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歷年高考真題匯編*高考英語(yǔ)聽(tīng)力*昭通市民族中學(xué)校本教材 193W: Why not? These orders are not urgent. 1. be tired from 2. pack n.v. 3. order v.n. 4. urgent adj. Text 6M: Lisa? Hi!W: Hi, Ned. M: Don't you usually drive to work?W: Usually, but not in bad weather. M: Why is that?W: The traffic gets a lot worse when it rains or snows. M: I always take the train. It's a lot faster for me than driving. W: It's faster for me, too, but the time isn't always convenient. M: Yeah, but think of all the things you can do ... [收起]
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W: Why not? These orders are not urgent. 1. be tired from 2. pack n.v. 3. order v.n. 4. urgent adj. Text 6

M: Lisa? Hi!

W: Hi, Ned. M: Don't you usually drive to work?

W: Usually, but not in bad weather. M: Why is that?

W: The traffic gets a lot worse when it rains or snows. M: I always take the train. It's a lot faster for me than driving. W: It's faster for me, too, but the time isn't always convenient. M: Yeah, but think of all the things you can do on the train- read a book or the newspaper. . . W: Or answer my email. . No thanks! My workday is long enough already. Text 7

W: I think the car we saw yesterday would be a good deal. What do you think?

M: Yes, but I think you should ask someone to take a look at it just to be sure. W: My friend Jack knows cars, and he helped me do the check this morning. M: It was smart of you to think ahead. Have you and the salesman agreed on a price?

W: Yes, he finally agreed to accept the discounted price I asked. M: Then have you thought about how to pay?

W: Well, I've saved up enough money to pay cash for this car. M: Good. Let me go with you to make the payment and drive the car home for you. W: Thank you. That would make it much easier for me. M: You're welcome. Let's go take care of that right now. 5. a good deal 6. think ahead

7. the discounted price 8. cash n. Text 8

M: Being away from home for college can be stressful. Besides all the pressures of study, there's the

pressure on your pocket. Today, let's go to a university to find out. Excuse me. Can I ask you a few


W: Well, Okay. M: How do you find the cost of living in this city?

W: Everything is expensive, including clothing, housing, and traveling. M: So, what do you spend most on?

W: Transport, I think. For food, if I cook myself, it's not expensive at all. For clothing, I bring my clothes

here from my home country, where they're nice and cheap. But every week, I have to spend more than 100

pounds on the trains. M: Then what's the social life like?

W: I'm a very social person. I love hanging out with my friends and meeting new people. Thankfully, I

don't drink nor smoke, so the only expense is maybe tickets to the cinemas, clubs, and so on. 9. stressful adj. 10. the pressures of study

11. the discounted price 12. cash n. 13. the cost of 14. social life


194 歷年高考真題匯編*高考英語(yǔ)聽(tīng)力*昭通市民族中學(xué)校本教材

Text 9

W: Can you fix a time for the next meeting, Alex? How about June 12th? That's after the trade

exhibition. . . M: I thought something was happening on that day, Rebecca. W: Oh, yes. You're right. The people from Head Office are coming. M: What time does their plane arrive? Can we have the meeting in the morning?

W: No, it's all arranged. I'm meeting them at half past ten, so I won't be available at all that day. M: Well, let's have the meeting earlier in June, then. The trade exhibition finishes on the third, doesn't it?

W: Yes, but we need John's sales report for the meeting. How's it going?

M: I'm afraid John hasn't started yet. The figures won't be in place till next week. W: Will it be ready early in June?

M: Well, not really. He told me that he will finish them by June 10th. W: So, we're looking at the week starting the 17th. How about two o'clock on that day?

M: I think that's Okay. Let's meet here again then. 15. fix a time for 16. the trade exhibition

17. be available 18. sales report

19. figure v.n. 20. be in place

Text 10

W: Hello, everyone. In today's program, I'd like to share a true story of mine. One day, my friends and I

had just finished lunch at a hotel when it started to rain heavily. When it became lighter, I decided to brave

the rain to get my car and go home. It was parked three blocks away. My friends argued I shouldn't go

because at that time, I was due to give birth in three months. I promised I'd be very careful. One of them

wanted to come with me, but I insisted she stay with another friend who needed help with her baby. When

I walked to the first crossroads, a taxi stopped and a passenger came out with an umbrella. Before I knew

what was happening, he walked right beside me and told me he would walk with me to where I would go. I

refused, but he insisted. During our walk, he kept telling me to walk slowly. When we got to the car park, I

thanked him, and we parted ways. I did not get his name and may not even recognize him now. Did he

purposely stop for me? I'll never know. 21. brave the rain 22. be due to do sth. 23. give birth 24. promise v. 25. crossroad n. 26. umbrella n. 27. keep doing 28. the car park

29. part v. 30. purposely adv. 全國(guó)英語(yǔ)等級(jí)考試第二級(jí) 2018 年 3 月真題


1—5 BABAC 6—10 BCBCA 11—15 ACAAC 16—20 CABBC


Text 1

M: Beautiful day, isn’t it?

W: Yes, it’s not like what the radio said at all. M: I wish it would stay this way for the weekend.


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W: As long as it doesn’t snow. Text 2

M: Grace, would you please pick up a bottle of milk while you are at the store?

W: I’m not going to any store. I’m going to see Aunt Maggie. You can call the store and have it delivered

to you. 1. store n. 2. deliver v. Text 3

W: How are you doing this morning?

M: Much better. Thank you, doctor. My leg doesn’t hurt so much now, but I still can’t move it. W: Well, that was a bad accident. You were lucky. It could be a lot worse. Text 4

M: Lucy, you’re really a good tennis player. W: Thank you. I like playing tennis very much. M: Why not join my training centre and teach for us? You can earn some extra money. W: I’d like to, but I don’t think I can fit that into such a tight schedule. 3. refuse v. 4. offer v.n. 5. unconfident adj. 6. extra adj. 7. fit...into 8. a tight schedule

Text 5

W: Bob, what happened? How did you hurt yourself?

M: I decided to teach myself to skate. Next time, I’ll take some lessons. 9. avoid v. 10. hurt v. 11. warm up 12. in advance

13. take a course 14. take lessons

Text 6

M: Oh no, it’s raining again. What can you do in London on a day like this?

W: Oh, come on! You can do a million things. We can take a boat trip to Tower Bridge. M: A boat trip? In this weather?

W: We…we can go to the top of the London Eye to get a view of the whole city. M: But you can’t see anything in the rain. W: Yeah, you’re right. I know! Let’s go to the British Museum. There are lots of things to see. M: Okay, it’s a deal. But first, can we get an umbrella?

Text 7

W: Good morning. Can I help you?

M: Good morning. I think there should be a room booked for me in the name of Tony Marshall. W: Um, just a moment. Yes, one single room with a bathroom?

M: That’s right. I’m here to attend the Sun, Sea, and Sand Exhibition. Does that mean I get a discount?

W: Yes, there is a 20% discount. Is it for 10 days? Is that right?

M: Yes, until the 15th. That’s 10 days. W: Good. Now, I need to have your credit card. But when you check out, you can pay by card or cash or

check, as you wish. M: Okay, thanks. I’ll pay by this same card, then. W: All right. Mr. Marshall, you are in Room 207. Here is the key. The lift’s over there on your right. M: Thank you very much.


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15. book v. 16. single room v. 17. a salesperson 18. a receptionist

19. a clerk 20. discount n.v. 21. credit card 22. check out

23. by check 24. lift n.v. Text 8

M: Hello?

W: Hello, Roger. This is Vivian. M: Oh, hi Vivian. How are you doing? How’s your apartment working now?

W: Well, that’s what I’m calling about. You see, I’ve decided to look for a new place. M: Oh, what’s the problem with your place now? I thought you liked it. W: Yes, I do. But it’s a little far from college, and the traffic is killing me. Do you think you can help?

I thought you might know more about the housing situation around the school. M: Okay. How much do you want to spend on a new apartment?

W: Uh, somewhere under 500 dollars a month. M: And anything else?

W: I need one with furniture. M: Well, I know there is an apartment near the south gate of the school that seems suitable. I’ll drop by

after class today. W: Okay, thanks a lot. M: No problem. 25. make an apology 26. furniture n. 27. apartment n. 28. kill me

29. situation n. 30. suitable

31. drop by 32. after class

Text 9

W: What’s so funny, dear?

M: Look here! A small country town in Australia decides to change its name for a month. W: Really? Just for a month? Why?

M: For road safety. The town is called Speed, in the countryside of Victoria. Now, the people living

there want to change it into Speed Kills. They hope the drivers passing the town will slow down a bit

when they see the road sign. W: That sounds like a really good idea, doesn’t it?

M: Mmm. The idea was put forward by the Victoria Transport Accident Office. It soon won over 45

people in Speed. They even made a video which has already become a hit on the Internet!

W: It’s interesting to see what will happen then. M: A local farmer called Phil Down wants to change his name, too. He’ll be called Phil Slow Down. He

wishes the idea would catch on around the world. W: I hope it works well. 33. slow down 34. the road sign

35. put forward 36. become a hit

37. catch on 38. attention

Text 10

Thank you for calling Global Cinema. For film information and times, press 1. To make a booking, press


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2. To speak to an operator, press 3.These are the films for today, Tuesday the 7th. In Room 1, Don’t Open The Door. A group of college students decide to rent a house in the

mountains for a relaxing weekend break. But they aren’t the only guests on the mountain…one by

one, they start to disappear. Who or what is outside the house? Showing at 4:30, 7 o’clock, and 9

o’clock. In Room 2, Ships In The Night. Maggie breaks up with her boyfriend and decides to take a holiday on a

ship to help her forget him. Tony is a waiter on the ship and he is very unhappy when his girlfriend leaves

him to marry the captain. Together, they find a way to forget their problems. Showing at 5 o’clock, 7:45, and 10 o’clock. In Room 3, Streetmatch — The Return, the second film of French director Jean-Luc Ducroix. Two

American teenagers buy an old car, and with a lot of hard work and after a lot of problems, they enter their

car into the Streetmatch competition. But is their car good enough to win? Showing at 5:50, 8:30, and

11:45. 39. cinema 40. call sb./sth

41. press 42. make a booking

43. operator 44. rent a house

45. a weekend break 46. disappear

47. breaks up with sb. 48. take a holiday

49. marry the captain 50. French director

51. competition

全國(guó)英語(yǔ)等級(jí)考試第二級(jí) 2018 年 9 月真題


1—5 CBCBA 6—10 BACAB 11—15 ABACC 16—20 ABABC


Text 1

M: Sorry about the broken plate, Mary. I was so careless just now. W: It’s okay. I’m glad you didn’t get hurt. We’ll get some new ones at the supermarket this afternoon. So don’t worry about it. Text 2

W: Hi, Henry. I heard you’ve travelled a lot recently. M: Yeah, I just came back from Africa. W: Well, I really envy you. M: You won’t if you know how tiring it was. Now, I just want to take a break. A long break. Text 3

W: Hi, John. What’s new?

M: Hi, Kate. Nothing too much with me, but you ought to see Fred’s new car. W: So, he finally got that Italian sports car…

M: He sure did. I can hardly wait to go for a ride in it. 1. offer sb. a ride 2. sports car

3. can hardly wait to do 4. go for a ride

Text 4


198 歷年高考真題匯編*高考英語(yǔ)聽(tīng)力*昭通市民族中學(xué)校本教材

M: Hi, I’d like to apply for a card to borrow books. W: Okay, please fill out this form. M: All right... All done. W: Well, now please sign the card. 5. apply for 6. fill out this form

7. sign the card 8. librarian n. Text 5

W: Patrick moved out last Friday. He’s now living in a nice and quiet neighborhood. M: Yes, I heard about it. I wonder if he’s paying more for the new apartment. Anyway, he must be very

glad to live this noisy place. Text 6

M: Hi, Sara. How’s your speech for Professor Grey’s class next Monday?

W: Actually, I’m a bit worried. M: Why should you? What’s going on?

W: You know...what I chose to talk about is British history. M: Really? That is a big topic. W: Yes. There are so many things to cover. I just can’t see how to do it in a three-minute speech. Text 7

M: Polly, Ms. Kelly has agreed to come and give a talk about international relations next week. When do

you think we can fit her lecture in?

W: That’s great, Nick. What about Friday afternoon, then?

M: I’m afraid some students are planning to go on a trip. Maybe we can have it on Wednesday

afternoon. W: No, that’s not possible either. Most students are having group activities for their research projects. Well, I have an idea. I have a class on Tuesday afternoon, and probably Ms. Kelly can use my time. M: That’s possible. But I have to speak to Dr. Li about that, and you should also talk to the students

about the change. W: Oh, yes. I’ll certainly do that. 9. give a talk about 10. international relations

11. fit her lecture in 12. go on a trip

13. group activities 14. research projects

Text 8

M: Excuse me, I’m trying to get to the Spring Gardens. Is it far from here?

W: Spring Gardens? No, it’s not this way. It’s in the city centre. M: Is it? Oh, no! Someone told me it was this way. W: No, no. It’s not this way. You want to go down there. M: Yes, okay…down there. W: Yep. Then, turn left, okay?

M: Left... W: Yep, then right — first street on your right. M: Right. W: Then straight on, keep walking…

M: Oh, I’m lost! It sounds really difficult. Um, could I get a taxi anywhere near here?

W: It’s not so far. You just walk to the corner of the street or over the next block. There are buses that can


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take you there. M: Well, it’s starting to rain. I think I’ll get a taxi. Thanks, anyway. W: That’s okay. Lots of taxis go this way. M: I’m getting wet. What a day!

Text 9

W: Hello, welcome to this week’s “People You Meet”. Today, we present to you Mark Leach, an

information officer in London. M: Hi, everyone. My name’s Mark Leach. I’m an information officer at the Britain Business Center, which

is a tourist office for the British Tourist Board in London. Here, we offer a tourist information service to

mainly visitors from overseas. And each year, we have about 500,000 people come to the office. W: Wow, that’s a large number of people. How do you manage to meet the needs of so many people?

M: I’m in charge of an information team. The team has about ten officers who give tourist information

directly over the counter to visitors. We speak a total of thirteen languages altogether. W: That’s pretty cool! So, what exactly do you do every day?

M: Well, we act as a one-stop shop for anyone who wants to come in. So, it could be that they want a

day-trip from London, which is a very popular request. And we can offer suggestions of where to go and

how to get there. If people want a two-week tour of Britain, we can plan out exactly where to visit, what roads to take. W: So, do you have any suggestions for people coming to Britain?

M: A good suggestion is to see as much as you can, but try to come back again and again to see different

parts of the country. Because in that way, you’ll really experience it. 15. present to sb. sth. 16. information officer

17. British Tourist Board 18. Offer a service

19. overseas 20. a large number of

21. meet the needs 22. over the counter

23. a total of 24. be in charge of

25. a day-trip 26. offer suggestions

Text 10

M: Right! Next, I’ll tell you something about my childhood. Although we have always lived in the same

city, my family and I moved a lot since I was old enough to remember. We don’t have our own house. We

have always rented them. For eight years, we lived downtown in a large 10-story building with no less

than 30 apartments in it. The conditions were very good. But on the other hand, we had a lot of

problems. Imagine how difficult and colorless life was for a nine-year-old boy, full of life, having no

place to play freely. No sun, no open air, no football games. School’s from 7:30 to noon and the

afternoon’s spent in a room studying, reading, or playing indoor games with a friend or two. No outdoor

activities because the streets were too dangerous, and the parents much too afraid to let a young boy go out. How I wished for the weekends to come. I could then burst out with joy and happiness when we went

out for a visit to some friends or relatives, a picnic, or even a car ride. I think that’s one of the reasons

why I became such a strong nature lover. 27. move a lot 28. downtown

29. no less than 30. colorless life

31. indoor games 32. burst out with joy

33. go out for a visit 34. relatives


200 歷年高考真題匯編*高考英語(yǔ)聽(tīng)力*昭通市民族中學(xué)校本教材

全國(guó)英語(yǔ)等級(jí)考試第二級(jí) 2019 年 3 月真題


1—5 CBBAA 6—10 CBCBA 11—15 CABAC 16—20 BBAAC


Text 1

M: I’m very sorry, Mrs. Lamb. It’s all my fault. I allowed William to play with the ball against the wall. I’ll

pay for the glass. W: Well, I would rather he help me cut the grass. 1. would rather 2. cut the grass

Text 2

M: Excuse me. How much are the tickets, please?

W: They are $10 each, but students go half price. M: Two student tickets, please. Here are our student IDs. Text 3

W: Jim, do you know anyone who can help me with this terrible washing machine?

M: Usually, I will call the Nelsons’ company, but if you want to spend less, you may call the Andersons’

instead. Text 4

M: Hello, is there a flight leaving for London at 11:00?

W: Nothing round that time, but there are flights leaving at 10:20 and 11:45. M: All right, I’ll take the earlier one. Text 5

M: Jennifer, our business is growing fast. Please make sure that we have enough paper to keep up with our

work. W: I remember we bought some last month. Shall I order some more now?

M: Yes, please do. 3. keep up with 4. order v.n. Text 6

M: Hello. Could you please help us? We’d like a map of this city. W: Yes, here you are. M: Oh, could you also give us some information about the film festival?

W: Take this booklet. It has all the information about the activities that will be put on during the

festival. M: Thanks. And one last thing, do you have a bus timetable for East Town?

W: Yes, here you are. M: Thank you very much. 5. film festival 6. booklet n. Text 7

W: Well, I’d better be going. My train is about to leave anytime now. M: Right. W: It was nice meeting you. Thanks for coming to see me off. M: That’s all right. It was nice meeting you, too. I really enjoyed the concert. I think it went really well. All the songs you sang last night were great.


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W: Thank you, and thanks for being so helpful — booking the hotel and everything. M: It was my pleasure. I should thank Alan. If he hadn’t been ill, I wouldn’t have had this chance to help

organize the concert and to meet you. W: Oh, yeah. Give my regards to Alan. I hope he’ll be better soon. Well, I’ll be off, then. I’ll see you

around. M: OK, see you. 7. be about to 8. see me off

9. enjoy the concert 10. give my regards to

Text 8

W: Mr. Wilson, it’s nice to have you with us this evening. M: Well, I’m glad to be on the program to introduce my hometown. W: OK, let’s begin. Does Bergen have a long history?

M: Yes, it does. Bergen was founded by King Olav Kyrre in 1070, and it became Norway’s first real

capital in the 13th century. Until the 1830s, Bergen was the biggest town in Norway, because it was a

major European trading seaport then. W: What are the major industries in Bergen?

M: Well, fishing and oil & gas industries are important parts in Bergen’s economy. Trade and traveling by

sea also play an important role. Many tourists visit the city every year. W: Why are tourists so interested in Bergen?

M: Bergen is famous for its unusual beauty of the sea and mountains and old wooden buildings. You

have to experience it for yourself. The city is worth touring around on foot. Slowly walking around

old streets where people have lived for centuries is like a fairy tale. You will see small wooden houses, streets with stone steps, and flowers everywhere. 11. have you with us 12. be on the program

13. a major trading seaport 14. major industries

15. economy 16. play an important role

17. experience for yourself 18. be worth doing

19. a fairy tale 20. stone steps

Text 9

W: Hello. This is the Hamiltons’... M: Oh, hello. My name’s Paul Blake. I’m ringing about the flat. W: Oh, yes. You saw it in the newspaper, didn’t you?

M: That’s right. Could you tell me something about the flat?

W: Well, there’s quite a big sitting room and a kitchen. M: Good. What about bedrooms?

W: There are two bedrooms: one big and one small, but quite nice. M: I see. W: It’s an upstairs flat, on the top floor of the house. We live downstairs. M: Uh…h(huán)ow much is it exactly?

W: Well, 200 pounds a week. M: 200 pounds?

W: Look, why don’t you come round and see the flat? Then you can make up your mind. It’s better

than trying to talk about it over the phone. M: Yes. May I see it now?


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W: Well, it’s a bit difficult for me this morning. I’ve got to go out. M: How about this afternoon? At about three?

W: OK. Three would be fine for me. M: Right. See you this afternoon, then. Bye. Text 10

Hello, this is Harry Johnson with the news update of this hour. In the race for the 11th Union Party leader, after the final count, Robert Tennen has beaten Jim Hardy by 10%. In other news, 10th Street will be

closed for two days starting at noon tomorrow, as the water company needs to repair a water pipe

there. Drivers are advised to take 8th Street or 9th Street instead. Finally, the weather. Today’s high was 73

degrees. Slightly cooler temperatures with rain are expected tonight. There will be more rain tomorrow

with a high of only 62 degrees. This is Harry Johnson for news update. Listen for the complete day’s

news at 10:00 tonight. 21. the news update 22. in the race

23. the final count 24. beat

25. the water company 26. a water pipe

全國(guó)英語(yǔ)等級(jí)考試第二級(jí) 2019 年 9 月真題


1—5 BABCA 6—10 CCBAB 11—15 ABCAB 16—20 ACACB


Text 1

M: Susan, is Craig in the office? I must ask him about these numbers today. W: Oh, he is out for a meeting. But you can reach him on his mobile phone. 1. be out for 2. reach him on phone

Text 2

M: Nice to meet you. Where do you work, if I may ask?

W: Oh, I work at the University of San Diego. M: I’m from Saint Louis. How’s the weather in San Diego?

W: It’s warm most of the time. Text 3

W: David, are you still teaching Chinese?

M: Yes, and I have an especially interesting class this year. I have eighteen students from different

countries. W: How are they doing?

M: Very well. They are learning a lot, and so am I. Text 4

M: Where shall we go on holiday this year?

W: Why don’t we take a train down to the seaside? Or we could borrow my dad’s car. M: Going to the seaside is a great idea, but I’d like to fly there to save time. Text 5

W: Bob, can I come to see you at your home tomorrow evening?

M: Sure, but Vicky and I have decided to go shopping tomorrow afternoon. So, call me before you come.


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W: Alright. Text 6

W: Excuse me, sir. Do I take the train for Sydney there?

M: Uh… when does it leave?

W: At 9:28. Here’s my ticket. M: Oh, let me have a look. Um… yes. Platform Two. W: Thank you. By the way, what time does it reach Sydney?

M: You should be there at 11:34. W: Must I change?

M: No. It’s a through train. W: Thank you. M: You’re welcome. Have a nice trip. Text 7

M: Martha!

W: Roger!

M: What are you doing here? You live in Manchester, don’t you?

W: Yes, that’s right. I do. But I’m having a week’s holiday here. M: What?! Here in Milan?

W: Yes. I’m visiting a friend. What about you? What are you doing here? Having a holiday as well?

M: No, not me. I’m working. I’m looking for some new shoe designs for the shop. W: Oh yes. You are the manager of the shoe shop now, aren’t you?

M: Yes, that’s right. And it’s doing quite well. W: Which hotel are you staying at, by the way?

M: Well, I’m not staying in Milan anymore. I’m catching the train to Florence in half an hour. In fact I

must go now. Have a nice holiday. W: Thanks. Bye Roger. 3. shoe designs 4. catch the train

Text 8

W: How can I help you, Mr. Daniels?

M: Well, I started having headaches a couple of weeks ago and they’re getting worse. I can’t sleep

properly. I feel tired all the time. And the worst thing is my hair is going grey and I’m only 30. W: I see. Let me ask you some questions. Do you smoke?

M: No. I gave up a month ago. W: Right. I see you’re a salesman. How many hours a week do you work?

M: Normally, I do eight hours a day. But at the moment I’m working at least 10 hours and some Saturdays. W: That’s a lot. What do you do when you want to have a rest?

M: Well, I usually sit in front of the TV with a sandwich and a few beers. W: Hmm. Do you do any exercise at the moment?

M: Not really. But I’m losing a lot of weight and I don’t know why. W: I think you are suffering from overwork. I want you to eat a wider variety of food and do some

exercise. Come back and see me in four weeks and I’ll give you a check-up. 5. grey 6. have a rest

7. a few beers 8. lose a lot of weight


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9. suffer from 10. a wider variety of

11. give sb. a check-up 12. do some exercise

Text 9

W: Good evening. In today’s program we’ll learn about a small island off the coast of Maine from the

people living on it. Let’s welcome our guest, Mr. Kevin Baldwin. So Kevin, what is it like to live on


M: Well, life on Frenchboro is different from the way most people are living. There are no movie

theatres, clothing stores or restaurants. What we do have is the most beautiful, peaceful island

anyone could wish for. There are about fifty people living on it where everyone knows everyone else. W: Where do children go to school?

M: We have a school where the students have small classes, five or six students with a teacher in a

class. Each child is well cared for. W: Where do you get medical care?

M: There are no medical services on the island. We take care of ourselves and each other to the best

of our abilities, and head to the mainland for medical attention. Visitors are expected to keep

themselves healthy and bring with them enough medicine during their stay on the island. 13. off the coast 14. movie theatres

15. clothing stores 16. get medical care

17. medical services 18. to the best of our abilities 19. head to 20. medical attention

21. keep healthy 22. during their stay

Text 10

M: Hello everybody. My name is David Anderson. I’m glad to be invited by the International

Student Centre to give you a talk on how to protect yourselves and avoid losses, both on and off

campus. First, if you, especially the girls, are in a café or restaurant, make sure that your bag is where

you can keep an eye on it. If you want to leave for a while, don’t ask a stranger to take care of it. Just take it with you. Second, if you drive, park in a public car park, or at least in a well-lighted area

if it’s at night. Avoid the quiet dark roads, and don’t leave your passport, laptop, or cash in the car. Third, if you have to walk home alone late at night, stick to well-lighted areas. If you really think someone is

going to hurt you, go to the nearest house and ask for help. If a car stops to ask for information, just keep

well clear of the door. At last, I just want to say that in this country, it is not allowed to carry a knife, or

anything that can be used as a weapon, even if it’s for self-defense. Actually, this isn’t a dangerous town if

you’re careful enough. 23. protect yourselves 24. on and off campus

25. keep an eye on 26. a public car park

27. a well-lighted area 28. stick to

29. carry a knife 30. a weapon

31. self-defense

全國(guó)英語(yǔ)等級(jí)考試第二級(jí) 2020 年 7 月真題


1—5 ABCBA 6—10 CAACB 11—15 CCAAB 16—20 BCBAB


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Text 1

W: I saw Nancy at the supermarket yesterday when I was looking for some fruit. M: Was she also buying fruit there?

W: No. She was buying some clothes for her baby. Text 2

W: Excuse me. Do you stop at the beach?

M: No. You need to get off at the church and take a line 14. W: Have we got much further to go?

M: It’s the next stop. 1. get off 2. take a line 14

Text 3

M: Oh my! It’s steaming hot today. The temperature has hit 38 degrees. W: Yeah, it’s like the whole world is boiling. Text 4

W: Oh, I just don’t feel like doing anything. M: What’s the matter, Jane?

W: Well, you know that job I went for today? I lost it. M: Oh, come on! It can’t be as bad as all that. Look on the bright side. Maybe something better will come

up. 3. steaming hot 4. temperature

5. hit 6. degrees

7. boil 8. feel like doing

9. come up 10. the bright side

Text 5

W: Can you come to a party this Saturday? It’s for Carolyn. She’s just come back from Beijing. M: Sure. That sounds like fun. Can I help with anything?

W: I think everything’s taken care of. Thanks. See you on Saturday. Text 6

M: Hi Jennifer. I’m calling to tell you that Wendy and I are leaving tomorrow afternoon. W: Oh, so soon? I hope you’ve had a good time visiting places and friends here. M: Yes. We had a great time. Thank you again for the wonderful dinner last Friday. If you and Gary

ever come to San Francisco, please let us know and we’d be more than happy to have you as our

guests. W: Thank you, Tom. Have a safe trip back home. 11. guest 12. have a safe trip

Text 7

M: Good afternoon. Finding everything okay?

W: Oh, I’m looking at your computers. You have many different machines here. Could you tell me

something about them?

M: Er…these two with large monitors are the latest and fastest. But this one is the most popular. The

monitor’s a bit smaller, though. W: Oh, this one’s so much less expensive. How come?

M: There’s a sale this week on this model.


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W: Is it hard to set up at home?

M: Oh no, certainly not. The instruction explains everything. W: That’s good. Well, I really need a computer to do my homework, and this one is much cheaper. I

guess I’ll take it. M: Okay. Let me write this up, and then you just take it over there to that lady, and she’ll take care of it. W: Okay. 13. monitor n. 14. latest

15. a sale 16. model n. 17. set up 18. instruction n. Text 8

W: So many beautiful stamps! Bill, it must have taken you at least five years to collect them. M: Well, I started collecting stamps nine years ago, when I was in grade seven. You can find a wealth

of information from stamps. For example, if you compare these two stamps, you can see the country name

change. W: Yeah, that’s amazing! Holding the stamp in my hand is just like holding a little piece of history. M: Exactly! You can always learn something interesting from collecting stamps, whether it is history, animals, plants, or buildings. That was why I took up this hobby, though later I also made a lot of

friends at the clubs. W: But now we have email. Will this hobby still live on?

M: Sure! Emails make stamps rarer and more valuable. W: I see. But it sounds like an expensive hobby. M: Not really. Usually selections of stamps cost only a few dollars. Besides, stamps grow in value very

quickly. A good, solid, detailed collection can be worth serious money. W: So stamp collecting is more than a hobby. It can be a business. M: You said it. 19. stamps n. 20. collect stamps

21. a wealth of 22. compare v. 23. took up a hobby 24. rare adj. 25. valuable adj. 26. detailed adj. Text 9

W: How did you become an artist, Dan?

M: As a child, I loved to draw. You know, I was born and educated in Paris. My uncle was a school art

teacher. And he often took me to art museums. I guess that’s how I became interested in art, and by the

time I was ten, I knew I wanted to be an artist. W: Did you like to look at other artists’ work?

M: I used to be a big fan of Andy Warhol. Then I discovered that Jackson Pollock spoke most deeply to

me. W: But your painting is nothing like Pollock’s. M: I know. But after I studied his work for some time, I learned that his sense of freedom was the key. This freed me and helped me develop my own way of painting. W: Well, you’ve certainly succeeded in doing that. What’s next for you, Dan?

M: I have stayed in New York for nearly six years now, and I need a change. So I’m planning to spend

some time in East Asia. W: Why is that?


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M: The art scene there is very exciting. I’ll visit Beijing and see Chinese paintings, like the ones by Qi

Baishi. In fact, I’m thinking of studying in an art college there. 27. educated adj. 28. spoke most deeply to

29. free v. 30. succeeded in doing

Text 10

W: Hello everyone. This is a picture of my room at home. I’ve had this room since I was in the fifth

grade. My parents said I could do anything I wanted with it. I picked the paint colors for the walls. One

wall is green, one is pale gray, and the rest is white, which makes the room seem bigger. I do feel

disappointed that my room is so small. Mom suggested the platform bed and built-in corner desk. But

still there isn’t room for my friends and me to sit in here. So mostly I just sleep, read or get ready to go out. My shoes are put on shelves, dresses hung on the door. I like my room clean and tidy. I’ve put away

most of my childhood things, but I’ve kept some. It’s very important for me to have my own space. If

I’m away at school, I usually leave the door open. But if it is shut, I’d like my parents to knock. 31. disappointed adj. 32. the platform bed

33. built-in corner desk 34. succeeded in doing

35. shelves n. 36. hung v. 37. tidy adj. 38. shut v. 全國(guó)英語(yǔ)等級(jí)考試第二級(jí) 2020 年 9 月真題


1—5 BABAC 6—10 ABCBC 11—15 ABCCA 16—20 BCACB


Text 1

M: Jane, are you on a diet? You look thinner than before. W: Not exactly. The day after I began to diet, I got sick. I stayed in the hospital for the last two weeks

and lost five kilos. 1. on a diet 2. kilos

Text 2

M: Hi. I need to check out this book. W: Sure. May I have your card?

M: Okay. W: Sorry, I’m afraid you have to return one of the five books you’ve already borrowed before you

check this one out. Text 3

M: What time is it, Mary? We’ve waited here for about ten minutes. W: It’s 7:40 now. M: Oh, our bus is late today. W: Yes, it should have arrived five minutes ago. Text 4

W: Bob, turn off the TV. It’s time for bed. M: Most of my classmates say they go to bed after nine o’clock. W: Never mind what time your friends go to bed. I say your bedtime is half past eight. And it’s 8:20


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now. Text 5

W: Hi Jim. Did you have a nice weekend?

M: Yes, Kate. It was great. I went camping with my friends in the Catskills. W: Really? How was the weather there?

M: It was very nice. 3. go camping 4. have a nice weekend

Text 6

W: How long have you been having the pain?

M: I first felt it in November last year. W: Well, you should have come in earlier. Have you changed your eating habits in any way?

M: No, not really. W: Is there a certain type of food that would cause stronger pain than other types?

M: Hmm. Heavy foods like steak or cheese usually bring it on. W: I see. What about if I touch here, does it hurt?

M: Ouch! It does hurt. What do you think it is?

W: I’m not sure. We need to take an X-ray to see if anything is wrong. M: Okay. 5. cause v. 6. steak n. Text 7

W: Hi Peter. Have you been in London long?

M: Hi Maggie. I got here last Friday. It’s about a week now. W: I just arrived. What’s the hotel like?

M: It’s okay. Not perfect, but for this price, not bad. W: Why? What’s the matter with it?

M: Well, the heating doesn’t always work. And it was freezing in here yesterday. Breakfast is very early in

the morning. Today I overslept and missed it completely. W: You overslept? Why was that?

M: Well, there’s a man with a boy staying next door. They’ve been here for three days now, and the boy is

really noisy. I didn’t get any sleep. W: Oh no. Well, I don’t know what we can do about the breakfast or other guests. But why don’t you ask

the hotel to look at the heating?

M: Hmm. Good idea. I’ll talk to them about it right now. 7. the heating n. 8. freeze v. 9. oversleep v. 10. completely adv. Text 8

W: Do you know Nat King Cole?

M: You mean the pop singer? Yeah. What about him?

W: In his song “Smile”, he tells people to smile through heartbreak. But now, research suggests that false

happiness may just make things worse. M: Really? Tell me more about it. W: Researchers took pictures of bus drivers and then looked into the expressions on their faces. M: They did? What happened then?

W: After following the drivers closely, researchers found that the drivers had to force a smile at work. They


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felt so bad that they wanted to give up their jobs. M: I never imagined it could be so serious. Why is that?

W: The report says when people try to hold back bad feelings, it turns out that the feelings become

even stronger and last longer. M: Look at my face. Do I smile a real smile?

11. pop singer 12. smile through heartbreak

13. false happiness 14. took pictures

15. looked into 16. facial expressions

17. force a smile 18. hold back

19. turn out 20. last v. 21. enjoyable adj. 22. in terms of

Text 9

W: Professor Brown, which do you prefer, writing or teacher training?

M: Well, I enjoy both very much. In fact, I wouldn’t want to give up either. These days most of my time

is spent on writing. I go to the university just two half days a week to work with graduate students. W: What plans do you have for the future?

M: Now that we have completed a textbook and its new CD program, we plan to develop more textbooks

for other markets. People sometimes say to me, “You work too hard.” The truth is I enjoy what I do, and

I don’t consider it to be work. W: What do you like to do that’s not education related?

M: I like playing the piano. I’m fortunate to have been born with the ability to play the piano by ear. If I remember a music piece, I can play it. I’m not sure how I do it, but I’ve had that ability since the age of

twelve. I took music lessons from the age of six. I also write music. Although I’m a language teacher, I

can’t write words to songs. I have to turn to others for the words. Actually, I have more confidence in my

book-writing ability than my song-writing ability. 23. graduate students 24. completed a textbook

25. play the piano 26. be born with

27. a music piece 28. turn to

29. have confidence in 30. song-writing ability

Text 10

W: Our listener question this week comes from Australia. Jeff Bailey has been listening to our

program since 2004. And he wants to know more about coal-mining in the United States. The United

States produces about half of its electric power from coal. America is the second-largest producer of

coal after China. Coal is mined in half the states, but Wyoming mines the most, followed by West

Virginia, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania. The United States gets about two-thirds of its coal from surface

mining rather than underground mining. Surface mining is the name for the different methods that are used

to remove coal that is less than sixty meters underground. The United States has about 87,000 coal miners. The jobs pay well, especially for the poor areas where mines are often found. However, the jobs can also

be dangerous. The government says more than 100,000 coal miners lost their lives in the past century. 31. coal-mining 32. produce v. 33. electric power 34. surface mining

35. underground mining 36. remove v. 37. lose one’s life 38. coal miners


210 歷年高考真題匯編*高考英語(yǔ)聽(tīng)力*昭通市民族中學(xué)校本教材

全國(guó)英語(yǔ)等級(jí)考試第二級(jí) 2021 年 3 月真題


1—5 CBACB 6—10 ACCBC 11—15 AABCA 16—20 BACBA


Text 1

M: Ryan didn't go to work yesterday. He was running a fever and had to go to the hospital. W: Oh, really? I thought he was watching football with his friends. 1. run a fever

Text 2

W: I've sent out the invitations for the dinner party. M: That's good. Now what should we do?

W: We've got to plan the menu. M: OK. Do you have anything in mind?

2. sent out 3. plan the menu

Text 3

W: Excuse me. Could you please take a picture of me with this camera?

M: No problem. Do I have to focus it?

W: No, all you have to do is point and press the button. M: All right. Say "Cheese”. 4. sent out 5. button n. Text 4

M: Oh no! I can't find my mobile phone. W: Didn't you use it at the supermarket to call you friend?

M: Yes, I did. I must have left it at the cashier's desk. W: Don't worry. Let's drive back to find it. 6. cashier's desk 7. mobile phone

Text 5

W: What about going for a bike ride?

M: Is it still raining?

W: No, but it's still dull. Let's hang on for half an hour or so. It may clear up then. 8. a bike ride 9. dull adj. Text 6

M: I thought your flight would arrive two hours ago. What took so long?

W: Didn't they announce that our flight was delayed?

M: I didn't hear anything about a delay. I thought everything was running on time. What happened?

W: We got on the plane on time but then we were held up for almost two hours due to an unknown

problem. M: That's too bad. Have you had anything to eat?

W: I managed to get a sandwich on the plane. How about you?

M: I've had nothing but a cup of coffee. I'm starving. Let's get out of here and find a restaurant. 10. flight 11. announce v. 12. delay v. n. 13. be held up

14. due to 15. starving adj.


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Text 7

M: Lisa, how do you get your news every day?

W: Well, I get most of my news from TV. I also read newspapers. Radio is my last choice and I seldom go

online. How about you?

M: I hardly listen to the radio either, but I do love reading news on the Internet. W: You should be careful with the information online. Much of it cannot be trusted at all. By the way, what type of news are you interested in?

M: I mainly focus on sports news. What about you?

W: I enjoy watching quite a number of news programs on TV. Many of them center on business, art and

international politics. M: Well, I have a feeling that the news reporters on TV usually say similar things based on the same

information. And some of the news is very sad. W: I know what you mean. But you have to keep up with what's happening around the world, even though

it makes you feel bad sometimes. 16. go online 17. focus on

18. center on 19. international politics

20. similar 21. keep up with

Text 8

M: Good morning, this is Kevin Johnson. What can I do for you?

W: Hello, manager. Can't you do something about the service in this hotel?

M: I'm sorry, madam. What's the problem exactly?

W: My breakfast, that's the problem. I ordered a full English breakfast from room service at least half an

hour ago. I've telephoned them three times but my breakfast still hasn't come. M: I see. W: I've got an important meeting at nine o'clock. And now it seems I'll have to go there without breakfast. Really I don't think this is good enough. M: I'm very sorry, madam. You ordered breakfast half an hour ago and you phoned three times since

then. W: That's right. M: I'm really sorry about this. You should have received the breakfast no later than ten or twenty

minutes after you ordered it. W: That's what I thought. M: The problem may be that they are short of people in the kitchen recently, but I will look into this

myself. Full English breakfast, was it?

W: Yes, full English breakfast. M: Very well, madam. I will bring it up to your room right away. 22. bring it up to 23. right away

Text 9

W: Hi, Jason

M: Hi, Maria. You look excited. What's up?

W: I had an amazing day. M: Really? What happened?

W: I was shopping down the Oxford Street when I saw a woman. She looked really familiar. I mean I

was sure I knew her. She was bending down and looking around her for something.


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M: What was she looking for?

W: She was looking for her ring. Anyway, I found it for her. And when she got up, I realized it was

Susan Hill, the famous actress. M: You mean the Susan Hill in the Good Old Days? You can't be serious. W: Believe it or not. Anyway, she was really grateful and she gave me a ticket to her new play. It's

worth 50 pounds. M: Wow, that's great. W: I know, and she invited me to have dinner with her after the play with other actors. M: You're really lucky. W: So are you. She said I can bring a friend. M: Gosh! Thank you, Maria. Text 10

W: Good evening, everyone. This is the final team meeting before we travel to Costa Rica. I'd like to tell

you about the three different projects that we're running there. Before I go on though, let me tell you that

we will be leaving on the 6th of April and we will be coming back on the 20th instead of the 10th of

July. I hope that won't be a problem for anyone. Now, the first project includes cleaning up the beaches in

the east of the country. This is home to some rare sea birds and we're going there to do our best to protect

them. The second project is in the capital, San José. There we will be working in the national zoo, planting trees to improve the animal's natural homes. The final project is in one of the national parks. This

is in an area of rainforest which was destroyed, and now the Costa Rican government wants to bring new

life to it. We will be planting trees and recording the growth habits of the plants that we find there. Okay, has anyone got any questions on any of that?

24. though 25. instead of

26. cleaning up the beaches 27. rare sea birds

28. national zoo 29. improve v. 30. rainforest n. 31. destroy v. 32. plant trees 33. record v. 全國(guó)英語(yǔ)等級(jí)考試第二級(jí) 2021 年 9 月真題


1—5 BABAC 6—10 CABAC 11—15 BAACB 16—20 CCBCA


Text 1

M: Alice! So nice to see you. I thought you went to New York. Why are you still here in London?

W: It was my sister who went to New York. And she’s in Chicago now. I’ve been here the whole time. Text 2

M: Linda, have a taste of this cake and tell me what you think. W: Okay. Hmm. I’m afraid it has gone bad. When did you buy it?

1. have a taste of 2. go bad

Text 3

M: Excuse me, isn’t the staff meeting at 9:30? I’ve been waiting here for ten minutes, but nobody showed



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W: You’re in the wrong room. It’s one floor up. M: Oops! Thank you. 3. the staff 4. showed up

5. one floor up 6. Oops

Text 4

M: Hey, you come to watch the movie again. Weren’t you here yesterday?

W: Oh, yes, I saw it last week and I saw it again yesterday. I always see my favorite movies four or five

times. M: Here’s your ticket. Have a nice time. Text 5

W: Bob, your trip sounds wonderful. But I have to go now. My biology class starts in a few minutes. M: Oh, sorry, Caroline. I didn’t mean to hold you up. Text 6

W: It’s hot today. I’d like to have some ice cream. Do you want some, dear?

M: No, thank you. Do you know the danger you face when eating ice cream?

W: Yes, gaining weight. M: No, not that. Have you heard about brain freeze?

W: No, what’s that?

M: For many people, eating ice cream or drinking an icy drink too fast can produce a terrible

headache. It usually hits in the front of the brain. People also call it “ice cream headache”. W: Okay. I see. You know what? After all these years, you sound more and more like my father. Text 7

W: Mike, what lessons did you have at school this morning?

M: We had art, but we didn’t go to the classroom. Ms. Green took us to visit the museum in town. W: How come? What did you do there?

M: We looked at paintings by famous artists. W: I wish I had been with you. Did anything attract you?

M: A lot. But my favorite painting was by Picasso. It looked very strange. W: Did Ms. Green explain something about the paintings?

M: Yes, and after that we made pictures for a competition. I drew a picture of Ms. Green. It looked like a

Picasso painting. W: Did she like it?

M: Ms. Green wasn’t very pleased, and she thought it dull. So, I didn’t win. Text 8

M: Cindy, as a working mother, how do you balance work and family?

W: It takes skills. It’s an art, I should say. But raising a kid while working is not as hard as most people

think. M: You mean it’s not difficult?

W: No, if you know how to share your responsibilities properly. My husband does more housework, and

I take more care of our kid. I try to spend as much time with our kid as possible. She joins me in my daily

activities. M: What do you mean?

W: Working as a model, I do a lot of exercise every day to stay fit, and I encourage our kid to do it

with me. It’s like play to her. As a result, I’m fit, she’s fit, and we spend time together.


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M: I see. What else do you do together?

W: Things like reading picture books and going to the park. M: I really like your ideas. Text 9

M: Nice to meet you, Jennifer. Can you tell us a few things about yourself? Perhaps your work experience. W: I’m a university student in my final year, and I major in English. I’ve had several part-time jobs, including office work and sales. M: What was your office work about?

W: I worked at the reception desk and did some paperwork. M: What did you learn there?

W: I received phone calls and met customers most of the time. And I supported staff from different

departments at times. So, I learned to deal with various kinds of people. M: Did you apply any of the knowledge you got at university?

W: Yes, I think I did use some of the language knowledge. M: What has been your worst experience at work?

W: Well, once I met a customer who came to make a complaint. I tried my best, but he was just being

unreasonable. I had to refer him to my manager. It was a hard day. M: Okay. Now, do you have any questions for us?

W: No, not at the moment. M: Thank you, Jennifer. We have a number of people applying for this position, and we will call you

with our decision within two weeks. W: Okay, thank you. 7. major in 8. part-time jobs

9. final year 10. the reception desk

11. paperwork 12. deal with

13. apply the knowledge 14. make a complaint

15. unreasonable adj. 16. refer him to

17. apply for 18. position n. Text 10

W: Mary glen, built on a working family farm, is a perfect place for holiday. Here, you’ll find

everything you need. We have five wooden houses with all modern facilities. Mary glen is just three miles

from the busy town of Sali, where you’ll find quite a few lovely shops and great farmers markets. The area

around Mary Glen is great for riding bikes. So, do bring your bikes and try the Evergreen Trail, or you

can go running along the River Dent. After a busy day, relax in our game room where there are lots of card

games. Try a family holiday at Mary Glen. With prices as low as 425 pounds a week, you can’t go

wrong. 19. modern facilities 20. promotion n.


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speeding 超速行駛

May I see your license, please?


You will be fined by $20. 你將被罰款 20 美元。

miles per hour 每小時(shí)...公里


store 雜貨店

department store 百貨商場(chǎng)

shopping center 購(gòu)物中心

expensive, cheap 商品論貴賤

high, low 價(jià)格論高低

bargain 便宜貨

popular / fashionable 流行的

in fashion 流行,時(shí)尚

out of fashion 過(guò)時(shí)的

brand 品牌

counter 柜臺(tái)

pay in cash 用現(xiàn)金支付

pay in check 用支票支付

credit card 信用卡

shop assistant 商店?duì)I業(yè)員

out of stock 脫銷(xiāo)/缺貨

in stock 有貨

size 尺碼

colour 顏色

style 風(fēng)格

price 價(jià)格

fit 適合

suit 適合

suitable 適合的

look thin/fat 看上去顯瘦/顯胖

store 商店

grocery 食品雜貨店

mall 商場(chǎng)

counter 柜臺(tái)

receipt 收據(jù)

catalog 產(chǎn)品目錄

deliver 送貨

refund 退款

second-hand 二手的

pay by installment 分期付款

selling season 銷(xiāo)售旺季

on sale 廉價(jià)出售,

50% off 打五折

a 30% discount 打七折


menu 菜單

bill 賬單

dish 菜

fork and knife 刀叉

service 服務(wù)

taste 口味,品嘗

delicious 美味的

smell 聞起來(lái)

order 點(diǎn)菜

serve 上菜

tip 小費(fèi)

change 零錢(qián)

Keep the change!


treat 請(qǐng)客

This is my treat! 我請(qǐng)客!

go Dutch AA 制

Let’s go fifty fifty. AA 制

steak 牛排

cheese 奶酪

sandwich 三明治

bacon 培根(腌肉)

soup 湯

plain water


doughnut 多納圈

appetizer 開(kāi)胃菜




go out for dinner

/ dinner out


snack bar 小吃街;大排擋

hamburger 漢堡包

coke 可口可樂(lè)

French fries 炸薯?xiàng)l

dining hall 大餐廳、食堂

coffee shop 咖啡店;

restaurant 飯店、飯館 ;

cafeteria 自助餐廳

buffet 自助餐



drink 飲料

wine 酒

beer 啤酒

dining hall 餐廳

serve 上菜

chopsticks 筷子

spoon 勺子

plate 碟子

tray 托盤(pán)

appetizer 開(kāi)胃菜

rare 半熟的

Pay the bill 付賬

This is my treat! 我請(qǐng)客!

Keep the change!



make a reservation


reserve/book a room

room service 客房服務(wù)

wake-up call 叫醒電話

laundry 洗衣

luggage 行李

suitcase 手提箱

reception desk 接待處


216 歷年高考真題匯編*高考英語(yǔ)聽(tīng)力*昭通市民族中學(xué)校本教材

check in 入住

check out 結(jié)帳

single/double room 單/雙間

suite 套間

Do you have a reservation Sir?

Have you got any vacant room?

(= Is there any room available here?)


All the room are occupied. 房間已滿

Meals included. 包括飲食

restaurant 飯店、飯館 ;

cafeteria 自助餐廳

buffet 自助餐

hotel staff 酒店員工

hotel manager 酒店經(jīng)理


business hour 營(yíng)業(yè)時(shí)間

identity/ID card 身份證

bank 銀行

client 委托人、顧客

cashier 出納員

money 錢(qián)

cash 現(xiàn)金

credit card 信用卡

currency 貨幣

debts 賬目

financial 金融

the highest interest rate 最高利率

deposit 存(款)

deposit money in my account


withdraw money = draw money 取款

a savings account 儲(chǔ)蓄賬戶

open an account 開(kāi)戶

close an account 銷(xiāo)戶

take a number 拿號(hào)碼

check account 支票賬戶

current deposit/current account


fixed deposit/fixed account



vacation/holiday 假日

historic spots 古跡

scenery 風(fēng)景

museum 博物館

mountain 山脈

river 河流

lake 湖泊

waterfall 瀑布

beach 沙灘

island 島嶼

lawn 草地

temple 寺廟

zoo 動(dòng)物園

a guided tour 有導(dǎo)游的旅行

travel agency 旅行社

go sightseeing 觀光

hotel 賓館

souvenir 紀(jì)念品

ticket 票

travel/trip/tour/voyage 旅行

plane 飛機(jī)

ship 輪船

taxi 出租車(chē)

subway/underground 地鐵

railway 鐵路

highway 高速


fascinating 激動(dòng)人心的

thrilling 刺激的

unforgettable 難忘的

terrific 好極了

fantastic 難忘的


fine 晴朗的

sunny/bright/clear 陽(yáng)光充足的

cloudy 多云的

rainy 有雨的

wet 潮濕的

humid 濕潤(rùn)的

freezing-cold 冰冷的

cool 涼爽的

mild 溫和的

warm 暖和的

hot 炎熱的

windy 有風(fēng)的

calm 無(wú)風(fēng)的

breeze 微風(fēng)

light/strong winds


moderate 風(fēng)力不大

fog 霧

snow 雪

drizzle 毛毛雨

light rain 小雨

shower 陣雨

storm 暴風(fēng)雨

downpour 傾盆大雨

blizzard 大風(fēng)雪

snowstorm 暴風(fēng)雪

thunder 打雷

typhoon 臺(tái)風(fēng)

tornado 龍卷風(fēng)

It rains cats and dogs. 下著傾盆大雨。


stamp 郵票

envelope 信封

package/parcel 包裹

overweight 超重

postage 郵費(fèi)

insurance 保

claim 領(lǐng)取

weight 重量

zip code 郵編

parcel form 包裹單

extra postage 額外郵資

send/post/deliver a letter/mail 寄


express mail 快件

airmail 航空信件

surface mail 平郵

international airmail


registered letter 掛號(hào)信


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cold/flu 感冒/流感

cough 咳嗽

fever 發(fā)燒

pain 疼痛

headache 頭痛

stomachache 胃痛

backache 背痛

sore throat 嗓子痛

dizzy 暈眩的

heart attack 心臟病

medicine 藥

aspirin 阿司匹林

tablet/pill 藥片/藥丸

hospital 醫(yī)院

clinic 小診所

emergency room/department 急診室

Health Center 醫(yī)療中心

check-up 檢查

physical examination 體檢

treatment 治療手段

visiting hours 探訪時(shí)間

doctor 醫(yī)生

dentist 牙醫(yī)

surgeon 外科醫(yī)生

physician 內(nèi)科醫(yī)生

nurse 護(hù)士

show ones tongue 伸出舌頭

take one’s temperature/blood pressure 測(cè)


write a prescription 開(kāi)處方

give an injection 打針


tuition 學(xué)費(fèi)

scholarship 獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金

term/semester 學(xué)期

register 注冊(cè)

be absent 缺課

seminar 討論班

assignment 作業(yè)

presentation 課堂發(fā)言

final exam 期末考試

go over 復(fù)習(xí)

fail 不及格

cut a class 逃課

graduate 畢業(yè)

stationery 文具用品

library card 借書(shū)證

librarian 圖書(shū)管理員

bookshelf 書(shū)架

borrow 借進(jìn)

renew 續(xù)借

return 歸還

overdue 借書(shū)逾期

pay a fine 交罰款


living room 起居室

guest room 客廳

dining room 餐廳

kitchen 廚房

bathroom 浴室

toilet 衛(wèi)生問(wèn)

basement 地下室

housework 家務(wù)

channel 頻道

cook 烹飪

furniture 家具

dining table 飯桌

fridge 冰箱

television 電視

oven 烤箱

cabinet 櫥柜

dishwasher 洗碗機(jī)

sheet 床單

blanket 毯子

carpet 地毯

curtain 窗簾

towel 毛巾

shampoo 洗發(fā)水

soap 香皂

haircut 理發(fā)

bar 理發(fā)師帀

shaver 剃須刀


operator 接線員

long-distance call 長(zhǎng)途電話

collect call


personal phone call


busy line 電話占線

put through 接通電話

leave a message 留口信

dial the wrong number


Who’s speaking? /Who is this?


Hello! This is…speaking. 喂!我是……。

I’ll call back later/again. 我一會(huì)再打。

I couldn’t get through. 我打不通。

The line is bad/busy/engaged. /It kept a busy line. 電話占線。

Hold the line/Hold on, please.稍


Extension 6226,please. 請(qǐng)轉(zhuǎn) 6226. 十三、租房

landlady 女房東

landlord 房東

rent 租/租金

deposit 押金

contract 合同

furnished 有家具電器的

heat 暖氣

gas 煤氣

electricity 電

lift 電梯

stairs 樓梯

balcony 陽(yáng)臺(tái)


218 歷年高考真題匯編*高考英語(yǔ)聽(tīng)力*昭通市民族中學(xué)校本教材


booking office/ticket office


waiting room 候車(chē)室

platform 站臺(tái)

coach/carriage 車(chē)廂

sidewalk/pavement 人行廂

sidewalk/pavement 人行道

one-way street 單行道

rush hour 交通高峰時(shí)間

heavy traffic 擁擠的交通

traffic jam 交通阻塞

traffic rules 交通規(guī)則

traffic lights 交通燈

driving license 駕照

crowded 擁擠的

by plane/air 乘飛機(jī)

by train 乘火車(chē)

by sub-way/underground 乘地鐵

by car 乘小汽車(chē)

by taxi 乘出租車(chē)

by bus 乘公交

by coach 乘長(zhǎng)途汽車(chē)

by boat 乘船真

by land/sea 陸路/航海

transfer 換乘/轉(zhuǎn)機(jī)

express train 特快列車(chē)

dining car 餐車(chē)

gar-age 修車(chē)場(chǎng)/車(chē)庫(kù)

driver 司機(jī)

conductor 售票員

car accident 事故

speed 超速行駛

run the delight 闖紅燈

flat tire 爆胎

scratches 刮蹭

fix/repair 修理

survive 活下來(lái)


airway 航線

flight 航班

FLT No.( Flight Number)航班號(hào)

non-stop/direct flight 直航

confirm the flight 確認(rèn)航班

departure time 起飛時(shí)間

cancel 取消

one-way ticket 單程票

round-trip ticket 往返票

departure lounge 候機(jī)室

book/reserve 預(yù)訂

first/business/economy cabin


a window seat 靠窗的座位

an aisle seat 靠走廊的座位

safety/safe belt 安全帶

fasten 系緊

airsick 暈機(jī)

jet lag 飛行時(shí)差反應(yīng)

captain 機(jī)長(zhǎng)

pilot 飛行員

air-hostess/stewardess 空姐

customs 海關(guān)

security check 安檢

departure to 前往

destination 目的地

boarding pass(card)登機(jī)牌

passport 護(hù)照

board 登機(jī)

departure gate 登機(jī)口

luggage/baggage 行李

suitcase 行李箱

land 著陸

safe landing 安全著陸

see sb. off 為某人送行

pick up 接機(jī)


job opportunity 求職機(jī)會(huì)

interview 面試

resume 簡(jiǎn)歷

educational background


application letter 求職信

recommendation 推薦信

certificate 證書(shū)

qualification 資歷

experience 經(jīng)驗(yàn)/經(jīng)歷

position 職位

salary 薪水

allowance 津貼

promotion 晉升

vacation 休假



retire 退休

shift work 換班工作

work overtime 加班

pay raise 加薪

ask for leave 請(qǐng)假

sick leave 病假

employee 雇員

employer 雇主

clerk 職員

secretary 秘書(shū)

manager 經(jīng)理

HR manager 人事經(jīng)理

general manager 總經(jīng)理

client 客戶


hobby 興趣

entertainment 娛樂(lè)

go to the theater/movies


documentary (film)


detective 偵探片

action movie 動(dòng)作片

cartoon 漫畫(huà)/動(dòng)畫(huà)片

comedy 喜劇

horror film 恐怖片

western film 西部片

hiking 徒步旅行

camping 野營(yíng)

diving 潛水

surfing 沖浪

skiing 滑雪

seashore 海岸

beach 海灘

sunburned 曬黑的

palace 宮殿


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castle 城堡


part-time job 兼職工作

full-time job 全職工作

psychologist 心理學(xué)家

principal 校長(zhǎng)

professor 教授

teacher 教師

policeman 警察

firefighter 消員

secretary 秘書(shū)

assistant 助理

receptionist 接待員

typist 打字員

clerk 職員

cashier 出納員

lawyer 律師

editor 編輯

reporter/journalist 記者

author 作家

writer 作者

artist 藝術(shù)家

pianist 鋼琴家

photographer 攝影師

painter 畫(huà)家

musician 音樂(lè)家

singer 歌唱家

designer 設(shè)計(jì)家

scientist 科學(xué)家

actor/actress 男演員/女演員

architect 建筑師

engineer 工程師

chef 廚師

mailman 郵差

guide 導(dǎo)游


competition 競(jìng)賽

the sports field 運(yùn)動(dòng)場(chǎng)

club 俱樂(lè)部

sportsman/athlete/player 運(yùn)動(dòng)員

coach 教練

champion 冠軍

gold medal 金牌

silver medal 銀牌

bronze medal 銅牌

basketball 籃球

football 美式足球

soccer 英式足瞇

volleyball 排球

baseball 棒球

tennis 網(wǎng)球

table tennis 乒乓球

golf 高爾夫

jogging 慢跑

swimming 游泳

wrestling 摔跤

shooting 射擊

boxing 拳擊

weight lifting 舉重

relay race 接力賽

break the world record

