the success rate of meridian cultivation activation or obtain additional spiritual and dark attributes.


3. 五花八門的生活系統(tǒng)。游戲為了在主線之外給玩家豐富的體驗,提供了多樣的生活玩法。生活系統(tǒng)主要包括鍛造、



3. Myriad life systems. To provide players with a rich experience beyond the main storyline, the game offers various life gameplay options. The life systems mainly include forging, tailoring, alchemy, cooking, gathering, fishing, and scholarly pursuits. The life systems are important avenues for players to obtain medicines, food, equipment, materials, and various interesting items throughout the game.

4. 眼花繚亂的武學系統(tǒng)。游戲中,玩家通過任務(wù)、戰(zhàn)斗、奇遇均可獲得武學秘籍,獲得的武學秘籍可以使用,自由切


4.Dazzling martial arts system. In the game, players can obtain martial arts secret manuals through quests, battles, and adventures. The acquired martial arts secret manuals can be used to freely switch between different combat styles, allowing for flexible combinations of internal cultivation techniques, secret techniques, and active moves within the same style, resulting in more powerful combat effects.

5. 千變?nèi)f化的詞條系統(tǒng)。游戲中裝備、經(jīng)脈、武學和部分道具都含有詞條系統(tǒng),可為其他系統(tǒng)提供額外的屬性。詞條

為隨機生成的,裝備可經(jīng)由 NPC 開啟洗練界面,對裝備和道具的詞條進行洗練。洗練會消耗一定的材料和金錢。經(jīng)脈


5. Ever-changing changing affix system. Equipment, meridians, martial arts, and some items in the game have affix systems that provide additional attributes. Affixes are randomly generated, and equipment can be refined through NPC to modify the affixes of equipment and items. Refining requires certain materials and currency. Meridians and martial arts can also be directly refined, consuming resources in the process.



Game Name:Descendants of DuGang

游戲公司 / 制作團隊名稱:Joytoart Gaming 獨立游戲工作室

Developers: Joytoart Gaming


Game Introduction


經(jīng)為背景的水墨風文旅融合 PC 游戲,游戲整體創(chuàng)作過程長達三年,也是目前國內(nèi)第一且唯一一款采用北宋畫派風格

的純手繪 pc 橫版硬核動作游戲。玩家將在游戲中扮演軒轅氏古蜀地區(qū)的后裔進行征程,通過爽快的招式組合與敵人



Descendants of DuGang was developed by the producer Li Xiaochuan and operated by Chengdu Jintuo Bang Internet Service Co., Ltd.

after publication. It is a PC game based on Shu(the ancient Sichuan)cultural legends and the classics of mountains and seas. The overall creation process of the game lasted for three years, and it is currently the first and only hardcore action game in China that adopts the

painting style of the Northern Song Dynasty purely hand-painted PC horizontal version. Players will play the descendants of Xuanyuan's

ancient Shu area in the game to go on a journey, fight with the enemy through a combination of refreshing moves, and prevent the changes in the world brought about by the second upside-down of the universe. In the game, players can learn about many strange events in the

Classic of Mountains and Seas and ancient legends about the land of Shu through many tasks, the creator wants to give players an interest

in and a certain understanding of their cultural heritage through Descendants of DuGang.








The game is based on the Shan Hai Jing Hai Nei Jing mentioned \"the black water in the southwest is free, there is a wide field, and Houji

is buried in Yan\" and Yuan Ke's annotation \"Yang Shen's \"Hai Shan Jing Supplementary Note\" says: \"Blackwater Metropolis is vast, and

today's Chengdu is also \"Based on the ground, it is close to it\" leads to fantasies and guesses about the metropolis area in ancient times,

and then the game creation and background setting of localized elements. Legend has it that in ancient times, there was a Danjuan called

\"Anecdotes of Mountains and Seas\", which recorded the story of the second reversal of heaven and earth caused by Gonggong's anger

against Buzhou Mountain. The world fell apart, and what they saw and heard, what they knew and felt, and their ultimate secrets were all

hidden in it. However, the second half of this book of anecdotes disappeared later, and the first half was called \"The Classic of Mountains

and Seas\" by the world. \", although the second half volume is lost, we can also get a glimpse of the anecdotes of Du Guang's descendants

from the first half volume. \"


Game Features

1. 獨樹一幟的美術(shù)風格:《都廣丹青錄》是國內(nèi)第一款全程采取幀動畫國畫形式來繪制的游戲,在美術(shù)風格上的把握

上邀請了多位著名的四川老一輩藝術(shù)家進行指導(dǎo) , 游戲中所有的場景以及角色采取純手繪的宣紙國畫。

1. Unique art style. Descendants of DuGang is the first game in China that draws in the form of frame animation Chinese painting. Many

famous Sichuan artists of the older generation are invited to guide the art style. All the scenes and characters in the game are made of pure

hand-painted Chinese paintings on rice paper.


2. 富有巴蜀風情的語言文字:基于游戲世界觀設(shè)


詞源》。游戲中部分 NPC 對話采用的巴蜀地區(qū)方言,


2. Language and characters full of Ba and Shu style. Based

on the setting of the world view of the game, the creator

consulted a lot of books \"Etymology of Sichuan Dialect\"

written by teacher Jiang Zongfu. Some NPC dialogues in

the game use the Ba and Shu dialect, which makes the dialogue more lively and humorous, and increases the player’s experience.

3. 文旅融合的游戲元素:游戲中出現(xiàn)的大部分道





3. Game elements integrating culture and tourism. Most

of the props, food, and armor accessories that appear

in the game are designed based on the special products

of various regions in Ba and Shu, and are named in the

form of metaphors, so as to inspire players to explore

and understand the hidden behind these props The traditional culture and folk customs of Ba and Shu area.



Game Name:The Night of Chang'e (Boardgame Series of Chinese Goddess )

游戲公司 / 制作團隊名稱:四川數(shù)字出版?zhèn)髅接邢薰緯承ぷ魇?/p>

Developers: Changxuan Studio of Sichuan Digital Publishing & Media Co., Ltd.


Game Introduction


交替中通過策略性地使用可以觸發(fā)女神技能的游戲卡牌在地圖上建設(shè)鄉(xiāng)村、擴張版圖。游戲推薦 2v2 對抗游玩,或 4


The Night of Chang'e is a strategy board game, based on the story of the goddess Chang'e in Chinese classical myths and legends. Players

need to build villages and expand the territory on the map by strategically using game cards that can trigger goddess skills during the day

and night in 9 rounds. We recommends players playing as 2v2 , or each players in his own way.







Game background. According to Huainanzi Lanming Xun, Houyi and Chang'e met under the laurel tree and became husband and wife.


In the time of Yao, there were ten days in the sky, and Houyi killed monsters and shot nine days to save the common people from danger.

Later, Houyi asked the Queen Mother of the West for the medicine of immortality and gave it to Chang'e for safekeeping. Later, the medicine of immortality was almost stolen. In a critical situation, Chang'e had to take the medicine and fly to the sky, and live in the Palace

on the moon. After that, Chang'e became goddess.She urged with Wu Gang to crush the laurel and the jade rabbit to make medicine every

day, hoping to prepare flying medicine again to reunite with Houyi, who also missed Chang'e. Finally, the Queen Mother of the West was

so moved by the two that she allowed them to meet under the laurel tree when the moon was full.



This game is based on this myth and legend. The story of the game is set in a land where Chang'e has become the goddess of moon and the

world has become peaceful. People spend every day building villages, reclaiming land, and working hardly. Every night, they always look

up at the bright moon, looking forward to the blessing of Chang'e .

玩家需要在 9 個回合中盡可能多地建設(shè)鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn),擴張版圖。9 回合后游戲結(jié)束,建設(shè)鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)樓




逐月”等)獲得女神賜予的各種 buff 技能。游戲設(shè)定蘊涵中華民族古典神話中的浪漫元素。

Players need to build villages as many as possible in 9 rounds to expand the territory. After 9 rounds, the

game ends, and the player with the most villages wins. During this process, players will encounter obstacles such as mountains, rivers, cultivated land, and inner city gates, and you need to use various cards such

as \"Yi's Blessing\", \"Boat\", and \"Key\" to overcome obstacles. In addition, players can also obtain various

buff skills bestowed by the goddess by arriving at places such as laurel, caves, and Mingyue Building, or

using various prayer cards obtained in the drawing (such as \"Fuze Dadi\", \" Chasing the Moon\", etc.). The

game settings contains lots of romantic elements in the classical mythology of the Chinese nation.



Game Features




1.The Night of Chang'e aims to create a chinese style board game. The game takes the construction of rural urbanization as the theme

while taking the legends of Chang'e as background. It also praises the hard working and wisdom of the Chinese working people. It is

full of cultural heritage and Chinese romanticism. The game has many different scenes for players to explore, such as mountains, laurels,

caves, rivers, villages, and the Mingyue Tower, which increases the diversity and fun.

2. 卡牌種類多元化,女神技能多樣化。除了基本的方向類卡牌,《嫦娥夜章》還為女神設(shè)置了諸如“福澤大地”“中

秋團圓”“羿的祝愿”“不死之藥”等各種神級技能,以及嫦娥女神賜予的黑夜行動能量 buff,還有“耕地”卡等限


2. The types of cards are diversified, and the skills of goddess are diversified. In addition to the basic directional cards, The Night of

Chang'e also set up various skills for the goddess, such as \"blessing to the land\", \"Mid-Autumn Reunion\", \"Yi's Blessing\", \"Immortal

Medicine\", and the special buff of Chang'e. Other skill cards such as the \"plowland\" card can restricts the opponent's movement.

3. 充滿靈活性的游戲設(shè)置和玩家體驗。在每一回合,玩家可以策略性地選擇不間斷的持續(xù)出手牌,減少了傳統(tǒng)桌游由


3.Full of flexibility in-game settings and player experience. In each round, players can strategically choose uninterrupted continuous cards,

which reduces the excessive restrictions on players. That makes the game more flexible, and effectively improves the player experience.



Game Name:Insects Awaken

游戲公司 / 制作團隊名稱:好樂貓工作室

Developers: HelloMeow Lab


Game Introduction

這是硝煙彌漫的 1940 年代。



This is the smoke-filled era of the 1940s.

Chongqing, the tilted city, i s constantly showered with a multitude o f bombs from the sky. The thunderous roar tears apart the clouds, the air, the buildings, and the essence of life behind the veil of time.

Shanghai, an isolated island during the Japanese occupation, gleams with cold neon lights.



Different people were swept up in the world of espionage for different reasons.


What awaits them is a pre-dawn clandestine warfare.






You will be here—

Witnessing the turbulent whirlpool of espionage from an outsider's perspective.

Searching for clues in the piles of old documents, capturing the echoes of history.

Navigating between the two isolated cities of Chongqing and Shanghai, recreating the scenes of the story.

Delving into the intricate web of relationships, influencing the future and fate of every player.



如果你已預(yù)見,他 / 她將為下一次行動付出生命的代價,你會扭轉(zhuǎn)歷史前行的軌跡,

還是任他 / 她慷慨赴死,以身殉國?



If you had known earlier, would you let them forget each other in the world or let them love

each other in the face of adversity in this tragic fate?

If you had foreseen that he/she would sacrifice their life for the next mission, would you al-


ter the course of history or let them selflessly give their life for the country?

If you possessed extraordinary powers to rewrite the tragedies that have already occurred, would you choose to observe coldly or try to change the course of events?



If you are a fan of espionage stories—

This time, you can be a bystander of history or write a new chapter.


Adapted from the novel by Hai Fei.


Game Features

1. 雙城故事。





1.Dual City Story.

Chongqing, the tilted city, is constantly bombarded from the sky. The thunderous roar tears apart the clouds, air, buildings, and the essence of life behind the veil of time.

Shanghai, an isolated island during the Japanese occupation, gleams with cold neon lights.


The story will unfold in these two cities, alternating and intertwining, taking you deep into different intelligence battlefields within the same era backdrop.

2. 多重視角。



2.Multiple Perspectives.

A bumbling busybody wandering the streets of Shanghai; a blind girl held captive by the Japanese army; a CCP undercover agent infiltrating the Second Bureau of the Chongqing Military Statistics; a spirited and bold surgeon, entangled in love and hate. Only

through their different perspectives, the fragmented emotions and misplaced affections, the full picture of Insects Awaken can comes together.

3. 細節(jié)豐富。

實景拍攝的場景參考,散落在故紙堆里《大公報》,早已絕版的影印書。只為還原一個你不知道的 1940。游戲內(nèi),大



3.Rich in Detail.

Scenes captured from real locations, references from old newspapers like “Da Gong Bao,” and reproductions of out-ofprint books. All in an effort to recreate a 1940 that you never knew. Within the game, a wealth of information is hidden in newspapers, maps, and investigative reports. By diligently searching for each clue, you can gain a clearer understanding of the story’s intricacies and make wiser decisions. Every thread of evidence has the potential to alter the fate of the players involved.

4. 龐雜的結(jié)局和支線。

4 條大分支,8 個真結(jié)局。50 個死亡分線。N 刷也能帶來不一樣的體驗。


4.Complex Endings and Branches.

4 major branches, 8 true endings, and 50 death branches. Multiple playthroughs will bring different experiences.

5. 純文學與游戲的碰撞。


見一個筆調(diào)細膩的 1940 年代。

5.The Collision of Pure Literature and Gaming.

Adapted from the novel of the same name by Hai Fei, a winner of the People's Literature Prize, and crafted by the literary author Tang Dun. The plot is tightly woven, and the story unfolds with a captivating narrative. In the game, you will catch a glimpse of the delicate prose of the 1940s.



Game Name:Mechabellum

游戲公司 / 制作團隊名稱:游戲河

Developers: Game River


Game Introduction

《鋼鐵指揮官》是一款戰(zhàn)爭模擬器類的 3D 端游,游戲背景設(shè)定在遙遠星球上。玩家在游戲中將扮演一名指揮官,指

揮一支由機甲組成的軍隊,在大規(guī)模的 PVP 戰(zhàn)斗中展開激烈對抗。在戰(zhàn)斗前,玩家可以定制和升級其單位,然后在戰(zhàn)



Mechabellum is a SLG 3D PC game which the war is taking place on the planet of Far-Away. You’re the Commander of an army of mechs fighting it out in massive PvP battles.customize and upgrade your units before the fight,then deploy strategically on

the battlefield and watch them destroy enemies.The game adopts an original tactical battle mechanism, with the sci-fi mecha world as the

background, presenting with a grand sci-fi war scene.


Game Features

1. 游戲創(chuàng)新性地將即時戰(zhàn)略與回合策略機制融為一體,以“戰(zhàn)前布陣 + 自動戰(zhàn)斗”為核心,富有策略趣味。

1.The game innovatively integrates real-time strategy and turn-based strategy mechanism, with “pre-battle formation + automatic battle”

as the core, which is full of fun in strategic.


2. 海量機甲同屏會戰(zhàn),巨型單位震撼人心,游戲性與觀賞性并重。

2.A large number of mecha will fight on the same screen, the giant units are sastounding,players will be shocked by the gameplay and the


3. 利用特殊能力扭轉(zhuǎn)局勢:通過召喚精準空襲,反敗為勝,或者召喚一群爬行機器人,在敵軍中引發(fā)混亂。

3.Grandiose sci-fi war: players can deploy hundreds of units to fight for themselves at the beginning of the game, and thousands of units

will be staged in the later part of the game, so that the game tactics have been further enriched and deepened.

4. 策略可玩性突出:

4.Outstanding strategy playability.



(1)From the nimble Wasp light aircraft to the massive Vulcan, learn the strengths and weaknesses of a large number of unique mechs. Customize them and their abilities before you go to war to maximize their destructive power.


(2)Anticipate your enemy and strategically place your mechs on the battlefield. Counter your opponent’s moves by choosing the perfect unit combination as the battle unfolds.


(3)Turn a losing battle into a winning one by calling down the perfectly placed airstrike, or spread chaos by calling in a horde of crawler bots in the midst of your enemy’s army.



(4)Watch shrapnel, incendiary bombs and huge lasers cut through the air as battles between massive armies of mechs unfold in front of your eyes.



Game Name:The Legend of Nezha

游戲公司 / 制作團隊名稱:九方互動

Developers:Jiufang Entertainment


Game Introduction






The Legend of Nezha is a traditional role-playing mythological mobile game set against the backdrop of King Wu's campaign against

King Zhou. The game is based on one of the classic Chinese epic novels, \"Fengshen Yanyi,\" and vividly portrays and recreates famous

characters and classic stories from the mythological novel. Throughout the game, players take on the role of a disciple ordered by Master

Yunzhongzi to descend from the mountains and save the people. They will encounter and join Nezha, Xiaolongnü, Jifa, Jiang Ziya, and

others, experiencing well-known events from the novel and history, such as Nezha's battle in the sea, Yang Jian splitting the mountain to

rescue his mother, King Wen's Wei River proposal to Ziya, and Jiang Ziya's clever breaking of the Ten Absolute Arrays.






The game's visuals adopt an ink painting style and incorporate elements of traditional Chinese culture. The characters in the \"Fengshen\"

story are portrayed from various dimensions, including appearance and personality. The game features magical treasures, diverse equipment, and exciting battles, allowing players to immerse themselves in the world of \"Fengshen\" and experience the fun of role-playing.

Players can explore the game map to find item rewards or trigger events that delve into historical stories, experience battles with various

magical treasures and immortal beings in the Illusory Realm, test the strength of their own lineup in the Celestial Array, compete with other players in the arena, and overcome obstacles and defeat formidable enemies in challenging and fun maze maps that require puzzle-solving skills.


Game Features

1. 以中華傳統(tǒng)封神為故事主線。玩家將經(jīng)歷從哪吒鬧海,楊戩劈山救母,再到文王渭水聘子牙,姜子牙智破十絕陣等


1.The main storyline of the game is based on the traditional Chinese myth of \"Fengshen.\" Players will experience famous events from both

novels and history, such as Nezha's battle in the sea, Yang Jian splitting the mountain to rescue his mother, King Wen's Wei River proposal

to Ziya, and Jiang Ziya's clever breaking of the Ten Absolute Arrays.

2. 美術(shù)表現(xiàn)上運用水墨風并融入傳統(tǒng)中國文化元素,玩家可領(lǐng)略到浩瀚的海底、絢爛的神樹、云霧繚繞的山脈等風景。

2.The artistic representation adopts an ink painting style and incorporates elements of traditional Chinese culture. Players can appreciate

the vast underwater world, splendid divine trees, and mist-shrouded mountains, among other landscapes.

3. 豐富的任務(wù)。英雄哪吒、蓮花復(fù)生、超越輪回、開山救母、絜鉤之啼、智破十絕等任務(wù)帶玩家領(lǐng)略封神世界的各個



3.The game offers a wealth of quests. Through quests like \"Hero Nezha,\" \"Resurrection of the Lotus Flower,\" \"Transcending Reincarnation,\" \"Mountain-splitting to Save Mother,\" \"Cry of the Xiegou,\" and \"Clever Breaking of the Ten Absolute Arrays,\" players can experience various legendary stories within the world of \"Fengshen.\"

4. 經(jīng)典策略 RPG 策略戰(zhàn)斗體驗,挑戰(zhàn)性與趣味性十足。每位英雄的特性、法寶特效以及計策選擇這三者的搭配都將給


4.The game provides a classic strategy RPG battle experience that is both challenging and enjoyable. The combination of each hero's characteristics, magical weapon effects, and strategic choices will result in diverse and engaging gameplay experiences.



Game Name:Blazblue Entropy Effect

游戲公司 / 制作團隊名稱:成都格斗科技有限公司(91Act)

Developers: 91Act


Game Introduction


命運。以 ACT 為名的資深動作游戲團隊,十年磨一劍造就獨特的 2D ACT 戰(zhàn)斗體驗!

Using the unique combat characters built in Rogue-like to embark on thrilling exploration and challenges, discover the truth of the world

during the adventure, and change the fate of humanity through your choices. As a veteran action game team named after ACT, we have

spent several years honing our unique 2D ACT combat experience.


Game Features

1. 2DACT 戰(zhàn)斗體驗的天花板

1. The Top-Tier of 2D ACT Battle Experience

2. 千變?nèi)f化的動作戰(zhàn)斗

2. Build Your Exclusive Combat Character


3. 無限可能的肉鴿構(gòu)建

3. A Fresh Adventure of \"Roguelite X Roguelite\"

4. 在多種結(jié)局中,尋找拯救世界的可能

4. Save the World in Various Endings



Game Name:Mercury Abbey

游戲公司 / 制作團隊名稱:成都乙鈦科技有限公司

Developers: Chengdu Yitai Technology Co., Ltd.


Game Introduction

《水銀療養(yǎng)院》是一款 2D 橫版敘事解密游戲,游戲采用精致的像素風格,搭配美式卡通風格的立繪,將帶領(lǐng)玩家走


Mercury Abbey is a 2D horizontal version of the narrative decryption game. The game adopts an exquisite pixel style and is matched with

American cartoon-style vertical paintings, which will lead players into a magical country.




The characters in the game all use the technique of animal anthropomorphism (Furry), and the whole city is full of various animal characters. In \"Mercury Sanatorium\", players will play Harold and his nephew Willie, and complete a thrilling adventure in the mysterious sanatorium. Players will have the opportunity to operate the two protagonists separately and use their respective characteristics to deal with

puzzles on certain occasions.






The protagonist Harold is unfortunately entrusted by his sister to take care of his nephew Willie. As a bottlenecked adventure novelist, the

protagonist originally planned to go to a sanatorium in the mountains to find inspiration, but now he can only take his nephew with him.

The nephew met a new partner in the nursing home, and the protagonist was finally able to calm down and focus on the new work. A legend about the alchemist family was revealed, and the past of Mercury Spring gradually surfaced.Our novelist has written many stories, but

this time, he doesn't know where he and his nephew will end up...



Game Features

1. 復(fù)古像素風與絢麗的光影



1. Retro pixel style and gorgeous light and shadow

The game adopts the pixel style, with the characters standing drawings of American comics. Fossil halls, glass greenhouses,

shrub labyrinths, botanical gardens, underground caves... the scene takes turns to present a visual feast. With unique light and

shadow technology, it creates a moving atmosphere and brings a wonderfully immersive experience.


2. 經(jīng)典文化元素與獨具一格的世界觀



2. Classic cultural elements and a unique worldview

The game combines the characteristics of early suspense works and intersperses classic cultural elements into it. Using an

overhead worldview, the world is composed of anthropomorphic animals as characters; the social composition, customs and

legends, and ethnic relations here are all waiting for players to discover step by step.

3. 引人入勝的故事




3. Compelling story

Strange things happened one after another in the mysterious mountain sanatorium and the curse of the alchemy family

spread. In the mansion blocked by thick fog, the figure of the fairy appeared, and the victim who fell into a nightmare ate the

mansion in panic. Some are hiding the truth, some are lurking in it, and everything points to the dusty secret of this sanatorium...

4. 豐富的收集元素與成就



4. Abundant collection elements and achievements

From character information to legends, from picked-up items to transcribed notes, from photographs taken to intercepted


gossip, there are a large number of collectible elements for players to find. At the same time, the

game also has a variety of interesting achievements built in, and every action and choice may win

them, try it boldly.



Game Name:The Lost Village

游戲公司 / 制作團隊名稱:鋒游工作室(成都鋒游科技有限公司)

Developers: FengYou Technology


Game Introduction

山門與幻境是一款獨特的 3D 模擬經(jīng)營 + 肉鴿(Roguelike)游戲。你將扮演歸家的掌門之子,在如今蕭瑟無人的仙山



你將體會到作為一個掌門人的辛勞,也將感受到從零開始、建立繁榮仙山門派的成就感,并戰(zhàn)勝幻境中強大的 BOSS,


Mountain Gate and Illusory Realm is a unique 3D simulation management + Roguelike game. You'll play as the son of a sect leader returning home, tasked with rebuilding the once deserted and desolate immortal mountain and restore its former glory as the best in the world.

You'll need to lead disciples in collecting resources, constructing facilities, refining pills, cultivating spiritual fields, and refining magical

treasures while developing and growing your sect. Conquer powerful bosses within the illusory realm, and embark on a new adventure in

every playthrough!

1. 自由的建設(shè)家園。自由的擺放建筑,讓你的門派美觀大方,打造屬于自己的特色山門。為不同性格、天賦的弟子們




1.Freedom in Building Your Sect.Enjoy the freedom of placing buildings, creating an elegant and visually pleasing sect unique to your

taste. Assign tasks to disciples with different personalities and talents, allowing them to gather resources, construct, work, rest, and cultivate. Engage in activities like tea tasting and chess matches, simulating a realistic path to immortality. Additionally, you can refine artifacts, make pills, grow spiritual fields, and assign disciples to complete missions off the mountain, bringing life and vitality to your sect!

2. 獨特的戰(zhàn)斗規(guī)劃。更加自由地掌控整場戰(zhàn)斗。每一次的攻擊都需要玩家精準的操作,合理規(guī)劃線路,配合弟子搭配功法律令




2.Freedom in Building Your Sect.Enjoy the freedom of placing buildings, creating an elegant and visually pleasing sect unique to your taste.

Assign tasks to disciples with different personalities and talents, allowing them to gather resources, construct, work, rest, and cultivate. Engage in activities like tea tasting and chess matches, simulating a realistic path to immortality. Additionally, you can refine artifacts, make

pills, grow spiritual fields, and assign disciples to complete missions off the mountain, bringing life and vitality to your sect!

3. 爽快的戰(zhàn)斗體驗。面對潮水般涌來的怪物,玩家需要自行組合自己的功法,技能,陣法,神獸等,抵御獸潮入侵,


3.Exciting Battle Experience..In the face of a tide-like wave of monsters, players need to combine their own skills, techniques, formations,


divine beasts, etc. to resist the invasion of beasts and experience the ultimate Roguelike gameplay. Creatively produce the multi-player

survival mode, providing players with an ultimate sense of excitement, and each round brings a unique experience.


Game Features

1. 創(chuàng)造性的結(jié)合模擬經(jīng)營和肉鴿的玩法,多重滿足休閑和硬核玩家。

1.Creatively combining simulation and Roguelike gameplay, satisfying both casual and hardcore players.

2. 結(jié)合中國古代神話元素,將爽快的戰(zhàn)斗融入其中。

2.Combining ancient Chinese mythology elements to incorporate exciting battles.


3. 豐富的弟子養(yǎng)成系統(tǒng),打造屬于自己的門派。

3. Multiple disciple development system, creating your own sect.

4. 基于肉鴿元素,每一局戰(zhàn)斗都帶來不同的體驗,極大增加玩家游戲時長。

4. Based on Roguelike gameplay, each battle brings a different experience, greatly increasing the player's game time.

5. 美輪美奐的美術(shù)氛圍,讓玩家沉浸式置身于修仙門派之中。

5. Beautiful game artistic atmosphere, allowing players to immerse themselves in the world of immortal sects.
