

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-2-22 | 雜志分類:其他


{{`發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-2-22`}} | 云展網(wǎng)畫冊制作 宣傳冊 其他 楊門弟子準(zhǔn)則
楊門弟子行為準(zhǔn)則(草案)楊氏太極拳是中國傳統(tǒng)文化的瑰寶。其理法精湛, 底蘊(yùn)深厚。傳承百余年來,遍及寰宇,福澤天下, 為世人所推崇。為規(guī)范楊門弟子行為標(biāo)準(zhǔn),維護(hù)楊氏太極拳的形象 ,將楊氏太極拳發(fā)揚(yáng)光大,尊歷代楊門先師之遺訓(xùn) ,特制定以下弟子行為準(zhǔn)則:一、【總篇】(一)崇尚武德,致力于弘揚(yáng)楊氏太極拳為畢生責(zé)任與追求。(二)熱愛祖國,尊師重道,好學(xué)悟初,始終如一,誠實(shí)守善,忠誠正派,寬厚仁德,謙虛儒雅,守信重諾,團(tuán)結(jié)互助。(三)楊門弟子依傳統(tǒng)文化習(xí)慣是楊氏太極拳的承傳人 。為正式舉行拜師儀式,有見證人,持有弟子證, 列入承傳譜者。楊門弟子包括入門弟子、入室弟子、嫡傳人。二、【技能篇】楊氏太極拳創(chuàng)始人為楊公露禪,經(jīng)班侯、健侯、少侯、澄甫三代人的完善,經(jīng)百余年傳播,武術(shù)界和習(xí)練者公認(rèn)楊澄甫演練的大架為楊氏太極拳的代表,確立楊澄甫為楊氏太極拳定型人。楊氏后人門徒均以楊澄甫所定型的功架為門戶拳法,以“楊氏太極推手”為門戶技法,以“楊氏太極劍”, “楊氏太極刀”為門戶器械,要求楊門弟子應(yīng)熟練掌握其技藝。(一) 勤學(xué)苦練、持之以恒,戒投機(jī)取巧、一曝十寒。(二) 踏實(shí)沉穩(wěn)、精研技法,戒好高騖遠(yuǎn)、逞勇斗狠。... [收起]
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楊氏太極拳是中國傳統(tǒng)文化的瑰寶。其理法精湛, 底蘊(yùn)深厚。傳承百余年

來,遍及寰宇,福澤天下, 為世人所推崇。

為規(guī)范楊門弟子行為標(biāo)準(zhǔn),維護(hù)楊氏太極拳的形象 ,將楊氏太極拳發(fā)揚(yáng)光

大,尊歷代楊門先師之遺訓(xùn) ,特制定以下弟子行為準(zhǔn)則:





(三)楊門弟子依傳統(tǒng)文化習(xí)慣是楊氏太極拳的承傳人 。為正式舉行拜師儀式,

有見證人,持有弟子證, 列入承傳譜者。楊門弟子包括入門弟子、入室弟






以“楊氏太極推手”為門戶技法,以“楊氏太極劍”, “楊氏太極刀”為門戶器械,要求


(一) 勤學(xué)苦練、持之以恒,戒投機(jī)取巧、一曝十寒。

(二) 踏實(shí)沉穩(wěn)、精研技法,戒好高騖遠(yuǎn)、逞勇斗狠。

(三) 明理知體、文武兼修,戒重技輕理、仗技欺人。

(四) 開放包容、謙虛守中,戒固步自封、人前賣弄。









根據(jù)發(fā)展完善楊氏太極拳技術(shù)體系所需, 可創(chuàng)編不同練習(xí)形式(包括套



















(三) 拜師收徒和收徒儀式

本門以叩首禮為拜師禮。 收徒流程包括申報(bào),拜師收徒儀式,楊門弟子入


1. 楊門弟子收徒是關(guān)系楊氏太極拳承傳發(fā)展的重要之舉,所收弟子即是師


2. 符合收徒資質(zhì)的楊門弟子(資質(zhì)要求見承傳準(zhǔn)則),收徒須事先報(bào)楊門




3. 拜師收徒儀式須包含的基本元素:即場地的設(shè)定,先師的祭拜,拜師的


4. 拜師收徒儀式后,入門弟子須在三十日內(nèi)完成楊門弟子宗卷登記,報(bào)理






(六) 師父對弟子負(fù)有教育其言行,傳授其技藝的責(zé)任。

(七) 日常事務(wù),由楊門弟子理事會組織眾弟子實(shí)施,楊門弟子除緊密配合外,



(一)口 頭 警 告

1. 弟子應(yīng)作為 習(xí)練者的榜樣,如長期不能發(fā)揮表率作用的,師父予以口頭


2. 違背門規(guī),情節(jié)較輕的,師父予以口頭警告并責(zé)令作出書面檢討。

(二) 通 報(bào) 批 評

1. 一年以內(nèi)無特殊原因不與師門 (師父與楊門弟子理事會) 聯(lián)系,不參加



2. 違背門規(guī)戒律情節(jié)較重,理事會予以門內(nèi)通報(bào)批評,并責(zé)令自我反省一

年, 反省期滿后,作出書面檢討。

(三) 門 內(nèi) 除 名






1. 二年以內(nèi)無特殊原因不與師門聯(lián)系,不參加師門組織的任何活動(dòng)。

2. 假借師門名義招搖撞騙,嚴(yán)重?fù)p害楊氏太極拳形象者。

3. 未經(jīng)師父、弟子理事會和掌門首肯另拜他師。


4. 自立門派,自封稱號,欺世盜名,誤導(dǎo)群眾。

5. 違紀(jì)違法、危害社會,造成惡劣影響。

6. 違背門規(guī)戒律,屢教不改或情節(jié)嚴(yán)重。





Yang Family Disciple Code of Conduct

Yang Family Tai Chi is a treasure of Chinese traditional culture, with superb

principles and a profound background. It has been passed on for more than a hundred

years, and is loved, valued, and respected all over the world.

The Yang Family Disciple Code of Conduct sets forth the standards of behavior

for disciples. These include standards of values, principles, and attitudes to help guide

disciples. These standards serve to maintain the image of Yang Family, to carry forward

Yang Family traditions, and to show respect for the teaching and legacy of Yang Family


Chapter 1 General Articles

1. Advocate Wude (martial arts moral code), and dedicate the promotion of Yang

Family Tai Chi Chuan as a lifelong responsibility and pursuit.

2. Cherish tai chi chuan as an intangible cultural heritage of China and the world.

Respect teachers past and present. Be eager to learn and be consistent. Be honest

and kind. Be loyal and decent. Be generous and caring. Be modest and refined.

Keep your promises and help each other.

3. According to traditional culture, Yang Family disciples are the inheritors of Yang

Family Tai Chi Chuan. A disciple is a person who holds a disciple’s certificate

from their formal disciple ceremony and is entered into the Disciple Registry.

Yang Family disciples include entry level disciples, entered disciples, and direct


Chapter 2 Skills

The founder of Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan is Yang Luchan. After three generations

of refinement by Banhou, Jianhou, Shaohou, and Chengfu, and more than a hundred

years of dissemination, the martial arts community and practitioners recognize Yang

Chengfu’s large postures as the definitive form and representation of Yang family Tai

Chi Chuan. The descendants of Yang Chengfu and their disciples all use Yang Chengfu’s

definitive postures as the portal to hand technique, the Yang Family Tai Chi Push


Hands as the portal to application techniques, and the Yang Family Tai Chi Sword and

the Yang Family Tai Chi Saber as the portal to weapons techniques. The disciples are

required to master their skills in all of these areas of study.

1. Study diligently and practice hard; persevere and refrain from opportunism. Do

not “dry for one day and freeze for ten”. This saying by Mencius conveys how some

people work hard for a while and then get lazy and fail. This proverb serves to

warn those students who set goals of being diligent, but then slack-off and do not


2. Be steadfast and steady. Study techniques carefully and avoid being overambitious and aggressive.

3. Understand the Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan system, practise both cultural and

martial pursuits. Refrain from valuing only the skills and then neglecting the

theory. Do not use skills to bully or take advantage of others.

4. Be open and tolerant. Be modest and guard against complacency. Do not show off

in front of others.

Chapter 3 Etiquette

1. Speaking

I. Address others respectfully and be free from arrogance.

II. Speech should be praising and free from ridicule.

III. Give suggestions tactfully and free from harshness.

IV. Observations should be pertinent and not fabricated.

V. Comments should be restrained, encouraging, and free from intimidation and


VI. Communications should be modest and unpretentious; an exchange of ideas

and thoughts that is free from egocentrism.

2. Conduct

I. Value the teacher’s way and refrain from belittling or neglecting the teacher.

II. Pay attention to friendship and righteousness and refrain from ingratitude. Do

not forget kindness.

III. Be humble and avoid arrogance.

IV. Value sincerity and refrain from lies.


V. Value morality and justice; refrain from bullying.

VI. Value integrity and refrain from treachery.

VII. Value prudence and refrain from rashness.

VIII.Value deep thinking and refrain from capriciousness.

IX. Value pragmatism and refrain from vanity.

3. Maintaining the standard and uniformity of the Yang Family Tai Chi chuan technical

system, and keeping pace with the times for better development.

In order for the development and perfection of the Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan

system, different forms of exercises (including routines) may be created and

incorporated into the inherited Yang Family Tai Chi system. The creation of these

forms must be done by the technical body of the Yang Family Disciples Council

after being approved by the practicing and will be included in the technical

system of Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan after it has been considered by all the council

members and approved by more than half of them and then signed by the master.

Temporary choreography for social activities such as performances is not included

in this regulation.

4. If there are Yang Family disciples who have tai chi activities in other places, they

must inform disciples in that area in advance so that they can support each other

and enhance the friendship between the disciples.

5. Disciples shall not create their own martial arts style or organization at will.

Chapter 4 Teacher and Succession

Yang style tai chi chuan was founded by the Yang family and its ancestors. These

family members and ancestors were of high moral and professional integrity and

made outstanding contributions to the spread of tai chi. Remember the saying, “When

you drink the water, think of its source.” Descendants of the Yang family should be

respected and loved by all fellow students and practitioners.

1. Five traits of people to teach

I. First, those who convey loyalty, filial piety and gratitude.

II. Second, those who convey a calm and gentle attitude.

III. Third, those who uphold Wude.

IV. Fourth, those who truly respect the master and want to learn.

V. Fifth, Those who are consistent and true in their practice.


2. Eight traits of people not to teach

I. Those who are unfaithful and unfilial.

II. Those who are not of good moral character and have a poor foundation.

III. Those who are not good at heart.

IV. Those who criticize unfairly and denigrate others or Yang Family Tai Chi.

V. Those who are arrogant.

VI. Those who are ungrateful and rude.

VII. Those who are capricious.

VIII.Those who are lackadaisical.

In addition, those who are criminals

3. Discipleship and the disciple ceremony

Kowtowing to the Yang family is an integral part of the discipleship ceremony.

The process of discipleship includes the notification to the Disciple Council

Discipleship Committee, the ceremony of worship and discipleship, and the

registration of Yang Family Tai Chi disciples into the Disciple Registry.

I. The acceptance of Yang Family disciples is important to the development and

continuation of Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan. The disciples who are accepted are

not only Yang Family disciples, but also have a personal relationship between

the master and the disciples, so disciples should be selected carefully.

II. Yang family tai chi chuan practitioners who meet the disciple qualifications

(see the inheritance guidelines for qualification requirements) and have been

accepted to become disciples must notify Yang Family Heritage Committee in

advance, obtain consent, and negotiate to have a representative of The Disciple

Council appointed as an official witness to participate in the disciple ceremony.

The date of ceremony is chosen by the master.

III. The disciple ceremony must include the following basic elements: setting

the venue; paying respects to the Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan ancestors, the

discipleship rituals such as offering tea to the disciple’s master, the group

photograph of the master and the new disciples, official witnesses’ protocol,

and master of ceremonies duties, etc.

IV. After the disciple ceremony the disciple must complete the registration of the

Yang Family disciples’ registry requirements within 30 days and report to the

Yang Family Heritage Committee. The committee will then formally enter the


disciples’ name into the Yang Family Tai Chi Disciple Registry and grant a Yang

Family Tai Chi disciple certificate.

4. Honorific Titles

Shīyé - Master’s grandfather

Shī nǎi – Master’s grandmother

Shīfu - Master

Shīmǔ – Master’s wife

Shī bó - Uncle (Master’s older brother)

Shī bómǔ – Aunt (Master’s older brother’s wife

Shī shū – Uncle (Master’s younger brother)

Shī shěn – Aunt (Master’s younger brother’s wife)

Shī gū – Aunt (Master’s sister)

Shī gūfu, - Uncle (Master’s sister’s husband)

Shīxiōng - Older brother

Shī sǎo - Older brother’s wife

Shījiě, - Older sister

Shī jiěfū – Older sister’s husband

Shīdì – Younger brother

shī dìmèi – Younger brother’s wife

shīmèi – Younger sister

shīmèi fū – Younger sister’s husband

5. Order of Yang Family Tai Chi Disciples

The order of brothers and sisters is determined according to when they become

disciples. People who become disciples before are called elder brothers or sisters

by those who become disciples later. Those who become disciples later are called

younger brother or sister. Furthermore, chronological age will determine seniority.

6. Disciple Decorum and Skill Development

After accepting disciples, their master is responsible for their education in disciple

decorum and skill development.


7. Disciples Council Activities

The daily affairs shall be organized and implemented by the Disciples Council, and

the Yang Family Disciples shall closely cooperate and take the initiative to bring

forward suggestions and opinions in order to advance improvements.

Chapter 5 Discipline

1. Verbal Warning

I. Disciples should serve as role models for practitioners, and if they fail to lead by

example for a prolonged time, the master will give a verbal warning.

II. Those who violate the rules of the discipleship in less than serious

circumstances shall be given a verbal warning and ordered to make a written

review by the Master.

2. Report and Criticism

I. Those who do not contact the Master within one year without special reasons

and do not participate in any activities organized by Yang Family (the head, the

Disciple council, your Shifu) will be notified of criticism within the discipleship

and ordered to make a written review.

II. Serious violations of the Disciples Code of Conduct will result in a public

reprimand within the association, and the disciple will be required to spend

a year in self-reflection. After the reflection period expires, the disciple must

make a written review.

3. Removal from the Disciple Registry

If a disciple has any of the following circumstances, he/she will have his/her

discipleship revoked. The revocation is generally initiated by the disciple’s master

who is responsible for its implementation. The removal must be reported to the

Disciple Council Discipleship Committee and signed by the Head of The Yang

Family. The disciple will then be removed from the Disciple Registry.

In special cases, if a disciple’s master cannot carry out the revocation of his or her

disciple, the Disciple Council Executive Director can request the Disciple Council

Discipleship Committee to start the revocation procedure.

Those who have been removed from the Disciple Registry may not identify

themselves as a Yang Family disciple in any way on any occasion, particularly for

public promotion.


Actions that will warrant removal from Disciple Registry:

I. Failing to make contact with Yang Family Tai Chi in any way within a two-year

period without good cause or special reasons, and not participating in any

Yang Family Tai Chi activities organized by their master, the Disciple Council, or

the Head of Yang Family.

II. Using the name of Yang Family Tai Chi for fraudulent purposes or doing

something that seriously damages the image and reputation of Yang Family Tai

Chi Chuan.

III. Becoming another master’s disciple without the approval of the Disciple

Council Discipleship Committee and the Head of the Yang Family.

IV. Self-reliance Tai Chi Chuan style ,self-proclaimed title,deceive the public so as

to build up a reputation. misleading the people.

V. Violating laws and regulations. Doing harm to, or endangering the association

and causing ill effects.

VI. Severely violating the Disciple Code of Conduct repeatedly.

The final interpretation of all the above rules and regulations shall be the

responsibility of the Disciple Council Discipleship Committee.

Yang Family Disciple Council

Feb 7, 2021
