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圖書在版編目(CIP)數(shù)據(jù)土木工程英語 / 田妍妍主編 . -- 2 版 . -- 北京 :首都經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易大學(xué)出版社, 2023. 3ISBN 978-7-5638-3472-3Ⅰ. ①土… Ⅱ. ①田… Ⅲ. ①土木工程-英語 Ⅳ. ①TU中國國家版本館 CIP 數(shù)據(jù)核字(2023)第 030284 號土木工程英語主 編 田妍妍副主編 王長江 金念念Tumu Gongcheng Yingyu責(zé)任編輯 陳 侃封面設(shè)計出版發(fā)行 首都經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易大學(xué)出版社地 址 北京市朝陽區(qū)紅廟 (郵編 100026)電 話 (010)65976483 65065761 65071505(傳真)網(wǎng) 址 http: / / www. sjmcb. comE mail publish@ cueb. edu. cn經(jīng) 銷 全國新華書店照 排 北京硯祥志遠(yuǎn)激光照排技術(shù)有限公司印 刷 唐山璽誠印務(wù)有限公司成品尺寸 185 毫米×260 毫米 1 / 16字 數(shù) 309 千字印 張 13版 次 2020 年 2 月第 1 版 2023 年 3 月第 2 版2023 年 3 月總第 3 次印刷書 號 ISBN 978-7-5... [收起]


土木工程英語 / 田妍妍主編 . -- 2 版 . -- 北京 :首都

經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易大學(xué)出版社, 2023. 3

ISBN 978-7-5638-3472-3

Ⅰ. ①土… Ⅱ. ①田… Ⅲ. ①土木工程-英語 Ⅳ. ①TU

中國國家版本館 CIP 數(shù)據(jù)核字(2023)第 030284 號


主 編 田妍妍

副主編 王長江 金念念

Tumu Gongcheng Yingyu

責(zé)任編輯 陳 侃


出版發(fā)行 首都經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易大學(xué)出版社

地 址 北京市朝陽區(qū)紅廟 (郵編 100026)

電 話 (010)65976483 65065761 65071505(傳真)

網(wǎng) 址 http: / / www. sjmcb. com

E mail publish@ cueb. edu. cn

經(jīng) 銷 全國新華書店

照 排 北京硯祥志遠(yuǎn)激光照排技術(shù)有限公司

印 刷 唐山璽誠印務(wù)有限公司

成品尺寸 185 毫米×260 毫米 1 / 16

字 數(shù) 309 千字

印 張 13

版 次 2020 年 2 月第 1 版 2023 年 3 月第 2 版

2023 年 3 月總第 3 次印刷

書 號 ISBN 978-7-5638-3472-3

定 價 39. 00 元


版權(quán)所有 侵權(quán)必究



主 任: 李 勇

副主任: 方國平 張建華

委 員: 涂曉紅 李 斌 李家偉 章 翔 劉漢霞

吳有慶 王清章 胡其志 龔義建 文友先


委 員: 張澤英 劉雅琴 張 琰 趙小娟 湯 琴 謝群勇

王志璇 夏 萍 姚 遠(yuǎn) 趙 慶 宋朝霞 王 晶


主 任: 趙團(tuán)結(jié)

副主任: 羅 霞 雷慧慧 付 強(qiáng)

委 員: 黃 迎 潘盛莉 陳思雯 何麗榮 田妍妍 何保興

李 娥 陳 彬 吳 沁 柯曉帆 周 麗 金念念

肖 燦 李 陳 王艷榮 王長江 王 正 祝元娜

汪 蘭 操昌林 包穎璟 殷白恩 李云霞


主 任: 堵海鷹 何保興

委 員: 宋云華 顏 泓 常 何 聶勇偉 任安莉




改革開放以后, 為加強(qiáng)對外交往, 英語被國家教育部門確定為大學(xué)必修課程。 從

此, 萬千中國學(xué)子投入大量的時間與精力去學(xué)習(xí)英語。 這種長時間的重視與投入, 極大

地提高了國民的英語水平, 密切了中外交往, 加快了中國現(xiàn)代化進(jìn)程, 從而有力地促進(jìn)

了中國特色社會主義偉大事業(yè)的發(fā)展。 經(jīng)歷了逾 40 年改革開放風(fēng)雨洗禮的中國, 正逐

步走上世界舞臺的中央。 越來越有中國特色社會主義道路自信、 理論自信、 制度自信、

文化自信的中國人民開始重新審視這種不分專業(yè)、 齊頭并進(jìn)的全民大學(xué)英語教育, 在客

觀、 理性的探討中已逐步形成共識, 那就是: 大學(xué)英語教育必須改革。 可是, 該如何改


回望過去是為了規(guī)劃未來! 中華兒女學(xué)習(xí)英語的熱情在學(xué)習(xí)西方先進(jìn)科技、 開放圖

強(qiáng)的怒吼中被點燃, 在追趕西方、 復(fù)興文化的腳步聲中日漸高漲。 時至今日, 我們的英

語學(xué)習(xí)怎能忘卻初心、 迷失方向, 甚或不自覺地成為自毀文化長城的西方特洛伊木馬?


知易行難! “雄關(guān)漫道真如鐵, 而今邁步從頭越!” 武昌工學(xué)院是以培養(yǎng)具有創(chuàng)新

精神的應(yīng)用型人才為己任的工科院校, 必須以舍我其誰的氣魄, 在大學(xué)英語教學(xué)改革中

勇當(dāng)開路先鋒。 為此, 對武昌工學(xué)院的大學(xué)英語教學(xué)改革, 我提出了落實 “兩個一千”

(1 000 個專業(yè)詞匯, 1 000 個專業(yè)句子) 的具體目標(biāo)。 “功崇惟志, 業(yè)廣惟勤”, 武昌工

學(xué)院全體英語教師, 在趙團(tuán)結(jié)同志的帶領(lǐng)下, 志存高遠(yuǎn), 攻堅克難, 積極推進(jìn) ESP

(English for Specific Purposes) 大學(xué)英語教學(xué)改革, 花費大量心血, 在深入調(diào)查研究的

基礎(chǔ)上, 精心編寫了這套 “ESP 實用視聽說系列教材”。 “德不孤, 必有鄰”, 我相信,

這套涵蓋七大專業(yè)門類的英語教材必能引起同行的關(guān)注, 得到他們的愛護(hù)、 響應(yīng)與支

持。 “大廈之成, 非一木之材也; 大海之闊, 非一流之歸也”, 希望本套英語教材的全

體編寫同志, 戒驕戒躁, 匯智聚力, 與兄弟院校的同行攜手并進(jìn), 不斷提高教材質(zhì)量,

悉心將它打造成業(yè)界精品, 共同回應(yīng)時代要求, 開辟大學(xué)英語教學(xué)改革的新天地!

無盡今來古往, 多少春花秋月! 任何事業(yè)都是在后人趕超前人的奮斗中, 不斷自我

更新?lián)P棄, 從而長盛不衰的。 “芳林新葉催陳葉, 流水前波讓后波”, 英語教學(xué)改革永

遠(yuǎn)在路上。 希望同志們不斷趕超前人, 持續(xù)推進(jìn)英語教學(xué)改革。 “合抱之木, 生于毫末;

九層之臺, 起于累土?!?ESP 大學(xué)英語教學(xué)改革, 已經(jīng)邁出了堅實的第一步, 必能善始

善終, 行穩(wěn)致遠(yuǎn), 收前人未竟之功。


武昌工學(xué)院董事長兼校長 李勇

2019 年 12 月 15 日



“ESP 實用視聽說系列教材”是武昌工學(xué)院國際教育學(xué)院組織編寫的一套教材,適用

于普通高等院校本科專業(yè)大三的學(xué)生。 該系列教材以學(xué)生專業(yè)學(xué)習(xí)階段的專業(yè)詞匯和專

業(yè)句子為基礎(chǔ),以視聽和口語練習(xí)為主要教學(xué)內(nèi)容,強(qiáng)化學(xué)生的專業(yè)英語應(yīng)用能力。 本系

列教材共 7 個分冊,分別是:《機(jī)械工程英語》《土木工程英語》《信息工程英語》《食品化工

英語》《藝術(shù)設(shè)計英語》《經(jīng)濟(jì)管理英語》《財務(wù)會計英語》。 每個分冊包括 10 個單元,覆蓋

相關(guān)專業(yè)領(lǐng)域內(nèi)的主要專業(yè)或者方向。 選用這套教材的學(xué)校,可以根據(jù)學(xué)生的專業(yè)靈活


每個單元包括六個模塊,分別是:①Pre-class Activity;②Specialized Terms;③Watching

and Listening;④Talking;⑤After-class Exercises;⑥Additional Reading。 第一個模塊是課前



查學(xué)生對專業(yè)詞匯的記憶效果。 第三個模塊是視聽訓(xùn)練,所選視頻均來自國外主流網(wǎng)站


填空題和討論題。 第四個模塊是口語訓(xùn)練,包括需要學(xué)生誦讀的 100 個經(jīng)典句子(50 個

通用句子和 50 個專業(yè)句子),以及供班級組織活動的兩個對話樣板,然后進(jìn)行模仿練習(xí)和

較高難度的討論和辯論練習(xí)。 第五個模塊主要是結(jié)合本單元視聽材料中出現(xiàn)的專業(yè)詞

匯,編寫了配對、填空、翻譯、寫作等相關(guān)應(yīng)用題型。 第六個模塊是課后閱讀,主要內(nèi)容是



每個單元大約需要 6 個學(xué)時。 建議第一、二模塊用 0. 5 個學(xué)時,第三模塊大概需要 2. 5

個學(xué)時,第四模塊需要 2 個學(xué)時,第五、六模塊需要 1 個學(xué)時。 為了方便師生使用本教材,我


還提供了相關(guān)聽力視頻的網(wǎng)址供廣大師生查閱。 如果無法在網(wǎng)上查到視頻或有任何疑問和




郵箱:markztj@ sina. com

QQ 號:3153144383



2022 年 1 月 3 日



Unit One Bird’s Nest / 1

Unit Two Bidding Documents / 19

Unit Three Golden Gate Bridge / 38

Unit Four Construction Contract / 56

Unit Five The Statue of Liberty / 75

Unit Six Project Cost Estimates / 94

Unit Seven Big Ben / 113

Unit Eight Victoria Tower / 135

Unit Nine Tunnel construction / 155

Unit Ten The Forbidden City / 174


Unit One Bird’ s Nest

I. Pre-class Activity

Directions: Please read the general introduction about Bird’ s Nest and tell something more

about the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games to your classmates.

Bird’s Nest

The Beijing National Stadium, also known as the Bird’ s Nest, will be the main track and

field stadium for the 2008 Summer Olympics and will be host to the opening and closing

ceremonies. In 2002 Government officials

engaged architects worldwide in a design

competition. Pritzker Prize-winning architects

Herzog & de Meuron collaborated with ArupSport

and China Architecture Design & Research Group

to win the competition. The stadium will seat as

many as 100,000 spectators during the Olympics,

but this will be reduced to 80, 000 after the

games. It has replaced the original intended

venue of the Guangdong Olympic Stadium. The stadium is 330 meters long by 220 meters wide,

and is 69. 2 meters tall. The 250,000 square meter ( gross floor area) stadium is to be built

with 36 km of unwrapped steel, with a combined weight of 45,000 tons. The stadium will cost

up to 3. 5 billion yuan (422,873,850 USD/ 325,395,593 EUR). The ground was broken in

December 2003, and construction started in March 2004, but was halted by the high

construction cost in August 2004.

In the new design, the roof of the stadium had been omitted from the design. Experts say

that this will make the stadium safer, whilst reducing construction costs. The construction of the

Olympic buildings will continue once again in the beginning of 2005.



II. Specialized Terms

Directions: Please memorize the following specialized terms before the class so that you will be

able to better cope with the coming tasks.

asphalt n. 瀝青, 柏油

assessment n. 評定

assign vt. 分配

assist vt. 協(xié)助

barrier n. 障礙物

basilica n. 教堂

beam n. 梁

standard specification 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)規(guī)范

burin n. 金屬雕刻刀

capacity n. 容量

capture vt. 捕獲,攻占

cathedral n. 大教堂

chisel v. 鑿,雕

church n. 教堂

circular saw 圓鋸

smooth hard bedrock 光滑硬質(zhì)基巖

coefficient n. ( 測 定 物 質(zhì) 某 種 特 性 的)


cold chisel (鑿冷金屬用的)冷鑿

colonnade n. 列柱,柱廊

countersink n. 錐口鉆

cover n. 覆蓋物,罩子

crack tip 裂紋尖端

crude adj. 粗略的,大概的

curve n. 曲線,弧線

default v. 拖欠,違約

demonstrate vt. 說明,演示

design order 設(shè)計任務(wù)書

desire n. 愿望,欲望

determine v. 決心,確定

durable adj. 持久的

endpoint n. 端點

energy n. 精力,[物]能量

energy release rate 能量釋放率

entire adj. 全部的

envelope n. 封套, 封袋

existing adj. 現(xiàn)存的,目前的

fatigue in metals 金屬疲勞

file n. 文件,檔案

firmer gouge 冰鑿

float n. 抹子

folder n. 文件夾

folding ruler 折尺

fork n. 叉子,岔口

format vt. 設(shè)計,安排

fraction n. 碎片,片段

fretsaw n. 線鋸,圓鋸

friction n. 摩擦(力)

graphically adv. 用圖表表示地

greenbelt n. 綠地

grid snap 柵格捕捉

initial adj. 最初的

innovation n. 創(chuàng)新,改革

installation n. 裝置,設(shè)備

interact vi. 相互作用

interval n. 間隔,距離

invade v. 擁入,大批進(jìn)入

invoke vt. 使產(chǎn)生

jack plane 粗刨

kinetic adj. 運動引起的

mallet n. 木槌

miter n. 斜接

monument n. 紀(jì)念碑

moulding plane 型刨




multiple adj. 數(shù)量多的

nail n. 釘

nail puller 拔釘器

navigate vi. 航海,導(dǎo)航

negotiation n. 談判

outcrop n. 露出地面的巖層

outline n. 提綱;外形,輪廓,略圖

overview n. 概觀,概述

paintbrush n. 畫刷

palace n. 宮殿

pier n. 墩,橋墩

plane n. 水準(zhǔn),刨子

planning proposals 計劃建議書

principle of virtual work 虛功原理

probability n. 概率

proceed vi. 繼續(xù)進(jìn)行

processor n. 信息處理機(jī)

projectile n. 拋射物,發(fā)射體

prompt vt. (to)促使,推動,提示

prompt line 提示行

property n. 財產(chǎn),地產(chǎn)

purpose n. 目的, 用途

rabbet plane 槽刨

rasp n. 銼,銼刀

raw adj. 生的,未加工的

rockfall n. 巖崩,大量的落石

roller n. 滾筒,滾軸

roughness n. 粗糙

ruler n. 尺

sandpaper n. 砂紙

scheme n. 方案

time-dependent deformation 時相關(guān)變形

toolbar n. 工具條(欄)

toolbox n. 工具箱

tower n. 塔,塔樓

town planning 市政(規(guī)劃)

tread v. 踩,踏,踐踏

trestle n. 架柱, 支架

III. Watching and Listening

Task One Bird’s Nest (I)


New Words

daring adj. 勇敢的

beam n. 橫梁

weave vt. 編,織

stunning adj. 震耳欲聾的

vision n. 視覺,視野

gigantic adj. 巨大的

arena n. 競技場

massive adj. 大量的

spectator n. 觀眾

unprecedented adj. 空前的

curving adj. 彎曲的

crisscross n. 十字形

intricate adj. 復(fù)雜的


1. Watch the video for the first time and answer the following questions.

1) What is the nickname of the Beijing’s Olympic Stadium? .

A. Bird’s neck B. Bird’s head

C. Bird’s mouth D. Bird’s nest


Unit One Bird’s Nest


2) How many tons of steel beams were wove together into the building? .

A. 42 thousand tons B. 40 thousand tons

C. 14 thousand tons D. 22 thousand tons

3) How long is the steel roof? .

A. 1,015 feet long B. 1,050 feet long

C. 115 feet long D. 150 feet long

4) How high is the structure? .

A. 213 feet B. 233 feet

C. 230 feet D. 330 feet

5) How many people can sit in the stadium? .

A. 19 thousands B. 191 thousands

C. 910 thousands D. 91 thousands

2. Watch the video again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1) Today workers must raise a gigantic mass of twisted steel to the middle of this structure.

( )

2) The stadium takes center stage in one of the biggest events of this year. ( )

3) It is the center of the biggest sporting event in Chinese history the 2008 Summer

Olympics. ( )

4) In the center of Beijing, lies a daring old design. ( )

5) It is the largest stadium ever built in China. ( )

3. Watch the video for the third time and fill in the following blanks.

1) It’s the stunning vision of international team of and .

2) Today workers must raise a gigantic mass of steel to the top of this structure.

3) It’s the last piece of the to complete the steel of this unusual .

4) And it is the center of the biggest event in Chinese history the 2008


5) It’ s an ambitious plan that calls for giant curving , which crisscross in an

intricate of woven steel.

4. Share your opinions with your partners on the following topic for discussion.

What elements should be considered in building a stadium?

Task Two Bird’s Nest (II)


New Words

evolve v. 發(fā)展,使逐步形成

fabricate v. 制造

bells and whistles 附加的修飾物

seismic adj. 地震引起的

fragile adj. 脆弱的

withstand v. 承受,抵擋

mandate n. 授權(quán)

membrane n. 膜




facade n. 正面,外觀

ventilation n. 通風(fēng)設(shè)備

radical adj. 激進(jìn)的


1. Watch the video for the first time and answer the following questions.

1) The woman says that the Bird’s Nest whether its twists and turns and complications is

certainly one of the ones that’s way out on the edge, .

A. first of its kind in China, first of its kind in the world

B. first of its kind in Beijing, first of its kind in China

C. first of its kind in China, first of its kind in the Asia

D. first of its kind in China, second of its kind in the world

2) What must an Olympic stadium have? .

A. Giant ground, shops and great views of the field

B. Giant screens, shops and great views of the field

C. Giant ground, windows and great views of the field

D. Giant screens, windows and great views of the field

3) What have officials mandated this Olympics to be? .

A. Green Olympics B. Blue Olympics

C. Yellow Olympics D. White Olympics

4) What is the steel roof skinned with?

A. Hi-tech cloth B. Hi-tech membranes

C. Hi-tech silk D. Hi-tech feather

5) Why does the stadium let the sunlight in?

A. To consume energy B. To solve energy

C. To conserve energy D. To attract energy

2. Watch the video again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1) Maybe the stadium is one of the biggest wood structures in the world. ( )

2) I will not see any other projects easier than this Bird’s Nest. ( )

3) The Bird’s Nest must have all the bells and whistles of any Olympic stadium. ( )

4) The stadium’s facade is enclosed. ( )

5) All well up against the movable deadline of the 2008 Summer Olympics. ( )

3. Watch the video for the third time and fill in the following blanks.

1) No like this one has ever been before in the world.

2) It’s quite clear that it was going to be a major challenge to it, and to fabricate

it, and to it.

3) Whether its and turns and is certainly one of the ones that’s way out

on the edge.

4) The design must be strong enough to withstand dangerous earthquakes and it


Unit One Bird’s Nest


must be .

5) State-of-the-art systems energy and water and heat.

4. Share your opinions with your partners on the following topic for discussion.

What does your ideal stadium look like?

IV. Talking

Task One Classical Sentences

Directions: In this section, some popular sentences are supplied for you to read and to memorize.

Then, you are required to simulate and produce your own sentences with reference to the structure.

General Sentences

1. Where do you live?


2. I live in Washington Street.


3. I’m Mr. Smith’s neighbor.


4. You live in the city, don’t you?


5. I live outside the city.


6. How long have you lived here?


7. I’ve lived here for five years.

我在這住了 5 年了。

8. Where did you grow up?


9. I grew up right here in this neighborhood.


10. My friend spent his childhood in California.


11. He lived in California until he was seventeen.

他 17 歲以前都在加利福尼亞住。

12. There have been a lot of changes here in the last 20 years.

在過去 20 年間,這里發(fā)生了很多的變化。




13. There used to be a grocery store on the corner.


14. All of those houses have been built in the last ten years.


15. They’re building a new house up the street.


16. If you buy that house, will you spend the rest of your life there?


17. Are your neighbors friendly?


18. We all know each other pretty well.


19. Who bought that new house down the street?


20. An old man rented the big white house.


21. We’re looking for a house to rent for the summer.


22. Are you trying to find a furnished house?


23. That house is for sale. It has central heating. It’s a bargain.

那棟房子在出售。 房子是集中供暖,價格很合理。

24. This is an interesting floor plan. Please show me the basement.

這是一個不錯的平面圖。 麻煩帶我到地下室去看看。

25. The roof has leaks in it and the front steps need to be fixed.


26. We’ve got to get a bed and a dresser for the bedroom.


27. They’ve already turned on the electricity. The house is ready.


28. I’m worried about the appearance of the floor.


29. What kind of furniture do you have? Is it traditional?

你這里有什么樣式的家具? 是傳統(tǒng)型的嗎?

30. We have drapes for the living room, but we need kitchen curtains.


31. The house needs painting. It’s in bad condition.



Unit One Bird’s Nest


32. In my opinion, the house isn’t worth the price they’re asking.


33. Will you please measure this window to see how wide it is?


34. This material feels soft.


35. —Can you tell me where Peach Street is?

—Two blocks straight ahead.


— 一直朝前走,過兩個街區(qū)就到了。

36. Should I go this way, or that way?


37. Go that way for two blocks and then turn left.


38. How far is it to the university?


39. The school is just around the corner. It’s a long way from here.

學(xué)校就在拐角處。 從這兒走,還有很長的一段路。

40. Are you married?


41. No, I’m not married. I’m still single.


42. Your niece is engaged, isn’t she?


43. When is your grandparents’ wedding anniversary?


44. How long have they been married?


45. They’ve been married for three decades.

他們結(jié)婚 30 年了。

46. We’re trying to plan our future.


47. I’ve definitely decided to go to California.


48. Who are you writing to?


49. I’m writing to a friend of mine in South American.





50. —How long has it been since you’ve heard from your uncle?

—I feel guilty because I haven’t written to him lately.



Specialized Sentences

1. It is very fine today and the weather is suitable for our work.


2. We cannot continue the outdoor work, because it is raining now.


3. It is going to storm tomorrow and some measures must be taken to prevent wind.


4. The lifting work on site will be compelled to stop, owing to the strong wind.


5. This road leads to the factory.


6. There is an article of equipment in front of the building.


7. Our construction site is north of Yanbu, near the Red Sea.


8. Today we shall discuss the question of hydraulic test.


9. This problem must be reported to the higher level, they have the final say to make



10. Your side will be held responsible for all the consequences arising from there.


11. Let us draft a resolution about it.


12. A project execution is usually divided into some elementary phases, such as, engineering

planning, procurement and transportation, field construction and commissioning.



13. We are building a polypropylene plant with an annual capacity of 400,000 metric tons.

我們正在建設(shè)一座年產(chǎn) 40 萬噸的聚丙烯工廠。

14. The contract number of this project is EPC-LS-ORYANSAB-010-IK.

這個項目的合同號是 EPC-LS-ORYANSAB-010-IK。

15. The client is SABIC.


Unit One Bird’s Nest



16. The buyer is China National Technical Import Corporation(CNTIC).

買方是中國技術(shù)進(jìn)口總公司(簡稱 CNTIC)。

17. Sinopec contracts for domestic and overseas chemical projects.


18. We can contract to build turn-key plant, undertake single items of projects as a

subcontractor or provide labor services.


19. The Dow takes part in this project as a patent licensor.


20. There are two units in the contract plant.


21. The lifting work on site will be compelled to stop, owing to a dense fog.


22. Some important equipment behind the water tower is being repaired.


23. There is a digger under the pipe rack.


24. The engineer is testing the equipment on the floor.


25. Who can help me move the equipment inside the steel structure out?


26. No one knows where the equipment in the workshop has gone.


27. Today we shall discuss the question of pneumatic test.


28. We are building a linear low density polyethylene plant with an annual capacity of

400,000 metric tons.

我們正在建設(shè)一座年產(chǎn) 40 萬噸的線性低密度聚乙烯工廠。

29. The two parties are talking about the possibility of building a product handling plant with

an annual capacity of 400,000 metric tons.

雙方正在討論,是否有可能建設(shè)一座年產(chǎn) 40 萬噸的產(chǎn)品包裝工廠。

30. There are two installations within the battery limits.


31. The project is certain to be a success.


32. The effective date of this contract will begin from July the 20, 2005.

這個合同的有效期將從 2005 年 7 月 20 日開始。




33. On our most projects, Critical Path Method(CPM) is used for scheduling.

我們的大多數(shù)工程項目中都采用“統(tǒng)籌法” (即關(guān)鍵路線方法,簡稱 CPM) 安排


34. Civil work will begin in June this year and complete on the end of December next year.

土建工程將自今年 6 月開始至明年 12 月底完工。

35. This contract plant will start-up on January 1st, 2008.

這座合同工廠將于 2008 年 1 月 1 日開工。

36. This contract plant will put in commissioning on January first 2012.

這座合同工廠將于 2012 年 1 月 1 日投產(chǎn)。

37. The date of acceptance of this plant will be December 31,2007.

這座工廠的交工驗收期將在 2007 年 12 月 31 日。

38. The plant is scheduled to be completed around 2008.

工廠計劃于 2008 年前后建成。

39. This is similar to the preceding feature but applies to tool length and diameter.


40. These actual dimensions may differ from those originally programmed.


41. Compensations are then automatically made in the computed tool path.


42. This measured value is then used to correct the programmed tool path.


43. One of the biggest problems when a machine failure occurs is often in diagnosing the

reason for the breakdown.


44. By monitoring and analyzing its own operation, the system can determine and

communicate the reason for the failure.


45. Another use of the diagnostics capability is to help the repair crew determine the reason

for a breakdown of the machine tool.


46. In older-style controls, the cutter dimensions had to be set very precisely in order to

agree with the tool path defined in the part program.



47. Setting up the machine tool for a certain job involves installing and aligning the fixture on

the machine tool table.


48. This must be accomplished so that the machine axes are aligned with the workpart.


Unit One Bird’s Nest



Task Two Sample Dialogue

Directions: In this section, you are going to read several times the following sample dialogue

about the relevant topic. Please pay special attention to five C’s ( culture, context, coherence,

cohesion and critique) in the sample dialogue and get ready for a smooth communication in the

coming task.

(Mr. Zhang, assistant of the project manager, is making telephone calls, trying to rent a house

for the accommodations of the crew. )

Zhang: Hello, may I speak to Mr. Neal, please?

Neal: Speaking. What can I do for you, sir?

Zhang: I’ m calling about your advertisement in People’s Pulse. Have you got a house for


Neal: Well, I did have a house for rent. But it’s been let out.

Zhang: Sorry to hear that. By the way, do you know anyone who has a house for rent nearby?

Neal: Let me see. My friend Sam told me a few weeks ago that he wanted to rent his house.

I think it’s a big house. You could check with him.

Zhang: That’s just what we’re looking for. What’s his telephone number, please?

Neal: 2237.

Zhang: Could I have your friend’s name again?

Neal: Sam, Sam Carter.

Zhang: Thanks a lot. Bye.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Zhang: Good morning. I’d like to speak to Mr. Carter, please.

Man: Sorry, there’s no one here by that name.

Zhang: What’s your telephone number then?

Man: 2337.

Zhang: I’m very sorry. I must have dialed the wrong number.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Zhang: Hello, is Mr. Carter there?

Woman: Just a minute. He’s coming.

Carter: Hello. Carter speaking. Who is calling, please?

Zhang: My name’ s Zhang. I have been told that you have a house for rent. Is it still


Carter: Yes. It’ s a two-story building with six bed rooms on the first floor and two on the

ground floor. It has two bathrooms, one on each floor. There’s a good kitchen where




you could do cooking. We also have a cable TV and a telephone that you can use in

the house.

Zhang: Perhaps it’s just what we need. What’s the monthly rent?

Carter: How long will the lease be?

Zhang: About four months.

Carter: Then two thousand dollars. And the rent is due at the end of each month. You can use

all the utilities, but you have to pay all the bills including the telephone service,

cable TV, water, gas and electricity. By the way, you also have to pay a security

deposit of one thousand dollars.

Zhang: Is there any space for office work in the house?

Carter: There is a big sitting room on the ground floor. I think it’ s where you can do your

office work.

Zhang: One more thing, are we allowed to install a fax machine in the house if we take it?

Probably we will need one.

Carter: Yes, if you like. But you have to pay all the costs for it.

Zhang: Good. Would it be possible for us to go there and have a look tomorrow?

Carter: Any time before four o’clock in the afternoon. You can come to Okis Restaurant. I’

m running here in Benque, Cayo District. It’s on George Street. Benque is a small

town. Everyone here knows Okis. I can wait for you here.

Zhang: OK. We will go there tomorrow, around ten o’clock in the morning. Will that be all

right with you?

Carter: OK. See you tomorrow, sir.

Zhang: Thank you. Mr. Carter, See you tomorrow morning.

Task Three Simulation and Reproduction

Directions: The class will be divided into three major groups,each of which will be assigned a

topic. In the process of discussion,please observe the principles of cooperation,politeness and choice

of words. One of the groups will be chosen to demonstrate the discussion to the class.

1) Rent a house for your family to have a vacation.

2) Rent a house for the management team of your company.

3) Rent a house for the workers of your company.

Task Four Discussion and Debate

Directions: The class will be divided into two groups. Please choose your stand in regard to the

following controversy and support your opinions with scientific evidences. Please refer to the

specialized terms and classical sentences in the previous parts of this unit.


Unit One Bird’s Nest


In this unit, we have already talked about the Bird’ s Nest. However, there is another

famous building in 2008 Olympic Games—Water Cube. Do some research on these two fabulous

stadiums. Which one do you prefer? Why?

V. After-class Exercises

1. Match the English words in Column A with the Chinese meaning in Column B.


1)planning proposals A)原始資料

2)standards and codes B)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)規(guī)范

3)basic data for design C)可行性研究

4)engineering geological data D)設(shè)計進(jìn)度

5)original data E)工程地質(zhì)資料

6)schedule of design F)設(shè)計基礎(chǔ)資料

7)summary of discussion G)計劃建議書

8)negotiation H)初步設(shè)計

9)feasibility study I)會談紀(jì)要

10)preliminary design J)談判

2. Fill in the following blanks with the words or phrases in the word bank. Change the forms if

it’s necessary.

correct schedule certain report prevent

limit commission responsible article compel

1) It is going to storm tomorrow and some measures must be taken to wind.

2) The lifting work on site will be to stop, owing to the strong wind.

3) There is an of equipment in front of the building.

4) This problem must be to the higher level, because they have the final say to

make decisions.

5) Your side will be held for all the consequences arising there from.

6) The project is to be a success.

7) This contract plant will put in on January first, 2012.

8) The plant is to be completed around 2008.

9) There are two installations within the battery .

10) This measured value is then used to the programmed tool path.

3. Translate the following sentences into English.

1) 今天我們將討論水壓試驗問題。




2) 土建工程將自今年 6 月開始至明年 12 月底完工。

3) 最初方案與這些實際尺寸可能會有所不同。

4) 該項必須完成,以使機(jī)器軸與工件對齊。

5) 這是類似上述的功能,但適用于刀具長度和直徑。

4. Please write an essay of about 120 words on the topic: Becoming an engineer. Some

specific examples will be highly appreciated and watch out the spelling of some specialized

terms you have learnt in this unit.

VI. Additional Reading

Bird’s Nest

[A] Located in the Olympic Green, the stadium cost US $428 million. The design was

awarded to a submission(呈遞) from the Swiss architecture firm Herzog & de Meuron in April

2003,after a bidding process that included 13 final submissions. The design, which originated

from the study of Chinese ceramics(制陶工藝), implemented steel beams in order to hide

supports for the retractable(可開合的) roof; giving the stadium the appearance of a “Bird’ s


Unit One Bird’s Nest


nest”. Leading Chinese artist Ai Weiwei was the artistic consultant on the project.

[B]The retractable roof was later removed from the design after inspiring the stadium’s most

recognizable aspect. Ground was broken on 24 December 2003 and the stadium officially

opened on 28 June 2008. A shopping mall and a hotel are planned to be constructed to increase

use of the stadium, which has had trouble attracting events, football and otherwise, after the


[C]In 2001, before Beijing had been awarded, the city held a bidding process to select the

best arena design. Multiple requirements including the ability for post-Olympics use, a

retractable roof and low maintenance costs, were required of each design. The entry list was

narrowed to thirteen final designs.

[D] Of the final thirteen, Li Xinggang of China Architecture Design and Research Group

(CADG) said after he placed the model of the “nest” proposal at the exhibition hall and saw

the rival entries he thought to himself, “We will win this. ” The model was approved as the top

design by a professional panel and later exhibited for the public. Once again, it was selected as

the top design. The “nest scheme” design became official in April 2003.

[E] Beijing National Stadium (BNS) was a joint venture among architects Jacques Herzog

and Pierre de Meuron of Herzog & de Meuron, project architect Stefan Marbach, artist Ai

Weiwei and CADG which was led by the chief architect Li Xinggang. During their first meeting

in 2003, at Basel, the group decided to do something unlike Herzog and de Meuron had

traditionally designed. “China wanted to have something new for this very important stadium”,

Li stated.

[F] In an effort to design a stadium that was “ porous ( 多孔的)” while also being “ a

collective building, a public vessel”, the team studied Chinese ceramics. This line of thought

brought the team to the “ nest scheme”. The stadium consists of two independent structures,

standing 50 feet apart: a red concrete seating bowl and the outer steel frame around it.

[G] In an attempt to hide steel supports for the retractable roof, required in the bidding

process, the team developed the“random-looking additional steel” to blend the supports into the

rest of the stadium. Twenty-four trussed ( 架子) columns encase the inner bowl, each one

weighing 1, 000 tons. Despite the random appearance of the Stadium, each half is nearly

symmetrical(對稱的). After a collapse of a roof at the Charles de Gaulle Airport, Beijing

reviewed all major projects.

[H]It was decided to eliminate the retractable roof, the original inspiration for the “ nest”

design, as well as 9,000 seats from the design. The removal of the elements helped to bring the

project under the reduced construction budget of $290 million, from an original $500 million.

With the removal of the retractable roof, the building was lightened, which helped it stand up to

seismic(地震的) activity; however, the upper section of the roof was altered to protect fans

from weather.

[I]Enerpac was granted the contract to perform the stage lifting and lowering of the stadium




roof as part of the construction process. China National Electric Engineering Co. Ltd.

(CNEEC) and China National Mechanical Engineering Company lifted and welded(焊接) the

steel structure. Due to the stadium’ s outward appearance, it was nicknamed “Bird’ s Nest”.

The phrase was first used by Herzog & de Meuron, though the pair still believes “there should

be many ways of perceiving a building”. The use is a compliment Li explained, “In China, a

bird’s nest is very expensive, which is something you eat on special occasions. ”

[J]Construction of the stadium proceeded in several distinct phases, the first phase involving

the construction of a concrete supporting structure upon the concrete foundations laid for the

construction site. This was followed by the phased installation of the curved steel frame

surrounding the stadium which is largely self-supporting. This phased installation involved the

interconnection of sections of the curved steel frame which were constructed in Shanghai and

transported to Beijing for assembly and welding. The entire structure of interconnected sections

was welded together as the primary means of interconnection used to assemble the entire

surrounding nest structure. Upon removal of the supporting columns used for the purpose of

expediting the assembly of the interconnecting sections, the completed nest structure as a whole

settled approximately 27 cm to attain full stability before the interior design and construction of

the stadium could be installed and completed.

[ K] Ground was broken, at the Olympic Green, for Beijing National Stadium on 24

December 2003. At its height, 17,000 construction workers worked on the stadium. Portraits of

143 migrant workers at the construction site were featured in the book Workers (Gong Ren) by

artist Helen Couchman. All 121,000 tons of steel were made in China. On 14 May 2008 the

grass field of 7,811 square meters was laid in 24 hours. The field is a modular(組合式的) turf

(草皮) system by GreenTech ITM. Beijing National Stadium officially opened at a ceremony on

28 June 2008.

1. Read the passage quickly by using the skills of skimming and scanning. And choose the best

letter standing for each paragraph above in response to the following sentences.

1) Leading Chinese artist Ai Weiwei was the artistic consultant on the project.

2) The removal of the elements helped to bring the project under the reduced construction

budget of $290 million, from an original $500 million.

3) Enerpac was granted the contract to perform the stage lifting and lowering of the

stadium roof as part of the construction process.

4) The entire structure of interconnected sections was welded together as the primary

means of interconnection used to assemble the entire surrounding nest structure.

5) On 14 May 2008, the grass field of 7,811 square meters was laid in 24 hours.

6) In 2001, before Beijing had been awarded the games, the city held a bidding process

to select the best arena design.

7) Once again, it was selected as the top design. The “ nest scheme” design became


Unit One Bird’s Nest


official in April 2003.

8) During their first meeting in 2003, at Basel, the group decided to do something unlike

Herzog and de Meuron had traditionally designed.

9) Ground was broken on 24 December 2003 and the stadium officially opened on 28 June


10) The stadium consists of two independent structures, standing 50 feet apart: a red

concrete seating bowl and the outer steel frame around it.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

2. In this part, the students are required to make an oral presentation on either of the following


1) The secrets of Bird’s Nest’s design.

2) The lessons from Bird’s Nest’s construction.





Unit Two Bidding Documents

I. Pre-class Activity

Directions: Please read the general introduction about William LeMessurier and tell something

more about the great structural engineer to your classmates.

William LeMessurier

William LeMessurier (1926~2007) was a prominent American structural engineer. Born in

Pontiac, Michigan, LeMessurier graduated with a BA from Harvard, went to Harvard Graduate

School of Design and then earned a master’s degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology

in 1953. He was the founder and the chairman of LeMessurier Consultants. He was awarded the

AIA Allied Professions Medal in 1968, elected to the National Academy of Engineering in

1978, elected an honorary member of the American Institute of Architects in 1988 and elected

an honorary member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in 1989. In 2004, he

was elevated to National Honor Member of Chi Epsilon, the national civil engineering honor


While responsible for the structural engineering on a large number of prominent buildings,

including Boston City Hall, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, the Singapore Treasury

Building and Dallas Main Center, LeMessurier is perhaps best known for a structural

controversy. As the result of the questions of a student ( Diane Hartley), LeMessurier reassessed his calculations on the Citicorp headquarters tower in New York City in 1978, after the

building had already been finished and found that the building was more vulnerable than

originally thought ( in part due to cost-saving changes made to the original plan by the

contractor). This triggered a hurried, clandestine retrofit which was described in a celebrated

article in the New Yorker. The article, titled“The Fifty-Nine-Story Crisis”, is now used as an

ethical case-study. LeMessurier died in Casco, Maine, on June 14, 2007 as a result of

complications after surgery he underwent on June 1 after a fall the day before.



II. Specialized Terms

Directions: Please memorize the following specialized terms before the class so that you will be

able to better cope with the coming tasks.

abandoned hole 廢孔

adit n. 坑道,出入口

advance depth 進(jìn)尺深度

aggravate v. 使嚴(yán)重

average hole depth 平均孔深

as-built drawing 竣工圖

basic data for design 設(shè)計基礎(chǔ)資料

basic design 基礎(chǔ)設(shè)計

bench excavation 臺階式挖掘

bench n. (木制或石制)長凳

blank adj. 無圖畫(或標(biāo)記)的

blasting v. 爆破

block of flats 公寓樓

bounce vt. (使)彈起,(使)反彈

bounce height 彈跳高度

commerce n. 商務(wù),商業(yè)

column n. 柱

compass saw 鋼絲鋸

compression n. 壓縮,壓擠

concrete n. 混凝土

construct vt. 建設(shè),建筑,修建

convenience n. 便利設(shè)施[復(fù)]

cushion hole 緩沖孔

cutoff trench 截水槽

detail design 細(xì)節(jié)設(shè)計

deviation n. 偏差

dialog n. ( = dialogue)會話, 對話

distribution n. 分配

drawknife n. 刮刀

drill bit 鉆(頭,尖)

drift n. 掏槽

drilling n. 鉆孔

driving (progress) rate 進(jìn)尺率

ductile material 韌性材料

engineering geological data 工程地質(zhì)資料

expatriate n. 外籍職員

enquiry drawing 詢價圖

feasibility study 可行性研究

instrumentalist n. 工具

information drawing 信息制圖

labor n. 勞務(wù)

mandatory adj. 強(qiáng)制的

manner n. 方式,方法

manual n. 使用手冊

margin n. 邊緣

marking gauge 測量儀器(或儀表)

masonry n. 石工技術(shù),石屋

objection n. 反對

obligation n. 責(zé)任,義務(wù)

perimeter hole 周邊孔

preoccupation n. 當(dāng)務(wù)之急;搶先占據(jù)

requalification n. 再鑒定

original data 原始資料

preliminary design 初步設(shè)計

preside n. 主持,主管

process flowchart 工藝流程圖

prominent adj. 突起的,凸出的

recommend vt. 推薦, 介紹

redirect v. 使改方向

remedial adj. 補(bǔ)救的

reorient 重定……的方向

repeat v. 重做

restitution n. 歸還, 賠償

rigidly adv. 堅硬地, 嚴(yán)格地




schedule of design 設(shè)計進(jìn)度

screen capture 截圖,截屏

screw tap 螺絲攻

screw n. 螺絲釘,螺絲

screwdriver n. 螺絲起子,改錐

scriber n. 描繪標(biāo)記的用具, 畫線器,近


scroll saw 鋼絲鋸

seeder n. 播種機(jī), 去核器

spatula n. 抹刀

specified adj. 指定的

speedy adj. 快速的

spreadsheet n. 電子數(shù)據(jù)表, 電子制表軟

件, 空白表格程序

square n. 正方形,直角尺

standard deviation 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)方差,標(biāo)準(zhǔn)差,標(biāo)準(zhǔn)


statistical adj. 統(tǒng)計的, 統(tǒng)計學(xué)的, 統(tǒng)計上的

stepladder n. 折梯,梯子

strain energy 應(yīng)變能

summary of discussion 會談紀(jì)要

tabular adj. 制成表的,平坦的

tack n. 平頭釘,大頭釘,圖釘

talus n. 斜面,距骨,碎石堆

tangential adj. 切線的, 相切的, 正接的

tape puller 卷尺

ten-storey office block 十層辦公大樓

timber n. 木材,木料

variation n. (數(shù)量、水平等的)變化,變更

various adj. 不同的,多方面的

vegetation n. 植被

velocity n. 速度, 速率, 迅速

construction drawing 施工圖

III. Watching and Listening

Task One The Life of Construction Project Management


New Words

project n. 項目,工程

technical adj. 技術(shù)(性)的

multitasking n. 多(重)任務(wù)處理

assemble v. 集合

consensus n.一致同意

agenda n. 議事日程

execute v. 履行

collaborative adj. 合作的, 協(xié)作的

recipe n. 秘訣


1. Watch the video for the first time and choose the best answers to the following questions.

1) A typical day for a project manager can start .

A. In the offices B. from having some meetings

C. in a variety of places D. from catching up on E-mails

2) To be a project manager needs the following features except .

A. adventuring spirit B. technical skills

C. communication skill D. a passion for multitasking


Unit Two Bidding Documents


3) To help people work together towards a common goal involves the following

except .

A. listening to each other B. sharing ideas

C. creating a sense of accomplishment D. bonuses to employees

4) According to Jimmy Ali technology will play a big part in the construction industry in

the following aspects except .

A. time saving B. money saving

C. space saving D. labor savings

5) The secret of success in the teamwork is .

A. everybody does his own work individually

B. respecting each other’s ideas and opinions

C. being collaborative

D. to make each other successful

2. Watch the video again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1) The project manager’s day usually starts from the conference. ( )

2) As a project manager, Jimmy has no time for some paperwork. ( )

3) Being a project manager requires strong communication,technical skills and enthusiasm

for multitasking. ( )

4) Technology plays a big role in today’s construction industry. ( )

5) Using computers does not mean saving time and money on all projects. ( )

3. Watch the video for the third time and fill in the following blanks.

A typical day for a project can start in a variety of places. For me it usually starts in

the office where I make phone calls and catch up on . I will usually have the day laid

out with some , some in the office and some on and also some time for some

work. To be a project manager takes strong communication, skills and a passion

for . Another part of my day is to pull together meetings. Today we’ve the team

here that’s going to work on a project and share the before we start the .

4. Share your opinions with your partners on the following topic for discussion.

How do you feel the day of being a project manager? Please summarize the features of

project management. .

Task Two Online Professional Certificates in Construction


New Words

supervisor n. 主管,監(jiān)督者

brand-new adj. 全新的

administrative adj. 管理的

contractor n. 承包商

paycheck n. 薪水,工資支票

overall adj. 綜合的

certificate n. 證書

consultant n. 顧問


