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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMI.2019.2926437, IEEE
Transactions on Medical Imaging
Abstract— Kinetic modeling of the in vivo pyruvate-to-lactate
conversion is crucial to investigating aberrant cancer metabolism
that demonstrates Warburg effect modifications. Non-invasive
detection of alterations to metabolic flux might offer prognostic
value and improve the monitoring of response to treatment. In
this clinical research project, hyperpolarized [1-
13C] pyruvate
was intravenously injected in 10 brain tumor patients to measure
its rate of conversion to lactate (kPL) and bicarbonate (kPB) via
echo-planar imaging. Our aim was to investigate new methods to
provide kPL and kPB maps with whole-brain coverage. The
approach was data-driven and addressed two main issues:
selecting the optimal model for fitting our data and determining
an appropriate goodness-of-fit metric. The statistical analysis
suggested that an input-less model had the best agreement with
the data. It was also found that selecting voxels based on postfitting error criteria provided improved precision and wider
spatial coverage compared to using signal-to-noise cutoffs alone.
Index Terms— Brain Cancer, Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear
Polarization, Hyperpolarized MRI, Kinetic Modeling, kPL, kPB,
Metabolic Imaging.
issolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (dDNP)1,2 is a
powerful technique that enhances nuclear polarization by
up to 5 orders of magnitude.
Its chemical3–5
, biological6–9, physical10–14, pre-clinical15–21
and clinical22–28 potentials have been investigated in the last
two decades. The use of hyperpolarized (HP) substrates has
provided important insights into cancer metabolism6,22,29–31
and cardiac imaging23,32–36. Thus far, HP pyruvate is the most
common substrate for in-vivo applications of dDNP because of
both its relatively long T1(
13C), high biological relevance, and
rapid uptake and conversion.
The first phase I clinical trial of HP [1-
13C]pyruvate was
reported in 201322 on patients with prostate cancer and it
Dep. of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of California San
Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA. 2
Dep. of Neurological Surgery, University of California San Francisco,
San Francisco, CA, USA.
We thank the funding sources: NICO and NIH grants P01CA118816,
R01EB017449 and P41EB013598. As for the first author, the views expressed
are purely those of the writer and may not in any circumstances be regarded
as stating an official position of the European Commission.
Corresponding author: daniele.mammoli@uscf.edu
demonstrated feasibility and safety for this approach to
monitoring cancer progression and treatment response by
quantifying the Warburg effect37 that is expressed through
increased lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity. Several
institutions around the globe are now performing clinical
cancer research of HP pyruvate in prostate, breast38, liver39
and brain28, in order to investigate the clinical value of dDNP
HP MRI and its advantages over current molecular imaging
methods including Fludeoxyglucose Positron Emission
Tomography (FDG-PET)40,41.
FDG-PET is an imaging technique used for the diagnosis of
cancer based on the uptake and trapping of the radioactive
substrate, but it does not track its kinetic conversion into
downstream metabolites. Furthermore, it is of limited use in
brain tumors since high glucose uptake is observed not only in
cancerous tissues, but also in healthy cortical gray matter42,43,
confounding the discrimination of brain tumors. There is an
unmet clinical need for a more precise diagnosis of brain
tumors which might be overcome by the capability of dDNP
to track the pyruvate-to-lactate conversion and the Warburg
effect, provided that a robust and reproducible kinetic
modeling of the conversion of pyruvate is achieved44–51.
The goal of this work is to develop, implement and test
methods for calculating precise kPL and kPB maps describing
the enzymatic conversion of [1-
13C]pyruvate to lactate and
bicarbonate in the human brain. We acquired 22 datasets
though a dynamic 2D multislice Echo Planar Imaging (EPI)52
sequence. Dynamic acquisition of MR images has the
advantage to provide robust quantification of kinetic
processes53, regardless of differences in bolus delivery, which
influences, for instance, area-under-curve (AUC) ratios. EPI
acquisition of HP substrates offers improved temporal
resolution and greater spatial coverage than Echo Planar
Spectroscopic Imaging (EPSI) techniques. We present and
compare several models and two approaches to cut off voxels
with improper fitting, in order to provide precise and spatiallyresolved kinetic maps.
Kinetic Modeling of Hyperpolarized Carbon-13
Pyruvate Metabolism in the Human Brain
Daniele Mammoli1, Jeremy Gordon1, Adam Autry1, Peder E. Z. Larson1, Yan Li1, Hsin-Yu Chen1,
Brian Chung1, Peter Shin1, Mark Van Criekinge1, Lucas Carvajal1, James B. Slater1, Robert Bok1,
Jason Crane1, Duan Xu1, Susan Chang2 and Daniel B. Vigneron1.