MS/MSE Series
Active Monitors for Recording Studio
MS Series
Active Monitors for Recording Studio
TheMSseriesActive monitorsforrecordingstudiofamily includes: Threespecificationsoffull-rangeloudspeaker:Ms5A,Ms6A,Ms8A. Twospecificationsofsubwoofer:MS10SA,MS12SA.
Imported HIFI speakers are used, the LF is Danish VIFA, and the HF brand is Norwegian SEAS. Unique cabinet structure acoustic design, split cabinet design, MDF material is covered with oak solid wood grain leather and sprayed with red closed bright piano paint, with full and soft sound quality.
And obtained a utility model patent: a monitoring speaker box structure: ZL 2023 2 3470493.9 ;
An active monitoring speaker: ZL 2023 2 3456425.7.
Design patent: Active monitoring speaker: ZL 2023 3 0710445.9.
The product is suitable for professional recording studios, TV broadcasting vehicles, performance halls, personal music production, home entertainment, immersive experiences, and other occasions.

Full-range Loudspeaker Series MS5A MS6AMS8A
Dome speaker with excellent HF features and metal compositefilm.
A DSP audioprocessor with 24 bit quantization and a samplingfrequencyof192kHz.
Dual channel amplifier,LFD-class,HFAB class thick film amplifier.
100-240V wide voltage switching power supply input.
Convenientandpracticalroombalanceselection switch.
Excellent low-noise signal processing circuit design.

2 xAES/EBU digital signal transmission interfaces.
Patentedgradual long-excursionphase inversion tubedesign.
Thefrontdesignfeatures anLEDbacklitlogowith adjustablebrightness.
Noscrewscanbeseenonthefrontofthe loudspeaker, which is aesthetic in appearance and uniqueinstyle.
Multipleinstallationmethods:Countertopinstallation (withtheoptionofelasticshock-absorbingbase), wall shelf installation,floorstand placement,and suspension(the cabinetrequirescustomization).

Installation Method (Accessories Purchased Separately)

Countertop installation (with the option of elastic shock-absorbing base)

Wall shelf installation

Floor stand placement

Suspension (the cabinet requires customization).

DIGITALTHRUAES/EBU:Digital signal output socket,whichcanbe connectiontotheAES/EBUdigitalsignalinputsocketof the next loudspeaker througha110ohmXLRdigitalaudiocable.
DIGITALINAES/EBU:AES/EBUdigital signal inputsocket,whichcanbe connectiontothedigitalsignaloutputportof themixingconsole througha 110ohmXLRdigitalaudiocable.
RS485:DT-WAN and intelligence system socket,whichcanbeconnectionto the computerthroughthenetworkcable,and theDSPsettingparameterscan be adjusted online and inreal time.Multiple loudspeakercan be connection to communication and intelligence system in cascade mode.
ANALOGIN:Analog signal input socket,whichcanbe connection to the signal outputport of the mainchannel of the mixer viaXLR audio cable.
LEVELdBu:Input signal level communicationand intelligence systemknob to adjust the volumeof loudspeaker.Innormal use,please turnthevolumeto themaximum-6dBustate.
Limit signal indication:This LED light is on,reminding you that the input signal is overloaded.Please reduce the output signal of the mixer appropriately.
LOGOLEDDIM:Acrylicbacklight LOGObrightness adjustment switch on the front of the loudspeaker.Turn the switch upward to dim the brightness.
LOGOLED:AcrylicbacklightLOGOswitchonthefrontof theloudspeaker.
Whentheswitchisturned up,thebacklight lightsup.
DIGITALA/B:AES/EBUdigital signalA/Bchannel selection sWitch.When theswitchisturned up,itmeans that thechannelsignal isturned on.
TREBLETILT:High-frequencycompensationcombinationswitch,withthree switcheswhichareoverallattenuationorboostforfrequencybandsabove 5kHz:-4dB,-2dB,+2dB.Afterroughcompensation,refertothegraphbelow theswitchforthefrequencyresponsecurve.
BASSTILT:Low-frequencycompensationcombinationswitch,featuring threesettingsforoverallattenuationinthefrequencybandbelow80oHz: -6dB,-4dB,and-2dB.Theapproximatefrequencyresponsecurve after compensationisdepicted in thegraphbelowtheswitch.
DESKTOPCONTROL:Desktopcompensation switch,used tocounteract the 160Hz low-frequencydiffractionenhancement phenomenoncaused by placingthespeakerona large desktop.
BASSROLL-OFF:LFroll-off compensationcombinationswitch,featuring threesettings.Froll-offattenuationoptionsinclude:6dB4dB,andB. Theapproximate frequencyresponse curve aftercompensationcanbe seen inthegraphbelowtheswitch.
Model | MS5A | MS6A | MS8A |
Type | 5"Two-WayActiveMonitor | 6.5"Two-WayActiveMonitor LF:1x6.5"LF speaker/ | 8"Two-WayActiveMonitor LF:1x8"LF speaker/ |
Driver | LF:1x5"LF speaker/ Φ30mmVC/50W/8Q HF:1x1Neodymium MagneticAluminium MagnesiumCompositeMembraneDome Speaker/Φ25mmVC/30w/6Q | 32mmVC/75W/8Q HF:1x1"NeodymiumMagneticAluminium MagnesiumCompositeMembraneDome Speaker/Φ25mmVC/30w/6Q | 38mmVC/120w/8Q HF:1x1"NeodymiumMagneticAluminium MagnesiumCompositeMembraneDome Speaker/Φ25mmVC/30w/6Q |
FreeFieldFrequencyResponse(±3dB) | 55Hz-23kHz | 45Hz-23kHz | 40Hz-23kHz |
AnalogSignal InputSensitivity (100dBSPLat1m) | 6dBu,±6dBAdjustable | -6dBu,±6dBAdjustable | 6dBu,±6dBAdjustable |
DigitalSignal InputSensitivity (100dB SPL at1m) | -20dBFS,+6dBAdjustable | -20dBFS,+6dBAdjustable | -20dBFS,+6dBAdjustable |
MaxSPL-peak(@ 1mCalculatedValue) | 107dB | 110dB | 112dB |
Input Impedance | 10kQBalance | 10kQBalance | 10kQBalance |
RatedPowerofAmplifier | 1x70W/8Q(LF)+1x50W/6Q(HF) | 1x90W/8Q(LF)+1x50W/6Q(HF) | 1x150W/8Q(LF)+1x50W/6Q(HF) |
Crossover | 2.0kHz | 2.0kHz | 2.0kHz |
BackgroundNoise(TestingDistancer=1m) | 7dB(A-weighted) | ≤7dB(A-weighted) | ≤7dB(A-weighted) |
TotalHarmonicDistortion(THD)at90dBSPL@1mAxialTest | |||
Test Frequency Range:50Hz-100Hz | ≤2% | ≤2% | ≤2% |
TestFrequency Range:>100Hz InputSignalConnector | ≤0.5% ≤0.5% | ≤0.5% | |
Analog 1xXLRFemaleBuckle 1xXLRFemaleBuckle | |||
Digital AES/EBU | 1xXLRFemaleBuckle | 1xXLRFemaleBuckle | 1xXLRFemaleBuckle 1xXLRFemaleBuckle |
OutputSignalConnector | |||
Digital AES/EBU ISDN Control Interface | 1x XLR Male | 1xXLR Male 2xRJ45 | 1xXLRMale 2×RJ45 |
2×RJ45 Digital Signal Input | |||
Quantization | 16-24bit | 16-24bit | 16-24bit |
SamplingFrequency 32-192kHz | |||
AmplifierPowerSupply | 100-240VAC50/60Hz | 32-192kHz 100-240VAC50/60Hz | 32-192kHz 100-240VAC50/60Hz |
Dimension (W x Hx D) | 208x339×262(mm) | 238x383×289(mm) 10kg | 274 × 441x 341(mm) 14kg |
Net Weight 8kg | |||
Usage Environment | Temperature:15°C-35°℃ Humidity: 45%-75% | Temperature:15°C-35°℃ Humidity: 45%-75% | Temperature:15°C-35°℃ Humidity: 45%-75% |
Subwoofer Series MS10SA MS12SA

Performanceparametersandvoicecolorof professionalmonitoringsubwoofer.
Excellent low-noise signal processing circuit design, meeting therequirements of low-noiserecording.
DesignofHiFl levelhighfidelitycircuitfor24bit quantization/192kHzsamplingand above processingmodule.
2 x AES/EBU digital signal transmission interfaces.
Gainadjustmentknobcanbetterrealize loudspeakersensitivity adjustment.
Analogsignalinputsocket/signaloutputsocketcan betterrealizeloudspeakersignallink.
The bass is a high-power LF speaker, protected by steelmesh.
LED backlight LOGO is designed on the front of loudspeaker.
Thecabinetoftheloudspeakerismadeofmedium densityboard,coveredwithoakgrainleather,and sprayedwithhighhardnesspianobakingpaint.
Multimodeswitchcanrealizebettercrossover connection with full-range monitoringloudspeaker.
Multi state frequency division pointconversion and phase conversion make the system adjustment moresimpleandconvenient.

LED Backlit Logo
High-hardness Piano Baking Paint
High Power Low-frequency Speaker

ANALOGIN/LEFTRIGHT:Analogsignalinputocketftandrighttwoay signals,whichcanbeconnectiontothemainchannel signaloutputportof themixingconsolethroughXLRaudiocable.
ANALOGT/EFTGnalogignaloututsocketfandrighsigal respectively connectionto left and right full-range monitoring loudspeaker.
ANALOGFEINlogignaFEchanlntcktectio 7.1 LFEchannel signal output socket.
ANALOGLFEOUT:AnalogsignalLFEchanneloutput socketWhenmultiple subwoofer are linked,connection to the next subwoofer.
DIGITAL AES/EBU OUT:AES/EBU digital signal output socket.When multiple subwooferarelinked,theycanbeconnectiontotheAES/EBU digital signal input socket of the next loudspeaker through a 110 ohmXLR digital audio cable
DIGITALINAES/EBU:AES/EBUdigital signalinputsocket,whichcanbe connection to the digital signal outputport of themixingconsole through a 110ohmXLRdigitalaudiocable.
RS485:Digital network communication and intelligence system socket, whichcanbeconnectiontothecomputerthroughthenetworkcable,andthe DSPsettingparameterscanbe adjusted onlineand inrealtime.Multiple loudspeakercan be connectionto communication and intelligence system in cascademode.
LEVELdBu:Input signal level communicationand intelligence systemknobto adjust the volume of loudspeaker. In normal use, please turn the volume to themaximum-6dBustate
LimitSiaicatoThDlighnindingouthatthnut overloadedPleasereducetheoutputsignalof themixingconsoleappropriately.
LPFFrequencyDividingPointSelection:Thefrequencydividingpoint selectionof the low-passfilterof thesubwoofer,with the adjustmentrangeof50Hzto120Hz.
LOGOLEDDIM:Acrylic backlight LOGO brightnessadjustment switchonthe front of the loudspeaker.Turntheswitchupward to dim thebrightness.
LOGOLEDcrylicbacklightLOGOswithonthfrontof theoudspeaer When the switch is turned up,the backlight lights up.
Phasetion/:ytingitstatou changes of 0°,90°,180°,and270°can be achieved.
LFE+1dB:Whentheswitchisturnedup,thesignalgainof theFEhannel increasesby10dB.
LFECHANNELA/B:AES/EBU digital signal LFEchannel selection switch.If theswitchisturnedup,itmeansthatchannelAsignalisLFEsignaland channelBsignalisfull-rangesignal.Whentheswitchisturneddown,it means that channel A is a full-range signal and channel B is a LFE signal.
BASSROLL-FF/3dB-dB:LFroll off compensationgroup switchthrough twoswitchstatusselectioncanachieveFrolloffdisintegration:dB,d, -9dB.Afterroughlycompensation,thefrequencyresponsecurvereferstothe silkscreengraphontheleftof theswitch.
DIGITALN/OFF:ES/EBUdigitalsignalon/offwithptindcatthat thedigital signalhasbeen added.
Model | MS10SA | MS12SA | |
Type | 10"ActiveSubwoofer | 12"ActiveSubwoofer | |
Driver | 1x10"LFspeaker/Φ63mmVC/300W/8Q | 1x12"LFspeaker/Φ63mmVC/300w/8Q | |
FreeFieldFrequencyResponse(±3dB) | 30Hz-125Hz | 25Hz-125Hz | |
AnalogSignal InputSensitivity(10odBSPLat1m) | -6dBu,±6dBAdjustable | -6dBu,+6dBAdjustable | |
DigitalSignalInputSensitivity(100dBSPLat1m) | -20dBFS,+6dBAdjustable | -20dBFS,6dBAdjustable | |
MaxiSPL-peak(@1mCalculatedValue) | 115dB | 117dB | |
InputImpedance | 10kQBalance | 10kQBalance | |
RatedPowerofAmplifier | 350W | 350W | |
Crossover | 50-120HzVariable | 50-120HzVariable | |
Background Noise(TestingDistancer=1m) | ≤7dB(A-weighted) | ≤7dB(A-weighted) | |
TotalHarmonicDistortion(THD)at90dBSPL@1mAxialTest | |||
TestFrequencyRange:30Hz-100Hz | ≤2% | ≤2% | |
TestFrequencyRange:>100Hz | ≤0.5% | ≤0.5% | |
InputSignalConnector | |||
Analog | 1xXLRFemaleBuckle | 1xXLRFemaleBuckle | |
DigitalAES/EBU | 1xXLRFemaleBuckle | 1xXLRFemale Buckle | |
OutputSignal Connector | |||
Digital AES/EBU | 1xXLRMale | 1xXLRMale | |
ISDN Control Interface Digital Signal Input | 2xRJ45 | 2xRJ45 | |
Quantization | 16-24bit | 16-24bit | |
SamplingFrequency | 32-192kHz | 32-192kHz | |
AmplifierPowerSupply | 100-240VAC50/60Hz | 100-240VAC50/60Hz | |
Dimension(WxHx D) | 344 × 411× 430(mm) | 413×494×516(mm) | |
NetWeight | 18kg | 25kg | |
Humidity: 45%-75% | Humidity: 45%-75% | ||
Temperature:15C-35°℃ | |||
Temperature:15C-35°℃ | |||
Usage Environment | |||
MSE Series
Active Monitors for Recording Studio
TheMSEseries activemonitorsforrecordingstudiofamilyincludes: Three specifications of full-range loudspeaker: MSE5A, MSE6A, MSE8A. Twospecificationsofsubwoofer:MSE10SA,MSE12SA.
Choose high fidelity HIFI speakers.
Unique box structure acoustic design, split box design, MDF material wrapped in brown wood grain leather with rich and soft sound quality. And obtained a utility model patent: a monitoring speaker box structure: ZL 2023 2 3470493.9 ;
An active monitoring speaker: ZL 2023 2 3456425.7.
Design patent: Active monitoring speaker: ZL 2023 3 0710445.9.
The product is suitable for professional recording studios, TV broadcasting vehicles, performance halls, personal music production, home entertainment, immersive experiences, and other occasions.

Full-range Loudspeaker Series MSE5A MSE6AMSE8A

Adome speakermade ofmetalcompositefilm, featuring excellent high-frequency characteristics.
ADSPaudioprocessorwith24bitquantizationanda samplingfrequencyof192kHz.
I Dual channel digital D-class amplifier.
100-240V wide voltage switching power supply input.
Convenient andpractical room temperature adjustmentswitch.
Excellent low-noise signal processing circuit design.
Patented gradual long-excursion phase inversion tube design.
The front design features an LED backlit logo with adjustablebrightness.
Noscrewscanbeseenonthefrontofthe loudspeaker,which is aesthetic in appearance and unique in style.
Multiple installation methods:Countertopinstallation (with the option of elastic shock-absorbing base), wallshelfinstallation,floorstandplacement,and suspension(the cabinetrequires customization).

Installation Method (Accessories Purchased Separately)

Countertop installation (with the option of elastic shock-absorbing base)

Wall shelf installation

Floor stand placement
Suspension (the cabinet requires customization).

RS485:DT-WAN and intelligence system socket,which canbe connectionto the computerthroughthenetworkcable,and theDsPsettingparameterscan be adjusted online and inreal time.Multiple loudspeaker canbe connection to communication and intelligence system in cascademode.
LOGOLEDDIM:Acrylicbacklight LOGO brightnessadjustment switch on the front of the loudspeaker.Turn the switch upward to dim the brightness.
INPUT:signal input socket,whichcanbeconnectionto themain channel signal output port of the mixer via XLR audio cable.
LOGOLED:Acrylicbacklight LOGO switch on the front of the loudspeaker.
When the switch is turned up, the backlight lights up.
LEVEL dBu:Input signal level communication and intelligencesystem knob to adjust the volume of loudspeaker. In normal use, please turn the volume to themaximum-6dBustate.
BASSTILT:Fcompensationroupswitch,whichhasthreeswitches,namely theoveralldisintegrationoffrequenciesbelow 800{\mathsf{H z}}^{\ast} -6dB,-4dB,-2dB.The frequencyresponse curve afterroughly compensationrefers to thefigure belowtheswitch.
Limit signalindication:ThisEDlightison,remindingyouthat theinput signal is overloaded.Pleasereducethe output signalof themixingconsole appropriately.
DESKTOPCONTROL:Desktopcompensationswitch,whichisused toreverse compensatethe160HzLF diffraction liftingphenomenon caused by loudspeakerplaced on the largedesktop.
TREBLE TILT:HF compensation group switch,which has three switches, namely,theoverall disintegration orincrease of the frequencyband above 5kHz:-4dB,-2dB,+2dB.Afterroughly compensation,the frequencyresponse curverefers to the figurebelow the switch.
BASSROLL-OFF:LFroll off compensationgroup switch,which has three switches.LFrolloff disintegration:-6dB,-4dB,-2dB.Afterroughly compensation, thefrequencyresponsecurverefersto thefigurebelow the switch.
Model | MSE5A | MSE6A | MSE8A |
Type | 5"Two-Way Active Monitor | 6.5"Two-Way Active Monitor | 8" Two-WayActive Monitor |
Driver | LF: 1x5 "LF speaker/ Φ30mmVC/50W/8Q HF:1x1"NeodymiumMagneticAluminium | LF: 1x6.5 "LF speaker/ Φ32mmVC/75W/8Ω HF: 1x1" Neodymium Magnetic Aluminium HF:1x1” Neodymium Magnetic Aluminium | LF: 1x8 "LF speaker/ Φ38mmVC/120W/8Ω |
MagnesiumCompositeMembraneDome Speaker/Φ25mmVC/30w/6Q | MagnesiumCompositeMembraneDome Speaker/p25mmVC/30w/6Q | MagnesiumCompositeMembraneDome Speaker/Φ25mmVC/30w/6Q | |
FreeFieldFrequencyResponse(±3dB) | 55Hz-23kHz | 45Hz-23kHz | 40Hz-23kHz |
InputSensitivity(100dBSPLat1m) | -6dBu,+6dBAdjustable | -6dBu,±6dBAdjustable | -6dBu,+6dBAdjustable |
MaxSPL-peak(@1mCalculatedValue) | 107dB | 110dB | 112dB |
Input Impedance | 10kQBalance | 10kQBalance | 10kQBalance |
RatedPowerofAmplifier | 1x70W/8Q (LF)+1x50W/6Q(HF) | 1x90W/8Q(LF)+1x50W/6Q(HF) | 1x150W/8Q(LF)+1x50W/6Q(HF) |
Crossover | 2.0kHz | 2.0kHz | 2.0kHz |
BackgroundNoise(TestingDistancer=1m) | ≤7dB(A-weighted) | ≤7dB(A-weighted) | ≤7dB(A-weighted) |
TotalHarmonicDistortion(THD)at90dBSPL@1mAxialTest | |||
TestFrequencyRange:50Hz-100Hz | ≤2% | ≤2% | ≤2% |
TestFrequencyRange:>100Hz | ≤0.5% | ≤0.5% | ≤0.5% |
InputSignal Connector | 1xXLRFemaleBuckle | 1xXLR Female Buckle | 1xXLRFemale Buckle |
ISDNControlInterface | 2×RJ45 | 2×RJ45 | 2xRJ45 |
Digital Signal Input | |||
Quantization | 16-24bit | 16-24bit | 16-24bit |
SamplingFrequency | 32-192kHz | 32-192kHz | 32-192kHz |
AmplifierPowerSupply | 100-240VAC50/60Hz | 100-240VAC50/60Hz | 100-240VAC50/60Hz |
Dimension (W xH xD) | 208x339×235(mm) | 238x383×260(mm) | 274 × 441 × 314(mm) |
NetWeight | 8kg | 10kg | 14kg |
Usage Environment | Temperature:15C-35°℃ Humidity: 45%-75% | Temperature:15°C-35°℃ Humidity: 45%-75% | Temperature:15°C-35°℃ Humidity:45%-75% |
Performance parameters and voice colorof professionalmonitoringsubwoofer.
Excellent low-noise signal processing circuit design, meetingtherequirements of low-noiserecording.
Designof HiFl levelhighfidelity circuitfor24bit quantization/192kHz sampling and above processingmodule.
Gainadjustmentknobcanbetterrealize loudspeaker sensitivity adjustment.
Analog signal input socket/signal output socket can betterrealizeloudspeakersignal link.

The bass is a high-power LF speaker,protected by steel mesh.
LEDbacklightLOGOisdesigned onthefront of loudspeaker.
Thecabinetoftheloudspeakerismadeofmedium densityboard,which is coveredwithwoodgrainleather.
Multimodeswitchcanrealizebettercrossover connection with full-range monitoringloudspeaker.
Multistatefrequency divisionpointconversion and phaseconversionmakethesystemadjustmentmore simpleandconvenient.

LED Backlit Logo
High Power Low-frequency Speaker

IN/LEFT,IGH:ignalinputsocketsforftandrightsignalswhichcan connected to themain channel signal output port of themixingconsole via anXLRaudiocable.
OUT/EFTIGHignalutputocketeresentingftandrightil channels,which arerespectivelyconnected to theleftand right full-frequency monitoringspeakers.
LFE IN: Signal LFE channel input socket, which is connected to the 5.1 or 7.1 LFE channelsignaloutputsocket.
LFE OUT:output socket of signal LFE channel.When multiple subwoofer are linked foruse,connection to the next subwoofer.
RS485:DT-WAN andintelligencesystem socketwhichcanbeconnectionto thecomputerthroughthenetworkcable,and theDSPsettingparameterscan be adjusted online and in real time.Multiple loudspeakercanbe connection to communicationand intelligencesystem incascademode.
LEVEL dBu:Input signal level communication and intelligence system knob to adjust thevolume of loudspeaker.lnnormal use,please turnthevolumeto themaximum-6dBustate.
Limit sinalindication:hisDlightsnremindingyouthatthenputigna overloaded.Pleasereducetheoutput signalof themixingconsoleappropriately.
LPFfrequency dividingpointselection:thefrequencydividingpointselectionof the low-passfilterof the subwoofer,with the adjustment rangeof 50\mathsf{H z} to 120\mathsf{H}z
LOGOLEDDIM:AcrylicbacklightLOGObrightnessadjustment switchonthe front of the loudspeaker.Turn the switch upward to dim the brightness.
LOGOLED:Acrylic backlight LOGO switch onthe front of the loudspeaker.
When the switch is turned up, the backlight lights up.
Phaseselction/90°80°yelectingtwoswitchstates,fouphase changes of 0°, 90 °, 180°, and 270° canbeachieved.
LFE+10dB:Whenthe switchisturned up,the signal gainof theLFEchannel increasesby10dB.

BASSROLL-OFF/-3dB,-6dB:LFrolloff compensationgroupswitch,through two switchstatusselection,canachieveLFrolloff disintegration:-3dB,-6dB, -9dB.Afterroughlycompensation,thefrequencyresponse curverefersto the silkscreengraphontheleftof theswitch.
Model | MSE10SA | MSE12SA |
Type | 10"Active Subwoofer | 12" Active Subwoofer |
Driver | 1x10"LFspeaker/Φ63mmVC/300w/8Q | 1x12"LFspeaker/Φ63mmVC/300W/8Q |
FreeField Frequency Response(±3dB) | 30Hz-125Hz | 25Hz-125Hz |
InputSensitivity(100dBSPLat1m) | -6dBu,±6dBAdjustable | -6dBu,+6dB Adjustable |
MaxSPL-peak(@1mCalculatedValue) | 115dB | 117dB |
Input impedance | 10kQBalance | 10kQBalance |
RatedPowerofAmplifier | 350W | 350W |
Crossover | 50-120HzVariable | 50-120HzVariable |
Background Noise(TestingDistancer=1m) | ≤7dB(A-weighted) | ≤7dB(A-weighted) |
TotalHarmonicDistortion(THD)at90dBSPL@1mAxialTest | ||
TestFrequencyRange:30Hz-100Hz | ≤2% | ≤2% |
TestFrequencyRange:>100Hz | ≤0.5% | ≤0.5% |
InputSignal Connector | 1xXLRFemaleBuckle | 1xXLRFemaleBuckle |
OutputSignalConnector | ||
LFE OUT | 1xXLRMale | 1xXLRMale |
ISDN Control Interface | 2×RJ45 | 2xRJ45 |
Digitalsignal input | ||
Quantization | 16-24bit | 16-24bit |
SamplingFrequency | 32-192kHz | 32-192kHz |
AmplifierPower Supply | 100-240VAC50/60Hz | 100-240VAC50/60Hz |
Dimension(WxHxD) | 344×411×430(mm) | 413 ×494 ×516(mm) |
NetWeight | 18kg | 25kg |
Usage Environment | Temperature:15C-35°℃ Humidity:45%-75% | Temperature:15°C-35°℃ Humidity:45%-75% |

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