

發(fā)布時間:2021-12-01 | 雜志分類:其他


富陽博物館(富春山館) Fuyang Museum (Fuchunsan Museum) 富陽博物館位于杭州市富陽區(qū)江濱西大道 Fuyang Museum is a comprehensive museum that gathers, 159 號富春山館內(nèi),是一座收藏、研究、展示 analyses, displays, and publicizes the regional culture and history of 和宣傳富春江地域文化歷史的綜合博物館,于 the Fuchun River. It is located in Fuchun Mountain Museum, No. 159 2017 年 12 月 23 日正式對外開放。博物館館藏 Jiangbin West Avenue, Fuyang District, Hangzhou. On December 文物 3000 余件,建筑面積約 5500 平方米,其 23, 2017, it was officially opened t... [收起]
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富陽博物館(富春山館) Fuyang Museum (Fuchunsan Museum) 富陽博物館位于杭州市富陽區(qū)江濱西大道 Fuyang Museum is a comprehensive museum that gathers, 159 號富春山館內(nèi),是一座收藏、研究、展示 analyses, displays, and publicizes the regional culture and history of 和宣傳富春江地域文化歷史的綜合博物館,于 the Fuchun River. It is located in Fuchun Mountain Museum, No. 159 2017 年 12 月 23 日正式對外開放。博物館館藏 Jiangbin West Avenue, Fuyang District, Hangzhou. On December 文物 3000 余件,建筑面積約 5500 平方米,其 23, 2017, it was officially opened to the public. The museum houses 中展廳面積 2500 平方米,展覽主題為“家在富 nearly 3,000 cultural artifacts. The total building size is approximately 春江上”,通過山水富陽、千年古縣、東吳源流、 5,500 square meters, with the exhibition hall covering 2,500 square 造紙名鄉(xiāng)、魚米之鄉(xiāng)、黃金水道、人杰地靈七 meters. The show is titled \"Home on the Fuchun River.\" The audience 個單元,以敘事的方式向觀眾展示悠遠(yuǎn)凝重的 is presented the distant and dignified Fuyang history and exquisite 富陽歷史和瑰麗多姿的富春江文化。 Fuchun River culture through seven units: Fuyang, a thousand-year- old county, the origin of Soochow, a famous paper-making town, a 作為富陽重要的文化旅游地標(biāo)性建筑,富 land of fish and rice, a golden waterway, and remarkable people. 春山館 ( 富陽博物館 ) 先后被命名為富陽區(qū)青少 Fuchunsan Museum (Fuyang Museum) has been designated as the 年學(xué)生第二課堂、杭州市社會科學(xué)普及示范基 second classroom for young students in Fuyang District, Hangzhou 地、浙江省社會科學(xué)普及示范基地,在傳承和 Social Science Popularization Demonstration Base, and Zhejiang 展示地方文化遺產(chǎn)、健全和繁榮公共文化事業(yè)、 Social Science Popularization Demonstration Base, which is actively 對外文化旅游宣傳交流等方面發(fā)揮積極作用。 involved in inheriting and displaying local cultural heritage, perfecting and prospering public cultural endeavors, and publicizing and exchanging foreign cultural heritage. 地址:杭州市富陽區(qū)江濱西大道 159 號富春山館 Add:No. 159 Jiangbin West Avenue, Fuyang District, Hangzhou. 電話:0571-58970000 Tel:0571-58970000 47


良渚古城遺址公園 ARCHAEOLOGICAL RUINS OF LIANGZHU CITY PARK 良渚古城遺址(距今 5300-4300 年) Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City,located in Yuhang District,Hangzhou 作為良渚文化的權(quán)力與信仰中心,是人 City,was the center of power and belief of the Liangzhu Culture. The large- 類文明發(fā)展史上具有杰出代表性的東亞 scale City Site, the Peripheral Water Conservancy System with complex 地區(qū)新石器時代晚期大型聚落遺址。良 functions, the stratified (including altar) and a series of other related sites,as 渚古城遺址作為世界文化遺產(chǎn),于 2019 well as excavated objects represented by serial jade artifacts symblolizing 年 7 月 6 日正式列入《世界遺產(chǎn)名錄》, belief and institution reveal the existence of an early regional state supported 成為我國第 55 處世界遺產(chǎn),是實(shí)證中華 by rice farming with obvious social stratification and unity of belief in the area. 5000 年文明史的圣地。 Its early time of formation,great achievement and rich diversities show the outstanding contribution made by the Yangtze River Basin to the “Diversity 良渚古城遺址公園是良渚古城遺址 in Unity”feature of the origin of Chinese civilization. It is an outstanding 厚重歷史文化最為典型、最為直接的物 representation of large-scale settlement sites in Neolithic East Asia in the 質(zhì)載體,是體驗和感悟“中華五千年文明” development of human civilizations and a holy place offering unique evidences 的重要場所,規(guī)劃總面積為 14.33 平方 for the 5000-year history of Chinese civilization. 千米,目前對外開放的是城址區(qū)和瑤山 The City Site of Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City is the core of Liangzhu 遺址區(qū)。 City Park. It is composed the Palace Area, the Inner City and the Outer City, a centripetal triple structure with ancient river courses crisscrossing through 城址區(qū)公園于 2019 年 7 月 7 日正 it. The City Site covers a total area of 631 hectares and the overall stone 式對外開放。主要設(shè)置有城門與城墻、 and earth volume for the artificial piling of it is estimated at 7.17 million cubic 考古體驗區(qū)、河道與作坊、雉山觀景臺、 meters. The Palace Area, the main venue of residence and activity for the 莫角山宮殿、反山王陵、西城墻遺址、 supreme rulers of Liangzhu Period, is located in the center of the City Site, 鳳山研學(xué)基地、大觀山休憩區(qū)和鹿苑等 with the highest open terrain and an area of about 39 hectares. The Inner 十大片區(qū)?,幧竭z址公園于 2021 年 9 月 City enclosed by city walls is a rectangle with round corners. It is about 1910 29 日開放,是一處祭壇和一組高等級墓 meters long from north to south and 1770 meters wide from east to west. It 地組成的復(fù)合遺址,是良渚古城遺址的 covers an area of 280 hectares (including the Palace Area). With the Palace 重要組成部分。 Area as the center, the Inner City is distributed with cemeteries, residential terraces (including handicraft workshops), ancient rivers and other remains. The Outer City surrounds the Inner City and covers an area of about 315 hectares. 17 intermittently distributed terraces containing residential sites with workshops and burial grounds form a semi-closed outline of the Outer City walls. The Outer City terraces with the crisscross network of rivers generated the landscape of waterside living. 地址:余杭區(qū)瓶窯鎮(zhèn)鳳都路與 104 國道輔路交叉口西北 200 米 Add:Pingyao Town, Yuhang District,Hangzhou City 電話:0571-85855300 Tel:0571-85855300 48


良渚博物院 Liangzhu Museum 良渚博物院位于浙江省杭州市余杭區(qū),是一座集收藏、研究、展 Located in Meilizhou Park in Liangzhu, Yuhang 示和宣傳良渚文化于一體的考古遺址博物館。該院建筑面積約 1 萬平 District of Hangzhou, Liangzhu Museum is a 方米,基本陳列展覽主題是“良渚是實(shí)證中華五千多年文明史的圣地”, multi-functional modern museum integrating 全面、立體、真實(shí)地展示了良渚文化的文化面貌和良渚古城遺址的遺 collection, research, exhibition, publicity and 產(chǎn)價值。近年來,該院認(rèn)真貫徹落實(shí)習(xí)近平總書記關(guān)于良渚保護(hù)、研究、 education. Based on Liangzhu sites, it is also a 傳承、利用的一系列重要批示指示精神,以弘揚(yáng)愛國主義和社會主義 special museum devoted to Liangzhu Culture. 核心價值觀為核心,以良渚古城遺址申報《世界遺產(chǎn)名錄》為契機(jī), Covering an area of over 40,000 square meters, 以講述好傳播好中國古代文明的良渚故事為主業(yè),依托已經(jīng)爭創(chuàng)成功 and including total room space of 10,000 的省級愛國主義教育基地為平臺,全面推動良渚文化在全社會的推廣 square meters, the museum was designed by 普及,取得了明顯成效。先后獲得全國青年文明號、全國巾幗文明崗、 renowned UK architect David Chipperfield. 全國愛國主義教育示范基地、中國華僑國際文化交流基地、浙江省愛 Concise and natural style, it marks a break- 國主義教育基地、浙江省國際人文交流基地、浙江省華僑國際文化交 through from the bondage of concretization, 流基地、浙江省直機(jī)關(guān)第二批主題黨日活動基地、浙江省社科普及基 and embodies the harmony and fusion of art 地、浙江省科普教育基地等省部級以上榮譽(yù)稱號,基本陳列展覽榮獲 and nature, past and present. The building “第十六屆(2018 年度)全國博物館十大陳列展覽精品獎”。 was awarded the most distinctive architecture prize in China region by internationally famous magazines Business Week and Architectural Record. 地址:良渚博物院(美麗洲路 1 號) Add:No. 1 Meilizhou Road, Yuhang District, Hangzhou. 電話:0571-88770700 Tel:0571-88770700 49


杭州市臨安區(qū)博物館 Lin'an museum 臨安博物館,由中國首個獲得普利茲克建 Lin'an museum, led by China's first plitzker award designer Wang 筑獎的設(shè)計師王澍領(lǐng)銜設(shè)計,依功臣山而建, Shu design, built according to the hero mountain, using the song 采用宋代李唐半邊山水結(jié)構(gòu),在建筑形態(tài)上, dynasty li tang half landscape structure, on architectural form, 借取“錢氏一族在戰(zhàn)亂中守住東南一方田園” borrow \"money gens in the war keep the southeast pastoral\" artistic 的意境,結(jié)合了臨安本地的夯土墻、塊石墻等 conception, combined with the linan local rammed earth wall, stone 特色元素,建筑面積 10500 平方米,總投資約 wall and other characteristic elements, construction area of 10500 3.5 億元,2019 年 1 月 28 日正式對外開放。 square meters, a total investment of about 350 million yuan, officially opened on January 28,2019. 展陳面積 3550 平方米,分為基本陳列廳、 The exhibition area is 3,550 square meters, divided into basic 精品廳和臨展廳?;娟惲袕d主題為“東南樂 exhibition hall, boutique hall and temporary exhibition hall.The 土、吳越家山”,是反映臨安歷史文化的基本 theme of the basic exhibition hall is \"Southeast Le Land, Wu Yue 陳列。精品廳主題為“吳越勝覽”,以吳越國 Jia Mountain\", which is the basic display that reflects the history 王陵及王室成員墓的資料與文物為展示主體, and culture of Lin'an.The theme of the boutique hall is \"Wu Yue 反映吳越國作為“東南樂土”的繁榮富盛,反 Sheng Tour\", with the materials and cultural relics of the tomb of 映當(dāng)時社會經(jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展水平。臨展廳主要用于 royal members as the main display, which reflect the prosperity of 周期陳列、開展館際交流、引進(jìn)展覽等。 Wu Yue as a \"southeast happy land\" and the level of social and economic development at that time.The exhibition hall is mainly used 臨安博物館不僅僅是一個區(qū)縣級博物館, for periodic display, inter-museum exchange, the introduction of 她是一個吳越國國史館,是吳越國文化的基因 exhibitions, etc. 庫,是展示五代吳越國時期文化與文物最豐富、 Lin'an Museum is not only a district and county-level museum. She 最全面、最系統(tǒng)的窗口。 is a National History Museum of Wu Yue, the gene bank of Wu Yue culture, and the most rich, comprehensive and systematic window showing the culture and cultural relics of the Five Dynasties. 地址:杭州市臨安區(qū)錦城街道天目路 800 號 Add:No.800, Tianmu Road, Jincheng Street, Lin'an District, Hangzhou City 電話:0571-58618805 Tel:0571-58618805 50


千鶴婦女精神教育基地 Qianhe women's spiritual education base “婦女能頂半邊天”這句話響徹中華大地幾 The saying “women hold up half the sky” has been resounded 十年,其淵源就來自于千鶴,上個世紀(jì)五十年代, across the land of China for decades. Nevertheless, its origin 建德千鶴自然村的婦女們在黨的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)和婦聯(lián)組織 came from Qianhe. In the 1950s, under the leadership of the 帶領(lǐng)下,打破傳統(tǒng)舊俗,投身農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn),實(shí)行男 Party and the Women’s Federation, the women of Qianhe Village 女同工同酬政策,孕育了千鶴婦女精神。1955 年, in Jiande city broke the old customs and devoted themselves to 毛澤東主席為此親自作出 512 字的批示,提出了 agricultural production, implementing the policy of equal pay for “中國的婦女是偉大的人力資源的重要論斷”, equal work irrespective of sex and gestating the spirit of Qianhe 使千鶴成為了“婦女能頂半邊天”思想的重要發(fā) women. In 1955, Chairman Mao Zedong issued a 512-word 源地,千鶴婦女精神教育基地,建筑面積 4474. instruction to this end, putting forward the important conclusion 72 平方米,展廳面積 2100 平方米,內(nèi)含主展廳、 that “Chinese women are great human resources”, and Qianhe 臨展廳、培訓(xùn)室、會議室、接待室。這是一座以 became the important cradle of the idea that “women hold up 新中國基層婦女干部和普通婦女群眾為主要對象, half the sky”. With a floor space of 4474.2 square meters and an 展示“千鶴婦女精神”從形成發(fā)展到新時代傳承 exhibition hall covering 2100 square meters containing a main 弘揚(yáng)的專題展館。是“立足浙江、面向全國”的 exhibition hall, temporary exhibition halls, training rooms, meeting 婦女愛國主義教育基地、農(nóng)村基層黨建教育基地、 rooms and a reception room, Qianhe Women’s Spirit Education 紅色旅游教育基地。 Base is a thematic exhibition center taking the achievements of grassroots women cadres and ordinary women of new China as the main exhibits, displaying the “Qianhe Women Spirit” from its formation and development to its transmission and promotion in the new era. It is a women's patriotism education base, rural grassroots Party construction education base, and red tourism education base “keeping a foothold in Zhejiang and facing the whole country”. 地址:浙江省建德市梅城鎮(zhèn)千鶴村千鶴婦女精神教育基地 Add:Qianhe, Meicheng District, Jiande. 電話:0571-64789883 Tel:0571-64789883 51


智能制造 52


沃爾沃汽車博物館 Volvo museum 沃爾沃汽車博物館是一個綜合性的汽車文化 The Volvo Car Museum is a comprehensive vehicle culture 傳播及體驗平臺,講述了沃爾沃品牌歷史文化, dissemination and experience platform, telling the history and 涵蓋了沃爾沃的老爺車、概念車和具有里程碑意 culture of the Volvo brand, including Volvo classic cars, concept 義的珍藏車,展示了沃爾沃在中國的發(fā)展以及在 cars and landmark collections, showing the development of Volvo 全球的戰(zhàn)略布局。 in China and its strategic layout in the world. A visit to the Volvo Car Museum is a journey through time. From 參觀沃爾沃汽車博物館就是一次穿越時光的 the noisy late 1920s to the accelerating pace of life in the early 旅行。從喧鬧的 20 世紀(jì) 20 年代末到生活節(jié)奏不 21st century, classic models from different periods show visitors 斷加快的 21 世紀(jì)初,不同時期的經(jīng)典車型向參觀 the long history and wonderful brand stories of the Nordic luxury 者展示出這個北歐豪華品牌悠久的歷史和精彩的 brand. Walk through the long history and come to the Volvo 品牌故事,走過歷史長河,來到沃爾沃汽車博物館, Car Museum, the current glory of Volvo cars and these most 沃爾沃汽車的當(dāng)下輝煌,一項項在安全以及環(huán)保 advanced research and development achievements in the field of 領(lǐng)域最前沿的研發(fā)成果赫然呈現(xiàn)在人們的眼前。 safety and environmental protection suddenly appeared in front of people. 整個博物館圍繞沃爾沃“以人為尊”的品牌 The whole museum revolves around the Volvo brand concept 理念,通過“設(shè)計”、“歷史”、“品牌資產(chǎn)” which is \"People First\". Through the three themes of \"Design\", 等三大主題和用戶的切身體驗推動品牌文化傳播, \"History\" and \"Brand Property\" and users' personal experience, 真正實(shí)現(xiàn)讓客戶“感受與眾不同”。 the museum promotes the brand culture dissemination and truly enables customers to \"feel different\". 地址:杭州市濱江區(qū)江陵路 1760 號 2 樓 Add:Second Floor No.1760 Jiangling Road,Binjiang distirict Hangzhou 電話: 18668157017 Tel: 18668157017 53


廣汽傳祺(杭州)智能制造 旅游示范基地 GAC Motor (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. Intelligent Manufacturing Tourism Demonstration Base 廣 汽 乘 用 車( 杭 州) 有 限 公 司 成 立 于 GAC Motor (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. was established on April 27, 2016 年 4 月 27 日,是世界 500 強(qiáng)廣汽集團(tuán) 2016. It is a supply-side reform highlight project jointly created 聯(lián)手杭州市政府、錢塘區(qū)打造的供給側(cè)改革亮 by GAC Group, one of the world's top 500 companies, together 點(diǎn)項目,是一座高效率、高質(zhì)量、節(jié)能環(huán)保型 with Hangzhou Municipal Government and Qiantang Area. It is a 的世界級智能制造標(biāo)桿工廠。 world-class intelligent manufacturing benchmark factory with high efficiency, high quality, energy saving and environmental protection. 廣乘杭州公司秉承綠色發(fā)展理念,建設(shè)“和 GAC Motor (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. adheres to the concept of green 諧、綠色、健康、安全”花園式工廠,充分考 development, builds a garden factory of \"harmony, green, health and 慮訪客的求知、求新、求異需求,通過對廠區(qū) safety\", it fully considers the needs of visitors to seek knowledge, 資源進(jìn)行整合,精心打造三條不同主題線路: novelty and difference. Through the integration of plant resources, 傳祺智造之旅、傳祺紅色之旅、傳祺探秘之旅。 three different theme lines are developed: Trumpchi intellectual manufacturing tour, Red Tour of Trumpchi and Trumpchi Exploration 它是一個集休閑性、知識性、參與性、互 Tour. 動性于一體的工業(yè)旅游綜合性基地,滿足你對 It is a comprehensive industrial tourism base with leisure, 現(xiàn)代汽車工業(yè)的所有好奇心,是大中小學(xué)生觀 knowledge, participation and interactivity, which can satisfy all your 光旅游、社會實(shí)踐、研學(xué)旅行的最佳選擇。 curiosity about the modern automobile industry, and it is the best choice for college and primary school students to sightseeing, social 目前,景區(qū)已被評為“工業(yè)旅游示范基地”、 practice and study travel. “大學(xué)生社會實(shí)踐基地”、“杭州市民日最具 At present, the scenic spot has been rated as \"Industrial Tourism 品質(zhì)體驗點(diǎn)”、“杭州市五一勞動獎狀”、“杭 Demonstration Base\", \"Social Practice Base for College Students\", 州市青年文明號”等多項榮譽(yù)。 \"Hangzhou Citizen Day Best Quality Experience Point\",“Hangzhou May Day Labor Award”,“Hangzhou Youth Civilization Number”and 未來,將進(jìn)一步完善工業(yè)旅游服務(wù)配套體 many other honors. 系,營造舒適和諧的旅游環(huán)境,打造杭州錢塘 In the future, we will further improve the supporting system of 區(qū)工業(yè)科普研學(xué)旅游休閑新業(yè)態(tài)。 industrial tourism services, create a comfortable and harmonious tourism environment, and create a new business form of industrial science popularization, research, tourism and leisure in Qiantang Area of Hangzhou. 地址:浙江省杭州市錢塘區(qū)江東四路 6188 號 Add:No. 6188, Jiangdong 4th Road, Qiantang Area, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, PRC 電話:0571-82955255/18324485663 Tel:0571-82955255/18324485663 54


建德航空小鎮(zhèn) Jiande Aviation Town 建德航空小鎮(zhèn)是國家 AAAA 級旅游景區(qū),坐 Located in the Jiande Economic Development Zone of Zhejiang 落于浙江省建德經(jīng)濟(jì)開發(fā)區(qū),規(guī)劃面積 3.57 平方 province, Jiande Aviation town is a national AAAA level tourist 公里,實(shí)際控制區(qū)域 10 平方公里,航空小鎮(zhèn)地處 attraction, spreads itself in an area of 10 square kilometers. 杭州—千島湖—黃山名城、名湖、名山黃金旅游 Embraced by famous mountains, cities and lakes, Jiande Aviation 線上,與千島湖景區(qū)比肩而立。 Town sits in a perfect location, on the line of golden tourism line of Hangzhou,Thousand Islands Lake and Yellow Mountains. 小鎮(zhèn)內(nèi)擁有航空小鎮(zhèn)溫泉、火車主題酒店、 There are many exciting activities in the Aviation Town, like 飛機(jī)主題餐廳、航空主題酒店、開元曼居酒店、 Skydiving, Helicopter Tours, Hot Air Balloon Tours, etc; moreover, 汽車公園等旅游設(shè)施;引進(jìn)了高空跳傘、直升機(jī) it's a great place for tourists who love aerospace knowledge as 低空游覽、熱氣球系留觀光、航空科普體驗等休 you'll be able to visit the first Aviation 閑旅游項目。 Science Popularization Center in Zhejiang province. Stay in this Aviation Town is a nice choice, there are lot of different theme 近年來,建德航空小鎮(zhèn)推進(jìn)通航產(chǎn)業(yè)高質(zhì)量 hotels, such as Slow Train Themed Hotel, Aviation Themed 發(fā)展,實(shí)現(xiàn)“產(chǎn)、城、人、文”融合發(fā)展。目前 Hotel, New Century Manju Hotel and so on. 已形成集意識形態(tài)宣傳、工業(yè)文化遺存保護(hù)、歷 In recent years, Jiande Aviation Town has promoted the high- 史文脈延續(xù)、群眾文化集聚、社會綜合服務(wù)于一 quality development of general aviation industry and relized the 體的綜合性社會科學(xué)普及基地、愛國主義教育基 intergrated development of \"industry, city, people and culture\". It 地。充分利用優(yōu)勢資源,挖掘航空特色文化,打 has formed a comprehensive social science 造航空特色中小學(xué)生夏令營和研學(xué)基地。 popularization base and patriotism education base of preservation of industrial cultural heritage, continuation of historical culture, mass culture gathering and comprehensive social services. We'll make full use of advantages resources, excavate characteristic aviation culture and build outstanding Aviation research base. 地址:浙江省杭州市建德市壽昌鎮(zhèn)橫山路 52 號 Add:No. 52, Hengshan Road, Shouchang Town, Jiande County, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province 電話:0571-64565932 Tel: 0571-64565932 55


浙江太古可口可樂博物館 Zhejiang Swire Coca-Cola Museum 浙 江 太 古 可 口 可 樂 飲 料 有 限 公 司, 于 Zhejiang Swire Coca-Cola Beverage Co., Ltd., officially opened in 1989 年正式開業(yè),是一家中外合資企業(yè)。主 1989, is a Sino-foreign joint venture. It mainly produces and sells 要生產(chǎn)銷售可口可樂系列飲料。公司擁有共 8 Coca-Cola beverages. The company has a total of 8 world-class 條世界一流的飲料灌裝生產(chǎn)線。2014 年杭州 beverage filling production lines. In 2014, the Hangzhou factory built 廠打造了面積 600 平方米的可口可樂博物館, the Coca-Cola Museum with an area of 600 square meters. The 館內(nèi)設(shè)有展品區(qū)、放映區(qū)、互動體驗區(qū)、海報 museum has exhibits area, screening area, interactive experience 區(qū)、圣誕區(qū)等,展示了可口可樂不同風(fēng)格的展 area, poster area, Christmas area, etc., showing different styles 品,神秘迷人的歷史風(fēng)采等等。可口可樂博物 of Coca-Cola exhibits, mysterious and charming historical style, 館全年接待學(xué)校、教育 / 培訓(xùn)機(jī)構(gòu)、親子活動、 etc. . The Coca-Cola Museum welcomes visitors from schools, 成人、企業(yè)單位等各種年齡層次的參觀團(tuán)隊, educational/training institutions, parent-child activities, adults, and 從 1989 年開始開展工廠參觀活動以來,接待 corporate units of various age levels throughout the year. Since the 人數(shù)超過 70 萬人次。獲得杭州工業(yè)參觀的超 factory tour started in 1989, the number of visitors has exceeded 高人氣及廣泛好評,連續(xù) 7 屆榮獲杭州市市民 700,000. So it was the museum who won the high popularity and 體驗日最具品質(zhì)體驗點(diǎn)稱號,被評選為江干區(qū) wide acclaim of Hangzhou Industrial Tour, and the title of the most 青少年第二課堂、江干區(qū)青少年少先隊員實(shí)踐 quality experience point of Hangzhou Citizens Experience Day for 基地,中國透明工廠,2017 年榮獲杭州市品 7 consecutive years.It was also selected as the second classroom 牌辦評選的“最具品質(zhì)體驗點(diǎn) 10 年榮譽(yù)獎”, for young people in Jianggan District, the practice base for young 2018 年榮獲杭州經(jīng)濟(jì)技術(shù)開發(fā)區(qū)管委會評選 pioneers in Jianggan District, and the transparent factory in China. 的“工業(yè)旅游示范基地”。 In 2017, it won the “10-year Honor Award for the Most Quality Experience Point” selected by the Hangzhou Brand Office, and in 2018, it was awarded the “Industrial Tourism Demonstration Base” selected by the Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee. 地址:杭州市下沙 8 號大街 18 號 Add:No. 18, Xiasha 8th Street, Hangzhou 電話: 13336068896 Tel: 13336068896 56


妙筆智慧樂園 The Wonderful Pen Wisdom Park 妙筆智慧樂園位于中國制筆之鄉(xiāng),距亞運(yùn)會跑馬 The Wonderful Pen Wisdom Park is located in the hometown 場 5 分鐘車程,館內(nèi)面積 3000 平方米左右,是全國 of pen making in China, 5minutes drive from the Asian Games 首家筆文化的工業(yè)旅游景點(diǎn),館內(nèi)展示從分水鎮(zhèn)的第 Equestrian Venue. The pavilion covers an area of about 3,000 一支竹子筆的誕生,到全世界人均一支筆的飛躍發(fā)展 square meters and is the first industrial tourist attraction of 的歷史文化,同時還展示千奇百態(tài)各種筆類產(chǎn)品,更 pen culture in the China.The park showcases the history and 有再現(xiàn)神筆馬良的高科技神奇趣味體驗,軟筆書法體 culture from the birth of the first bamboo pen in Fenshui Town 驗,還可以參觀讓你為之震撼的鋼筆畫、 最為重要的 to the leap forward development of one pen per capita in the 是可以成為一個制筆小工匠,親自體驗一下制筆的快 world. It also shows a variety of pen products. And you can 樂,在體驗的過程中領(lǐng)悟工匠的精神,親自為爸爸媽媽、 visit the pen painting, The most important thing is you can 哥哥姐姐做一支筆,也為自己做一支筆來記錄自己人 to become a small craftsman, personally experience the joy 生成長的點(diǎn)點(diǎn)滴滴確確實(shí)實(shí)是一件非常有價值與意義 of pen making. And to learn the spirit of craftsmanship in the 的事情。 process. It will a very valuable and meaningful thing to use their own pen to record their own life growth. 接下來我們可以走進(jìn)蜜蜂故事館,去探索蜜蜂王 Furthermore, we can go into the Bee Story House and 國的神奇,了解蜜蜂對人類的幫助,了解小蜜蜂的勤 explore the wonders of the bee kingdom, It is also can to 勞勇敢,畢竟幸福是靠奮斗得來的,轉(zhuǎn)身之間,我們 learn about how bees help humans , how hard-working and 可以讓自己變成蜂博士,去品鑒成百上千的各類蜂蜜 brave little bees are. In addition, we can to taste hundreds 產(chǎn)品,并選擇一款好的蜂蜜,學(xué)會為自己辛勞付出的 of various honey products. and choose a good one. To 父親或者自己的愛人調(diào)制一杯解酒的蜂蜜水,表達(dá)自 make your own honey water for your family is a great way to 己內(nèi)心的那一份滿滿的愛意。同時媽媽們還可以為自 express your love. Mums can also make a honey lipstick for 己親手做一支蜂蜜口紅,因為它是純天然植物提取, themselves which is purely natural and plant derived, non- 無毒環(huán)保,還可以帶著孩子親手做幾塊蜜蜂香皂、蜜 toxic and environmentally friendly. People can also take your 蜂牙膏、蠟染等活動,瞬間拉近父母于孩子的情感距離。 children to make a few pieces of bee soap, bee toothpaste, batik and other activities to instantly bring parents and 歡迎大家參觀妙筆智慧樂園! children closer together emotionally. Welcome to the Wonderful Pen Wisdom Park! 地址:杭州市桐廬縣分水鎮(zhèn)妙筆路 8 號妙筆智慧樂園 3 幢 1 層 Add:The 1 floor, Building 3, The Wonderful Pen Wisdom Park, No.8 Miaobi Road, Fenshui Town, Tonglu County, Hangzhou 電話:13185001688 Tel: 13185001688 57


新安江水電站 Xin'anjiang Hydropower Station 新安江水電站是新中國第一座自己設(shè)計、 Xin'anjiang Hydropower Station is the first large-scale hydroelectric 自制設(shè)備、自行施工建設(shè)起來的大型水力發(fā)電 power project designed, manufactured and constructed by New 工程,是國家第一個五年計劃的重點(diǎn)工程之一。 China itself, and is one of the key projects on the first five-year plan 上萬名電站建設(shè)者以“要高山低頭,叫河水讓 of the country. Tens of thousands of power plant builders created the 路”的豪邁氣概,精心設(shè)計、制造、施工的科 miracle of basically completing the Xin'an River Hydroelectric Power 學(xué)精神,忘我勞動和創(chuàng)造性工作的壯麗業(yè)績, Station in three years with the boldness of \"asking the mountains 創(chuàng)造了在三年時間內(nèi)基本建成新安江水電站的 to bow down and the river to make way\", the scientific spirit of 奇跡。電站建成后新安江水庫中形成了 1078 careful design、manufacturing 、 construction, and the magnificent 座島嶼,被命名為“千島湖”。1959 年 4 月 9 日, performance of selfless labor and creative work. After the completion 周恩來總理在視察新安江水電站時親筆寫下了 of the power station, 1078 islands have been formed in Xin'anjiang “為我國第一座自己設(shè)計和自制設(shè)備的大型水 reservoir, which is named \"Qiandao Lake\".On April 9, 1959, Premier 力發(fā)電站的勝利建設(shè)而歡呼!”。 Zhou Enlai wrote in his own handwriting during his inspection of the Xin'anjiang Hydropower Station, “Hail to the triumphant construction 1963 年,周恩來總理親自批準(zhǔn)電站為對 of the first large hydroelectric power station with our own design and 外宣傳展覽項目,以展示我國社會主義現(xiàn)代化 self-made equipment!” 建設(shè)的成果,展示中國水電事業(yè)自力更生發(fā)展 In 1963, Premier Zhou Enlai personally approved the power station 的偉大成就。電站被授牌全國水電科普教育基 as an exhibition project for foreign propaganda to show the success 地、全國工業(yè)旅游示范點(diǎn)、浙江省愛國主義教 of China's socialist modernization and the great achievements 育基地、杭州市第二課堂等。 of China's self-reliance in hydropower development. The power station has been awarded as National Hydropower Science Education Base, National Industrial Tourism Demonstration Spot, Patriotism Education Base of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou Second Classroom, etc. 地址:浙江省建德市紫金灘 Add:Zijintan, Jiande City, Zhejiang Province 電話:0871- 64542543 Tel:0571- 64542543 58
