

發(fā)布時間:2024-6-23 | 雜志分類:其他
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{{`發(fā)布時間:2024-6-23`}} | 云展網(wǎng)企業(yè)宣傳冊制作 宣傳冊 其他 50
一. 單選題(共30題,60分)1. (單選題)All of the following are important aspects of your classmate’s life EXCEPT __________.A. familyB. hobbiesC. wishful thinkingD. career goals2. (單選題)When using visual aids in a speech, you should __________.A. draw graphs and charts on the chalkboardB. pass aids among the audience at the start of the speechC. not worry about maintaining eye contact with the audienceD. display visual aids only while discussing them3. (單選題)According to your textbook, what are the three primar... [收起]
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一. 單選題(共30題,60分)

1. (單選題)All of the following are important aspects of your classmate’s life EXCEPT __________.

A. family

B. hobbies

C. wishful thinking

D. career goals

2. (單選題)When using visual aids in a speech, you should __________.

A. draw graphs and charts on the chalkboard

B. pass aids among the audience at the start of the speech

C. not worry about maintaining eye contact with the audience

D. display visual aids only while discussing them

3. (單選題)According to your textbook, what are the three primary factors to consider when assessing an audience’s disposition

toward?speech topic?

A. Interest, background, and age.

B. B. ? ? ?Knowledge, interest, and attitude.

C. A. ? ? Gender, knowledge, and opinions.

D. Size, occasion, and group membership.

4. (單選題)The listener’s __________ refers to the total of his or her knowledge, experience, goals, values, and attitudes.

A. field of expertise

B. mentality or mindset

C. frame of reference

D. way of thinking

題量: 50 滿分: 100

作答時間: 2023-06-05 09:09 至 2023-06-30 09:09


演講作業(yè)(五)Quiz for Chapter 10-15


我的答案: C 正確答案: C ? 2 分

我的答案: D 正確答案: D ? 2 分

我的答案: B 正確答案: B ? 2 分

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一. 單選題(60分)

二. 判斷題(40分)



5. (單選題)“To inform my audience about the four major elements in rope climbing” is an example of a __________.

A. general purpose

B. thesis statement

C. speech topic

D. specific purpose

6. (單選題)Which of the following has very little to do with generating effective responses in the midst of a debate?

A. A lot of practice.

B. Poise and self-assurance.

C. A great deal of knowledge.

D. Attire.

7. (單選題)Visual aids are most effective when they are __________.

A. shown in the introduction of a speech

B. shown in the conclusion of a speech

C. circulated among the audience

D. part of a speaker’s rehearsal process

8. (單選題)Each of the following is mentioned in your textbook as?tip for using statistics EXCEPT __________.

A. B. avoiding using statistics found on the Internet

B. identifying the source of your statistics

C. A. using statistics sparingly

D. rounding off complicated statistics

9. (單選題)When giving an informative speech, you should take special care to __________.

A. avoid speaking about complex topics

B. prepare your introduction before the body of your speech

C. establish goodwill with the audience in your introduction

D. translate technical information into everyday language

我的答案: C 正確答案: D ? 0 分

我的答案: D 正確答案: D ? 2 分

我的答案: C 正確答案: D ? 0 分

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一. 單選題(60分)

二. 判斷題(40分)



10. (單選題)Which organizational pattern would probably be most effective for arranging the main points of a speech with the

specific purpose “To inform my audience about the three major campaigns during the People’s Liberation War in China”?

A. Analytic.

B. Logistical.

C. Ethical.

D. Topical.

11. (單選題)Which of the following is an example of a speech of presentation?

A. A speech presenting a toast to the bride and groom.

B. A speech presenting a main speaker to the audience.

C. A speech presenting a eulogy at a funeral.

D. A speech presenting an award to an outstanding student.

12. (單選題)“To inform about saving for retirement” is a poorly phrased specific purpose statement because it __________.

A. does not include a reference to the audience

B. is written as a statement instead of a question

C. contains figurative language

D. is too specific

13. (單選題)According to your textbook, when a speaker concludes a speech by fading out on an emotional note she or he is using a

__________ ending.

A. cascade

B. dissolve

C. descending

D. Crescendo

14. (單選題)The three kinds of plagiarism discussed in your textbook are __________.

A. patchwork plagiarism, speech plagiarism, and global plagiarism

B. global plagiarism, patchwork plagiarism, and incremental plagiarism

C. idea plagiarism, quotation plagiarism, and paraphrase plagiarism

D. valid plagiarism, incremental plagiarism, and necessary plagiarism

我的答案: D 正確答案: D ? 2 分

我的答案: D 正確答案: D ? 2 分

我的答案: A 正確答案: A ? 2 分

我的答案: B 正確答案: B ? 2 分

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一. 單選題(60分)

二. 判斷題(40分)



15. (單選題)What does your textbook recommend as the first step of practicing delivery?

A. Record your speech and listen to it so you can refine your delivery.

B. Rehearse your speech in front of a mirror to check your body language.

C. Prepare your speaking outline so it is brief and easy to read at a glance.

D. Go through your preparation outline aloud to see if what is written works orally.

16. (單選題)When used in?speech introduction, telling a story, asking a question, making a startling statement, and arousing curiosity

are all methods of __________.

A. B. ? ? ?gaining the attention of the audience

B. enhancing the speaker’s credibility

C. revealing the topic of the speech

D. A. ? ? previewing the body of the speech

17. (單選題)Zhang Li will be giving a persuasive speech on organ donation and wants to distribute organ-donor cards to her

listeners. When should she distribute the cards?

A. After she has finished speaking.

B. Before she starts the speech.

C. After she reveals her topic in the introduction.

D. While telling how organ-donor cards work during the body of the speech.

18. (單選題)If your specific purpose were “To inform my audience of the major steps in an effective job interview,” you would

probably organize your speech in __________ order.

A. Comparative

B. causal

C. spatial

D. chronological

19. (單選題)Critical thinking involves all of the following related skills EXCEPT __________.

A. assessing the soundness of evidence

B. distinguishing fact from opinion

C. judging the credibility of statements

D. controlling nervousness and stage fright

我的答案: D 正確答案: D ? 2 分

我的答案: A 正確答案: A ? 2 分

我的答案: A 正確答案: A ? 2 分

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一. 單選題(60分)

二. 判斷題(40分)



20. (單選題)“To inform my audience about the basic steps in car maintenance and how to protect their investment with auto

insurance” is a poorly phrased specific purpose statement for a classroom speech because it __________.? ? ? ? ? ?

A. is written as a statement instead of a question

B. contains more than one distinct idea

C. is too specific

D. contains figurative language

21. (單選題)Each of the following is discussed in your textbook as a basic criterion for the effective use of language in public

speaking EXCEPT __________.

A. using language appropriately

B. using language vividly

C. using language clearly

D. using language technically

22. (單選題)According to your textbook, __________ words refer to ideas or concepts rather than to tangible objects.

A. concrete

B. vivid

C. abstract

D. denotative

23. (單選題)Which of the following words is the most concrete and specific?

A. Writer.

B. Lu Xun.

C. Fantasy author.

D. Author.

24. (單選題)Which of the following words is the most concrete and specific?

A. Aspirin.

B. Medicine.

C. Health care.

D. Prescription medicine.

我的答案: B 正確答案: B ? 2 分

我的答案: D 正確答案: D ? 2 分

我的答案: C 正確答案: C ? 2 分

我的答案: B 正確答案: B ? 2 分

我的答案: A 正確答案: A ? 2 分

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一. 單選題(60分)

二. 判斷題(40分)



25. (單選題)Which of the following words is the most general and abstract?

A. Language.

B. Publication.

C. Book.

D. Novel.

26. (單選題)Which of the following words is the most concrete and specific?

A. Composer.

B. Entertainment.

C. Classical music.

D. Mozart.

27. (單選題)“My grandmother is the glue that holds our family together” is an example of __________.

A. metaphor

B. antithesis

C. repetition

D. simile

28. (單選題)“Success attained after walking through the minefields of adversity is sweet indeed” is an example of __________.

A. metaphor

B. parallelism

C. antithesis

D. repetition

29. (單選題)“Our mission is to right wrong, to do justice, and to serve humanity” is an example of __________.

A. imagery

B. antithesis

C. parallelism

D. metaphor

我的答案: A 正確答案: A ? 2 分

我的答案: D 正確答案: D ? 2 分

我的答案: A 正確答案: A ? 2 分

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一. 單選題(60分)

二. 判斷題(40分)



30. (單選題)In his speech on the importance of regular exercise, Linda stated, “Taking the first step toward?healthier lifestyle requires

three commitments: discipline, determination, and desire.” In this statement, Linda used __________.

A. repetition

B. b. ? ? ?alliteration

C. a. ? ? ? metaphor

D. antithesis

二. 判斷題(共20題,40分)

31. (判斷題)The only way to convey that your speech is ending is through the use of words such as “In conclusion.”

A. 對

B. 錯

32. (判斷題)A “rhetorical question” is a question that the audience answers mentally rather than out loud.

A. 對

B. 錯

33. (判斷題)A speech dominated by abstract words will almost always be clearer than one dominated by concrete words.

A. 對

B. 錯

34. (判斷題)“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country” is an example of antithesis.

A. 對

B. 錯

35. (判斷題)Public speakers who establish strong eye contact are usually perceived as more credible than speakers who have weak

eye contact.

A. 對

B. 錯

我的答案: A 正確答案: B ? 0 分

我的答案: 錯 正確答案: 錯 ? 2 分

我的答案: 對 正確答案: 對 ? 2 分

我的答案: 錯 正確答案: 錯 ? 2 分

我的答案: 對 正確答案: 對 ? 2 分

我的答案: 對 正確答案: 對 ? 2 分

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一. 單選題(60分)

二. 判斷題(40分)



36. (判斷題)The words we use to label an event determine to a great extent how we respond to that event.

A. 對

B. 錯

37. (判斷題)Connotative meaning is precise, literal, and objective.

A. 對

B. 錯

38. (判斷題)A speaker should avoid using familiar words because they make a speech sound trite.

A. 對

B. 錯

39. (判斷題)Language needs to be appropriate to a speaker herself or himself, as well as to the audience, topic, and occasion.

A. 對

B. 錯

40. (判斷題)A speech dominated by abstract words will almost always be clearer than one dominated by concrete words.

A. 對

B. 錯

41. (判斷題)\"The Olympic flame burns inside every competitor, igniting their desire to win gold” is an example of metaphor.

A. 對

B. 錯

42. (判斷題)Antithesis and alliteration are excellent ways to enhance the imagery of a speech.

A. 對

B. 錯

我的答案: 錯 正確答案: 對 ? 0 分

我的答案: 錯 正確答案: 錯 ? 2 分

我的答案: 錯 正確答案: 錯 ? 2 分

我的答案: 對 正確答案: 對 ? 2 分

我的答案: 錯 正確答案: 錯 ? 2 分

我的答案: 對 正確答案: 對 ? 2 分

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一. 單選題(60分)

二. 判斷題(40分)



43. (判斷題)\"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country” is an example of antithesis.

A. 對

B. 錯

44. (判斷題)Using language with a strong rhythm can increase the impact of a speaker’s words.

A. 對

B. 錯

45. (判斷題)

As your textbook explains, using inclusive language in a speech is important primarily as a matter of political correctness.? ?

A. 對

B. 錯

46. (判斷題)Your textbook discusses four kinds of informative speeches: speeches about objects, speeches about concepts, speeches

about processes, and speeches about events.

A. 對

B. 錯

47. (判斷題)If the specific purpose of your informative speech is to recount the history of an event, you will usually arrange the

speech in chronological order.

A. 對

B. 錯

48. (判斷題)When an informative speech about a process has more than five steps, the speaker should group the steps into units so

as to limit the number of main points.

A. 對

B. 錯

49. (判斷題)Research shows that using personal terms such as “you” and “your” in an informative speech can increase listeners’

understanding of the speaker’s ideas.

我的答案: 對 正確答案: 對 ? 2 分

我的答案: 對 正確答案: 對 ? 2 分

我的答案: 錯 正確答案: 錯 ? 2 分

我的答案: 對 正確答案: 對 ? 2 分

我的答案: 對 正確答案: 對 ? 2 分

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A. 對

B. 錯

50. (判斷題)As your textbook explains, persuasion takes place only if the audience is strongly in favor of the speaker’s position by the

end of the speech.

A. 對

B. 錯

我的答案: 對 正確答案: 對 ? 2 分

我的答案: 錯 正確答案: 錯 ? 2 分

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一. 單選題(60分)

二. 判斷題(40分)



一. 單選題(共74題,74分)

1. (單選題)Nothing affects an audience more than __________.

A. personal interests

B. cultural background

C. level of education

D. economic standing

2. (單選題)“Knowing how to deal with stress” is a poorly phrased specific purpose for a classroom speech because it __________.?

A. is too technical

B. does not include a reference to the audience

C. contains figurative language

D. written as a sentence rather than a declarative phrase

3. (單選題)Audience attitudes are most important in __________ speeches.

A. Informative

B. persuasive

C. commemorative

D. introductory

4. (單選題)Identify the flaw in the following specific purpose statement for a classroom speech: “To inform my audience about the

stock market.”?

A. It’s too figurative.

B. It’s too detailed.

C. It’s too general.

D. It’s too technical.

題量: 100 滿分: 100

作答時間: 2023-06-05 09:10 至 2023-06-30 09:10


演講作業(yè)(四)Quiz for Chapter 1-9


我的答案: B 正確答案: B ? 1 分

我的答案: B 正確答案: B ? 1 分

我的答案: B 正確答案: B ? 1 分

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一. 單選題(74分)



5. (單選題)You should choose a specific purpose you can achieve __________.??

A. in no more than an hour

B. in the allotted time

C. in the least possible time

D. in no less than 10 minutes

6. (單選題)A landlord with a bad reputation among students for her high rent, deceptive advertising, and refusal to return security

deposits is speaking to a campus group about how the city’s new zoning law will affect students. The most important factor the

landlord should consider in her situational audience analysis is probably her listeners’ __________.

A. gender

B. knowledge of the topic

C. disposition toward the speaker

D. interest in the topic

7. (單選題)If you were constructing an audience-analysis questionnaire and wanted to learn the strength of your listeners’ attitudes

for or against animal research, which of the following would be the best kind of question to ask?

A. Demographic question.

B. Open-ended question.

C. Leading question.

D. Scale question.

8. (單選題)All of the following specific purpose statements are effective EXCEPT __________.?

A. to inform my audience about recent discoveries of dinosaur fossils

B. to inform my audience that yoga is extremely cool

C. to persuade my audience that harsher penalties are needed to prevent the practices of fraudulent land developers

D. to inform my audience about the scientific uses of hot-air balloons

9. (單選題)If you were constructing an audience-analysis questionnaire and wanted to learn why some of your listeners do not fasten

their seatbelts every time they ride in a motor vehicle, which of the following would be the best kind of question to ask?

A. Leading question.

B. Scale question.

C. Open-ended question.

D. Demographic question.

我的答案: B 正確答案: B ? 1 分

我的答案: C 正確答案: C ? 1 分

我的答案: D 正確答案: D ? 1 分

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10. (單選題)Which of the following methods of speech delivery are most likely to result in poor eye contact?

A. Extemporaneous.

B. Impromptu.

C. Reading from manuscript.

D. Delivering from memory.

11. (單選題)“The three major factors to consider when purchasing a bicycle are the kind of riding you plan to do, the amount of

riding you plan to do, and the amount of money you are willing to spend” is an example of a __________. (

A. specific purpose

B. central idea

C. general purpose

D. topic statement

12. (單選題)Which of the following tips for specific purpose statements is false??

A. Write the purpose statement as a full infinitive phrase.

B. Avoid figurative language in your purpose statement.

C. Express your purpose as a question, not as a statement.

D. Make sure your specific purpose is not too vague or general.

13. (單選題)If you were giving an informative speech to a general audience on Global Positioning Systems technology, the most

important factor to consider when analyzing your audience would probably be the __________.

A. group membership of the audience

B. size of the audience

C. knowledge of the audience about the topic

D. gender of the audience

14. (單選題)Audience size may affect all of the following aspects of your speech EXCEPT your __________.

A. language

B. choice of appeals

C. personality

D. use of visual aids

我的答案: C 正確答案: C ? 1 分

我的答案: C 正確答案: C ? 1 分

我的答案: B 正確答案: B ? 1 分

我的答案: C 正確答案: C ? 1 分

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15. (單選題)To be audience-centered, you need to keep all of the following questions in mind when you work on your speeches

EXCEPT __________.

A. to whom am I speaking

B. what do I want them to know, believe, or do as a result of my speech

C. how can I justify using devious, unethical tactics to achieve my goal

D. what is the most effective way of composing and presenting my speech to accomplish that aim

16. (單選題)Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Ideas that attract younger listeners may offend older listeners.

B. Topics that are appealing to women may be of less interest to men.

C. People from the same age group usually think alike.

D. Wealthy people usually view the world differently than poor people.

17. (單選題)According to your textbook, brainstorming is especially helpful when you are having trouble __________.??

A. determining the general purpose

B. determining the specific purpose

C. phrasing the central idea

D. choosing a speech topic

18. (單選題)If you were constructing an audience-analysis questionnaire and wanted to learn how many of your listeners had ever

heard of the Salem witch trials, which of the following would be the best kind of question to ask?

A. Demographic question.

B. Fixed-alternative question.

C. Open-ended question.

D. Leading question.

19. (單選題)If you were constructing an audience-analysis questionnaire and wanted to learn why some of your listeners had not

signed organ donor cards, which of the following would be the best kind of question to ask?

A. Open-ended question.

B. Leading question.

C. Scale question.

我的答案: C 正確答案: C ? 1 分

我的答案: C 正確答案: C ? 1 分

我的答案: C 正確答案: C ? 1 分

我的答案: D 正確答案: D ? 1 分

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D. Fixed-alternative question.

20. (單選題)Which of the following would you most likely find in a speech conclusion?

A. an announcement of the topic

B. a gesture of goodwill

C. a restatement of the central idea

D. a credibility statement

21. (單選題)“To inform my audience about the basic steps in car maintenance and how to protect their investment with auto

insurance” is a poorly phrased specific purpose statement for a classroom speech because it __________.??

A. is too specific

B. contains figurative language

C. contains more than one distinct idea

D. is written as a statement instead of a question

22. (單選題)If you were giving a persuasive speech to a general audience arguing that all children should be required to use standard

English in the public schools, the most important factor to consider in audience analysis would probably be __________.

A. the age of the audience

B. the physical setting for the speech

C. the ethnic background of the audience

D. the size of the audience

23. (單選題)Which of the following examples doesn’t fall into the category of physical setting?

A. Number of listeners.

B. Location of the lectern.

C. Seating arrangements.

D. Room temperature.

24. (單選題)The __________ will dictate how long a speech should be.

A. occasion

B. speaker

C. topic

我的答案: A 正確答案: A ? 1 分

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D. audience

25. (單選題)Which of the following elements usually has the greatest impact on the length a speech should be?

A. The audience’s disposition toward the topic.

B. The physical setting for the speech.

C. The occasion of the speech.

D. The audience’s attitudes toward the speaker.

26. (單選題)Which of the following specific purpose statements is NOT likely to be handled well in the time allotted for classroom


A. To inform my audience about the rise and fall of ancient Rome.

B. To persuade my audience to convert to vegetarianism.

C. To inform my audience of the history, styles, and cultural impact of qipao.

D. To inform my audience about the role of technology in Chinese history.

27. (單選題)You must submerge your own view so completely that you can __________.

A. please your listeners during the speech

B. influence your listeners after the speech

C. adopt, temporarily, those of your listeners

D. impress your listeners strategically

28. (單選題)“The three main methods of harvesting trees in professional logging are selective cutting, clear cutting, and row

thinning” is an example of a __________.??

A. specific purpose

B. transition

C. central idea

D. signpost

29. (單選題)The major advantage of using fixed-alternative questions in an audience analysis questionnaire is that they __________.

A. enhance the credibility of the questionnaire

B. get below the surface of respondents’ beliefs

C. produce clear, unambiguous answers

我的答案: A 正確答案: A ? 1 分

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D. give respondents maximum leeway in answering

30. (單選題)If you find your listeners __________, you may need to back up and go over the point again.

A. laughing or clapping

B. yawning or dozing off

C. frowning or responding with quizzical looks

D. whispering or looking bored

31. (單選題)For __________ speeches, you can think of subjects about which you hold strong opinions.

A. persuasive

B. informative

C. commemorative

D. Introductory

32. (單選題)According to your textbook, “To persuade my audience that cheating on schoolwork is never justified” is?specific purpose

statement for a persuasive speech on a question of __________.

A. A. Opinion ? ? ??

B. B. value

C. standards

D. policy

33. (單選題)All of the following could be organized in topical order EXCEPT __________.

A. the most interesting book I have ever read

B. my long time friendship with my pen pal

C. how to cook shrimp and egg fried rice

D. what I learned from my yoga instructor

34. (單選題)According to your textbook, “Getting an internship at a major corporation requires a great deal of work, but the rewards

are well worth the effort” is an example of a(n) __________.??

A. speech proposal

B. specific purpose

C. informative thesis

我的答案: C 正確答案: C ? 1 分

我的答案: C 正確答案: C ? 1 分

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D. central idea

35. (單選題)One of the ways speakers analyze audiences is by looking at traits such as age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, group

membership, and racial, ethnic and cultural background. According to your textbook, what is this called?

A. Psychological audience analysis.

B. Background audience analysis.

C. Demographic audience analysis.

D. Descriptive audience analysis.

36. (單選題)When you are going to give an audience material to take home from?speech, you should distribute the material ______.

A. A. as the audience arrives for the speech.

B. ?B. after the speech

C. at the time you discuss it during the speech

D. during the conclusion of the speech

37. (單選題)When your general purpose is to persuade, you act as __________.??

A. an advocate or a partisan

B. a politician or a statesman

C. an academician or a researcher

D. a marketer or an advertiser

38. (單選題)Which of the following questions is an open-ended question?

A. Are you a fan of TV reality shows?

B. What types of reality shows do you like best, science, dating, makeover, or documentary style?

C. Why, in your opinion, are TV reality shows so popular?

D. How many reality shows have you watched in the past three months?

39. (單選題)To say that people usually want to hear about things that are meaningful to them is to say that people are __________.

A. empathic

B. egocentric

C. egotistic

我的答案: D 正確答案: D ? 1 分

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D. egalitarian

40. (單選題)When the general purpose of your speech is to __________, you act primarily as a teacher or lecturer.

A. convince

B. entertain

C. inform

D. persuade

41. (單選題)If you were constructing an audience-analysis questionnaire and wanted to learn why some of your listeners had not

signed organ donor cards, which of the following would be the best kind of question to ask?

A. Open-ended question.

B. Leading question.

C. Scale question.

D. Fixed-alternative question.

42. (單選題)As a specific purpose statement, “To inform my audience about global warming” is too __________.?

A. scientific

B. broad

C. personal

D. detailed

43. (單選題)Nothing affects an audience more than __________.

A. personal interests

B. cultural background

C. level of education

D. economic standing

44. (單選題)Identify the flaw in the following specific purpose statement for a classroom speech: “To inform my audience about the

solar system.”??

A. It’s too shallow.

B. It’s too general.

C. It’s too remote.

我的答案: B 正確答案: B ? 1 分

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D. It’s too impersonal.

45. (單選題)People don’t usually expend the time and effort to attend a speech unless __________.

A. they have some interest in the topic

B. they are invited to the speech

C. the speech is delivered by a celebrity

D. attending the speech is a course requirement

46. (單選題)The specific purpose of Stephanie’s informative speech is “To inform my audience about ballet.” Are there any flaws in

Stephanie’s specific purpose???

A. Yes. Stephanie’s specific purpose is too broad.

B. Yes. Stephanie’s specific purpose is too impersonal.

C. Yes. Stephanie’s specific purpose is written as a statement rather than a question.

D. Yes. Stephanie’s specific purpose mentions her audience.

47. (單選題)Try to make your main points stand out by introducing each with a __________ statement.

A. transition

B. preview

C. credibility

D. thesis

48. (單選題)Audience attitudes are most important in __________ speeches.

A. informative

B. persuasive

C. commemorative

D. introductory

49. (單選題)__________ graph is best suited for illustrating simple distribution patterns.

A. A. Line? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

B. pie

C. Bar

我的答案: B 正確答案: B ? 1 分

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D. ratio

50. (單選題)All of the following specific purpose statements are effective EXCEPT __________.

A. to inform my audience about recent discoveries of dinosaur fossils

B. to inform my audience that yoga is extremely cool

C. to persuade my audience that harsher penalties are needed to prevent the practices of fraudulent land developers

D. to inform my audience about the scientific uses of hot-air balloons

51. (單選題)“To inform my audience how to prepare for a backpacking expedition” is a specific purpose statement for a speech about

a(n) __________.

A. object?

B. function?

C. process

D. policy

52. (單選題)If you were giving an informative speech to a general audience about digital encryption, the most important factor to

consider when analyzing your audience would probably be the __________.

A. physical setting for the speech

B. occupation of the audience

C. group membership of the audience

D. knowledge of the audience about the topic

53. (單選題)What are the two types of audience analysis discussed in your textbook?

A. Personal and impersonal.

B. Demographic and situational.

C. Occupational and educational.

D. Psychological and sociological.

54. (單選題)The central idea “Banning violent content on television is a good idea” is considered ineffective because __________.?

A. it is not a full sentence

B. it is a question

C. it is too general

我的答案: B 正確答案: B ? 1 分

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D. it includes figurative language

55. (單選題)All of the following topic ideas are relevant to the category of plans and policies EXCEPT __________.

A. Develop Solar Power

B. Cook Yunnan food

C. Change graduation Requirements

D. Build a New Computer Center

56. (單選題)The process by which a speaker seeks to create a bond with listeners by emphasizing common values, goals, and

experiences is referred to as __________ by communication scholars.

A. identification

B. egocentrism

C. structuring

D. affiliation

57. (單選題)As a specific purpose statement, “To inform my audience about computer technology” is too __________.??

A. trivial

B. broad

C. technical

D. detailed

58. (單選題)Which of the following word is the most concrete and specific as a topic for your speech?

A. Author.

B. Writer.

C. Lu Xun.

D. Fantasy author.

59. (單選題)Advocating a position is most appropriate when the general purpose of your speech is to __________.? ?

A. inspire

B. persuade

C. entertain

我的答案: C 正確答案: C ? 1 分

我的答案: B 正確答案: B ? 1 分

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D. inform

60. (單選題)You need to keep an eye out during your speech for audience __________.

A. support

B. feedback

C. appreciation

D. criticism

61. (單選題)“Improving personal relationships” is a poorly phrased specific purpose for a speech because it is __________.?

A. too technical for a classroom speech

B. written as a sentence rather than a declarative phrase

C. written as a fragment rather than a full infinitive phrase

D. expressed in figurative language

62. (單選題)“To inform about saving for retirement” is a poorly phrased specific purpose statement because it __________.??

A. is too specific

B. does not include a reference to the audience

C. contains figurative language

D. is written as a statement instead of a question

63. (單選題)Which of the following tips for central idea is false???

A. Make sure the central idea is not too specific.

B. Express the central idea as a full sentence.

C. State the central idea as a declarative sentence, not as a question.

D. Avoid figurative language in the central idea.

64. (單選題)According to your textbook, which of the following is a demographic characteristic of a speech audience?

A. Knowledge about the subject.

B. Attitude toward the speaker.

C. Cultural background.

D. Interest in the topic.

我的答案: B 正確答案: B ? 1 分

我的答案: B 正確答案: B ? 1 分

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65. (單選題)“To inform my audience about the three basic steps in preventive medicine” is an example of a __________.??

A. specific purpose

B. thesis statement

C. central idea

D. general purpose

66. (單選題)If personal inventory doesn’t work, try a technique called __________.?

A. grouping

B. clustering

C. categorizing

D. classifying

67. (單選題)Informative speeches about processes are usually arranged in __________ order.

A. chronological or topical

B. causal or spatial

C. topical or spatial

D. causal or topical

68. (單選題)When making up an audience analysis questionnaire, you should use __________ questions to get at the strength of a

respondent’s attitudes or feelings.

A. scale

B. fixed-alternative

C. leading

D. open-ended

69. (單選題)“To inform my audience about the three steps in preventive medicine” is an example of a ______.

A. specific purpose

B. thesis statement

C. central idea

D. general purpose

我的答案: C 正確答案: C ? 1 分

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70. (單選題)After choosing a topic, what is the next step of speech preparation???

A. Phrasing the central idea.

B. Analyzing the occasion.

C. Determining the general purpose.

D. Selecting the specific purpose.

71. (單選題)A six-minute speech will consist of roughly __________ words.

A. 120 to 150

B. 300 to 350

C. 520 to 800

D. 720 to 900

72. (單選題)According to your textbook, what are the three primary factors to consider when assessing an audience’s disposition

toward a speech topic?

A. Gender, knowledge, and opinions.

B. Interest, background, and age.

C. Knowledge, interest, and attitude.

D. Size, occasion, and group membership.

73. (單選題)An audience’s response to a message is __________ colored by their perception of the speaker.

A. frequently

B. usually

C. invariably

D. occasionally

74. (單選題)Good public speakers are __________.

A. self-centered

B. content-centered

C. audience-centered

D. delivery-centered

我的答案: A 正確答案: A ? 1 分

我的答案: A 正確答案: C ? 0 分

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二. 判斷題(共26題,26分)

75. (判斷題) F If you started out free-associating from movies, you would doubtless end up somewhere completely different.

A. 對

B. 錯

76. (判斷題)Being audience-centered involves compromising your beliefs to get a favorable response.

A. 對

B. 錯

77. (判斷題) F The key to effective speaking is how well you use what you know in preparing and presenting the speech.

A. 對

B. 錯

78. (判斷題) F Usually the speech topic is determined by the occasion, the audience, and the speaker’s qualifications.

A. 對

B. 錯

79. (判斷題) F Some speakers keep a journal of their speeches, audiences, and responses.

A. 對

B. 錯

80. (判斷題)T There is very little diversity among listeners with similar demographic characteristics.

A. 對

B. 錯

我的答案: C 正確答案: C ? 1 分

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81. (判斷題)T Being audience-centered involves compromising your beliefs to get a favorable response.

A. 對

B. 錯

82. (判斷題) F Usually general purpose will fall into one of two overlapping categories-to inform or to persuade.

A. 對

B. 錯

83. (判斷題)T The central idea is what you hope to accomplish.

A. 對

B. 錯

84. (判斷題)It is a good idea to write out your first speech like an essay and read it word for word to your listeners.

A. 對

B. 錯

85. (判斷題)T The central idea should be expressed either as a full sentence or an infinitive phrase.

A. 對

B. 錯

86. (判斷題)Problem-solution order is most appropriate for persuasive speeches.

A. 對

B. 錯

87. (判斷題)T Your specific purpose is not necessarily appropriate for your audience.

A. 對

B. 錯

我的答案: 錯 正確答案: 錯 ? 1 分

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88. (判斷題) F The central idea usually emerges after you have done your research and have decided on the main points.

A. 對

B. 錯

89. (判斷題) F When putting together your own questionnaire, use all three types of questions: fixed-alternative, scale, and openended.

A. 對

B. 錯

90. (判斷題)T There are three broad categories of potential topics.

A. 對

B. 錯

91. (判斷題) Citing the views of people who are experts is a good way to lend credibility to your speeches.

A. 對

B. 錯

92. (判斷題) F The primary purpose of speechmaking is to gain a desired response from listeners.

A. 對

B. 錯

93. (判斷題) It is a good idea to write out your first speech like an essay and read it word for word to your listeners.

A. 對

B. 錯

94. (判斷題) F Your listeners’ knowledge about your topic will determine what you can say in your speech.

A. 對

B. 錯

我的答案: 對 正確答案: 對 ? 1 分

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95. (判斷題)T You need to keep your audience in mind only during the speech.

A. 對

B. 錯

96. (判斷題) F If you find that you can’t fulfill your specific purpose without relying on technical words and concepts, you should

reconsider your purpose.

A. 對

B. 錯

97. (判斷題)Transition statements will help your audience keep track of your main ideas.

A. 對

B. 錯

98. (判斷題) F Reflecting on your audience’s response is an important part of skill development.

A. 對

B. 錯

99. (判斷題) F The characteristics that make a well-worded central idea are essentially the same things that make a well-worded

specific purpose.

Multiple Choice Questions

Students are to indicate the best answer for each question by circling the correct letter.

A. 對

B. 錯

100. (判斷題) F When you face a speaking situation, do everything you can to control the influence of physical setting on your


A. 對

B. 錯

我的答案: 對 正確答案: 對 ? 1 分

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