

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-11-15 | 雜志分類:其他


CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS Company may have rights to mediate and settle. auction and the sale contract concerning the Lot shall for any reason. come into effect immediately. The said highest Bidder Article 38 Bidding as Principal of the lot will be the Buyer of the Lot. Article 54 Package and Transportation Any person who bids shall be deemed as principal, A... [收起]
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CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS Company may have rights to mediate and settle. auction and the sale contract concerning the Lot shall for any reason. come into effect immediately. The said highest Bidder Article 38 Bidding as Principal of the lot will be the Buyer of the Lot. Article 54 Package and Transportation Any person who bids shall be deemed as principal, Article 47 Auction Record The Company reserves the right to decide whether unless the Bidder presents to the Company a written to accept the Buyer's request to arrange packing certi?cate showing that it is the agent of a principal and The Company will prepare a written record with and handling service. The Company may arrange subject to the Company's approval in writing before respect to the auction signed by the auctioneer and packing and handling of the purchased Lot on behalf Auction Date.When arranging for bidding, the Bidder's the recorder.At the auction, for the convenience of of the Buyer as non-profit services upon its request agent shall present to the Company the original power the Buyers' payment and so on, the Buyer shall sign at the sole risk and loss of the Buyer. Under no of attorney and a copy of the valid identity certi?cate the purchase con?rmation showing the successful bid circumstances shall the Company take any liability of the Bidder and its agent each while the Company after the highest bid is con?rmed by the auctioneer's for any damages or losses of glass, frames, drawer, will examine the original of such identity certi?cate.The hammer striking or in any other public manner. Signing bottom mat, trestle, mounting, insert pages, roller or power of attorney issued by a Bidder shall indicate the the purchase con?rmation is one of the proofs that the other similar accessories arising out of any reason. In name of the agent, authorized items, acting authority sale contract concerning the Lot has come into effect. the case that the Buyer requires the Company to assist and Period. in sending the purchased Lot by mailing, express Article 48 Remuneration and Expenses delivery or any other shipping way (with packing, Article 39 Commission Bids mailing and transportation at the cost of the Buyer), The Buyer shall pay the Company a remuneration once the Company does so in that way, the Lot shall The Bidder shall in principle attend the auction equal to 15% of Hammer Price and other Expenses be considered as having been received by the Buyer personally; otherwise it may give the Company a payable by the Buyer hereunder and acknowledge in normal procedure. The Buyer shall be liable for all commission in writing or in any other way approved that the Company is entitled to charge commission risks during the foregoing process. The Company is by the Company to bid on its behalf. The Company and other costs payable by the Seller under Article 22 not responsible for arrangement of shipping insurance, shall have the right but no obligation to accept such hereof. unless the Buyer speci?cally instructs the Company to commission. do so and bears the insurance premium. In addition, Article 49 Payment the Company shall undertake no liability for any Article 40 Procedures of Commission Bids fault, omissions, damages and losses caused by the The Buyer shall make full payments in a lump sum packers or carriers the Company recommended or the The Bidder who intends to give the Company a and collect the Lot (packaging and handling at the Buyer designated. commission to bid on its behalf shall present the Buyer's expense) within 30 days following the Sale Company with a written authorization certificate and Date; otherwise the Buyer shall be liable for breach of Article 55 Export of Lot hand in a deposit in accordance with provisions in contract. Article 35 hereof within the speci?ed Period (not Later The Company will, to the best of its knowledge, than 24 hours before Auction Date). Otherwise, the Article 50 Currency identify in catalogue or at auction any Lot prohibited Company has the right to reject the commission. to be exported under the Law of the People's All payments shall be made in the currency designated Republic of China on Protection of Cultural Relics Article 41 Cancellation of Commission Bids by the Company. In the event that the Buyer makes and other relevant laws and regulations. The Buyer payments in a currency other than the designated shall be responsible for applying for export license in The Bidder who entrusts the Company to bid on its one, the currency shall be converted at the rate accordance with Chinese laws for the Lot permitted behalf shall inform the Company of cancellation in agreed upon by the Buyer and the Company or at to be exported pursuant to the Law of the People's writing not Later than 24 hours before Auction Date. the rate announced by the People's Bank of China Republic of China on Protection of Cultural Relics and one(1) business day prior to the payment. The Buyer other relevant laws and regulations. Article 42 Non-liability of Commission Bids shall reimburse the Company for any bank charges, commission and other Expenses for converting the Article 56 Remedies for Non-payment Since the Company charges no fee for bidding on currency into RMB. behalf of the Bidder in the case that the Bidder can not In the case that the Buyer fails to make full payment attend the auction personally, the Company shall not Article 51 Passing of Title within the Period provided in Article 48 hereof, the be liable for any failure in bidding or any negligence or Company shall be entitled to exercise one or more of fault in the commission bids. The Buyer will acquire ownership of the Lot after having the following remedies: paid Purchase Price in full according to the Agreement Article 43 Principle of Priority by the Seller and Buyer and picking up the Lot. Commence lawsuit, arbitration or other dispute resolution proceedings against the Buyer to request for In the event that two or more Bidders entrust the Article 52 Transfer of Risks payment obligations; Company to bid on their behalf for the same Lot and succeed with the same commission price, the Bidder After a successful bid, any Lot purchased shall Cancel the sale contract and pursue the corresponding whose authorization certi?cate was ?rst received by the become at the Buyer's sole risk when, whichever is legal liability of the Buyer in accordance with the Company shall be the Buyer of the Lot. earlier: provisions of relevant laws and regulations and these Conditions; Article 44 Auctioneer's Discretion the Buyer collects the Lot purchased; or Withhold the deposit and hold the Buyer liable in The auctioneer is entitled to represent the Company to the Buyer pays to the Company full Purchase Price for accordance with these Conditions; increase or decrease the bidding ladder, refuse any the Lot; or bid, or restart auction in case any dispute arises. Charge the Buyer an interest at a rate of three ten- it is 4 p.m. of the 30th day after Sale Date (counting thousandths per day on the due and unpaid amount Article 45 Screen of Video Images from that day). or the Storage Fee of three hundands RMB per day for each Lot until such payment is made fully, (the higher At some auctions, there will be a video screen or other Article 53 Collection price will be applied) to the extent it remains unpaid screens in operation for the convenience of Bidders, fully for more than 30 days after Sale Date, unless which are only for reference. However, there might be The Buyer shall, at the site the Company at its sole otherwise agreed by the Buyer and the Company; errors on the screen. The Company shall not be liable discretion considers appropriate, collect the purchased for any losses and damages caused by such errors Lot no Later than 4 p.m. of the 30th day after Sale Commence lawsuit, arbitration or other dispute in amounts, serial number or pictures of the Lot, or Date (counting from that day) after having made full resolution proceedings against the Buyer for any foreign exchange rate. payments. In case of failure to do so, the Buyer shall damages caused by the Buyer's breach of contract, be solely liable for all risks and losses of the Lot and including but not limited to the losses of interest on Article 46 Successful Bid bear all Expenses for transportation, storage and deferred or unpaid payment by the Buyer and the insurance in connection therewith due to delayed attorney fee; When the highest bid is con?rmed by the auctioneer's collection. Nevertheless the Lot is still preserved by the hammer striking or in any other public manner, the Company or any other agents on behalf of the Buyer, Exercise a lien on the purchased Lot or other Bidder offering the highest bid shall succeed in the the Company and its employees or agents shall not be properties of the Buyer which may be in the Company's liable for any losses and damages of the Lot caused


CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS possession for any reason. The Buyer is liable for all of the Lot to the Buyer, the payment of Proceeds of writing to the Company as soon as possible. All notices Expenses and/or risks incurred during the Period of Sale to the Seller from the Company) after entering referred to in these Conditions shall be in writing and lien. In case the Buyer fails to perform all relevant into the consignment contract with the Seller. The delivered by mail or fax. A notice sent by mail shall be obligations hereunder within the specified Period, identi?cation items may include its maker, date, name, deemed to have been delivered and received by the the Company shall have the right to dispose of type, material, condition, ?aw and size. In case of any addressee via normal mail service on the date when such property in accordance with relevant laws and discrepancy with respect to the status of such Lot the Company gives the notice to the post office. A regulations of China. In case the proceeds cannot between the identi?cation results and the consignment notice sent by fax shall be deemed to be received on cover the amount outstanding, the Company is entitled contract, or the damage to the Company's reputation, the date when it is faxed. to claim for the balance; the Company shall be entitled to terminate or modify the consignment contract. In the case that the Article 64 Severability Within 60 days after the Sale Date (counting from that consignment contract has been fulfilled, the Seller day), If the Buyer does not pay off the full price of should return the Proceeds of Sale to the Company. Rights and obligations of parties participating in an the Lot, the Seller has rights to cancel the sale of the The Seller shall assume compensation liability auction held by the Company shall be subject to these Lot and any other Lot sold to the same Buyer at this according to the rules for any violation of warranties in Conditions. If any provision or part of these Conditions auction or at any other auctions and reserve the right to Article 9. is deemed invalid, unlawful or unenforceable by claim for the losses caused by the cancellation; a competent agency, these Conditions shall be Article 60 Copyright ineffective to the extent of such unlawfulness or Resell the Lot by auction or other ways in accordance unenforceability without invalidating or affecting the with these Conditions, subject to consent of the Seller. The Company shall be entitled to take photographs, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of The original Buyer shall be liable to the Company for make illustrations or produce catalogues or other these Conditions.In case of any discrepancy between the remuneration/commission and other Expenses images relating to the Lot consigned to the Company these Conditions and any relevant law or regulation incurred at such auction as well as all Expenses for for auction and shall have the copyright in such currently in force, these Conditions shall prevail if resale by auction or otherwise. In addition, the original photographs, illustrations, catalogues or other images they do not violate any prohibitive provisions of such Buyer shall also be liable for the shortfall together with mentioned above. laws and regulations. Any matters not covered by all costs, in the event such resale is for less than the these Conditions shall be governed by existing laws original Purchase Price and Buyer's Expenses for the Article 61 Exemption and regulations applicable thereto, if any, or subject Lot; to domestic or international trade practices if such The Company shall undertake no liability for any matters are not covered by these Conditions or any Other appropriate measures. breach of contract by the Buyer or the Seller. The existing laws or regulations. Company may at its sole discretion disclose the name Article 57 Remedies for Deferred Collection and address of the Buyer or the Seller to the other party Article 65 Dispute Resolution to enable that party to commence legal proceedings In case the Buyer fails to collect the purchased Lot to recover the losses, provided that, prior to such Any dispute arising between parties participating in an within the Period provided in Article 49 hereof, the disclosure, the Company takes reasonable steps to auction held by the Company under these Conditions Company shall be entitled to exercise one or more of notify the party whose information will be so disclosed. shall be referred to a Chinese court whose jurisdiction the following remedies: covers the business address of the Company, unless Article 62 Liability for Impairing the Comp- the parties have agreed otherwise. Such disputes shall Arrange storage of the Lot at the Company or any other any's Reputation be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of place at Buyer's risk and/or Expenses. The Buyer shall China. pay the Lot storage fee equal to 0.3‰ of the Hammer The Seller shall not take any legal proceedings against Price of the Lot per day or 300 RMB per day for each the Auctioneer in terms of its honesty and business Article 66 Language Lot (higher price will be applied) from the 31th day reputation without definite evidence nor otherwise following Sale Date to the actual collection day and the behave in a way harmful to its business reputation These Conditions are written in Chinese and English. insurance premium equal to 1% of the Hammer Price (including but not limited to the identity of the Lot The English version is only for reference. In case of of the Lot. The Buyer shall not collect the Lot unless the returned and the impartiality of identification results any discrepancy between Chinese version and English Purchase Price and relevant Expenses are paid in full of the Lot); otherwise the Auctioneer may demand version, the Chinese, as the official version, shall (package and transportation at the Buyer's expense); indemnity from the Seller for the loss of business prevail. reputation and all Expenses arising therefrom. Such The price of the Lot in this catalog is subject to its RMB Exercise a lien on the purchased Lot. After 90 days of indemnity shall be in the same amount as the reserve price, the foreign currency price is for your reference delayed collection by the Buyer, the Company may, of the Lot. Without any definite evidence, the Buyer only. as the case may be, dispose of such Lot and use the shall not make any groundless or irresponsible proceeds to compensate for the amount outstanding comment on the authenticity of the sold Lot or take Article 67 Date of Effectiveness owed to the Company including but not limited to any legal proceedings against the identity of the Lot storage, insurance and transportation costs; delivered by the Company to the Buyer nor behave These Conditions shall be effective as from June 1st, in any manner harmful to the Company's business 2020. Take the purchased Lot and deposit it at a take- reputation; otherwise the Company shall have the and-deposit institution. The cost caused by the take- right to demand official apology and indemnity from Article 68 Right to Interpret and-deposit shall be borne by the Buyer. All matters the Buyer for the loss of business reputation and all concerning such take-and-deposit shall be subject to Expenses arising therefrom. Such indemnity shall be The Company has the right to interpret these applicable laws and regulations of China. in the same amount as the Reserve of the Lot. Without Conditions at its own discretion. de?nite evidence, any other persons (including but not Headings are used in these Conditions for the Chapter V Miscellaneous limited to the Bidder) shall not make any groundless or convenience of the parties only and shall not be irresponsible comment on the authenticity of the sold incorporated into these Conditions and shall not be Article 58 Confidentiality Lot or behave in any manner harmful to the Company's deemed to be any indication of the meaning of the business reputation; otherwise the Company shall have clauses. The Company shall be obligated to maintain the the right to demand of?cial apology and indemnity from confidentiality of any information provided to it by such persons for the loss of business reputation and all Photography Seller, Bidder and Buyer and indemnify and hold Expenses arising therefrom. Such indemnity shall be in 陶 然 Ran Tao Seller, Bidder, Buyer and the Company harmless from the same amount as the Reserve of the Lot. 彭淑鳳 Shufeng Peng and against any damages to their legitimate rights and interests in accordance with relevant laws and Article 63 Notice regulations of the People's Republic of China and these Conditions. Both the Bidder and the Seller shall notify the Company of their valid and regular contact information. Any Article 59 Identification change in such contact information shall be noti?ed in The Company may identify or reidentify the Lot as it deems necessary at the Company's own discretion at any time (including but not limited after the delivery


中漢二○二一年秋季拍賣會(huì) 委托競(jìng)投授權(quán)書 競(jìng)投牌號(hào) 瓷器佛像工藝品 委托人姓名 身份證/護(hù)照號(hào)碼 2021年11月28日 地址 拍賣會(huì)編號(hào):119 郵編 電話 傳真 委托人簽字 聲明: 日期 茲申請(qǐng)并委托本公司就以下拍品及價(jià)格進(jìn)行競(jìng)買, 并承諾接受如下條款: 圖錄號(hào) 拍品名稱 委托價(jià)(人民幣/元) 一、委托人承認(rèn)并愿意遵守本公司本次拍賣會(huì)的《拍賣 規(guī)則》之各項(xiàng)條款。若競(jìng)買成功,須同時(shí)繳納成交 價(jià)款15%的傭金。 二、為使委托人的委托出價(jià)得以接受而不延誤,委托人 須最遲在拍賣日前三天向本公司提供有關(guān)資質(zhì)信證 明,繳納辦理競(jìng)買號(hào)牌所需保證金,并預(yù)付表內(nèi)所 列出價(jià)的30%的委托保證金,如拍賣日前本公司未 收到預(yù)付的保證金,恕不接受該委托。 三、本公司本著為客戶利益出發(fā)的原則,以盡可能低 的價(jià)格從事競(jìng)買活動(dòng),成交價(jià)格不得高于表列委托 價(jià);當(dāng)場(chǎng)內(nèi)競(jìng)價(jià)超過(guò)委托價(jià)時(shí),委托人通過(guò)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)電 話委托工作人員競(jìng)買。 四、如競(jìng)投成功,委托人須自成交之日起三十日內(nèi),向 中漢一次性支付落槌價(jià)及相當(dāng)于落槌價(jià)15%的酬金 及其它費(fèi)用。 請(qǐng)郵寄或傳真至: 北京中漢拍賣有限公司 北京市東城區(qū)金寶街89號(hào)金寶大廈1203室 電話:(86-10)6526 6856 傳真:(86-10)6528 3189 郵編:100005 開(kāi)戶銀行:中國(guó)工商銀行股份有限公司北京建國(guó)路支行 開(kāi)戶名稱:北京中漢拍賣有限公司 銀行賬號(hào):0200041909200211936 銀行地址:北京市朝陽(yáng)區(qū)建國(guó)門外大街8號(hào)北京IFC大廈A座 郵政編碼:100020 開(kāi)戶銀行:上海浦東發(fā)展銀行北京分行建國(guó)路支行 開(kāi)戶名稱:北京中漢拍賣有限公司 銀行賬號(hào):91090154800008364 銀行地址:北京市朝陽(yáng)區(qū)建外大街99號(hào) 郵政編碼:100035 敬請(qǐng)注意: 填寫本授權(quán)書時(shí),應(yīng)填寫所有項(xiàng)目。若兩個(gè)以上委托競(jìng)投者 以相同委托價(jià)競(jìng)投成功,則以最先收到授權(quán)書者為該拍賣品 的買受人。 ? * 此表可復(fù)印使用


Johan's 2021 Autumn Auctions BID ORDER Paddle No. Chinese Ceramics & Full Name Fax Works of Art I.D. / Passport No. Date Address November 28th, 2021 Tel Sale Code: 119 Signature Please bid on my behalf at the above sale for the Lot No. Title or Description Bid Price (RMB) following Lot(s) up to the hammer price(s) mentioned below, and I agree the following Conditions: 1. I have read carefully and obey the Conditions of Business of Johan's Auctions and the declaration and regulations announced by the form of a bulletin on Auction site. After succeeding in bidding, the Bidder shall pay Johan's remuneration equal to 15% of Hammer Price and other Expense within 28 day after the Sale Date. 2. The provisions about Commission Bids in the Conditions of Business of Johan's a commission to bid on its behalf shall present Johan's with a written authorization certi?cate and pay the deposit 30% within certain Period (not Later than 24 hours before Auction Date). Otherwise, Johan's has the right to reject the commission. 3. These bids are to be executed as possible in the interests of customers. Bidding price shall not be higher than the listed price commission. 4. After succeeding in bidding, the Bidder shall pay Johan's a remuneration equal to 15% of Hammer Price and other Expenese within 30 day after the Sale Daye. Please mail or fax to: Beijing Johan's Auctions Co., Ltd. Room 1203, Jinbao Building, No. 89 Jinbao Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100005, CHINA Tel: (86-10) 6526 6856 Fax: (86-10) 6528 3189 Bank Name: ICBC Bank of China Beijing Jian Guo Lu Branch Account Name: Beijing Johan's Auctions Co., Ltd. Account No: 0200041909200211936 Address: IFC Building A, No.8 Jianwai Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, China Bank Name: SPD Bank of China Beijing Jian Guo Lu Branch Account Name: Beijing Johan's Auctions Co., Ltd. Account No: 91090154800008364 Address: No.99 Jianwai Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100035, China Important: To fill this power of attorney, should fill in all the items. In the event that two or more Bidders entrust Johan's to bid on their behalf for the same Lot and succeed in the same commission price, the Bidder whose authorization certi?cate was ?rst received by Johan's shall be the Buyer of the Lot. *This list can be copied ?


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