2. Eight traits of people not to teach
I. Those who are unfaithful and unfilial.
II. Those who are not of good moral character and have a poor foundation.
III. Those who are not good at heart.
IV. Those who criticize unfairly and denigrate others or Yang Family Tai Chi.
V. Those who are arrogant.
VI. Those who are ungrateful and rude.
VII. Those who are capricious.
VIII.Those who are lackadaisical.
In addition, those who are criminals
3. Discipleship and the disciple ceremony
Kowtowing to the Yang family is an integral part of the discipleship ceremony.
The process of discipleship includes the notification to the Disciple Council
Discipleship Committee, the ceremony of worship and discipleship, and the
registration of Yang Family Tai Chi disciples into the Disciple Registry.
I. The acceptance of Yang Family disciples is important to the development and
continuation of Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan. The disciples who are accepted are
not only Yang Family disciples, but also have a personal relationship between
the master and the disciples, so disciples should be selected carefully.
II. Yang family tai chi chuan practitioners who meet the disciple qualifications
(see the inheritance guidelines for qualification requirements) and have been
accepted to become disciples must notify Yang Family Heritage Committee in
advance, obtain consent, and negotiate to have a representative of The Disciple
Council appointed as an official witness to participate in the disciple ceremony.
The date of ceremony is chosen by the master.
III. The disciple ceremony must include the following basic elements: setting
the venue; paying respects to the Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan ancestors, the
discipleship rituals such as offering tea to the disciple’s master, the group
photograph of the master and the new disciples, official witnesses’ protocol,
and master of ceremonies duties, etc.
IV. After the disciple ceremony the disciple must complete the registration of the
Yang Family disciples’ registry requirements within 30 days and report to the
Yang Family Heritage Committee. The committee will then formally enter the