

發(fā)布時間:2023-10-08 | 雜志分類:其他


ABOUT DOLPHIN MEDIA關于海豚根植中國 盛開國際Rooted in China, Blooming Internationally海豚傳媒股份有限公司成立于 1999 年。23 年來,海豚傳媒始終以種植的心經(jīng)營兒童教育事業(yè),以“培養(yǎng)未來世界的棟梁”為使命,構建了兒童圖書、兒童數(shù)媒、幼教裝備和教育實體四大兒童教育產(chǎn)業(yè)生態(tài),致力于為中國 0-14 歲的兒童、家庭和教育機構提供優(yōu)質(zhì)的教育產(chǎn)品和服務,在消費者心中建立“愛孩子、找海豚”的品牌形象,成為中國兒童教育產(chǎn)業(yè)優(yōu)質(zhì)教育服務商。2021 年,海豚出版主業(yè)碼洋規(guī)模逾 16 億,市場占有率 NO.1,持續(xù)多年領跑中國童書出版市場。Dolphin Media Co., Ltd. was founded in 1999. For 23 years, Dolphin Media has always been engaged in children's education with the heart of cultivation, and with the mission of \"cultivating ... [收起]
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根植中國 盛開國際

Rooted in China, Blooming Internationally

海豚傳媒股份有限公司成立于 1999 年。23 年來,海豚傳媒始終以種植的心經(jīng)營兒童教育事業(yè),以“培養(yǎng)未來世界的

棟梁”為使命,構建了兒童圖書、兒童數(shù)媒、幼教裝備和教育實體四大兒童教育產(chǎn)業(yè)生態(tài),致力于為中國 0-14 歲的兒童、


業(yè)優(yōu)質(zhì)教育服務商。2021 年,海豚出版主業(yè)碼洋規(guī)模逾 16 億,市場占有率 NO.1,持續(xù)多年領跑中國童書出版市場。

Dolphin Media Co., Ltd. was founded in 1999. For 23 years, Dolphin Media has always been engaged in children's education

with the heart of cultivation, and with the mission of \"cultivating the future pillars of the world\". It has built four children's

education industry ecologies of children's books, children's digital media, early childhood education equipment and educational

entities, and is committed to providing educational products and services of high quality for children aged 0-14 and their families,

as well as educational institutions in China. In 2021, the total cover prices of Dolphin Publishing exceeded 1.6 billion Yuan, with

a market share of NO.1, leading the Chinese children's book market for many years.

海豚圖書堅持精品出版、IP 打造和產(chǎn)品線矩陣的經(jīng)營策略,布局了 9 大品類,包括少兒文學、少兒科普、兒童繪本、

英語學習、低幼啟蒙、卡通動漫、傳統(tǒng)文化、主題出版、家教育兒,構建了服務 0-14 歲兒童和家庭全面發(fā)展、全程成長

的閱讀產(chǎn)品體系,沉淀了 5000 多個動銷品種,產(chǎn)品線達到 16 條,其中,億元產(chǎn)品線達到 5 條,并持續(xù)關注產(chǎn)品線的長期

發(fā)展,年新品貢獻持續(xù)保持在 15% 以上。

Dolphin Publishing insists on the business strategy of high-quality publishing, IP construction and product line matrix, and has

laid out 9 product categories, including children's literature, children's non-fiction, children's picture books, English learning,

early childhood enlightenment, cartoon and animation, traditional culture, theme publishing, and family education, building

a reading product system that serves the comprehensive development and all-the-way growth of children aged 0-14 and their

families, accumulating more than 5,000 varieties in selling and 16 product lines, of which, the billion-Yuan product line has

reached 5. We continue to focus on the long-term development of the product lines, and the annual new products contribution

continues to remain at over 15%.

海豚圖書構建了面向全球的內(nèi)容生態(tài)體系,與全球 28 個國家和地區(qū),200 多家品牌商、出版社、版權代理,以及

2000 位獨立作繪者達成了廣泛且友好的合作,沉淀了豐富、優(yōu)質(zhì)、多元的內(nèi)容資源,并在近些年大力發(fā)展原創(chuàng),與生態(tài)



Dolphin Publishing has built a globe-oriented content ecosystem, and has reached extensive and friendly cooperation with more

than 200 brands, publishers, copyright agents and 2,000 independent authors/illustrators in 28 countries and regions around the

world, accumulating rich, high-quality and diversified content resources. It strives to develop original content in recent years,

creating the development path of \"international standard, high-quality content, global market\" with its partners, and achieving

the goal of \"rooted in China and blooming internationally\" while telling Chinese stories, spreading Chinese culture and creating

Chinese symbols.



目 錄




原創(chuàng)IP 米樂米可























Dolphin Children's



Size : 250mm × 250mm

Extent : 44pp

Format : hardback

Age : 3-6

Price : 45.00 RMB/title


Wow! There is a Big Monster

in the Telescope

Size : 215mm × 278mm

Extent : 36pp

Format : hardback

Age : 3-8

Price : 46.00 RMB/title


A Story of the Traveler






One day, daddy gave the boy a pair of binoculars, and the monster daddy also gave the

little monster a strange telescope. They saw each other curiously through the telescope and

accidentally discovered some secrets of each other. The unique narrative technique vividly

depicts the children's curiosity, innocence and mischief. At the same time, you can feel the purest

affection, friendship and goodwill in both the monster world and the human world, and learn

tolerance and respect.




不再無聊。然而,當 “珍寶”接二連三離他而去之后,他開始變得茫然,直到有一天,





The original Chinese picture book is created by Sun Yu, winner of the Bingxin Children's

Book Award, and Zhang Xuan, the international award-winning illustrator. It is a journey that

illuminates the self, an incredible journey of pursuit, and a vast and splendid picture of the mind.

There is a traveler who travels in spring, summer and autumn, and he looks forward to capturing

something precious to make winter less boring. However, when the \"treasures\" left him one after

another, he began to become confused until one day he met a group of dappled and splendid

shadows ......

The meaning of travel is also a reflection process of finding out \"who I am\". The poetic and

concise language allows children to feel the growth and transformation, and to look back on it

again and again while reading. The collection-quality illustrations on the large spanning pages

allow children to gain a higher quality of aesthetics.


4 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023


Size : 190mm × 190mm

Extent : 24pp

Format : paperback

Age : 0-3

Price : 108.00 RMB/set


Funny Little Snake

這是一套 0 ~ 3 歲幼兒創(chuàng)意認知啟蒙繪本,全套書共 6 冊,由冰心獎獲






This is a set of 0-3-year-old children's creative cognition picture books, with

a total of 6 volumes. It was jointly created by Bing Xin Award winner Gong Ruping

and Xinyi Picture Book Award winner Rag King. The little snake is cute and funny.

It constantly brings surprises to children with various deformation games. The stories

are simple and humorous. With the knowledge of animals, shapes and numbers, the

set helps children to establish the concepts of length, size and proportion.








·入選 2020“兒童最愛百部童書”

· Bing Xin Award for New Children's Literature

· The first Sino-Japan Friendship Children's Literature Prize

· Selected as one of the 100 excellent books recommended by the General Administration

of Press and Publication to teenagers in China

· Selected as one of the national key books during the 12th Five-Year Plan period

· Selected by the Ministry of Education as one of the designated books for primary and

secondary school libraries

· Selected as one of \"100 Children's Favorite Books\" in 2020


Gong ruping

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 5


Size : 140mm × 140mm

Extent : 16pp

Format : board book

Age : 0-2

Price : 198.00 RMB/set


0-2 Years Tactile Toy Book (4titles)

Size : 185mm × 185mm

Extent : 36pp

Format : board book

Age : 0-3

Price : 330.00 RMB/set

成長大步走(全 6 冊)

Big Steps in Growth (6 titles)

這是一套專門為 0 ~ 2 歲初生寶寶準備的感官互動玩具書。四個溫馨可愛的小故

事幫助寶寶認識顏色、形狀、動物和數(shù)字。20 多個觸摸材質(zhì)和多種互動設計,讓寶寶


This is a set of sensory interactive toy books specially designed for newborn babies aged 0

-2 years. Four sweet and lovely stories help your baby recognize colors, shapes, animals and

numbers. More than 20 touch materials and a variety of interactive designs enable babies

to exercise small hand movements in warm and imaginative stories and promote brain


一套給 0 ~ 3 歲孩子的生活習慣養(yǎng)成玩具書,聚焦寶寶成長過程中最具代表性的




This is a set of toy books designed for children aged 0-3 to develop life habits. Focusing on

the representative “firsts” in the growth of babies, the book catches the most important habits

of children at this stage of the key issues of parenting, to help children successfully go through

the sensitive period in growth. Through the rich, playful and interactive design of organ, the

child can build a conscious, courteous and healthy concept of life in the playing and joy, thus

developing good habits.

《123,躲貓貓》 One,Two,Three! Hide and Seek!

《天氣變啊變》 The Changeable Weather

《一起來畫畫》 Let’s Draw Together!

《一起堆雪人》 Let’s Make a Snowman!


6 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023






The little girl, Qiaoting went to the countryside to attend her cousin’s wedding with her family, was

accidently involved in a mouse’s wedding. After coming across the bride snatching by the toad and

being run after by Mr. loach…, Can she come back to the reality world? The illustrator of this book,

Yujing Zhuang, is a young artist who graduated from Cambridge School of Visual &Performing Arts

and was once won the America 3*3 Illustration Design Award. By integrating creative elements into

tradition and paper cutting technique into collage art, she combines perfectly the Chinese characteristics

with international style in her illustrations.

Size : 215mm × 278mm

Extent : 36pp

Format : hardback

Age : 3-8

Price : 48.00 RMB/title


New Story of the Mouse’s Wedding






Once upon a time, where there was a country called Bizarre, its king was extremely fond of

collecting those tricky items around the world. One day, the king was informed that a thousand

miles away existed a magical flame bird which could illuminate at night. In order to get it, the

king lifted a ban on fire across the kingdom but in the loyal palace, which attracted the flame bird

finally. What was unexpected was a disaster ensued...... The book was created jointly by Yu Sun,

the winner of Bingxin Children Literature New Contribution Award and Hasan, an Iranian painter

and also the winner of Bologna Book Fair Illustration Award.

Size : 230mm × 275mm

Extent : 40pp

Format : hardback

Age : 3-6

Price : 48.00 RMB/title


The Flame Bird

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 7




劉娟 2015 年畢業(yè)于中國美術學院—影視與動畫學院插畫專業(yè),曾說過 :“拿起畫筆時,我就

是個孩子”?!冻閷侠锏奶恰啡雵?2017 年金風車國際青年插畫家大賽 Top50。

Nana’ good friend gave her a kind of candy called Pop Rock, the taste of which was something Nana

had never had before. From the beginning craving for the candy, the happiness and satisfaction for

obtaining the candy, to the fear afterwards, her emotions were like a roller coaster. It’s a work of the

new cutting-edge illustrator Juan Liu recalling her own childhood. Graduating in illustration from the

School of Movie, Television, and Animation of China Academy of Art in 2015, Juan Liu once said:

“when holding a painting brush, I’m a child”. “Candy in the Drawer” was once selected in the list of

Top 50 of Golden Pinwheel Young Illustrators Competition.

Size : 220mm × 265mm

Extent : 40pp

Format : hardback

Age : 3-8

Price : 45.00 RMB/title


Candy in the Drawer

Size : 250mm × 260mm

Extent : 44pp

Format : hardback

Age : 3-6

Price : 58.00 RMB/title


Poem Picture Book

\"Today is a Happy Day\"

這是一套獻給 3 ~ 6 歲孩子的中英雙語詩歌繪本,由中國詩人鞏孺萍聯(lián)手荷蘭畫家



This is a bilingual poetry picture book specially developed for children aged from 3 to 6 . This is

a cross-border cooperation among Chinese poet Ruping Gong, Dutch painter Yuliya, and ethnic

Chinese poem translator Chan Cao. Reading it is like opening a window in the morning, waking to

the soft sunshine. Short as it is, the book features wit and freedom for its observation of the world

through the children’s eyes.

文 學

啟 蒙

語 言

訓 練

藝 術

熏 陶

語 感

培 養(yǎng)

想 象

擴 展

Literature Enlightenment · Language Training

Language Sense Enhancement · Artistic Influence · Imagination Expansion


8 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023






One evening, before sleep, Abu’s father told him that he was

about to have a little brother who was living in his mother’s

belly. Thus, Abu was so curious about mom’s belly that he

decided to act as a observer, paying attention to the daily

changes of mom. This is a perfect reading for a two-child


Size : 230mm × 275mm

Extent : 40pp

Format : hardback

Age : 3-6

Price : 48.00 RMB/title


Mom’s Magic Belly








An old woman called Greta was living with her cat Billy and they were best friends. With time

going by, Billy was growing up while Greta turning older and older. Billy was eager for an

interstellar trip. Greta suggested that he goes alone. During the trip, Billy found Greta a beautiful

star. However, Greta finally passed away but Billy believed that she was waiting for him in

somewhere of the space.

Size : 250mm × 260mm

Extent : 44pp

Format : hardback

Age : 3-8

Price : 49.00 RMB/title



Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 9






What if a white crocodile comes into being? What will happen

to him? Be mocked? Be isolated? The white crocodile had

no confidence in himself, feeling inferior to others, until a

white gorrila appeared, which changed the view of the little

crocodile. The illustrator of this book, Huifang Xiao, was once

granted National Original Illustration Competition Innovation


Size : 215mm × 255mm

Extent : 36pp

Format : hardback

Age : 3-6

Price : 42.00 RMB/title


Strange Little White Crocodile



小猩猩最愛玩的游戲就是飛高高。他總是對爸爸說 :“爸




The favorite game of the little gorilla was flying high. He always

begged his father, saying: “Daddy, flying high”. His father would

satisfy him every time and softly hold him up. “One more time,”

the little gorilla asked more. With the escalating requirements of

the little gorilla, the game interaction between him and his father

become increasingly fantastic. The little gorilla was thrown up

higher and higher and finally he flew to the moon.

Size : 210mm × 210mm

Extent : 36pp

Format : hardback

Age : 0-3

Price : 36.00 RMB/title


Flying High




的法國插畫家薩思嘉作品,一本針對 0 ~ 3 歲低幼寶寶的趣


What’s going on? What is every one preparing for? Oh! that’s

the truth. Unexpected surprises one after another arouse abundant

imagination of children so that they can’t help turning over the next

page immediately to find out the truth. This is the work of Sasijia, a

French illustrator from Cambridge School of Visual & Performing

Arts and a picture book of witty games targeting babies aged 0 to 3.


Happy Birthday

Size : 180mm × 180mm

Extent : 36pp

Format : hardback

Age : 0-3

Price : 39.00 RMB/title

10 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023



等 4 位國際大獎畫家與中國作家聯(lián)袂創(chuàng)作。獨具東方神韻的自然神話故事,彰顯中國文



The set is created by four famous international award painters and Chinese writers. The illustrator

Gong Yanxiang was the nominee of BIB(Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava). And the illustrator Xu

Yuan was the nominee of Feng Zikai Chinese Children’s Picture Book Award. The natural legend

stories with unique oriental culture show the charm of Chinese traditional culture and reveal the

relationship between human being and nature. The set lead children to respect the nature and life

and it eulogizes the strong will, kindness and unyielding national spirit. The work is presented with

unique Chinese arts such as traditional Chinese painting and Chinese paper cutting.



Doll Made of Ink Stone

Fishing Dragon Tale



Unicorn Beetle

Little Swallow Man



Great Natural Legend-Picture Books of

Traditional Chinese Culture (4 titles)

Size : 260mm × 250mm

Extent : 44pp

Format : paperback

Age : 3-8

Price : 112.00 RMB/set





The lion Te Lulu was high in stature and great in strength but he was very timid. Once came across

a tiger, he was scared to run and gradually his body grew smaller and smaller to the extent that he

was like a leopard. Later on, he met a real leopard and again he fled away, becoming much smaller,

like a wild cat. Finally, Te Lulu encountered a little white mouse. Will he be scared again? This

book tells a humorous story for children to learn to be brave and confront with themselves rightly.


The Timid Lion Te Lulu

Size : 255mm × 215mm Extent : 36pp Format : hardback Age : 3-6 Price : 45.00 RMB/title





Jing Shaozong is the cover painter of primary school Chinese textbooks and also a well-known animation director and

picture book painter in China. His works are famous for their warm and interesting and profound folk culture. The set

gathers Jing Shaozong's personal achievements over the years and covers a variety of styles and themes in his picture book

creation, allowing children to enjoy the stories and experience the profound Chinese culture.



My Father Is Swallowman tells an adventure story about an ordinary father who turns into a Swallow hero in the

eyes of his child and goes to save the world with his son. The fresh style, bright colors and simple and powerful

words in the picture book make readers feel the profound emotion between father and son.




When the dragon came to the city, it became a puzzle and fear for the adults, but the children saw a curious

creature, and they did not want to see it hurt. So, the children formed a \"dragon rescue team\", with their own way

to protect the dragon. In the whole process, the courage, wisdom and teamwork spirit of the children are fully

displayed, and the readers are shown the unique charm of the children.


岡布和格桑都有自己的野獸伙伴 :野馬和金雕。孤獨的梅里沒有野獸伙伴,梅里啟程去尋找一只自


The book uses traditional ink painting techniques to depict in an exotic fantasy world, where Merry, Gambu and

Gesang are three children herding cattle. Gambu and Gesang each have their own beast companions: wild horses

and golden eagles. Lonely without a beast companion, Merry sets out to find a beast friend of her own. End

Merry brought and raised a fantasy \"snow mountain monster\", the village caused a \"monster\" storm.

《景紹宗民俗繪本合集》(全 7 冊)

JingShaozong Folk Custom Picture Books Collection

Size : 280mm × 225mm

Extent : 50pp


There's A Dragon In Town

Format : hardback

Price : 45.00 RMB/title

Age : 6-8


Size : 225mm × 280mm

Extent : 50pp


My Father Is Swallowman

Format : hardback

Price : 45.00 RMB/title

Age : 6-8

梅里的雪山怪獸 Size : 280mm × 225mm

The Monsters Of The Merry Snow Mountains

Extent : 50pp

Format : hardback

Price : 45.00 RMB/title

Age : 6-8

12 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023



巷的報社去。爸爸參與了抗日救亡運動,1937 年在北平去世,主人公隨后和家人遷往上海。近五十


The protagonist of Father was born in Peiping and her father is a professional writer. Every time he finishes

his manuscript, he asks her to send it to the newspaper office in Dongjiaomin Lane. Her father participated in

the anti-Japanese national salvation movement and died in Peiping in 1937. Then she moved to Shanghai with

her families. It was nearly 50 years before she returned to Peiping, and the hero told about the time she spent in

Peiping when she was a child.




In the form of a doggerel, Mother outlines the separation of a Chinese family in the war, the mutual missing in

the division, and the mother's deep love. The unique writing style and artistic illustrations of this book allow

readers to appreciate a touching family story, but also express the author's feelings and tribute to maternal love.



In the Dragon Boat Festival season, the protagonist little little by one of the five poison spider harassment. To

ward off evil, the family let little little wear a tiger hat. From then on, little little and with the tiger head hat

turned into the tiger ABU, together uncovered the mystery of the spider infested.


有一個大膽的夢想——制造一架飛機 , 兒子則渴望成為一名畫家。這是一部充滿親子之間相互攙扶


It tells the story of a rural father and his son pursuing their dreams together. Although the father has nothing, he

has a bold dream - to build an airplane, and the son aspires to be a painter. This is a story full of mutual support

and inspiration between parents and children, which is touching and full of hope.

Size : 260mm × 260mm

Extent : 50pp



Format : hardback

Price : 45.00 RMB/title

Age : 6-8

Size : 260mm × 260mm

Extent : 50pp



Format : hardback

Price : 45.00 RMB/title

Age : 6-8


Fly! Dad!


Cloth Tiger

Size : 225mm × 280mm

Extent : 50pp

Format : hardback

Price : 45.00 RMB/title

Age : 6-8

Size : 225mm × 280mm

Extent : 50pp

Format : hardback

Price : 45.00 RMB/title

Age : 6-8

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 13








This set is about family affection, friendship and sharing written in humorous and childlike style.

The story’s main characters, Xiao You and her friends, change their attitudes after they lost their

belongs time and time again. The magic train trip delivers the value that you will gain more if you

maintain a possitive and optmistic attitude about gain and lost. The author Rong Xiangxin, living

in the UK, was the former CD of Shanghai Oriental Dreamworks. He participated in developing a

number of family movies such as Snowman’s Adventure and Moon Fairy.


Set Off!

Growing Magic Train (5 titles)

Size : 200mm × 200mm

Extent : 36pp

Format : paperback

Age : 3-6

Price : 100.00 RMB/set

Oops,My Tooth Fell Out!

White Shoes’Journey





The Bunny Bag is Lost

Little Crayon’s Adventure

《不是冠軍也沒關系》 It doesn't Matter if You're

Not a Champion


14 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023一套培養(yǎng) 2 ~ 5 歲孩子的開放性思維圖畫書,由中國冰心獎兒童文學作家聯(lián)手國際

大獎荷蘭畫家聯(lián)袂趣味呈現(xiàn)。本書從孩子的 8 個奇思妙想的問題出發(fā),組成 8 個短小精




This is a set of picture books concerned about creative thinking development for kids aged 2 to 5. It

is created jointly by a writer granted the Bingxin Children Literature Award and a world-renowned

illustrator from Dutch. 8 short stories in this set originated from children’s 8 fancy and curious

questions. The title, which is consisted of stories about animal cognition, observation, exploration

and reflection of life, leads children to observe, explore and create the world with heuristic thoughts.


Wondrous Children (8 titles)

Size : 185mm × 210mm

Extent : 24pp

Format : paperback

Age : 3-6

Price : 120.00 RMB/set


本書講述了小雞嘰嘰和咕咕之間發(fā)生的趣事,適合 0 ~ 3 歲兒童閱讀。書中呈現(xiàn)了

幼兒的生活中最常見的片段 :一起找吃的、一起郊游、一起尋寶……每個故事都講述了



The set relates the funny things happening in the daily life between little chicken Jiji and Gugu.

The stories are especially suitable for children aged 0 to 3. The most common segments in a baby’s

daily life are presented in the book, such as looking for food together, go outing together, treasure

hunting together…… Every story reflects the vivid growing and friend-making experience of

babies. This is a set of picture books jointly by Ruping Gong, a poet granted the ward of Bingxin

Children Literature New Contribution Award and Yingfan Chen, a candidate illustrator of Japan

Asia Illustration Biennial Fair and Bologna International Children’s Book Illustration Exhibition.

Size : 180mm × 180mm

Extent : 24pp

Format : paperback

Age : 2-4

Price : 149.00 RMB/set

嘰嘰咕咕交朋友(全 5 冊)

Picture Books of Jiji and Gugu (5 titles)

這是一套幫助 3 ~ 6 歲孩子輕松愛上數(shù)學的啟蒙繪本。讓孩子在圖畫中學數(shù)數(shù),在故




As a set of math enlightenment picture books for facilitating to arouse the children’s interest in math.

By motivating children to learn math with drawings and pictures, calculate in reading stories, and

find regularities through real situations, the picture books set up the image of math as both easy and

scintillating. In the books, Junyan Cao, the former Editor-in-Chief of Taiwan Xinyi and a golden

picture book innovating talent, guides children to discover the regularities of math in life and games,

cultivating their observation ability, logic sense, innovation ability, and linguistic capability.

《大家來排隊》Every one! Queue up! 《畫圓》Circle Drawing 《一把小雨傘》An Umbrella

Size : 200mm × 230mm

Extent : 32pp

Format : paperback

Age : 3-6

Price : 75.00 RMB/set

幼兒數(shù)學啟蒙繪本(全 3 冊)

Kids Picture Book for

Math Enlightenment (3 titles)

《捉蚯蚓》 Catch Earthworms

《種花生》 Plant Peanut

《哇,滾雪球》 Row Snowballs

《一起去郊游》 Go Outing

《好忙好忙呀》 Fully Occupied

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 15




經(jīng)歷等 8 大主題。本書根據(jù)幼兒閱讀習慣設計,大字號,更清晰 ;磨圓角,不傷手 ;親子


This set consists of the original premium picture books developed by Mei Su, a famous children

literature writer and the winner of “Golden Prize of Chinese Children Books”, and “Bingxin Award”.

It is comprised of 8 themes including living habits, common sense of safety, emotional management,

interpersonal communication, math enlightenment, mental cognition, good virtue, and the first

experience. Designed according to the reading habits of Pre-school children, the books are printed

with large font, clearer and easier for reading. And the four angles of the books are rounded to

prevent children from being cut. Besides, there are also some Q&A sections in the book, which is

beneficial to the communication between parents and children.




閱讀習慣設計,大字號,更清晰 ;磨圓角,不傷手 ;親子問答,有助溝通。

The books are developed by Mei Su, a famous children literature writer and the winner of “Golden

Prize of Chinese Children Books”, and “Bingxin Award”. Based on physical and mental development

characteristics of babies, the books cover 8 themes related to babies daily life, including the first

experience, security sense establishment, interactive games, daily courtesy, transportation cognition,

food cognition, nature cognition and festivals. Designed according to the reading habits of preschool

children, the books are printed with large font, clearer and easier for reading. And the four angles of

the books are rounded to prevent children from being cut. Besides, there are also some Q&A sections

in the book, which is beneficial to the communication between parents and children.


Story House

for Babies Aged 0-4 (8 titles)

Size : 185mm × 170mm Extent : 84pp Format : paperback Age : 0-4 Price : 19.80 RMB/title


Fairy House

for Babies Aged 0-4 (8 titles)

Size : 185mm × 170mm Extent : 84pp Format : paperback Age : 0-4 Price : 19.80 RMB/title


16 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023



一頁一個小故事,一冊 92 個故事,四冊 368 個故事,滿足孩子一整年每天閱讀一個




The whole 4 books have 368 stories in all, with each title of 92 stories and each page of 1 story,

which can satisfy children’s need of reading a story a day for a whole year. The books contain

4 themes including joy, sweetness, warmth and brilliance. Adapted based on the mental and

cognitive level of babies, the stories are short and attractive, which are correspond with children’s

understanding and bring them warm and cozy reading and emotional experiences.

一套專為 0 ~ 3 歲寶寶設計的習慣養(yǎng)成紙板書,幫助





This is a set of board books designed for babies aged 0 to 3 to

form habits, a guiding book for parents to educate their children

in an easy and calm way and a treasure book that contains both

the bilingual and social enlightenment functions. Targeting to

the 6 major difficulties in behaviour and habit development,

the book uses the image of dinosaur deeply loved by children

to depict the warm life scenes and incorporates the open-ended

happy education and diverse behavior guidance to help children

to form good habits easily.

一天一個好故事(全 4 冊)

A Good Story A Day (4 titles)

Size : 210mm × 185mm Extent : 96pp Format : paperback Age : 0-6 Price : 18.00 RMB/title

小恐龍,不可以(全 6 冊)

No, Little Dino (6 titles)

Size : 185mm × 185mm

Extent : 22pp

Format : Board book

Age : 0-3

Price : 168.00 RMB/set

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 17




繪本。該書選擇非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)名錄的 7 大節(jié)日,更具代表性,將中國傳統(tǒng)文化的魅力帶


This is an excellent series of original picture books that combine traditional holiday customs with

contemporary fairy tales. This series which integrates the folk culture with the traditional Chinese

virtues in a manner that delights children, is carefully organized to be a series of warm pictures

books that inherits and develops traditional Chinese culture. The series selects seven major festivals

included in the Intangible Cultural Heritage List, which is quite representative and brings the charm

of Chinese traditional culture to the world.

Size : 215mm × 215mm

Extent : 32pp

Format : paperback

Age : 3-8

Price : 128.00 RMB/set


Chinese Traditional Festival

Picture Book Collection (7 titles)

《春節(jié) :小門神斗年獸》

《元宵節(jié) :燈女的燈種子》

《清明節(jié) :筆袋里的外公》

《端午節(jié) :尋找記憶的小粽子》

《七夕節(jié) :變成喜鵲的孩子》

《中秋節(jié) :小兔兒爺賣月餅》

《重陽節(jié) :小菊仙做花糕》

The Spring Festival: The Little Door God Fights the Monster Nian

The Lantern Festival: The Lampwick of the Lamp Girl

The Ching Ming Festival: The Grandpa in the Pencil Case

The Dragon Boat Festival: The Little Zongzi Looking for His Memory

The Double Seventh Festival: The Child Turned into a Magpie

The Mid-Autumn Festival: The Little Bunny Lord Sell Mooncakes

The Double Ninth Festival: The Little Daisy Fairy Xiao Juxian Make a Flower Cake

18 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023



本書選取起床、穿衣、刷牙、吃飯、午睡、洗澡、上廁所等 10 個常見生活情境故事,幫




This book selects 10 common daily situational stories such as getting up, getting dressed, brushing

teeth, eating, afternoon nap, taking bath, and going to washroom to help babies acquire good living and

behavioral habits in familiar situations. Considerate reading guides are attached to each story, providing

professional guidance for parents on how to cultivate babies’ good habits. Jianhua Jin, the author of the

book, was once won National Excellent Children Book Award and Chen Bochui Children Literature


Size : 185mm × 185mm

Extent : 24pp

Format : paperback

Age : 2-5

Price : 149.00 RMB/set


Picture Books for

the Development of

Children’s Good Habits (10 titles)


新作獎獲得者吉葡樂為 2 ~ 4 歲孩子創(chuàng)作,包含防拐防騙、預防火災、迷路自救、預防性侵、

應對霸凌等 10 個故事,讓孩子學會保護自己的方法!

Learning knowledge about safety to increase security awareness, which will guarantee children’s safety

in their daily life. This set is written for kids aged 2 to 4 by Ji Pule who once won Bingxin Children

Literature New Contribution Award. It teaches children how to protect themselves with 10 stories

about abduction and deception prevention,fire prevention, self rescue when getting lost, sexual assault

prevention, dealing with bullying etc.

Size : 185mm × 185mm

Extent : 24pp

Format : paperback

Age : 2-4

Price : 120.00 RMB/set


Picture Books for

Safety Education (10 titles)

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 19


本套書由著名兒童文學家蘇梅、野軍、武玉桂等合作創(chuàng)作而成,每冊超過 70 個故事,



This set of books was jointly created by the well-known children literature writers Su Mei, Ye

Jun, Wu Yugui, etc. Each book consists of over 70 stories, themed at seven subjects including

sweet dream, growth, security, wit, mathematics, science popularization, and classics, etc. so that

children can experience different fun in one book.


等 10 大主題展開,旨在培養(yǎng)孩子的健全人格,引導孩子健康快樂成長。全套 112 個故事,


Concentrating on 10 themes of habit, personality, emotional management, love, inspiration, wit,

science, humor, friendship, and rationality, this set is aimed to nurture the wholesome personality

of children and accompany them to grow up healthily and happily. Consisting of 112 stories, this

set of books are matched with audio for each story which can be accessible online by scanning the

QR Code.

Size : 208mm × 190mm

Extent : 216pp

Format : paperback

Age : 3-6

Price : 25.80 RMB/title


10-Minute Bedtime Story

Picture Books (6 titles)

Size : 185mm × 210mm

Extent : 72pp

Format : paperback

Age : 0-6

Price : 15.90 RMB/title

親子故事屋 (全10冊)

Story House for Reading

with Parents (10 titles)


20 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023


以中國神話學會主席、中國神話學家袁珂先生的畢生專著為底本,系統(tǒng)梳理出 30 個經(jīng)


大門。所有故事都根據(jù) 3 ~ 8 歲兒童的閱讀理解力進行專業(yè)改編,內(nèi)容積極正向,傳遞美好

價值 ;篇幅適中,符合低幼兒童的閱讀能力和理解能力。詼諧漫畫風,大字注音版,附贈人


Based on the works of Yuan Ke, a Chinese mythologist and the President of Chinese Myth Society,

the book searches out 30 classic stories, enabling children to read the authentic and classic Chinese

mythological stories and opening a door for them to learn the ancient Chinese culture and mental

world. All the stories are adapted and based on the understanding of children aged 3 to 8. The contents

are positive, which conveys good values; the length of the stories are suitable for the reading and

understanding level of infants and babies.The book applies a humorous comic style and a large font

with pronunciation, with the character preview, funny quiz and accompanying reading audio.


本書《山海經(jīng)》為藍本,站在兒童視角,精心篩選與縮寫改編 66 個經(jīng)典故事,讓孩子從小



The Classic of Mountains and Seas is an outstanding ancient work of rich contents and distinct

features, which is considered as the founder of Chinese fantasy literature. Based on The Classic of

Mountains and Seas, the book carefully screens and abbreviates 66 classic stories to help children to

feel the charm of Chinese traditional culture and to spark their reading interest and imagination. The

book applies a humorous comic style and a large font with pronunciation, with the character preview,

funny quiz and accompanying reading audio.



Chinese Mythological Stories

for Kids (10 titles)

Size : 210mm × 210mm

Extent : 72pp

Format : paperback

Age : 3-8

Price : 19.90 RMB/title



The Classic of Mountains and Seas

for Kids (6 titles)

Size : 210mm × 210mm

Extent : 72pp

Format : paperback

Age : 3-8

Price : 19.90 RMB/title

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 21


從《西游記》原著中選取最家喻戶曉的 30 個故事,根據(jù) 3 ~ 8 歲兒童的理解能力和思

維特點進行改編。49 個開場人物設定,讓孩子觀察各路神佛、妖怪的裝束和武器,通過了解



By selecting the most well-known 30 stories from the classic traditional novel “Journey to the West”

and then adapting according to the understanding ability and thinking features of children aged 3

to 8 , the author starts the set of books with 49 characters for children to observe. Through a rough

understanding of the attire and weapon of various deities, buddhas and monsters, children can get

ready for embarking on a journey of reading. Vivid and dramatic animation images thrust new energy

into traditional classic, which is also more preferable to children for reading. Besides, the books are

equipped with synchronized reading accompanying function. Scan the QR code attached inside the

西游記 books and you can obtain the audio of the stories for listening while reading.


Journey to the West

for Kids (10 titles)

Size : 210mm × 210mm

Extent : 72pp

Format : paperback

Age : 3-8

Price : 19.90 RMB/title


22 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023


本書從《三國演義》原著 120 回中選取 30 回經(jīng)典情節(jié),根據(jù)兒童的閱讀理解能力進行改編,

專注傳遞正向精神 ;600 多張夸張、搞笑的漫畫式插圖,給孩子留下名著并不枯燥的好印象 ;


This book selects 30 classic plots from 120 original works of Romance of the Three Kingdoms and

adapted according to children's reading comprehension ability. More than 600 exaggerated and funny

comic illustrations leave children with the impression that famous books are not boring. Literature

preview and post-literature knowledge help children clarify the story context and accumulate literary


本書是專為 3 ~ 8 歲兒童量身打造的文學名著啟蒙讀物,以許仲琳長篇小說《封神演義》

為藍本,站在兒童視角,精心篩選與縮寫改編 30 個經(jīng)典故事,幫助孩子從小養(yǎng)成善良正直、



This book is a literary classics specially designed for children aged 3-8 years. Based on Xu Zhonglin's

novel The Legend of Deification, it carefully screens and abbreviates 30 classic stories, and helps

children to cultivate excellent qualities such as kindness, integrity, diligence, thoughtfulness and

willingness to cooperate.



Romance of the Three Kingdoms

for Kids (10 titles)

Size : 210mm × 210mm

Extent : 72pp

Format : paperback

Age : 3-8

Price : 19.90 RMB/title



The Legend of Deification

for Kids (10 titles)

Size : 210mm × 210mm

Extent : 72pp

Format : paperback

Age : 3-8

Price : 19.90 RMB/title

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 23



Establishing High-Quality Educational Comics and Animation IP

2016 年 9 月,米樂米可動畫片第一季 52 集《米樂米可之神奇海豚島》在央視少兒頻道首播,一舉奪得同時段

動畫類欄目收視第一名,在全網(wǎng)播放點擊量破億。自 2017 年起,全國已有 100 多家電視臺聯(lián)播,覆蓋全國近 33 個

省份,覆蓋收視人群高達 5 億。

In September 2016, the first season of Leo and Coco series, animation with 52 episodes, Leo and Coco ? The Magic Island of

Dolphin, was officially launched in CCTV Children Channel, ranking first in the viewing rating of the same viewing slot among

the animation column with over 100 million hits online. Since 2017, it has been broadcasted by more than 100 television stations

around China, covering nearly 33 provinces and up to 500 million viewing audience.

LEO&COCO 原創(chuàng)IP米樂米可

24 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023


◆ 米樂米可·麥當勞“小小發(fā)明家”主題活動 ◆ 米樂米可·萬達大玩家主題游樂會全國行


Win-win Cooperation for IP Promotion and

Deep Development



200 場。同時,著力“米樂米可”授權和衍生品的開發(fā),推出圖書、公仔、

玩具、游戲、充值卡等品類豐富的 IP 衍生品。

“Leo and Coco” has cooperated with McDonald, Wanda Super Player, Xinhua

Bookstore Group, Public Transport Services and other businesses as well as largescale complexes, bookstores, schools, and kindergarten institutions to launch nearly

200 thematic brand activities. Meanwhile, bent on the authorization of “Leo and

Coco” and the development of derivative products, Dolphin Media has released

abundant IP derivative product varieties including books, dolls, toys, games, and

pre-paid cards.

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 25



Four Connotations of Life Education



Self-recognition, self-worth and confidence, efficient emotional

management, and self-restraint development.



Respect and trust towards each other, initiative to make friends, and

ability to maintain benign interpersonal relationship.



Understanding of the life growing process, improved respect and care

on life, and cherishment of life.



Full of curiosity, inspiration from exploration of nature, recognition of

natural phenomena and regularities, protection of natural environment.


Human and Ourselves


Human and Human


Human and Life


Human and Environment

全書融入 AR 技術,全套 20 個增強現(xiàn)實場景,通過 3D 實境互動游戲,從安全常識、



With the integration of AR technology, there are 20 enhanced reality scenes in the whole set, which

aims to guide the behaviors of children and assists their personality cultivation from the aspects of

safety sense, life habits, individual growth, and interpersonal exchanges with 3D real interactive

games. The animation QR code is printed on the back cover of the book, and animation videos can be

watched after the code scanning.

Size : 195mm × 223mm

Extent : 20pp

Format : paperback

Age : 3-5

Price : 28.00 RMB/title

米樂米可 A R

習慣養(yǎng)成故事書(全 4 冊)

Leo and Coco AR Story Books for

the Development of Habits (4 titles)

LEO&COCO 原創(chuàng)IP米樂米可

26 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023


18 個趣味橫生的故事,從“人與自我”的角度,關注孩子的習慣養(yǎng)成、情緒管理、心



Consisting of 18 amusing and hilarious stories, from the point of “human and ourselves”, the book

focus on the habit cultivation, emotional management, and mind growth of children, guiding them to

recognize and perfect themselves. The delicate 3D scenes drawn with color pencils and watercolors

are like colorful pantomimes coming alive on paper, presenting children with unique visual


Size : 210mm × 210mm

Extent : 80pp

Format : paperback

Age : 3-8

Price : 16.80 RMB/title


習慣與性格養(yǎng)成(全 6 冊)

Leo and Coco Life Education Story

Book ? Development of Habits and

Cultivation of Personality (6 titles)

18 個趣味橫生的故事,從“人與他人”的角度,讓孩子通過理解、包容、分享與合作,


Consisting of 18 amusing and hilarious stories, from the point of “human and human”, the book

facilitates children in learning how to make better friends through understanding, tolerance, sharing,

and cooperation.


社交能力養(yǎng)成(全 6 冊)

Leo and Coco Life Education

Story Book ? Development

of Social Skills (6 titles)

Size : 210mm × 210mm

Extent : 80pp

Format : paperback

Age : 3-8

Price : 16.80 RMB/title

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 27






The book Chinese Children is based on the national children series documentary “Chinese

Children”. To promote children to know more about the cultural diversity, the book is

adapted from the materials of the documentary. Instead of writing in a professional and

academic style, the book takes lively and interesting stories to introduce the inheritance of

ethnic culture through the protagonist’s experiences and background.

Size : 185mm × 225mm

Extent : 64pp

Format : paperback

Age : 8-12

Price : 298.00 RMB/set

我是中國的孩子(全 18 冊)

Chinese Children (18 titles)

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 28



中國的孩子》編寫而成,目前已出版 2 輯,總共 18 冊。每冊以一位兒童作為主人公,




The set books are adapted from the first national children series documentary “Chinese

Children”. At present, 2 volumes amount to 18 titles have been published. Each volume

features one child as the heroin, relating their real life and growing stories. The books

elaborate major themes through minor trifles in daily life and extend to the whole people

from individual, introducing the customs, habits, living styles, etiquettes, and costumes

of these nationalities and presenting the world inclusively with the Chinese national

characteristics of profundity, abundance, and inclusiveness.

Size : 185mm × 225mm

Extent : 120pp

Format : paperback

Age : 7-14

Price : 700.00 RMB/set

我是中國的孩子(全 20 冊)

Chinese Children (20 titles)






Aersheng’s Summer Holiday

Jiaojiao and Kaishuang are Gong to Get Married

Mojiciji’s Torch Festival

Wooden Drum

Singing on the Green Hills






Su Han’s Shangkang Festival

My Football, My Friends

Nureieli’s World

Xiao Chuang’s Minds

A Miao Year with My Dog






A Teenager in the Dong Village

Jin Zhuyu’s “Boss” Dream

Lei Lei’s Troubles

A Teenager on the Horseback

Naxie’s Joy and Sorrow






Pamir’s Dancing Elf

My Inn, My House

Our October New Year

Nasita, A Reindeer Elf

Yongcheng’s Little Secrets

第 1 輯(10 冊)

Volume 1 (10 titles)

第 2 輯(10 冊)

Volume 2 (10 titles)


Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 29


◎超過 200 位歷史名人故事,幫助孩子了解歷史、培養(yǎng)開闊的人文視野 ;


◎Stories of over 200 historical celebrities to facilitate children to understand history and cultivate

their extensive literature and art horizon.

◎Multi-dimensional column design, readers can grasp the stories from multiple layers such as

history knowledge, accumulation of Chinese phrases and sentences, and growing reflection.


歷史人物故事(全 10 冊)

Stories of Historical Characters

for Children (10 titles)

Size : 170mm × 230mm

Extent : 120pp

Format : paperback

Age : 12+

Price : 22.80 RMB/title




This is a set of graded reading specially edited for primary students. The corresponding audio here attached

which is appropriate for the students in different grades to conduct progressive reading with it based on their

own needs. The series grades the classic in Tang poems and meanwhile is supplemented with four blocks to

extend students’ knowledge scope, enabling them to fully feel the beauty of poems.

我愛讀唐詩(全 3 冊)

I Love Reading Tang Poems (3 titles)

Size : 170mm × 240mm

Extent : 172pp

Format : paperback

Age : 8-12

Price : 29.00 RMB/title


30 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023






Natural and Open-minded Life Attitude

Magnificent Aspiration

State Nationalism

Poetry is More Famous than Poets

這是一套講解古代詩人生平經(jīng)歷和經(jīng)典詩詞的爆笑漫畫。全套書介紹了 65 位詩人,

共 110 首小學必背古詩詞。讀者通過妙趣橫生的爆笑漫畫重新認識詩人,打破古詩詞深奧



This is a set of comic books explaining the life experiences of ancient poets and classic poems. The

set of books introduces 65 poets and 110 ancient poems that must be recited in primary textbooks.

Readers re-recognize poets through funny comic books, and break the stereotype that ancient poetry

is esoteric and difficult to learn. At the same time, poetry explanation columns lead children to enjoy

and feel the charm of classic poems.

古詩有意思(全 4 冊)

Interesting Ancient Chinese Poetry (4 titles)

Size : 230mm × 280mm

Extent : 96pp

Format : paperback

Age : 6-12

Price : 42.00 RMB/title

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 31


《成語有意思》一套超有趣的成語漫畫故事,共 4 冊,每冊選取 50 個經(jīng)典成語,用漫



Interesting Idioms is a set of funny comic stories, which has 4 volumes in all. Each volume selects

50 classic idioms and uses comics to help children easily understand idioms stories and learn their

meanings. Each story is followed by special sections such as \"Idiom De De De\" and \"Idiom String

Learning\" to help children master the origin and usage of idioms.

這是一套專門為 7 ~ 9 歲孩子準備的成語學習書,共分為五冊,立足小學語文課程標準,

精選低年級學生必須掌握的 200 個成語,采用輕松易懂、符合孩子喜好的方式呈現(xiàn)。本書


語言表達力 ;短小精悍的成語故事,尋典溯源,帶孩子感受傳統(tǒng)文化的非凡魅力 ;再通過


his is a set of idiom learning books designed for children aged 7-9, which is divide into five volumes.

Based on the curriculum standard for Chinese lesson in primary school, the book selects 200 idioms

that must be mastered by students in the lower grades, and presents them in an easy-to-understand

and child-friendly way. The humorous cartoons enhance children's concentration, thinking power and

language expression while increasing the fun; the short and concise stories trace the origin of idioms,

enabling children to experience the extraordinary charm of traditional culture; and the extensions

through synonyms, antonyms and related idioms broaden children's vocabulary.

成語有意思(全 4 冊)

Interesting Idioms (4 titles)

Size : 230mm × 280mm

Extent : 112pp

Format : paperback

Age : 6-12

Price : 42.00 RMB/title

三分鐘漫畫成語(全 5 冊)

Three Minutes of Cartoons to

Master Idioms (5 titles)

Size : 168mm × 210mm

Extent : 120pp

Format : paperback

Age : 7-9

Price : 140.00 RMB/set



Natural and Open-minded Life Attitude

Magnificent Aspiration



State Nationalism

Poetry is More Famous than Poets


32 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023


這是一套寫給 6 ~ 12 歲兒童的中國民間故事書,這套書包含 8 冊,每冊講述了 8 個

經(jīng)典的民間故事,其中 41 個故事來源于中國非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)民間文化項目。分冊《包公判案》




This is a set of Chinese folk story books written for children aged 6-12. The set contains eight

volumes, each telling eight classic folk tales, 41 of which are derived from Chinese intangible cultural

heritage folk culture projects. The sub-volume \"The Judgment of Lord Bao\" contains stories of witty

characters such as the Judgment of Lord Bao, the story of Avanti, and the story of taking things from

a pole. As an important part of folk tales, the stories of witty characters are very popular among the

public. These stories have witty and cunning characters and interesting and thrilling plots that allow

children to broaden their minds and build a sense of right and wrong in the process of reading.

這是一套寫給 6 ~ 12 歲兒童的中國神話故事書,這套書包含 8 冊,每冊講述了 8 個

經(jīng)典的中國神話故事。這套書,我們翻閱了浩瀚古籍,篩選出讀了 1000 萬次的,適合孩子

的神話故事!借助 3 代神話大師的理論搭框架,囊括中國神話所有類型,組成 8 大主題熔


This is a set of Chinese mythology books written for children ages 6-12. This set contains 8 volumes,

each of which tells 8 classic Chinese mythology stories. For this set, we have searched through the

vast ancient books and selected the mythological stories that have been read 10 million times and are

suitable for children! With the theory of 3 generations of mythology masters, the book contains all

types of Chinese mythology and builds up the Chinese mythology system of 8 themes. Read Chinese

mythology stories, this set is enough!


中國民間故事(全 8 冊)

Chinese Folk Stories for

Kids (8 titles)

Size : 170mm × 240mm

Extent : 100pp

Format : paperback

Age : 6-12

Price : 198.00 RMB/set


中國神話故事(全 8 冊)

Chinese Mythological Stories

for Kids (8 titles)

Size : 170mm × 240mm

Extent : 100pp

Format : paperback

Age : 6-12

Price : 198.00 RMB/set

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 33


這是一套專門為 6 ~ 12 歲孩子準備的紅色經(jīng)典故事書,共分為六冊。結(jié)合中小學語文





This is a set of red classic story books designed for children aged 6-12, which is divided into six

volumes. Combining the objectives of Chinese education in primary and secondary schools, the

legendary stories of China's red classics are selected and the stories are told in an easy-to-understand

and child-friendly way. These literary works help readers, especially young readers, to understand the

glorious history of the Communist Party of China, the determination of the Chinese nation to defend

the country and the history of the anti-war, to feel the \"Lei Feng spirit\" of serving the people, to

cultivate in young people the spirit of love for the Party and the country, solidarity and love, diligence

and thrift, selflessness and dedication, and to stimulate a sense of national pride.




This is a set of children's traditional classics enlightenment books! It is more interesting than

encyclopedias, more profound than comic books, more attractive than history books, and more

hardcore than story books! Poetry, science, architecture, folklore, legends, history, sacred animals ......

All the traditional cultural knowledge you want to know is here!

精裝 24K 系列(全 8 冊)

Hardback 24K Series (8 titles)

Size : 170mm × 185mm

Extent : 212pp

Format : hardback

Age : 6-12

Price : 35.00 RMB/title





Natural and Open-minded

Magnificent Aspiration

State Nationalism

Poetry is More Famous





Natural and Open-minded

Magnificent Aspiration

State Nationalism

Poetry is More Famous


經(jīng)典叢書(全 6 冊)

Chinese Red Classic Stories

for Children (6 titles)

Size : 185mm × 230mm

Extent : 240pp

Format : paperback

Age : 6-12

Price : 35.00 RMB/title


34 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023


根據(jù) 3 ~ 6 歲兒童的閱讀理解能力,從安徒生、格林兄弟等世界童話名家作品中挑選

的 30 個童話故事。童話情節(jié)忠實原著,尊重孩子閱讀能力,嘗試將分齡的概念引入童話閱讀,

使更多孩子輕松擁有品讀童話真諦的能力。30 個童話都配備有聲伴讀,真正做到讓大孩子


Based on the reading comprehension ability of children aged 3 to 6, the book selects 30 fairy tales

from the works of the world's most famous fairy tales, such as Hans Christian Andersen and the

Brothers Grimm. The fairy tale plot is faithful to the original, respects the reading ability of children,

and tries to introduce the concept of age-specific reading into fairy tales, so that more children can

easily have the ability to taste the truth of fairy tales.The 30 fairy tales are equipped with audio

accompaniment, which truly allows older children to read independently and younger children to

taste the sweetness of classic fairy tales in audio.


童話故事(全 30 冊)

World’s Most Famous

Fairy Tales (30 titles)

Size : 170mm × 185mm

Extent : 212pp

Format : hardback

Age : 6-12

Price : 35.00 RMB/title

這是一套引導 3 ~ 8 歲孩子誦讀國學經(jīng)典,養(yǎng)成晨讀好習慣的優(yōu)秀兒童啟蒙讀物。全




This is a set of books for children aged 3-8 to read Chinese classics and develop reading habits. The

set selects Chinese classics such as Standards for Being a Good Student and Child, Three-Character

Canon and Thousand-Character Classic, with precise annotations, easy-to-understand translations,

and interesting short stories. The illustrations are in Chinese ink painting style, with wonderful audio,

which can be obtained by scanning the QR code on the back cover , so as to help children learn more

and understand the truth in daily reading.




What if the people in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period were a bunch of cats? The

whole book uses vivid images of meowing cats and a light-hearted and witty style to introduce hardcore historical and cultural knowledge and explore the traditional culture from a modern perspective.

It tells the stories and explain the ideas of all the ancient philosophers in an interesting way, so that

children can get to know, understand and fall in love with sinology in a simple way.

Size : 210mm × 170mm

Extent : 156pp

國學經(jīng)典大聲讀(全 8 冊)

Chinese Classics (8 titles)

諸子百喵(全 6 冊)

A Hundred Schools of Thought (Meowing Cats) (6 titles)

Format : paperback

Age : 3-8

Price : 25.80 RMB/title

Size : 185mm × 230mm

Extent : 176pp

Format : paperback

Age : 8-12

Price : 210.00 RMB/set

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 35




言簡意賅,濃縮了原著的精華,讓孩子輕松體驗四大名著的精彩內(nèi)容。近 4000 幅彩色插畫,



Journey to the West, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin Legend, Dream of the Red

Mansion are the four famous books of Chinese classical literature. Illustrated with text the comic

strips are easy to understand and can significantly reduce the difficulty of reading, making them the

first choice for children's masterpiece enlightenment. The text is easy to understand and concise,

condensing the essence of the original works, so that children can easily enjoy the exciting content of

the four masterpieces. Nearly 4,000 colorful illustrations correspond to the text and explain the text

with pictures, which are vivid and realistic, ancient and elegant, perfectly reproducing the wonderful

content of the original. Open the book and scan the QR code to listen to the audio reading, presenting

the wonderful story with vivid and lively reading and stimulating children's interest in reading.


四大名著 · 典藏版

Four Famous Books of

Chinese Classical Literature

(Collector’s Edition) (4 titles)

Size : 212mm × 185mm

Extent : 264pp

Format : hardback

Age : 6-12

Price : 152.00 RMB/set


四大名著 · 連環(huán)畫版

Four Famous Books of

Chinese Classical

Literature (Comic Edition)

Size : 170mm × 240mm

Extent : 144pp

Format : paperback

Age : 6-12

Price : 150.00 RMB/set

這是一套適合 6 ~ 12 歲孩子閱讀的中國古典文學四大名著。書中含四大名著人物關


幫助孩子更好地理解名著內(nèi)容。960 分鐘名著情景伴讀,陪伴孩子聽名著故事,講名著情節(jié),


This is a set of four masterpieces of classical Chinese literature for children aged 6-12. The book

provides a character map of the four masterpieces, including an introduction to the characters, to give

children a visual first impression of the masterpieces. Besides, the book is designed with masterpiece

reading tasks and phonetic notes, which helps children better understand the content of the

masterpieces. There are 960 minutes of masterpiece scenario accompanied by reading, accompanied

listening to the masterpiece story with children, telling the masterpiece plot, guiding children in the

imagination to recall the joy and ease of reading masterpieces.

FICTION 少兒文學 36 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023





This is a set of classic literature and science books that skillfully combines extracurricular reading,

nature science and Chinese reading. The whole book is based on the classic literary work \"Forest

Newspaper\", which tells the changes of the seasons and life in the forest in the tone of the newspaper.

The rich science knowledge helps children to know nature, get close to nature, and stimulate their

interest in reading and learning.

森林報 ·

科普彩繪注音版(全 4 冊)

Forest Newspaper?Colored

Phonetic Notation Edition(4 titles)

Size : 170mm × 230mm

Extent : 80pp

Format : paperback

Age : 6-8

Price : 98.00 RMB/set

昆蟲記 ·

注音科學探索版(全 10 冊)

Souvenirs Entomologiques?

Phonetic Notation Edition (10 titles)

Size : 170mm × 230mm

Extent :32pp

Format : paperback

Age : 6-8

Price : 98.00 RMB/set




謎題 ;豐富的昆蟲知識,滿足孩子的好奇心,在故事中拓寬孩子的知識面。

Based on Faber's classic work \"Souvenirs Entomologiques\", the book is carefully adapted by

famous teachers, integrating a large amount of scientific knowledge into a detective adventure story

with young Faber as the main character, which is both scientific and literary and more in line with

children's reading interests and reading levels. The thrilling detective adventure story takes children

into the world of insects and solves many mysteries.


Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 37




It can be regarded as the “Homer’s Epic” on the insect world, guiding

children to discover the magic and mystery of insect world and inspiring

their interest and exploration in nature.

教育部新課標中小學生課外閱讀篇目,12 種最常見昆蟲 +300

余幅絕美插圖,每冊 96 頁的豐富內(nèi)容,輕松培養(yǎng)孩子的閱讀興趣,


The series is designated as after-school reading materials for middle

school and primary school students in the new curriculum standard issued

by the Ministry of Education. Covering 12 most common species of

insects matched with over 300 breathtaking illustrations, every volume,

96 pages in total, is abundant in content, which can easily cultivate the

reading interest and habits of children.

Size : 246mm × 185mm

Extent : 96pp

Format : paperback

Age : 6-12

Price : 29.80 RMB/title

寫給中國兒童的昆蟲記(全 6 冊)

Fabre Insect Stories (6 titles)







Ant and Cicada

Mantis and Cricket

Locust and Butterfly

Vespid and Spider

Scorpion and Glowworm

Dragonfly and Earthworm


識 + 曲折有趣的探險故事,使之成為最適合中國兒童閱讀的全


Based on “Souvenirs Entomologiques” written by Fabre, the series

integrates detailed and meticulous scientific knowledge with tortuous

and entertaining adventuring stories, making it a brand-new version of

reading material most appropriate for Chinese children to read so that

many children can hardly bear to put it down.




Strongly recommended by Yu Yao, senior Chinese teacher and

vice principal of a primary school, Zhu Fen, associate professor in

entomology and secretary-general of Hubei Provincial Entomology

Association, and Wang Yushan, a zoologist, Doctor of Chinese

Academy of Sciences, and Post-Doctor of the University of Cincinnati!


38 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023


本書以經(jīng)典名著法布爾《昆蟲記》內(nèi)容為藍本,精選其中的 12 種小動物,將細致嚴


Based on the classic work“Souvenirs Entomologiques” written by Fabre,the book selects 12 insects

and incorporates careful and rigorous scientific knowledge into interesting adventures, creating a new

version that is more suitable for Chinese children.

300 余幅絕美插圖、豐富的想象力、驚險刺激的故事,輕松培養(yǎng)孩子的閱讀興趣,養(yǎng)


More than 300 beautiful illustrations with rich imagination and exciting stories, the book can easily

spark children’s reading interests and help them to form good reading habits.

12 種常見的小生靈,12 個奇幻冒險故事,一場行走在科學和幻想之間的旅程,發(fā)現(xiàn)妙


The book tells about twelve adventures of twelve common insects, a journey that walks between

science and fantasy, enabling children to explore the wonderful insect world and feel the respect and

love for life.



Strongly recommended by Yu Yao, senior Chinese teacher and vice principal of a primary school,

Zhu Fen, associate professor in entomology and secretary-general of Hubei Provincial Entomology

Association, and Wang Yushan, a zoologist, Doctor of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and PostDoctor of the University of Cincinnati!


螞蟻、蟋蟀、蝗蟲、蜻蜓 4 種昆蟲,講述了主人公小法布爾化身“昆蟲偵探”,在昆蟲世



Based on the classic work“Souvenirs Entomologiques” written by Fabre, the book tells brand new

stories by selecting 4 insects that children are familiar with, including ants, crickets, locusts and

dragonflies. The book tells Fabre’s story of becoming an “insect detective” and his adventures of

solving cases in the insect world.Follow the insect detective Fabre and explore the wonderful mini

kingdom to listen to the ups and downs of legendary stories, feel the beauty and value of life, and get

to know the colorful world of insects.


























法布爾昆蟲記 ( 全 12 冊)

Fabre Insect Stories (12 titles)

Size : 247mm × 185mm

Extent : 48pp

Format : paperback

Age : 6-12

Price : 216.00 RMB/set


Little Fabre’s Insect World

Size : 240mm × 168mm

Extent : 192pp

Format : hardback

Age : 6-12

Price : 49.00 RMB/title

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 39



和寶貝一起“異想天開”吧!本書面向 3 ~ 6 歲的孩子,將動物擬人化,把一個個腦洞大

開的問題和動物知識巧妙聯(lián)系在一起 :如果動物來到人類世界生活,會發(fā)生哪些有趣的事

呢?動物擁有的逆天技能,你知道幾個?如果動物也來開直播,誰是最強播主? 90 個滑

稽提問,90 種妙趣解答,讓孩子在捧腹大笑的同時,了解動物小知識,充分激發(fā)想象力。

How to deal with children’s unconstrained minds? How to protect their imagination? Open the door

of Fantasy Animals World and think freely with your baby! Targeted to children aged 3 to 6, the

book applies personification to depict animals and connects the open-minded questions with animal

knowledge. If animals live in the human world, what kind of interest things will happen? How many

animal skills do you know? If animals start live streaming, who will be the best live-streamer? The

book contains 90 funny questions and answers, which not only amuse children but also help them to

learn more knowledge about animals and inspire their imagination. 動物妙想國(全 10 冊)

What If … Series

(Original) (10 titles)

Size : 230mm × 253mm

Extent : 24pp

Format : paperback

Age : 3-6

Price : 22.00 RMB/title

本套書是專為 5 ~ 8 歲兒童打造的漫畫版“奇思妙想”動物知識科普圖書。通過動物

童趣小故事的引入,以爆笑問答和幽默漫畫的形式講述了近 200 種動物的冷門科普知識。

冷知識科普 + 趣味漫畫,帶孩子走進不一樣的動物世界。

This series of books educates animal knowledge for children aged 5 to 8 in a comic style.Through

funny animal stories, the book applies the form of hilarious quizzes and humorous cartoons to

introduce the less-common science knowledge of nearly 200 species of animals. Less-common

knowledge popular science and funny cartoons will bring children into a distinctive animal world.


動物妙想國 ( 全 4 冊)

What If … Series

(Comic Edition) (4 titles)

Size : 170mm × 230mm

Extent : 108pp

Format : paperback

Age : 5-8

Price : 140.00 RMB/set


40 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023


101 個

神奇的實驗(全 4 冊)

101 Amazing Experiments (4 titles)

Size : 185mm × 230mm

Extent : 124-128pp

Format : paperback

Age : 6-12

Price : 32.00 RMB/title

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 41

本系列圖書內(nèi)含 303 個科學小實驗 +600 多個趣味知識點 +800 多張精美插圖,從日常




This series of books contains 303 small scientific experiments and more than 600 interesting

knowledge points with more than 800 beautiful illustrations. From the science of everyday life, the

book tells detailed and simple steps, rich and interesting experimental phenomena, easy to understand

principle of explanation, vivid image of illustrations, leading children to try themselves step by

step and to understand the scientific characteristics in the interesting and magical experimental

phenomena,then falling in love with the wonderful science.

本書從日常生活現(xiàn)象入手,通過 100 多個豐富有趣的實驗,配以詳細清晰的操作步驟




Starting from the phenomenon of daily life, the book leads children to do their own hands through

more than 100 rich and interesting experiments, with detailed and clear operation and easy to

understand the principle explanation.From simple and funny science experiments, step by step,

children can understand the characteristics of things in the interesting and magical experiments.

Children can feel the amazing power of science in experiments, which in turn stimulates their

enthusiasm for science, exercises their hands and brain skills, and cultivates their scientific literacy.


都愛的科學實驗(全 4 冊)

Scientific Experiments Primary

School Students Love (4 titles)

Size : 185mm × 230mm

Extent : 128pp

Format : paperback

Age : 6-12

Price : 98.00 RMB/set


Size : 160mm × 188mm

Extent : 36pp

Format : board book

Age : 2-4

Price : 45.00 RMB/title

奇妙世界翻翻書(全 8 冊)

Wonderful World Lift-the-Flap Book (8 titles)






The book gives answers to children’s various questions and satisfies their thirst for knowledge and

curiosity through funny popular science stories,leading them into the colorful scientific world. The

concise words and colorful illustrations as well as the attractive interactive games make the scientific

knowledge easier to understand and full of fun, which can help the children to fully master the

knowledge they have learned and bring them to a brand new exploring journey.

問個不停的小孩 ( 全 3 冊)

Curious Kids (3 titles)

Size : 168mm × 240mm

Extent : 192pp

Format : hardback

Age : 3-6

Price : 50.00 RMB/title


42 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023本書是專為 2 ~ 4 歲兒童設計的科普認知翻翻書,含可愛動物、海洋世界、運動會、

交通工具四大主題。精美的全景跨頁場景圖,100 余個驚喜的互動翻翻頁,150 余項奇妙


This is a series of science cognition lift-the-flap book specially designed for children aged 2-4. It

contains four themes: lovely animals, sea world, sports competition and transportation. It features

exquisite panoramic scenes with more than 100 interactive lift-flap pages, and nearly 150 scientific

knowledge. It stimulates children's curiosity and desire for exploration, and guides them to use their

hands and brains to explore the mysteries of the world while playing.



認知小百科 ( 全 2 冊)

Cognitive Enlightenment

Encyclopedia for Babies (2 titles)


Audio Cognitive Encyclopedia

Size : 210mm × 224mm

Extent : 96pp

Format : hardback

Age : 0-3

Price : 39.80 RMB/title

Size : 243mm × 285mm

Extent : 28pp

Format : hardback

Age : 3-6

Price : 180.00 RMB/title


生活、身體 4 大主題。書中深入淺出的回答、妙趣橫生的小知識點,不僅能滿足孩



A set of science board books that explain the knowledge around children in the form of

Q&A, containing four major themes: animals, nature, life and body. Simple and interesting

knowledge can not only satisfy children's curiosity, but also stimulate children's desire for

exploration and observation. It is good for children to form the habit of independent thinking.

我的 100 個小小問題(全 2 冊)

My 100 Little Questions (2 titles)

Size : 170mm × 180mm

Extent : 32pp

Format : board book

Age : 3-6

Price : 45.00 RMB/title

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 43

抓住 0 ~ 3 歲認知黃金期,與寶寶快樂開始認知啟蒙。3 歲前的啟蒙認知,有這一套

就夠了!全方位開啟寶寶 5 大認知模式 :多元認知、直觀認知、情景認知、思維認知和游

戲認知!海陸空 70 種交通工具大揭秘——小小機械迷的交通寶典!自然界動植物、節(jié)氣、


Make use of the golden period of cognition from 0 to 3 years old and start the cognitive enlightenment

with your baby. This series of books is enough for baby’s cognitive enlightenment before 3 years

old, which including 5 major cognitive modes, multi-cognition, intuitive cognition, situational

cognition, thinking cognition and game cognition! It introduces 70 kinds of marine, land and aerial

transportation, a treasure book for young mechanical fans! Through nature, plants and animals,

festivals and holidays, children can feel the secret of four seasons changes!

專為 3 ~ 6 歲孩子打造的互動有聲認知小百科,本書涵蓋動物、植物、節(jié)氣、人體、

人文景觀、汽車交通、宇宙航天等 20 個科學主題,26 個知識講解,680 多個科學名詞,

640 多個發(fā)聲按鍵,讓孩子小手點一點,認識大世界。

This is an audio interactive cognitive encyclopedia designed for children aged 3 to 6, which covers 20

scientific themes, including animals, plants, solar terms, human bodies, human landscapes, vehicles

and transportation and space and astronautics, 26 knowledge explanations, more than 680 scientific

terms and 640 audio buttons, enabling children to know the big world by tapping it with their little



Size : 243mm × 285mm

Extent : 8pp

Format : hardback

Age : 3+

Price : 248.00 RMB/box

過年啦 360 度互動立體書

Chinese New Year! 360°Interactive

3D Book

海豚傳媒出品的原創(chuàng) 360 度沉浸式新年互動立體場景玩具書 , 中國年高端繪本大禮盒,

是送給孩子的新年大禮。全書展開占地面積 1885 平方厘米,高約 60 厘米。集 3 大沉浸式


讓孩子在故事中,了解中國傳統(tǒng)文化 ;在立體場景中,感受盛世年華。更有超 20 分鐘音


This is a gift box of high-end picture books about Chinese new year, an original interactive toy

book with 360°immersive three-dimensional scenes produced by Dolphin Media. With a spread of

1885 square centimeters and a height of about 60 centimeters, the book contains 3 interactive threedimensional scenes of new year,flip-flap pages,e-pen, audio and new year’s gift box. Children can

learn more about the traditional Chinese culture through the stories and feel the prosperity era through

the three-dimensional scenes. In addition, each scene is equipped with an audio video of more than 20





套超 800 個知識點,超 240 個趣味翻翻,國風美繪,細膩還原,多維度、全方位了解中華


This series of books shows the scientific inventions in ancient China, the architectures, mountains

and rivers in ancient China, the origin of traditional Chinese foods and the solar terms and traditional

festivals to Chinese children,helping them to know the wisdom and depth of Chinese civilization

as well as enhancing cultural confidence and patriotic enthusiasm. It builds a cognitive system of

Chinese knowledge for children from the perspective of culture, science and technology, history

and geography. With more than 800 knowledge points and 240 interesting flip-flap pages, the book

applies beautiful Chinese-style pictures to present the essence of Chinese civilization in a multidimensional and all-round way.

Age : 3+

Price : 69.00 RMB/title

Size : 215mm × 276mm

Extent : 16pp

Format : hardback


翻翻書(全 4 冊)

Traditional Chinese Culture

Lift-the-Flap Book (4 titles)


44 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023


專為中國孩子設計的數(shù)字小字典!內(nèi)含 28 個超大鏤空立體數(shù)字,伸出小手點一點,熟練掌握基礎數(shù)字規(guī)律。媽媽問,寶寶答,互


This is a number dictionary with 28 hollowed-carved 3D numbers.Tap it with your little finger and you can master the basic knowledge about numbers.

Interactive Q&A between mommy and baby is fun.

Size : 132mm × 160mm

Extent : 56pp

Format : hardback

Age : 0-4

Price : 128.00 RMB/title


Number Dictionary

本書介紹了乒乓球、體操、射擊、排球、籃球等 34 個運動大項及滑雪、速度滑冰等 10 個冰雪運動分項。幫助孩子了解全球體育盛


This book introduces 34 sports events such as table tennis, gymnastics, shooting, volleyball and basketball, and 10 ice and snow sports events such as

skiing and speed skating. It helps children understand the competitive events in global sports events and encourages them to participate in sports and

keep strong and healthy.

Size : 132mm × 160mm

Extent : 56pp

Format : hardback

Age : 3-6

Price : 128.00 RMB/title


Sports Dictionary




This set respectively introducing the content science and technology and innovation, human body

and health, society and life, biology and environment. Its succinct and brief description and colorful

illustrations make scientific knowledge more accessible and the reading experience more interesting by

integrating science, knowledge and fun.

Size : 182mm × 210mm

Extent : 192pp

Format : paperback

Age : 6+

Price : 22.80 RMB/title


兒童學習版(全 4 冊)

100000 Asks and

Answers (Junior)(4 titles)

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十年出版·百年工程 這是一套從兒童視角出發(fā)、立足中國、放眼世界、緊跟時代、力求成為深受 7 ~ 14 歲中國乃 至全球兒童喜愛的全

學科少兒百科知識大系。該系列攜手北大、中科院等國內(nèi)院校的 100 余 位科學家,精心篩選 120 個少兒科普主題,內(nèi)

容覆蓋生命科學、地球宇宙科學、物質(zhì)科學、 應用科學、歷史、人文等 6 大類別。圖片視覺沖擊力強,完美呈現(xiàn)科技與

文化的閱讀盛宴。 還有數(shù)字平臺開啟“紙上動畫”,為兒童帶來豐富多元的學習體驗。

This is a set of encyclopedic book written from children's perspective, based on China, looking at the world, keeping up with the

times, which strives to become popular among Chinese and global children aged 7-14. Working with more than 100 scientists from

Peking University, Chinese Academy of Sciences and other domestic institutions, the series selects 120 popular science topics for

children, covering 6 categories, including life science, earth and cosmos science, material science, applied science, history, and

humanities. The pictures have a strong visual impact, perfectly presenting a feast of science and culture. There is also a digital

platform named “cartoons on paper\", bringing a rich and diversified learning experience for children.

Size : 243mm × 285mm

Extent : 48pp

Format : hardback

Age : 7-14

Price : 35.00 RMB/title

中國少兒百科知識全書 ·

第 1 輯 + 第 2 輯 ( 全 20 冊)

Encyclopedia for

Children (20 titles)

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Size : 105mm × 140mm

Extent : 160pp

Format : paperback

Age : 5-8

Price : 32.00 RMB/set

數(shù)獨游戲口袋書(全 4 冊)

Sudoku Pocket Book (4 titles)

這是一套面向 5 ~ 8 歲兒童的數(shù)獨游戲書,全書共 4 冊,精心挑選集趣味性與知識性于一體的數(shù)



This is a series of sudoku books designed for kids aged 5-8. It let the children who are first exposed to Sudoku

games improve their sensitivity to numbers and cultivate their ability of logical thinking through the selection,

reasoning and judgment of numbers with different difficulties.

專為 3 ~ 6 歲具有探險精神的小朋友精心打造,一套讓孩子的好奇心、求知欲、觀察力、專注力、


A set of maze books specially designed for 3-6-year-old children , which can rapidly improve their curiosity, thirst

for knowledge, observation, concentration and judgment. It contains 40 panoramic maze scenes plus 5 types of maze


兒童視覺挑戰(zhàn)書·迷宮大冒險(全 4 冊)

The Maze Adventure (4 titles)

Size : 250mm × 250mm

Extent : 24pp

Format : paperback

Age : 3-6

Price : 13.90 RMB/title

這是一套為 2 ~ 5 歲孩子設計的專注力培養(yǎng)游戲書,集合了迷宮、連線、找不同、圖畫捉迷藏、猜一猜、

思維訓練這 6 種孩子喜愛的游戲類型,共 198 個益智游戲,讓孩子在游戲種鍛煉觀察記憶能力和空間


This is a set of look-and-find game books designed for children aged 2-5 years. It consists of 6 types of game,

such as maze, connecting line, finding differences, drawing hide-and-seek, guessing and logical thinking. There

are 198 puzzle games in total, which enable children to develop observation ability, spatial intelligence and their


專注力大挑戰(zhàn)(全 6 冊)

Look and Find (6 titles)

Size : 185mm × 215mm

Extent : 48pp

Format : paperback

Age : 2-5

Price : 15.00 RMB/title ACTIVITY BOOKS 游戲益智

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