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歷年高考真題匯編*高考英語聽力*昭通市民族中學校本教材 143W: My father always told me that an education was one of the greatest advantages I could have, one thatwould always stay with me. He used to tell me that readers were leaders, and encouraged me to readall I could. As a result, I’ve always kept up with the newspapers, faithfully read magazines andlearned to really enjoy books, all of which have been a valuable help to me in radio and televisionreporting. M: What about your mother?W: Well, my mother helped me in a mu... [收起]
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歷年高考真題匯編*高考英語聽力*昭通市民族中學校本教材 143

W: My father always told me that an education was one of the greatest advantages I could have, one that

would always stay with me. He used to tell me that readers were leaders, and encouraged me to read

all I could. As a result, I’ve always kept up with the newspapers, faithfully read magazines and

learned to really enjoy books, all of which have been a valuable help to me in radio and television

reporting. M: What about your mother?

W: Well, my mother helped me in a much different way. 28. colleague n. 29. influence v. 30. have a great influence on 31. instead of

32. advantage n. 33. keep up with

34. faithfully adv. 35. valuable adj. 36. chair a meeting 37. host a program

38. conduct an interview 39. guidance n. Text 9

M: We all know that exercise is good for us, but sometimes it seems too hard to leave the sofa. W: I can see that. You seldom do exercise. M: Plus, having the doctor tell us to get two and a half hours’ exercise a week doesn’t really help our

motivation much. W: Don’t be discouraged. Now a new study suggests getting benefits from exercise doesn’t have to be that

demanding. Jacob Sattelmair from Harvard University has done a study into how much exercise is

needed to lower the risk of heart attacks. M: Mmm…, interesting!

W: The study showed that people who put in 300 minutes a week of exercise had a 20% lower risk of

death due to heart disease. Still, the people who exercise 115 minutes a week did pretty well, too, lowering their death risk by 14 %. M: And what about the people who exercise half as much as that, like what I probably do? Does that help?

W: Of course, even 15 minutes would help. 40. seldom adv. 41. plus prep. 42. motivation n. 43. get benefits from

44. demanding adj. 45. lower the risk of

46. heart attacks 47. due to

48. heart disease 49. lack v. 50. an athlete 51. a researcher

52. a journalist 53. speak of

54. recommend v. 55. What do sb. do?

Text 10

Here is a piece of news for bird lovers. Scientists have painted a long road, red, yellow and white. They

help to discourage the sea birds from wandering onto the highway. The area is home to large crowds of

birds that come to stay for the season. Young birds are often attracted to the warm roads’ surface and

get killed by the traffic. Biology student, Hannah tells the broadcaster. The youngster’s feathers are

brown in color. The dark-colored road surface makes the youngster hard to be noticed. As the number of

tourists has grown, so has the amount of traffic on the roads. Biologist Christen says the plan is to see

how the birds respond to the multi-colored road this summer, and if it works, the idea could spread

to other parts of the country.


144 歷年高考真題匯編*高考英語聽力*昭通市民族中學校本教材

56. bird lovers 57. discourage sb. from doing. 58. wander v. 59. is home to

60. large crowds of 61. season n. 62. be attracted to 63. roads’surface

64. get killed 65. biology student

66. broadcaster n. 67. feather n. 68. respond to 69. spread v. 70. block sth. 71. be drawn to

72. smooth adj. 73. prevent...from... 2019 年普通高等學校招生全國統(tǒng)一考試(全國Ⅱ、Ⅲ卷)


1—5 BCBAC 6—10 CABAC 11—15 BACCB 16—20 ACABA


Text 1

W:Excuse me. how can I find the book called The Class of 1998?

M:Oh. I'm afraid it was sold out. W:It's all right. Thank you!

Text 2

M:How did your dancing lesson go today?

W:Exciting! But it was hard work. I really need a rest now. M:Yeah, I can see that. Go and get relaxed. Text 3

M:How much is that in total?

W:$100. But if you have a membership card, I can give you a 20% discount. M:Great, this is my membership card. 1. in total 74. a membership card

2. discount

Text 4

M:Jane, I'm going out for a while. W:But you have an appointment with Mr. Douglas at 3 o' clock. M:Well, please make it another day. 3. have an appointment with 4. postpone v. Text 5

W:David said he would quit his job at our school. M:Really? Why would he do that?

W:His friend started a firm in London. she wanted David to help her. 5. quit one’s job 6. start a firm

Text 6

W:I'm going out for shopping. Do you need anything?

M:Oh, yeah. I can't find my umbrella. Can you buy one?

W:Shouldn't it be in the cupboard?


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M:I just checked. It wasn't there. W:Impossible. That was where I usually put it. Did you check the balcony?

M:Yes, of course, couldn't find it. Well, just get a new one then. 7. cupboard n. 8. balcony n. Text 7

M:Hi, Lucy. How was your weekend?

W:Great! You now, we went mountain climbing in the forest park. The air was so different from the

city, cool and fresh. M:Sounds great!

W:Yeah, there wasn't a cloud in the sky and we could see from miles from the top. What about you? What

did you do?

M:Busy packing. W:Oh, yes, of course! I forgot you and Jenny are moving into a new house. It's on Wednesday, isn't it?

M:Yeah, two days after. I didn't realize there are so many things to do. W:Can I help out with anything?

M:Um, it would be nice if you could take care of Henry for a couple of days. W:Henry?

M:Yes, my dog. W:Oh, sure, no problem. You just focus on the move. 9. go mountain climbing 10. busy doing sth. 11. pack v. 12. focus on

Text 8

M:Hello, can I speak to Mr. Stone, please?

W:Hello, but I'm afraid Mr. Stone is in a meeting until lunchtime. Can I take a message?

M:Well, yes. I'd like to make an appointment to see him. It's Harrison White here. W:Just a second, Mr. White. I'll look in the diary. So... when is convenient for you?

M:Sometime today, if possible. I hear he'll be away tomorrow. W:Yes, that's right. He'll be on a business trip for a week. M : I need to talk about my new program with him before he leaves. It's urgent. So would this

afternoon be OK?

W: Let me see... OK. Mr. Stone is free this afternoon after 3 o’clock. M:Well, 3 o’clock is a bit difficult. But I could make it after 3:30. W:So... shall we say a quarter to four this afternoon in Mr. Stone's office?

M:That's great. Thanks. 13. take a message 14. make an appointment

15. be on a business trip 16. be convenient for sb. 17. urgent adj 18. make it

Text 9


M:Hi, Cindy. This is Jake Lee at Fix-it Corporation. How are you today?

W:Oh, hi Jake. I'm fine. How are you?

M:Good. The reason I'm calling is that we'd like to offer you the position you were interviewed for

last Thursday. W:Oh, that's great! I was really impressed with Fix-it.


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M:I'm glad to hear it. And we'll prepare to offer you a starting salary of $55,000. W:I see. And..…vacation time?

M:Oh, you get one day per month in your first year. That is you'll have 12 days in your first year, and then

increase if you stay longer with the company. W:What would be my job title?

M : You'd be a junior specialist. And you'd be working under Monica Stansfield, the department

manager. W:O... Is the salary negotiable at all?

M:Well, this is typical for new staff. W:I see... M:Why don't you think about it? I'll need to hear back from you by Wednesday. Will that work?

W:Sure, no problem. I'll let you know Tuesday afternoon. 19. corporation n. 20. offer sb. sth. 21. position n. 22. interview v. 23. be impressed with 24. a starting salary

25. vacation 26. job title

27. a junior specialist 28. work under sb. 29. the department manager 30. negotiable adj. 31. be typical for 32. new staff

Text 10

M:Hello, everybody. Today I'd like to share with you something about John Audubon. John was born on

April 26th,1785. He spent much of his childhood in France where he spent many hours each day

outdoors painting pictures. At the age of 18, he moved to the United States. Well, actually, John began

his life in the US as a businessman. However, instead of taking care of his business, John was often off

exploring nature. At first, John spent his time hunting for fun. Then he found that the animals around

were very beautiful, and he particularly enjoyed observing the birds he saw. He began studying them, trying to learn the differences between the birds and noticing their different behaviors. Therefore, he

painted the birds he observed a lot. In 1819, John realized that he didn't have enough money to pay his

bills. He was very upset that he couldn't earn enough money to support his family. So he spent time

improving his painting skills and began to sell his paintings. He discovered that he could earn some money

while doing something he really enjoyed. We are lucky now to have so many paintings of American

birds by John Audubon. 33. share with 34. at the age of

35. moved to 36. taking care of his business 37. be off 38. explore nature

39. hunt for 40. observe v. 41. behavior n. 42. pay one’s bills

43. be upset that... 44. earn enough money

45. support one’s family 46. improve v. 47. painting skills 48. discover v. 2020 年普通高等學校招生全國統(tǒng)一考試(全國 I(A)卷)


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1—5 BCCAB 6—10 ABACB 11—15 BCACA 16—20CBAAC


Text 1

W: Can I help you?

M: Yes. I’d like to try this jacket on, please. W: Okay. The changing rooms are over there. Text 2

W: Tom, your music is too loud. M: Our band is practicing for the show, Mom. W: But it’s already the middle of the night. M: Okay, we’ll cut it off right away. 1. cut...off 2. turn down

3. postpone v. Text 3

M: You look pretty busy. What’s up?

W: We’re putting together an office party this Friday evening. There’ll be about 30 people, and I’m the

organizer. M: Nice! But it’s probably best not to overwork yourself. Enjoy. 4. organizer n. 5. overwork v. 6. tidy up

Text 4

W: Hi Henry. Did you say you’re going to take a vacation next week?

M: Actually, I’m leaving for San Francisco this weekend. W: Cool. But I can’t get away until the end of August. 7. take a vacation 8. leave for

Text 5

M: Donna, have you booked the flight to London for me?

W: Sure, Bill. Do you need a ride to the airport? I can do it. M: No, thanks. I will park my car at the airport. 9. a ride to the airport 10. park v. 11. book a flight 12. park the car

Text 6

M: Hi Lucy. This is Pete. W: Hi. What’s up?

M: Listen, I’m afraid I’ll be a little late tonight. Remember I said earlier that I would pick you up at 6:00?

Now I’m going to meet you… at about a quarter to seven as there’s been a problem here at work. W: Okay, don’t worry. The film begins at 8:00. I’ll wait. M: Good. Get something to eat before I arrive, okay?

W: I will. Text 7

W: Hi Mark. I’ve decided to leave the company. I had an amazing time here, but it is time for me to move

on. M: May I ask why, Cathy? I do hope that you stay with us here.


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W: Well, you know, I’ve got a new job in a big engineering firm. It’s a management position. M: In that case, I think that I understand your decision, and you have my support. W: Thanks for understanding. But, I can work here two more weeks. M: That’s great. Will you be able to finish your present project?

W: Sure. And if you hire someone within ten days, I’d be happy to provide training in my areas. 13. a big engineering firm 14. a management position

15. in that case 16. hire v. 17. run her own business 18. be fed up with

19. apply for 20. train v. 21. recommend v. 22. present project

23. sympathetic adj. 24. supportive adj. Text 8

W: Well done. Congratulations! How are you feeling?

M: Tired. I’m just tired. W: But you did so well to get second place in today’s car race. M: Well, I came out here aiming for the gold. I got third place last time, and it was not the result I

had hoped for. W: What happened today? You were looking extremely good at the start. M: I blew it! The car was a bit out of control. W: Some people might have given up at that point. M: I was determined to do it, to finish the round. W: So, what now?

M: Tomorrow’s going to be tough, much tougher than today. W: Well, I think you showed great determination today. Good luck for tomorrow, and thanks for

speaking to us. 25. congratulation n. 26. second place

27. aim for 28. third place

29. out of control 30. dissatisfied adj. 31. conduct an interview 32. a press conference

33. a ceremony 34. patience n. Text 9

W: So, what is your new apartment like, Terry?

M: Oh, it’s great. There are two bedrooms, a nice kitchen, and a living room. W: Sounds nice. M: Yeah. And there is a grocery store next to the apartment building. And there is a laundry and a fast

food restaurant across the street. So it is a quick way to get a meal. W: That’s good. How much do you pay in rent?

M: Well, I have a roommate, so I pay half the rent. That is $275 a month with gas, water, and electricity

included. And the Internet and satellite TV are separate. W: That’s really a wonderful price. How on earth did you find a place like that?

M: I just found it online. W: Great!

35. apartment building 36. a grocery store


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37. a laundry 38. fast food

39. rent v. n. 40. satellite TV

41. separate v. 42. furnished adj. Text 10

M: Hello, I’m Jeff Anderson from Coventry, England. And in today’s program, I’d like to share with

you a special kind of English culture — the football. A lot of people in England are crazy about football. During the football season whenever there is a big match, all the flags for local football teams, such as

Liverpool and Newcastle, are hung outside every window, or even spread proudly on T-shirts or scarves. There is an atmosphere of excitement in the air. Groups of young men crowd into dark, packed pubs

staring at television screens. Of course they are covered head to toe in the colors of their team. They

shout and scream in sadness when their team loses a goal, or with joy when there is a moment of success. You do not have to be a fan of football to get caught up in the excitement. As far as victories are concerned, England had its big moment in 1966 in Wembley Stadium. The World Cup victory is in the hearts and

minds of all football fans. Now, whenever England is playing a big match, red and white covers every inch

of every pub, a symbol of hope — the English flag. While football has never been something I am

particularly interested in, for years, I’ve had to pretend excitement and pick a team to support. You

cannot say you don’t like or do not follow football in England, as often this would lead to a long

dialogue in which someone would begin telling you why you should support their team. 43. program n. 44. be crazy about

45. an atmosphere of 46. crowd into

47. stare at 48. be covered head to toe in

49. get caught up in 50. as far as...be concerned

51. victory n. 52. earn respect from

2020 年普通高等學校招生全國統(tǒng)一考試(全國 I(B)、Ⅱ、Ⅲ卷)


1—5 CBACA 6—10 BBCCB 11—15 ACCAB 16—20 ABCBA


Text 1

M: Excuse me. How can I get to the nearest supermarket?

W: It’s on Pennings Road. Go past the post office and it’s on your left. Text 2

W: I don’t know how you did it, Carl! But the TV works beautifully now. You should get a medal for

your work. M: It wasn’t hard at all. It was much easier than preparing for the test. 【重點詞句】beautifully:很好;令人滿意地

1. design v. 2. medal n. Text 3

M: Good morning, madam. What can I do for you?

W: Well, the sleeves of this jacket are too long. Can you make them shorter?

M: Let me take a look. Okay, I can do it for 20 dollars.


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3. sleeves n. 4. tailor n. 5. assistant n. 6. take a look

Text 4

W: Excuse me. Could you tell me what time Flight AF35 gets in?

M: Well, it’s due in at 6:20 p.m. But the announcement said just now that it has a 30-minute delay

because of the bad weather. 7. due adj. 8. announcement n. 9. delay n. 10. because of


①題干中的 arrive 是材料中 get in 的同義轉述;

②考生需要聽出材料中 due in at 這三個詞之間的連讀,這是解題的關鍵點之一;


【重點詞句】a 30-minute delay: 延遲 30 分鐘

Text 5

M: Ms. Miller, could you tell me how I can improve this article? I got a B plus. W: It’s quite good, actually. The language use is good and the main points are covered. There’s just too

much repetition. You could have said everything within two pages. 11. improve v. 12. article n. 13. a B plus 14. delete v. 15. the main points are covered

16. repetition n. 17. unnecessary adj. 【重點詞句】

You could have said everything within two pages. 你本可以在兩頁紙內(nèi)寫完全部內(nèi)容。(而實際上男士寫了太多,他應刪除一些不必要的語句。)

Text 6

W: So Bill, what do you usually do on the weekend?

M: I often go to the movies with friends on Friday night. How about you, Sarah?

W: Well, I love seeing musical plays on Broadway with my friends. Have you been to many?

M: Not really. I saw one when I moved to New York and another when my parents came to visit, but none

ever since. Text 7

W: Hello, Helen Smith speaking. Can I help you?

M: Hello, this is David. Could I speak to Mike, please?

W: I’m afraid he’s not available at the moment. Would you leave a message?

M: Yes. I’m calling to cancel a meeting we scheduled for this afternoon. W: Okay. Let me take this down. Could I have your name again?

M: Certainly. It’s David Stone. 18. be available 19. cancel v. 20. schedule v.n. 21. take... down

22. call off 23. colleague n. 【點撥】call off 是對 cancel 的同義轉述。

Text 8

W: Can I help you, sir?


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M: I’d like to buy a camera. W: Right. We have ordinary cameras, movie cameras and video cameras. They’re all digital. M: Well, I am thinking of a video camera. W: Let’s see. How much do you want to spend, sir?

M: Oh, I’m not really sure. What is the price?

W: Well, that depends on the model and anything else you want to have with it. M: I see. W: How about this one? It has one of the new memory sticks, and a protective case for filming underwater

so you can take it when you go diving. M: Does it have auto-focus?

W: No, it doesn’t. M: That’s okay. The underwater filming is important for me, actually. How much is this?

W: It costs 650 euros. M: Oh, that’s a bit expensive for me. Have you got anything similar but less expensive?

W: Well, here is the sale of the week. It’s excellent for the price, only 470 euros, and it includes…

24. ordinary cameras 25. movie cameras

26. video cameras 27. digital adj. 28. depends on 29. model n. 30. the new memory sticks 31. a protective case

32. film underwater 33. go diving

34. auto-focus 35. euros

36. similar adj. 37. sale n. Text 9

W: A big dog celebrates a big birthday this year. Clifford, the big red dog, first appeared 50 years ago

along with Emily Elizabeth, a little girl who loves him. Today, we have Norman Bridwell, to talk with

NPR’s reporter on his dog’s 50th birthday. So, Norman, tell us how it all started. M: Well, it was 1962, and I was a struggling, not very successful artist in New York. My wife suggested

that I try my hand at painting for children’s books. So I did ten paintings and took them to publishers. I

was turned down everywhere, except at one publisher, where a young woman told me I wasn’t very good. So if I wanted to paint for a book, I’d need to write one on my own. W: So you did?

M: Umm…the woman pointed to a painting I’d done, of a little girl with a big red dog, and she said, “Maybe that’s a story”. And I went home, and over that weekend I wrote the story Clifford the Big

Red Dog, and was shocked when it was accepted for publication, because I’d never written anything

before. W: I see. How wonderful!

M: Yes, it was! My wife was also in shock when she did realize it wasn’t a dream. But, it was just luck. W: But that luck turned into 90 Clifford books that have sold 126 million copies in 13 languages. 38. celebrate v. 39. appear v. 40. struggling adj. 41. publisher n. 42. be turned down 43. except

44. be shocked 45. be accepted

46. publication n. 47. be in shock


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48. in vain 49. editor n. 【重點詞句】

fictional character: 虛擬角色

in vain: 徒勞,無結果【知識拓展】插畫家兼漫畫家羅曼·布萊德威爾(1928-2014)出生于印第安納

州的科科莫,著有 120 多本關于兒童最愛的“大紅狗 Clifford”系列的書籍。曾經(jīng)他被告知 Clifford 系


商告知他想出版他的作品。40 年后,“大紅狗 Clifford”以書籍、電視節(jié)目和電影的形式不斷發(fā)展壯


Text 10

M: Hello, everyone. Today I’m going to talk about small talk, that is, short conversations people often

have with strangers they meet. Such exchanges occur at bus stops, on buses, while waiting in line, almost anywhere that strangers gather close together. As a matter of fact, these short conversations are

a good way for people to say hello and express friendliness. Such conversations usually cover a wide

range of topics. The topics may include weather, customer service, movies, TV shows, local sports or

latest news. But you should always keep it in your mind that private questions about salaries, family life, religious beliefs and politics should be avoided during these conversations. Besides, it’s better to ask

open-ended questions. If you ask visitors, “Do you like our city?” They may say simply, “Yes”. On the

other hand, if you ask, “What do you think of our city?” They will have more freedom in answering. This

type of question also shows that you are interested in them. If you appear interested in what people are

saying, they’d feel more comfortable talking with you. 50. small talk 51. exchange n. 52. occur v. 53. wait in line

54. gather close 55. a wide range of

56. cover v. 57. keep...in mind

58. private questtion 59. religious beliefs

60. a frequent topic 61. salary n. 62. politics n. 63. open-ended adj. 當今社會人與人之間的交流越來越重要,即使是陌生人之間的簡單寒暄也體現(xiàn)著社會中日益濃厚的


【重點詞句】open-ended questions; 開放式問題

2021 年普通高等學校招生全國統(tǒng)一考試(全國甲、乙卷)


1—5 ACCBB 6—10 ABACB 11—15 CACCA 16—20 BCABB


Text 1

M: Excuse me, I got lost. I took a bus to city hall, but I can’t find the place. W: This is the concert hall, not city hall. To go there, you should take the bus at Grand Hotel over there. 1. get lost 2. take a bus

3. concert hall 4. give directions

Text 2

M: Can I help you?


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W: I’m looking for a size twelve dress. M: Oh, let me see. An eight, a ten. Ah, you’re lucky. I have the prettiest dress here in a twelve. Why

don’t you try it on?

Text 3

W: Do you think you can take care of everything in the office today?

M: No problem. Just go home and take a rest. If there is anything I feel I cannot handle, I’ll call you. 5. handle v. 6. take a rest

Text 4

W: We have a half-day tour, a full-day tour and an evening tour. Which one would you like?

M: What is the schedule of the half-day tour?

W: It sets out at 8:30 a.m. and returns at 2:00 p.m. 7. tour n. 8. schedule n. 9. set out

Text 5

M: Now, what seems to be the trouble, Mrs. Stevens?

W: I’ve been very dizzy lately. And last night, I had some chest pain. M: Don’t worry. Let me have a look. 10. dizzy adj. 11. chest pain

12. canteen n. 13. clinic n. Text 6

W: Wow. That was a great match. I really like watching tennis games. M: Me too. I think tennis is an exciting sport. W: I think so. Do you play tennis, John?

M: Yes, but not very well. Do you play?

W: A little. How about a game on Tuesday afternoon?

M: Sure. Text 7

M: Mrs. White, I’m afraid we have to put you on a strict diet. From now on, you’re going to have to

stay away from salty food. W: Does that mean I can’t have any more fast food?

M: Right. You can’t have any fried food or steaks. W: What about breakfast food like eggs and sausages?

M: Those are all bad for you. But you can have porridge, bread and orange juice. W: Well, what about lunch and dinner?

M: Have a salad for lunch. As for dinner, you can have all the vegetables you want. Fish and chicken are

also okay. W: What about dessert? Can I still have ice cream?

M: Yes, but not too much. 14. on a diet 15. strict adj. 16. stay away from 17. salty adj. 18. fast food 19. fried food

20. steak n. 21. sausage n. 22. porridge n. 23. salad n. 24. physician n. 25. chef n.


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Text 8

M: Hi Nancy! You look worried. What’s wrong?

W: Well Daniel, have you ever felt nervous on stage?

M: Sure. Do you remember that play I was in a few years ago? I knew my lines, but I was terrified to

have to recite them in front of an audience. As soon as I saw the crowd of people down there, my heart

beat so fast that I was unable to say a single word. W: That’s how I feel just thinking about the spelling competition next week. M: I didn’t know you made it to the finals. W: I’m worried I’ll get nervous and freeze on stage. I might forget how to spell everything, even my own

name. I don’t know what to do. M: Nancy, I know that you’re not going to forget how to spell your name. I’ll help you get through this. I’ll go to the school hall with you to practice. Then I’ll teach you an exercise my baseball coach

taught me. Believe me. It works. W: I feel much better now. Thanks, Daniel. 26. nervous adj. 27. line n. 28. terrified adj. 29. recite v. 30. audience n. 31. as soon as

32. crowd n. 33. beat v. 34. spelling competition 35. make it

36. final n. 37. freeze v. 38. get through 39. school hall

40. coach n. 41. comfort v. 42. check-up n. 43. pride n. Text 9

W: Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Today, we have invited Prof. Stone to talk about the role of elderly people

in our society. Welcome to our show, Prof. Stone. M: To begin with, I’d like to tell a story from my own life. Several years ago, when my grandparents were

well into their 80s, they were no longer able to care for themselves very well.My grandfather was afraid

of leaving the only home they had known for the past 60 years. The idea of having to sell their home

and move into a retirement home was an extremely painful experience for them. Indeed, old age for them, and many old Americans can mean not only the possible failure of one’s health, but the loss of

identity and self-worth. W: Yes, it’s true. What do you have to say about the problem of old age?

M: Many experts have given talks here that have focused on the medical care, and the development of

public services for senior citizens.Today, I’d like to focus my comments on the meaningful roles that

elderly can play and should play in our society. 44. retirement n. 45. extremely adv. 46. experience n. 47. loss n. 48. identity n. 49. self-worth n. 50. give talks 51. focus on

52. medical care 53. development n. 54. public services 55. senior citizens

56. comment n. 57. society n. 58. moral support 59. available adj.


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Text 10

W: Talking about personal relationships, well, I’d naturally think of my relationship with my mother. Whenever I need help, my mother is always there for me. She often tells me that I can be anyone I want, as long as I’m confident of myself. She sees my talent and pushes me to do the best I possibly can. As

I was growing up, we were often on the move. I had to admit that moving so often made me feel

lonely. But my mother did everything she could to help me feel happy. In fact, so much traveling was

really a good thing because it made us close. I respect my mother so much as she never treats me as a child, but as an equal. She gives me the freedom to make mistakes and to learn from them all. Unlike friendships

that can fade or break, I know I’ll always be connected to my mother no matter what I face. She is not just

a role model, but someone I love. 60. personal relationship 61. naturally adv. 62. talent n. 63. push sb. to do sth. 64. grow up 65. admit v. 66. respect v. 67. treat sb. as sth. 68. equal n.adj. 69. freedom n. 70. fade v. 71. connect v. 72. a role model

全國英語等級考試第二級 2010 年 3 月真題


1—5 ABBCB 6—10AACAA 11—15BBCAC 16—20 CBCBA


Text 1

W: And so … I think we need to …

M: Excuse me, Miss Louis, I hate to interrupt, but I think we should slow down the production and pay

more attention to quality. 73. hate to do sth. 74. interrupt [??nt??r?pt] v. 75. slow down 76. pay attention to

Text 2

M: Do you think I am going too fast?

W: Of course, the speed limit here is 55 miles per hour, and you are going 15 miles over it. 77. speed limit

Text 3

W: So, what do think? Do they suit me?

M: Well, they are nice jackets, but they make you look fat. W: OK, I will leave them then. 78. order [???d?(r)] v. order n. Text 4

M: Well, now, before we order, let’s agree first that we each pay our own bill. W: OK, I agree. M: And, what do you say, Barbara and Charles?

79. pay one’s bill 80. have sth.for dinner


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Text 5

W: Can we have chicken for dinner?

M: I don’t see why not. W: Great, how do we like it cooked?

M: It doesn’t matter. Text 6

W: So here is your key, Mr. McDonald, the luggage will be brought to your room. M: Thanks, I will need a meeting room tomorrow. Do you have one in the hotel?

W: Yes, we do. You can ask our hotel manager in the morning. M: One more thing. Is the restaurant still open?

W: I’m afraid not. M: Never mind. I will call room service. Thanks for your help. 81. luggage n. 82. hotel manager

83. room service

Text 7

W: How can I help you, sir?

M: Could you break a 20 for me?

W: Sure. How do you want it?

M: Could I have two fives and the rest in ones. W: Well, I have some fives but I don’t have enough ones. Are quarters OK with you?

M: OK, that’s even better. In that case, I won’t have to worry about the small change for photocopying. I

need to prepare a lot of materials for my study. W: Here you go. M: Thanks a million. 84. break v. break n. 85. rest v. rest n. 86. quatrer n 87. in that case

88. in case in case of

89. change v. change n. 90. photocopying n. 91. material n. Text 8

M: At just twenty-three, Betty, the pop star has a handful of records to her name. Now she will talk to me

about herself. Where do you come from?

W: I grew up in west London. And I was actually born there as well. My mom is from Scotland and my

father is from Singapore. He came over when he was 17 or something to England and met my mom and

they got married. M: So have you ever been to Singapore?

W: Actually it’s funny. You should say that, because I went to Singapore for my holiday this year. I did the

whole tourist thing and I really enjoyed it. It was quite nice seeing people that looked like my dad. I really

loved it and the people were lovely. There are Chinese, Indians, and English. So there are three

different kinds of customs there. You can walk to one part of the town, and it’s like India; and in

another part, it’s like Europe; and in another part, it’s like China. So you see, in one country, you

can experience different customs from three different societies. That is something special about

Singapore. And I also think Singapore has got the best food.


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M: Did you get looked at a lot over there?

W: Yeah, I did, because people thought I was half something, and they liked my skin, so I got quite a lot

of people looking at me, which was quite annoying. 92. a handful of

93. record v. record n. 94. came over 95. get married

96. experience v. 97. society n. societies n. 98. get looked at 99. skin

100. annoying adj. annoyed adj. Text 9

W: Did you report a break in to us just now?

M: Well, it isn’t my place. I am just staying here for two months while my friends are out of the city. So besides the TV set and some paintings, I don’t really know what else is missing. All the drawers had

been emptied out and I guess some things were taken. My friends will be mad. W: I see. Now …

M: It wasn’t my fault, of course. All the windows and doors were locked. W: Now how exactly did you discover the break in?

M: I went out at 7 o'clock as I do every Thursday to attend my computer class. Afterwards I stopped

at a café for a drink and I got back here just after 11 o'clock. W: How can you be so sure of the time?

M: Because I was at the café till the ten o'clock news was over, and it’s only a two-minute walk from

here. Is there any chance of anything being recovered? I know my friends will be especially sad about

the paintings. W: We’ll do our best and let you know if we find anything. And if I were you, I would immediately call

my friends. 101. break in beak into

102. be out of 103. drawer n. 104. be emptied out 105. discover v. 106. attend the class 107. recover v. 108. if I were you, I would ... Text 10

Don’t you think the world would be an easier place to live in, if we all spoke the same language? There are

thousands of different languages spoken around the globe, so it’s no wonder we have such difficulties

understanding one another. If you are going to choose a language, which everyone in the world would

learn, which would you choose? Chinese is spoken by more people than any other language, and

English has already been selected as the international language of business and science. Many other people

have tried to find an answer to this problem. One of them was Dr. Zamenhof – a Polish word expert. In

1887, he introduced Esperanto – a totally new language to the world. Thousands of people took it seriously

and began to learn to speak it. Today Esperanto is still spoken by eight million people around the

world, and it is a language accepted by the Post Office, so if you address some letter in Esperanto, it

will get to the correct place. 109. globe n. 110. it’s no wonder (that)

111. more ... than any other ...


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112. select v. 113. international language

114. word expert 115. take sth. seriously

116. address v. 117. address n. 全國英語等級考試第二級 2010 年 9 月真題


1—5 BCBCA 6—10 ACACB 11—15 CABBA 16—20 BCABC


Text 1

W: Sam, can you get us tickets for the Liverpool match?

M: Well, I'll do my best, but I can't promise anything. 1. do one’s best 2. promise v. n. Text 2

W: I saw Carl at the hospital. I wonder if his wife is ill. M: No, she is fine. His daughter just had a baby and he was visiting her, I think. 3. I wonder if 4. have a baby

Text 3

W: Sorry, I'm late for my flight and I'm in a hurry. Where is Gate A21?

M: Go downstairs and turn left, walk straight and you'll see it. 5. flight n. 6. go downstairs

Text 4

M: Have you been working out, Helen? You look so full of energy these days. W: Yeah, as a matter of fact, I've been running every morning or two months now. 7. work out 8. as a matter of fact

Text 5

M: I'm afraid you can't leave your car there, miss. W: But I shall only be a few minutes. I'm just going in to pick up package. M: I'm afraid not, miss. Parking is not allowed here. You can park in the next street. It's usually quiet

there. 9. leave v. 10. pick up

11. parking n. 12. allow v. Text 6

M: Shopping for furniture can be such a pain! It's so crowed here!

W: Let's write down the prices first. A sofa is 4000; bookshelves are 2500 each; a bed is 1200; and a dining

table and chairs are 6000 a set. I think we can get the sofa in Ikea, the bed, and the dining table and

chairs from Design 2000. M: That's good. Wait a minute. One more thing, we need a lamp for our study, remember? I think we

can get a nice one from Pricerite for about $150. Let me see, we don't need a bedside table anymore. 13. furniture n. 14. crowed adj. 15. bookshelf n. 16. lamp n. Text 7


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W: Here’s your bill, sir. M: Oh, thank you. Let’s have a look at it now. Goodness, it’s a lot more than I expected. W: Would you like me to explain anything, sir?

M: Just a moment. Yes, what’s this charge for $21.50 marked “J”?

W: “J” is a charge for a long distance telephone call, sir. Did you make a telephone call that night?

M: Yes. I remember now. Good heavens! We must have talked for a long time. And these ones, “L” for

$32.40, and here’s another, $9.50. What are they for?

17. bill n. 18. a charge for

Text 8

M: It's your 50th birthday. You decide. W: I'd like you to organize a surprise party for me. M: Sylvia, I know what you want. But a surprise party is impossible. Don't you remember when I tried

to organize a surprise party for your 40th? You found out right away. W: Don't remind me. I was so disappointed. M: I remembered to get everything ready. But I just forgot to tell people that it was supposed to be a

surprise but the party wasn't disappointing. I mean, it wasn't a surprise, but it was great. W: Well, I really don't care what we do. Do whatever you want. M: Oh, come on, Sylvia. Let's plan something interesting. We could have a swimming party, or a covered

dish supper. It could be fun. W: Let's just go out to dinner with a few friends. M: But why?

W: Because it's easy. I don't want to have to do all the planning. 19. a covered dish supper

Text 9

W: What are some of the problems of doing a part-time job as a college student?

M: Schoolwork suffers. Because I don't have as much time to study as when I didn't have a part-time

job, I have had to give up things I enjoy, like sleep and football. I can't get into the social life because I

have to work right after class. Some of my friends have stopped calling me. I also miss TV. W: What do you do in a day?

M: I get up at 7:00 to make an 8:00 a.m. class. I have classes till 1:30. And then, I drive to the

supermarket where I work. I work till 7:00 p.m. And then I drive home and eat dinner. After I take a

shower and rest for a half hour, it's about nine. This gives me only a couple of hours to study. My eyes start

to close well before I go to bed at eleven. 20. part-time job 21. schoolwork n. 22. social life 23. after class

24. take a shower 25. a couple of

Text 10

But before we end this hour's Morning News program, the national weather report again. Today, showers will become heavy for a time particularly over northern and eastern parts of

England. Western Scotland may see a relatively long period of rain. In other places, fewer showers and

more in the way of sunshine especially this afternoon. Tonight, most of the showers will die out with all

places dry by morning with some good clear spells. Much of the UK, Monday, will be dry, bright and

reasonably warm. However, northern Ireland and western Scotland will turn cloudier and a little

windy with some rain later.


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Now rounding off this hour's weather report, showers today, mostly fine tomorrow. 26. Morning News program

27. weather report 28. showers n. 29. relatively adv. 30. die out

31. spell n. 32. reasonably adv. 全國英語等級考試第二級 2011 年 3 月真題


1—5 BBCCC 6—10 BACAC 11—15 ABCBA 16—20 BAABC



W: Hi, David! Nice to meet you here in the library!

M: Me too. Do you know where Linda is?

W: I’m just going to meet her in my office in half an hour. She’s now having her class. Text2

M: How about driving into the country on Thursday?

W: Well, I’ll see if I can get the afternoon off, and I’d like to see my parents first. 1. get sth. off


W: How was your research going, Jack?

M: Well, not bad. I talked to some students and got their opinions. And now I’ve got to write the paper

based on the information I’ve collected. 2. be based on 3. collect v. Text4

W: Tom said he could get your club some tickets to the game if you’re interested. M: If we are interested. Look, Susan. We’ve been trying to get tickets everywhere. Text5

M: It’s sunny and warm. Stop studying and come into the garden with me. W: Why not?


M: Is everything going well according to the plan. W: Our store will open two weeks before Christmas. M: I guess we should announce ourselves soon. Tell people we’re coming. Put up a big sign. W: Sure. The minute they see the sign, they will be lining up. M: To show their anger. W: Yeah. They are lining up not to buy things but to show their anger. Because some people think chain

stores all look the same. M: They’ll hate us in the beginning. But we’ll get them in the end. 4. according to 5. store n. 6. announce v. 7. put up

8. sign v. sign n. 9. line up 10. show their anger


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11. chain stores


W: Can’t you do something about the service in this hotel, manager?

M: I’m sorry madam. What’s the problem exactly?

W: My breakfast, that’s the problem. M: Yes?

W: I ordered breakfast from room service . Oh, at least half an hour ago. M: Yes?

W: I’ve telephoned room service three times, but my breakfast still hasn’t come. M: I see. W: I’ve got an important meeting at nine o’clock. And now it seems I’ll have to go there without

breakfast. Really, I don’t think this is good enough. M: I am very sorry about this madam. You ordered breakfast half an hour ago and you’ve phoned

three times since then. W: That’s right. M: I’m really sorry about that. You should receive the breakfast no later than five or ten minutes after you

ordered it. W: That’s what I thought. M: The problem may be that there are short of people in the kitchens recently. But I’ll look into this. And

I’ll make sure that the breakfast is sent to you immediately. Full English breakfast, was it?

W: Yes. Full English breakfast. M: very well madam. I’ll deal with this myself and I’ll have it sent up to your room right away. 12. order v. order n. 13. room service 14. be short of


M: Morrie, what is an AHT?

W: Well, AHT stands for animal health technician. I graduated from California’s first AHT class at Peals

College. Some of us may work in the countryside taking care of cattle, horses or sheep. Some may work in

research labs. But most of us work in pet hospitals. M: I know that you work in a pet hospital. What do you do there?

W: We run blood and other tests, give shorts and prepare medicine. We also cut nails, clean teeth, give

bathe and clean the cages. We help keep the clinic running smoothly. Making sure there is enough of

medicine and equipment. M: Indeed, you have so much to do. Doctor Blake told me that he couldn’t have done so much

without you. 15. stands for 16. health technician

17. graduate from 18. cattle n. 19. research labs 20. pet hospitals

21. cut nails

22. keep the clinic running smoothly


M: Where are you going on vacation this year?

W: Well, we were thinking about going on the voyage to the Caribbean Sea. It’s a beautiful part of the



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M: It certainly is. I went on one last year. But the weather can sometimes be really bad. W: I know. I have been reading weather reports for the Caibbean on the internet. They seem to have

lots of storms. M: They certainly do. When we went on a voyage we stopped at Jomaker. And the islands and boards

had been hit by storms two weeks before. You could still see a lot of damage. W: Well, if I decide to go. I’ll just have to hope for the best. 23. on vacation 24. go on the voyage to

25. weather reports 26. board n. 27. hit v. n. 28. hope for the best


Well I’d love to share with you something about my life. I was a director of labor relations for a big

company ten years ago. And I should have been happy. I had everything that I thought I wanted. But

going into work every day took away a bit of myself. Until finally I stopped and said, “ Where is that

lively college girl who used to read tens of books and do fun things? Where is she?” I knew I have to

look for her. Then one day, walking through a children’s bookstore, it hit me. I loved these books. The

richness of the pictures, the power of these words. I gathered an armful of books and said, “ this is what I

want to do.” And since then, I have treated writing like a full time job. I wrote over twenty stories in the

next year. And most of them got sent back with letters saying they were not good enough. But I didn’t give

up. I think it’s because of that love that I have been able not to just write one book but nine books in the

last ten years. When I worked in the company, I worked sixty-hour weeks because I had to. Now I

work sixty-hour weeks because I love it. If I hadn't made that choice to take a chance to do

something that really spoke to me . I don’t think I could have lived with myself. 29. share sth.with sb. 30. labor relation

take away a bit of myself

31. hit v. n. 32. an armful of

33. treat v. treat n. 34. full time job 35. because of

36. make a choice 37. take a chance to do

全國英語等級考試第二級 2011 年 9 月真題


1—5 BABBA 6—10 CABBC 11—15 ACBCA 16—20 CCABC


Text 1

W: My mother sits in front of the TV for hours every evening. M: Well, TV has that effect on a lot of people. It takes people away from reading, talking and

walking. 1. have an effect on

Text 2

M: Amy, could I use your bike?

W: I’m afraid you can’t use it now. I am using it in 10 minutes. Text 3


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W: I want to buy a new dress for Betty’s party. M: But you’ve got at least 50 dresses. W: 50? Don’t be silly. I haven’t got anything to wear. Come on. 2. silly

Text 4

M: I plan to give Mum a surprise by making a coffee table for her birthday. I’m trying to do it without

making a noise. W: That’s going to be difficult when you start working. Text 5

W: Bob, can we really afford a holiday now? We’re paying for this house and the…

M: Listen, Peggy. You work hard and I work hard. There’s nothing to worry about. Text 6

M: Have you seen Mr. Li?

W: No, I haven’t. Is he looking for me?

M: Yes, he is. He wants to talk to you. W: To me? About what?

M: There’s an opening in the sales apartment. He wants to talk to you about it. W: Oh, that’s great! What kind of job is it?

M: He hasn’t told me exactly. But it will be a better job than this. W: Thank you for your help. M: Don’t thank me yet! He hasn’t talked to you and he hasn’t chosen you for the job yet. W: I know. Text 7

W: Where are you from?

M: Australia, from Sidney. I was at university, you know, I just finished and, er… I thought I’d go off

around the world for a bit. W: What a long way to come! You have a long holiday, I suppose. M: Well, I finished my studies, you know, and have found a job in a shipping firm. But I have three

months’ holiday before I start work. So I thought I’d just take some time to go around the world. If I

need money, I just work where I am, you know, mainly teach English to young children. I used to work in

a school and I like children. But at the moment, I’m just having a holiday, wonderful here. I first arrived in

Europe a couple of weeks ago. I went to France and, er, I came around… er… through Britain and I went

right across to Japan, and then Korea. Now, here I am, in China. W: Wonderful! You must tell us all about your travels, ‘cause we’re all very interested. I’ll be working in a

foreign trading firm soon. That’ll help me learn something about other countries. M: Well. There’s not much to tell, really. But I can show you photos and postcards. W: But… um... listen. Maybe, if you’d like, you can come to my home and have supper with us and, er…

M: Oh. That would be lovely. W: Well, you can tell us all about your stories and we can make you a very nice meal. How about that?

M: That would be wonderful. A wonderful Chinese meal! A real Chinese meal! How lovely that’d be!


W: Good!

Text 8


164 歷年高考真題匯編*高考英語聽力*昭通市民族中學校本教材

W: Did you hear Jackie’s going to work in another department? We need to have a really good party

so that we can send her off really well. So, what shall we do?

M: Well, why don’t we have a surprise party, Maggie?

W: That’s a good idea. We could go to the Holiday Inn Hotel. M: That’s too expensive. Maybe we can ask Carrie to make a cake. W: Yeah, let’s do that. Perhaps we could just give the party in the office and put up some balloons. M: That’s great. I think we should also buy a really big card, a huge card, and we should get everybody to

sign it. W: Shall we have some music?

M: I was thinking exactly that myself. But…

3. department n. 4. send sb. off

5. put up 6. balloon n. 7. sign v. sign n. Text 9

M: How are your home-stay families chosen?

W: We have special requirements that our families must meet before they are invited to have our

international students. We require that the families live within a reasonable distance of the school, have enough living space for the student, and live in a clean, safe and comfortable area. We also work

with families who enjoy having international students. We try to match each student with a family as best

we can. M: If I stay with a home-stay family, what should I expect?

W: The family will treat you as a guest, and you will be expected to obey house rules. All families

provide a single or shared room and a choice of meals. In most cases, students will be expected to

share the bathroom. Experience has shown us that living with a family is the most interesting and

effective way to learn the language. Remember, your home-stay family will have different customs and

habits from what perhaps you are used to. Meals will be prepared by the family. All home-stay families are

within 30 minutes’ travelling time of the school. The smaller the city, the less time it takes to reach the

school. 8. home-stay family 9. special requirements

10. within 11. a reasonable distance

12. living space 13. treat sb. as

14. obey house rules 15. in most cases

16. effective adj. Text 10

Good morning, children and parents. Welcome to the Neighborhood Children’s Club. To celebrate the

end of the school year, we prepare for the children all kinds of gifts, such as sweets, chocolates, bookmarks and pencils. To increase the fun, we’ve hidden them for the children to find around this

building. Here’s the information you need to know. First of all, we need all children to put your names down

at the desk at that corner, because they’ll be divided into age groups. You haven’t done it yet, please

do it now. Then, if you’re ready, pre-school children will be going out of this front door and we will

encourage their parents to go with them. Outside this door, you will see flags as the marking for your area. There will be some helpers to direct you. If you are in the first to third grade, you’re going right outside

that back door to search in the yard. The parents of this group are welcome to go with the children, but


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maybe your children don’t need you. Finally, the fourth graders and I, the three of you, please follow

me down the hall through the double doors and to the other side of the building where you’ll be

going to look for your gifts. There are over 200 gifts around this building, and it should be plenty for

everyone. 17. celebrate v. 18. prepare for

19. bookmark n. 20. hide v.(hid,hidden)

21. age groups 22. pre-school

23. flag n. 24. marking n. 25. yard n. 26. plenty n. 全國英語等級考試第二級 2012 年 3 月真題


1—5 BCABC 6—10 BACAB 11—15 ABCBC 16—20 ACAAB


Text 1

W:How do I look?

M:Not bad.Does it feel all right?

W:Er…A bit tighter around here.

M:I really like the color.It matches your handbag.

1. a bit 2. tight adj. Text 2

W:We haven’t seen much of you lately in the company.Have you been away on business?

M:No.I've been away on holiday.I’ve got a cousin in Edinburgh. 3. on business 4. cousin

Text 3

M:It drives me mad when people use their cell phones at the wheel.

W:Mmm, what happened?

M:I nearly had an accident because the woman was talking on her cell phone while driving and

didn’t see the traffic lights turn red.She nearly killed me.

5. drive sb. mad 6. at the wheel

Text 4

M:Sarah.I prepare to run for class monitor and I’m wondering if I er…if I can count on your support.

W:Oh, maybe if you had asked me sooner,but my roommate is running too,and I already promised

her that she had my support.

7. run for 8. count on

Text 5

W:Have you bought a new camera again? You are turning my flat into a camera museum.

M:I’ll stop.I’ll try.But I probably can’t,I see a new model and my knees go weak.

Text 6

W:May I help you, sir?

M:Yes, please.I want to buy a personal gift for my brother.He’s taking a trip to South America.

W:Is he going by ship or plane?


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M:He’s flying.My gift will have to be something light in weight. What can you suggest?

W:What about this tie? It’s made of pure silk.

M:My sister already gave him one.I’d like something unusual.Let me look around.Oh, that clock looks

nice but…. W:Hey, here is a gift for the man who has everything.

M:Oh, a folding toothbrush.That’s a wonderful idea.I’ll take it.

9. pure silk 10. folding toothbrush

Text 7

W:Have you heard that the boss of the 1aw office where Rick works wants him to fly to Brazil and

do a month’s work there?

M:That’s nice.He’ll love it because everything will be paid for, such as air travel,meals,hotel and this

is his first time to get out of the states.

W:Indeed, you won’t believe how much he is looking forward to it and how much his little sister

admires him.He is going to enjoy lying on the beaches when work is done,and he promised to buy his

sister gifts.

M:Who else is going besides him?

W:He’s going alone.

M:When will he be leaving?

W:He was told about it three days ago.And I think he will leave in a week.

Text 8

M:Oh, who is the beautiful old woman in front of the house?

W:That’s my grandmother.

M:Oh, then that must be your house in the background.Where is it?

W:No, that’s my grandmother’s house.She lives in Kentucky. We live in Boston. About two and a half

hours away by plane. M:Then does she live with your uncle or aunt?

W:No,since her husband died,she has lived alone.

M:Alone? But she is so old.Who takes care of her?

W:She takes care of herself, though she is 81 this year,and is beginning to slow down a little.She has a

cleaning lady who comes for a few hours a week to clean the house and help her with the shopping.

M:But isn't she lonely without family?

W:Of course not. She has lived in the same neighborhood since she is first married so she knows all

the neighbors, young and old and she has lots of friends. M:Why doesn't she live with you? Don't you miss her?

W:Wen,actually, we talk to her on the phone every week and visit her at least once a year.But we are

busy with our lives and so is she. We'd love to have a visit, but we all know that if she lived with us we

might not get along so well. Text 9

W:And I realized we were completely 1ost but at least we got there in the end. M:Funny you should say that because er…a similar thing happened to me one time when I was abroad. We were actually doing a concert in this bar in Germany. W:Really?

M:I was actually about to appear on the stage you know, with the band.And I just thought I'll just go out

for a little walk and get some flesh air.It had about half an hour before we had to go on.


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M:And I went outside, you know,had a look around, walked around for a bit and then I decided to go

back and I couldn't find it.It was about two minutes before we were supposed to start. W:No,you're joking.

M:Yeah,I thought,ah! What am I gonna do?

W:Could you ask for directions?

M:Well, I tried, I asked an old woman but she didn't speak English, and I don't speak German.

W:Don't you? Oh,right.

M:And then I realized I couldn't remember the name of me bar or the street it was on or anything. So, you

know, I was in the middle of the town I didn't know,not knowing the language. And luckily, I saw

someone wearing one of our T—shirts, he was obviously going to the concert , so I thought of

following him back to the bar. W:Wow, that was lucky.Thank goodness!

M:When I got back,the guys were like, "Where have you been? We thought you run out on us." anyway,

we managed. 11. doing a concert 12. be about to

13. ask for directions

Text 10

M:Hello.I'm Caron Robinson.And this is London Life.In the program today, let me ask you a

question first. What do you think will be the hardest job in Britain? A police officer? Perhaps a deep sea

fisherman.Well,no,according to recent research,being a London taxi driver takes that prize.It's really

a hard job,really difficult.One reason is the traffic,it's getting worse and worse in London.For most

of us, if we have to sit in traffic jam for a few minutes,we get anxious.But imagine if you have to do that

all day every day as your job.What's more, passengers get into the taxi and want to get from A to B as

quickly as possible. They are in a hurry and that makes things worse for the drivers.To prepare for the test, would-be drivers have to remember ways and places of interest around central London.This is an area

which has about 25,000 streets. They need to be able to take passengers from A to B without having to

look at a map and without having to ask for directions.It usually takes nearly three years to pass the test, so it is also found in the research that parts of the brains of taxi drivers are actually larger than those in the

general population.It seems as if learning all the streets and ways makes the parts of the brain grow.Well,

anyway,this is the most tiring job.Next time,you are stuck in traffic jam and feel mad.Spare a

thought for the taxi drivers who have to spend most of their working life in them.

14. takes a prize 15. traffic jam

16. makes things worse for

17. are stuck in traffic jam

全國英語等級考試第二級 2012 年 9 月真題


1—5 AABBC 6—10 CABBA 11—15 BBACA 16—20 ACBCC


Text 1

W: Are you announcing the news today or tomorrow?


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M: I’ll do it at Wednesday’s meeting. Text 2

M: Hello, Christine. Do you want a cup of coffee? I’ve just made some. W: No, thanks. I’ll make myself a cup of tea in a minute. M: Oh, let me do it for you. The water is just boiled. 1. make tea 2. boil v. Text 3

M: Shelia, over here!

W: Hello! Tony, sorry, I’m late. My boss asked me to finish some important work. M: It’s OK. I only got here a couple of minutes ago. Text 4

W: I’m going on a business trip to New York. What’s the weather like there?

M: Well, it’s usually warm at this time of year. But last week it was cold and wet. So don’t forget to take

an umbrella with you. 3. business trip 4. umbrella n. Text 5

M: If Professor King gave us one more week, we would be able to complete the task.(虛擬語氣)

W: Hm, that would make a big difference. 5. complete the task 6. make a difference

Text 6

W: What happened? I’ve been waiting for almost an hour. M: I’m sorry, but I had car trouble. W: Oh, that’s too bad. Couldn’t you have telephoned?

M: I was going to, but I didn’t have any change for a pay phone. W: You could’ve gotten some change in a store. M: But I was out on the edge of town. There wasn’t any place to get change. W: Well, at least you’re here now. No need to wait any longer. So, let’s get started. 7. car trouble 8. change n. 9. on the edge of

Text 7

W: Let’s see. That’s two pairs of trousers, one lady’s dress and one man’s overcoat. M: And this sports shirt too, all cleaned and ironed. When will they be ready?

W: Is Sunday morning soon enough?

M: Well, yes, but I need that coat earlier. W: We do have a special quick service at an extra charge of 15%. M: When will it be ready?

W: Tomorrow afternoon. Any time after four o’clock. M: How late are you open?

W: Until 9 o’clock in the evening, sir. M: Fine. That leaves me plenty of time to pick it up after work. W: OK. You can come for the coat any time after 4 o’clock. M: Good. Thank you. 10. iron v. n. 11. change n. 12. special quick service 13. an extra charge of


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Text 8

M: What do you like most about your new job?

W: Well, I get better paid and the distance between work and home is shorter. But the best part is that

they have training programs to improve our work skills. And they run partly on company time, usually

from four to six on Wednesdays and Fridays. M: That sounds great. I wish my company did that. W: It really is a good thing. And even though the company has to pay for the training, it’s worth it in the

long run. Because with a greater understanding of the computer programs I use every day, I do my daily

tasks more quickly and effectively. 14. training programs 15. in the long run

16. effectively adv. Text 9

M: Hey, Jessica, there is a new fun test in the paper. I love to fill these things out. W: What’s this one about?

M: It’s about health. W: OK. Read it to me. I’ll keep score. M: OK. No. 1: Do you smoke more than ten cigarettes a day?

W: That’s easy. I gave up smoking three years ago. M: Right. You know, I should too. W: Yeah, I’ve heard that before. M: No, No, really. I’m going to. But for now I’d have to say, yes. OK. No. 2: Do you have a check-up at

your doctor’s office at least once a year?

W: Yeah, the company makes us go to the doctor every year. How about you?

M: Well, I went to the doctor… let’s see… about three years ago. W: You should go more often. M: Well, let’s move on to No. 7: Do you work more than ten hours a day?

W: No, but you’ve been working a lot lately. M: I’m really tired. I should work a lot less. But we’ve been busy though. W: You really should slow down. M: It’s not that easy. Last question: Do you worry a lot in your life?

W: Worry a lot? Yeah. I guess I’d have to say yes. I should rest more. M: I definitely should rest more. You know what? It’s surprising I’m not dead already. 17. fill out 18. keep score

19. Cigarettes n. 20. a check-up

21. slow down 22. definitely adv. Text 10

M: Well, I guess there are three things that I cannot live without. You saw me playing with my new toy just

now. It’s my iPod touch and it is great. I often take long bus journeys at the weekend. And on this little

thing I can watch a movie, and that just makes bus journeys fly by. It also has wireless Internet so I

can carry it around, and in a coffee shop I can check my email. And it is also able to play music, although I don’t listen to music much. That’s one. My iPod touch is with me all the time. It’s kind of

connected to my No. 2. No. 2 is the Internet. I couldn’t live without the Internet. I’m online every day

reading newspapers, checking out information about things I want to do or see that day, keeping in touch

with family and friends, although I don’t do that as much as they would like. The Internet is such a huge


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part of my life. I can’t imagine what it was like ten or fifteen years ago when nobody was online. No. 3, I suppose, is the sun which sounds a bit meaningless because everything on earth requires the sun. But

for me, it’s not so much about getting what plants and animals get from the sun. It’s just being able to

enjoy the soft warmth, lying by the pool, letting my mind be empty and clear. Those are my three. How about you?

23. fill out 24. keep score

25. Cigarettes n. 26. a check-up

27. slow down 28. definitely adv. 全國英語等級考試第二級 2013 年 3 月真題


1—5 CACAB 6—10 BABCC 11—15 AABAB 16—20 CCBAB


Text 1

W: I saw your company photograph in the paper, Martin. You’ve got a lot of people. M: Yes, our art director has just hired four new designers. 1. photograph n. 2. art director

3. hire v. 4. designer n. Text 2

M: Excuse me, where can I find the manager in this building? I need to speak to him right now. W: Sorry, I can’t help you. I’m not familiar with this building. My friend lives here. 5. be not familiar with

Text 3

M: Did you have a nice weekend? The weather was lovely. W: Yes, we did. I went for a walk in the park near our home, and my husband and the children went

boating on the lake. Text 4

M: How can I get to National City Bank?

W: Walk down Elm Street as far as the traffic lights. Turn left onto Poplar Street. Walk to the end onto

Oak Street. The bank is on your left. Text 5

M: Hi, Lisa. Shirley and I are going for a drink after work at the usual place. Would you like to come


W: My car is in the repair shop, and I have to pick it up. You go ahead and I’ll meet you there. 6. usual place 7. come along

8. pick up 9. go ahead

Text 6

M: Oh, I’m starving. W: Me, too. Shall we eat out? There is a new French restaurant down the street. M: Oh, forget about it! I went there with a friend last week. The menu was all in French, and I just couldn’t

read it!

W: That’s what you’re paying for.


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M: Maybe. But I should say everything was expensive, and nothing was to my satisfaction. W: Then how about the Italian restaurant on the next block?

M: Well, I ate out almost every day last week. Let’s just eat in today. W: But I’m not in the mood to cook. M: I’ll cook, then. In fact, I’m sick and tired of restaurants. I just want a home-cooked meal. 10. I’m starving 11. eat out

12. to my satisfaction 13. eat in

14. be sick and tired of 15. a home-cooked meal

Text 7

W: Tony, can I ask you a personal question?

M: About what?

W: Well, I was wondering about how you are received here in China. M: What do you mean?

W: Well, since you are Chinese-Canadian and only speak English and French well, how do native

Chinese treat you?

M: Oh, well, sometimes it can get pretty difficult. When people find out that I’m a Canadian citizen who

can’t speak Chinese well, they usually call me a banana. You know, yellow on the outside and white on

the inside. W: How does that make you feel?

M: Well, I first feel mad. Then I feel sad, for I’m seen as someone who has forgotten his roots. All this is

because my parents left to find a better life, and I decided to return in order to find something I lost. Sometimes I’m not sure if I like what I’ve found. 16. Chinese-Canadian 17. native Chinese

18. treat v. n. 19. citizen n. Text 8

M: Not a bad party last night. Lots of old faces from college were there. W: Really?

M: Yeah. Sally was there with her husband. I’ve heard he’s something very high up and important in some

business company. W: Yes, I’ve heard that, too. To tell you the truth, I never really expected her to marry anyone successful. She was always untidy, and didn’t like to work. M: Obviously, she’s changed her attitude to life. I mean, she was very smartly dressed, and she kept

telling me all about how much money their new house had cost. W: Seriously?

M: Yes, she was really proud of it. W: Well, she never used to be interested in money at all. M: By the way, Simon Fox was at the party. W: Was he? I haven’t seen him for ages. M: Naturally, he couldn’t stop asking me questions about you. W: I think he still thinks that we might get back together one day. M: Exactly. W: Well, not much chance of that. 20. to tell you the truth 21. untidy adj. 22. obviously adv. 23. change her attitude to


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24. never used to be 25. for ages

Text 9

W: Where’s the report I asked you to finish for today, Doug?

M: I’m really sorry, Ms. Jenson, but it’s not quite ready. I’ll have it by tomorrow. W: That’ll be too late, Doug. It is needed at the board meeting this afternoon. You’ve been working

on it for three weeks now. Why can’t you have your work done on time?

M: I’ve just had a lot of other things to do, and I still haven’t caught up with the work I missed while I was

on vacation. W: Well, I’m really tired of your excuses, Doug. Your work has been getting worse for the past several

months. I’ve said a few things about it in the past, but nothing seems to help. M: I really am sorry. I know I’m not working up to my abilities. You’ll see a real improvement in my work

from now on, Ms. Jenson. I can promise you that. W: I certainly hope so. I know you’re able to do much better than you’ve shown in the last few

months. 26. board meeting 27. catch up with

28. on vacation 29. work up to my abilities

30. improvement n. 31. promise v. n. Text 10

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I’ve called this meeting to discuss our college’s new campus, which is opening fully next year. We plan to move our students to the new place in groups, so please

listen carefully. The Agriculture students won’t move at all. As you know, their new place was opened

last year, and they are well placed for both labs and classroom space. The Arts students, however, are a

different case. History students are all moving, but unfortunately, their teachers will be left in the old

buildings, as their new offices are still being painted. Better news for the engineers. Your teachers, staff, and students are already moving to the new campus. A lab is in operation. The move for the engineers

should be completed next week. The department of law has been moved downtown. We’re accepting

suggestions for the ways school buildings could be used. So, if you have further doubts or questions, please let us know. Thank you. 32. campus n. 33. a different case

34. unfortunately adv. 35. engineer n. 36. operation n. 37. department n. 38. downtown n. 39. further doubts

全國英語等級考試第二級 2013 年 9 月真題


1—5 AABAC 6—10 BCCBB 11—15 ACAAC 16—20 BBBCC


Text 1

W: Hey, you have so many clocks in your bedroom. Are you crazy or what?

M: No, I am a heavy sleeper. I want to make sure I can wake up in the morning. Text 2

W: The food in this restaurant doesn’t taste good. I’d rather eat in the school’s dining hall.


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M: But the food isn’t everything. Isn’t it pleasant to have dinner with light music, without people

sitting around you laughing and talking loudly?

Text 3

M: If I were you, I’d ride a bike to work. Taking a bus during rush hour is really terrible. W: Thanks for your advice, but I’ve lost my bike recently. Text 4

W: Sweetie, let’s go out for a walk. M: It looks like rain. How about going to a bar for a beer?

W: But I can’t drink beer with the medicine I’m taking. Why not go to a movie?

M: I would rather watch a video online. Text 5

W: I’d like to have my car serviced — the engine and the wheels checked. How long will that take?

M: Oh, well, it’s rather late. I’m afraid it’ll take hours. You’ll have to have it done in the morning. But we can lend you a car like yours free of charge. You can take it now. 1. free of charge

Text 6

W: What’s going on between you and Charlie? Did you have a fight or something?

M: No. But I can’t stand him anymore! He’s the worst roommate I’ve ever had! He never cleans up

after himself, and he’s always listening to loud music when I try to get some sleep. W: Why don’t you have a heart-to-heart talk with him?

M: I tried, but it didn’t work. Maybe you can talk to him? After all, you’re his good friend. Text 7

M: Hi, Sue. It’s me. W: Well, hello. Where have you been all day, Steve? Mr. Smith asked me this morning where you

were, but he didn’t seem to be looking for you or anything. M: What did you say?

W: I told him that I didn’t know. He seemed very busy, as managers always are. Are you OK?

M: I’m sorry I didn’t call you this morning. I’ve had a cold since Saturday. I haven’t eaten much these

days, and it has made me feel really weak. But I’ll probably be there tomorrow. W: All right. We’ll go on a business trip next week. And don’t worry. You should go see a doctor, Steve. M: Thanks, but I’m getting better now. W: Take care, then. Bye. M: Bye-bye, Sue. Text 8

W: OK, tell me about yourself. M: Well, last year in school, I played on the football team. It kept me busy, but I learned to manage

my time. And also, it has been a great experience in learning how to work on the team with other players. W: How would your teachers describe you?

M: My teachers would say I work hard to get my homework done on time, and I’m not afraid to ask for

help if I need it. They’d also tell you I am friendly to my classmates. W: Well, why should I hire you over the other eight students?

M: I think I am the very person you can rely on. I’ll arrive to work on time and do the best I can on the

job. Besides, I’ve done volunteer work, and now I’d like to gain actual work experience. If you hire

me, you’ll get someone who is always willing to learn.


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2. manage my time 3. rely on

Text 9

M: Hi, Susan. How are you? I’ve been wondering when I’d run into you. What are you busy with?

W: Nice to meet you here, Tim. I’m buying some Christmas gifts for those who work with me, but it’s

really a headache. M: Maybe I could give you some advice. Firstly, you’d better divide them into different groups. Who are

the people that are your friends as well as your workmates? And who are the people who you do not know

well but you see pretty much daily?

W: OK. Then what should I do?

M: For the friends, you want to get them personal gifts. Do they like chocolate?

W: This is what I always give. But I know Mary is on a diet. M: Does she like fruit or coffee? Anyway, think of a gift that you know your friend likes. W: Well, I think fruit is helpful to keep fit. How about the rest of them?

M: Leave cards in their mailboxes or on their desks. W: Christmas cards?

M: Yes. You can afford that. More importantly, it shows them that you are thinking of them. W: Thank you for your suggestion, Tim. You really have saved me, and my money as well!

4. on a diet 5. keep fit

Text 10

M: Hello, everyone. My topic today is about the power of a smile. There are a number of sayings about the

power of a smile — “Peace begins with a smile.” “A smile means ‘Welcome’ everywhere.” “Life is short, but a smile only takes a second.” All good advice, but it may not be as simple as that. According to new

research, if you want to make a good impression when you meet people, it’s not just that you smile; it’s

how you smile. The study was carried out by the GO group, a business support organization in

Scotland, in the UK. They looked at people’s responses to different smiles. They found that the responses

differ greatly. Through this study, they say people should avoid three types of smiles. The first is the “Top

Fan” — very wide, all teeth showing… possible evidence that you can have too much of a good thing. Then there is the “Big Freeze” — a fixed smile that looks practiced and insincere. Finally comes “The

Robot” — a small, thin smile lacking in warmth. The group also warns against smiling too quickly, saying

it can make you look false. The best smile, they say, is slower… and flows naturally across the whole

face. 6. peace 7. make a good impression

8. be carried out 9. responses to

10. differ v. 11. evidence n. 12. practiced and insincere 13. lack in

全國英語等級考試第二級 2014 年 3 月真題


1—5 CBCAB 6—10 CBABC 11—15 ACABC 16—20 AAABC


Text 1

W: Oh, what a pretty dress! My daughter would love it. But it seems a bit too large. Do you have a smaller


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M: Sorry. This is the only one left. But don’t worry. Children grow fast!

W: Yes, that’s true. I’ll take it. Text 2

W: These DVDs will be due back on Thursday the 7th. M: How much more should we pay to keep them another week?

Text 3

M: What did you think of Dana’s speech today?

W: Well, she must have spent a lot of time preparing it. I can’t believe I could sit for that long

without feeling bored. Text 4

W: Could you help us carry these boxes, sir?

M: Oh, I’d like to help you, but I’ve got a pain in my back. Text 5

W: I wonder if Simon will be here by 8. He’s supposed to be. M: His wife said he left at 7:30, so he should be here by 8:10 at the latest. Text 6

M: Are you free on the weekend?

W: I haven’t got any plans yet. Why?

M: There’s an exhibition of Chinese paintings at the public library. Would you like to go with me?

W: I’d love to. But when?

M: How about Saturday morning? It’s cooler in the morning, and may be less crowded. W: I’m afraid I cannot get up early on weekends. I prefer Saturday afternoon. Believe me, there

won’t be too many people. M: So, shall we meet at 2 Saturday afternoon?

W: Ok, that would be great. I’ll be waiting for you at my home. 1. exhibition n. 2. crowded adj. Text 7

W: Did you have a busy week?

M: Um, well, no. I mean, I didn’t do a lot, but I bought a computer. W: You did? Thank goodness! Now you don’t need to borrow mine! You had it for two weeks last time. M: Yeah, so sorry about that. I wrote my history paper on it. Thanks again, by the way. W: Sure, no problem. So, how do you like your computer?

M: Oh, it’s really cool. I use it every day. W: Really? Are you using it for class? I mean, you’re working on a paper now, right?

M: Uh, yeah, I am. But I don’t use it for class. W: So, what do you use it for?

M: Um, actually, I just watch DVDs on it all week. Text 8

W: Tom, as the manager of a company selling green products, you’re now quite a successful businessman. When did you know you wanted to have your own company?

M: My family left Budapest in 1986 and settled in Canada, where a lot of my friends’ parents were

highly successful businessmen. It seemed so cool! So, in high school, I started a web design company

and learned a lot from that experience.


176 歷年高考真題匯編*高考英語聽力*昭通市民族中學校本教材

W: How did you find the money for your present company, then?

M: We’ve raised 18 million dollars from about 50 people. We’re finally making money. I own six percent

of the company, and all employees get their shares. W: By the way, what aspects of your life are green?

M: I’m only mildly green. I do simple things, and I’m a huge biker. I biked across Canada. W: Do you think you have ever done anything wasteful?

M: We’re always doing something wrong, but then, that’s what allows us to learn and grow. When I first

started out, we made all the products ourselves. But that was a mistake. Now, we work with other

companies. We provide the materials, the product development, and the design. They make the products, and…

3. raise v. 4. make money

5. aspect n. 6. biker n. 7. biked across 8. wasteful adj. Text 9

W: Hey, James. How’s the job search going?

M: Hi, Sharon. I had no idea it would take so much time. It sure makes it difficult to prepare for final

exams. How about you?

W: I was lucky. There seems to be a shortage of high school teachers now. I applied to three schools, and each one offered me a position. M: That’s great. Which one did you like?

W: I haven’t decided yet. Of course, it would be easiest for me to stay here in New York or go back home

to Boston. But I may go to California. M: That would be a big move. W: So, tell me about your plans. M: Well, I applied to six newspapers. Last week, I had an interview with New York Times. W: How did it go?

M: No so well. I think they’re looking for people with some experience. W: Have you had any other interviews?

M: No, not yet. It seems that everyone wants to be a writer these days. There just aren’t that many jobs out

there. W: That’s too bad. M: Yes. I had hoped to have a job lined up by graduation. That doesn’t seem likely now. W: What will you do if you can’t find a job?

M: In that case, I’ll begin working on a master’s degree in the fall. W: Good luck!

9. job search 10. final exams

11. a shortage of 12. apply to

13. offered me a position 14. line sth. up

15. master’s degree 16. work on

Text 10

M: Now, one more thing to add about student safety before we start today’s college tour. The

university offers two programs called Safe Walk and College Alone programs. The Safe Walk program

is to make sure that students get where they need to go late at night with an officer on duty to safeguard

them, whether back from the bar or from a late-night study group. The College Alone program gives


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students who are working alone at night peace of mind. Once a student calls the office, her position is

recorded, as is her time to leave the place and where she is about to go. Students are provided with a

number they can call campus safety office 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And 12 college pay phones

are also connected to the office — no money needed. Here, we’re trying our best so that your children

are safe while they’re attending the university. 17. college tour 18. safeguard v. 19. campus safety office

全國英語等級考試第二級 2014 年 9 月真題


1—5 ACBCA 6—10 BBACA 11—15 BCCCB 16—20 ABAAC


Text 1

W: Would it be all right if I left a bit early? I don’t feel very well today. M: Yes, yes, by all means. The second part of the meeting is just free discussion. Text 2

M: Do you have this shirt in other colors, ma’am?

W: Well, they come in white, yellow, red, and green. Will a white one do?

M: Yes, that’ll be nice. I’ll take one. Text 3

W: Hi, Kent. Can you give me a lift? I’m late for work. My car’s broken down. It won’t start. M: I’m sorry. I’m not going into town. But I can give you a lift to the bus station. 1. give...a lift 2. break down

Text 4

M: I’m calling to ask if your hotel still serves Mexican food. I haven’t been there for years. W: I’m afraid not, but you can easily find a Mexican restaurant close by. Text 5

W: Hey, Bob. Would you please help me with these boxes?

M: Yes, if you promise to help me tidy up the house. W: No problem. I’ll even do the dishes. 3. promise to help 4. tidy up the house

Text 6

M: Hi. Is Olivia there, please?

W: I’m sorry. She’s out for lunch. Do you want to leave a message?

M: Yes, this is Harris. Could you tell Olivia that I’ll wait for her at the box office of the cinema at


W: Sure, Harris. You’ll wait for her at the box office at 10. M: No, at 7:10. W: Oh, sorry. At 7:10. I’ll tell Olivia. M: Thank you!

5. the box office 6. be out for lunch

Text 7


178 歷年高考真題匯編*高考英語聽力*昭通市民族中學校本教材

M: Look at this armchair. What do you think?

W: Oh, I’m not sure I like the design. It’s too heavy looking. Is it comfortable?

M: Try it. W: Hmm. It’s really comfortable! And I’d like to have something this size. Our old armchair is way too

small. This size is perfect. M: What do you think of the color?

W: Well, green isn’t my favorite color, but it’s better than that terrible brown one we have now. It’s

okay, I guess. But blue would be perfect. M: How much is it?

W: Oh, no. It’s $999. That’s really too expensive. We can’t afford it right now. M: I know. Why don’t we wait till next month for their mid-year sale? It might be cheaper then. W: Hey, that’s a good idea!

Text 8

W: Well, I certainly have enjoyed my stay in Edinburgh, Peter. Thanks for all your help. And thanks to

Jean as well for showing me around. M: Well, we both enjoyed it, too. How long will you stay in York before you go back?

W: Two days. Look, when are you going to be in London again? You must bring Jean with you and we

can all get together again. M: Yes, I’ll do that. That’s your train, isn’t it?

W: Yes, I’d better go. OK. Thanks again. Bye!

M: Bye, Sue. Don’t forget to give my regards to John. W: I won’t. Bye!

7. stay n.v. 8. show...around

9. give regards to 10. railway station

Text 9

M: Mom, I’m a little worried about college. I just don’t know what to study. I don’t know what my

major should be. W: That can be a difficult decision, John. M: How can I decide?

W: Well, I’d start with your interests. It will help you if you study something that you are interested in. What do you like to read and learn about or do?

M: I guess I like dancing and helping people. Those are my interests, I guess. W: What do you mean by helping people?

M: If people have problems, I like to help solve them. Or if people are hurt, I like to try to do things that

make them feel better. W: It sounds like you might be interested in medicine, then. M: Uh, I don’t know…

W: Another thing I think you should consider is the possible jobs you might get and how much money you

want to make. M: How do I figure that out?

W: You can research different jobs at the library, and there are reports and data on how well

different jobs pay. M: I want to have a well-paid job so that I can have the money to travel. W: Well, there you go! Income is going to influence you most in your choice of major. There is one other


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thing you should consider, too. M: What’s that?

W: You know…scholarships, the money given to you for college. You might want to pick a major that will

allow you to get a special scholarship. I know you’ll make the right decision. M: Thanks, Mom. 11. major n.v. 12. travel around

13. impatient adj. 14. critical adj. Text 10

M: Welcome to London this December! There’s plenty going on this month. For example, on 1 December, London’s West End, the capital’s best shopping district, has its largest ever traffic-free day. More

than a million visitors are expected to shop and enjoy various activities while Oxford Street and Regent

Street are completely closed to cars and buses. Shoppers will be able to move around the streets, visiting

our famous department stores, and having a bite at one of the many cafes and restaurants in the area. Trafalgar Square’s Christmas tree, a gift to London from Norway, will be lit at 6 p.m. on 6

December to the sounds of traditional Christmas songs. Then, every evening from 10 December until

23 December, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., people will sing Christmas songs in this beautiful setting. Lastly, ring in

the New Year with the capital’s largest fireworks show. Although the fireworks will be set off at the British

Airways London Eye, they can be enjoyed from across London and will also be broadcast on television at

the same time. Then, just a few hours later, come out and see London’s colorful New Year’s Day parade, when marching performers from around the world pass through the capital’s streets. Enjoy your time in

our city. 15. shopping district 16. traffic-free

17. various activities 18. completely closed to

19. have a bite at 20. lit v.(原形)

21. traditional adj. 22. Christmas songs

23. be broadcast 24. marching performers

全國英語等級考試第二級 2015 年 3 月真題


1—5 BACAB 6—10 AABBC 11—15 BCACB 16—20 BAACC


Text 1

W: Hi Jack.Could you help me carry these books?

M: I'd love to, Mary.But I need to meet Professor Johnson in his office immediately. Text 2

M: Wasn't Mr.Smith supposed to be at the meeting?

W: Yes, but something came up and he couldn't make it. 1. be supposed to do sth. 2. come up

3. make it 4. be late for

Text 3

W: What were you doing yesterday evening?

M: I was watching TV at home. Why?


180 歷年高考真題匯編*高考英語聽力*昭通市民族中學校本教材

W: I called you but you didn't answer. M: Sorry. My phone was out of order. I didn't hear anything. 5. fail to do sth.. 6. out of order

Text 4

M: I've heard the company is sending you to Germany for the new project. W: Yes. It's been a long time since I was there, so I guess it's time to practice my German. 7. send...to 8. practice v. Text 5

W: I'd like to go to the picnic with you but I won't be able to drive at night. M: Don't worry, Sarah. If the picnic ends late, we can drive you home. Come with us. 9. persuade sb. to do sth. 10. drive v. Text 6

W: Excuse me. I will stay in the city for a few days, and I'd like to know what's on. M: Well, there's Tea House at the Capital Theater. They say the play is very good. W: When is it on exactly?

M: Every night except Sunday. Hold on… yes.The show will run until the beginning of July. It begins at 8

o'clock and lasts more than two and a half hours, finishing at 10:45. Here, take this flyer.It tells you more. W: Thank you. 11. musician n. 12. flyer n. Text 7

M: Hello. W: Good morning, sir. Welcome to London Heathrow Airport.Where are you going?

M: I'll going to Taipei by way of Hong Kong. W: Your passport and ticket, please. Will you be checking in any bags, Mr.Lewis?

M: Just one. And I have this carry-on bag. W: What kind of seat would you like, Mr.Lewis?

M: Window, please. W: Your flight 923 will board at Gate 35. It is 9 o'clock now, and boarding will begin in 2 hours, 30

minutes before the flight takes off. And here is your boarding pass. Have a good trip, Mr.Lewis. M: Thank you! Bye!

13. by way of 14. passport n. 15. check in 16. carry-on bag

17. flight 923 18. board v. 19. take off 20. boarding pass

Text 8

M: Hi, Carrie. How are you doing?

W: Hi, Andrew. I'm OK, I suppose. Not too bad. M: How is your job going?

W: Oh, that's not OK. I've moved to a new office and I just hate it. The people are unfriendly. Actually, I'm looking for a new job. M: Oh, really? Me, too! I'm just so bored with my job. I've been there for too long. W: So what kind of job are you looking for?

M: Well, I don't know for sure. Maybe something in the travel industry. I'd love to work somewhere

nice and warm. Spain is my first choice.


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W: I see. It would be lovely to go and live abroad, wouldn't it? Hey, maybe we should go there together to

set up a travel business. M: The problem is I don't speak Spanish. It'll be difficult for me to start a business there. W: I don't speak Spanish either, but it doesn't matter. We should give it a try. M: Well, one day maybe. Anyway, let's go for lunch. We haven't seen each other for quite some time. 21. suppose v. 22. travel industry

23. live abroad 24. set up

25. a travel business 26. it doesn't matter

27. give it a try 28. go for lunch

Text 9

W: Good evening, and welcome to Young Writers of the Year. At only 19, this Oxford student has already

published a novel. He is a student in Physics, but has a special interest in English writing. As you

probably know, his novel is based on his childhood experience. And he is particularly popular among

college students. Now, we're very happy to have Simon with us tonight. Simon, welcome to the program!

M: Thanks. It's a pleasure to be here. I was lucky, I suppose. Here I am now with a published novel on my

first attempt. W: So could you tell us more about your novel?

M: Well, it's called My Diary, and it's kind of an everyday story of my life and schooling in South

Africa. You know, my father is a news reporter, and I stayed there with him for three years. W: We learned that while studying at Oxford, you worked as a volunteer in Vietnam during summer

vacations. Are you going to make what you are learning from Vietnam the subject of your next novel?

M: I can't say at the moment, I'm afraid. I'm very much interested in the history of Vietnam though. I

plan to work there when I graduate. W: Well, it sounds exciting and interesting. Thank you for coming, Simon. 29. publish a novel 30. Physics

31. have an interest in 32. English writing

33. be based on 34. childhood experience

35. be popular among 36. on my first attempt

37. worked as 38. summer vacations

39. volunteer work 40. study abroad

Text 10

M: Hello, everyone. Today I'm here to share with you a study we've done recently. In the study, we find

children gain weight during the summer. We discover that hot weather, unhealthy food and playing

without a good plan all play a role. What happens to our children during the summer? Before we are able

to answer this question, we have to know something about our children at school. During the school year, children have to follow school rules. For example, they must have regular meal times. But this is no longer

true in the summer. As far as I know, a lot of children don't have breakfast and lunch. They just have

one huge meal in the middle of the afternoon. This sort of eating behavior surely leads to weight gain. And also, unhealthy food is everywhere. It's at schools, homes and offices. In addition, when parents go to

work, children are often left by themselves. They can choose to go outside to play, or do some reading at

home. But most of them just play computer games. I also want to point out that children's being

overweight has a lot to do with the parents. I advise all parents to watch their own habits. In America, almost 65% of our population is overweight. And two thirds of our children are being raised by

overweight parents.


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41. share with 42. recently adv. 43. gain weight 44. discover v. 45. unhealthy food 46. play a role

47. follow school rules 48. have regular meal times

49. no longer 50. as far as I know

51. sort n. 52. eating behavior

53. lead to 54. in addition

55. point out 56. have a lot to do with

57. watch one’s habits 58. overweight adj. 59. be raised by 60. pay attention to

全國英語等級考試第二級 2015 年 9 月真題


1—5 ACBBA 6—10 CCAAB 11—15 CBCAC 16—20 AABCB


Text 1

M: Are you going anywhere for Christmas?

W: I thought about going to my sister's in New York. How about you?

M: I'll probably just stay at home. Text 2

M: I'm going to the beach this Sunday. Would you like to come?

W: Oh, Sunday's a bit of a problem. Some of my friends are coming for a dinner at my place. What

about Saturday?

Text 3

W:Mr. Baker, could I possibly use your phone? Ours doesn’t work. Judy is ill, and I want to call a

doctor. M:Sure. Come on in. Hope everything’s well with Judy. Text 4

W: Congratulations, John! I heard about your new job. M: Thanks. It's nearly perfect for me. The working hours are convenient, and it's an easy walk from

home. If only the pay were half as good as everything else!

1. convenient adj. 2. if only

Text 5

M: Kate, I'm going to a meeting tomorrow. Would you please help take my phone calls?

W:No problem, Jim. I'll take a message if anyone calls. 3. promise to do sth. 4. take a message

Text 6

M: Excuse me. One ticket, please. Do you give students a discount?

W:We do, but the museum will close in twenty minutes. We stop selling tickets at 3:30. It's 3:40 now. M: Could you possibly let me go in for a quick look? I can pay the full price. W: I’m sorry, I can't. And it's not really worth it because you won't be able to see everything within twenty

minutes. You can come back tomorrow morning. The museum opens at nine o'clock.


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M:Well, in that case, I’ll do what you say. 5. give students a discount 6. stop selling tickets

7. a quick look 8. pay the full price

9. be worth it 10. in that case

11. tour v.n. 12. museum n. Text 7

W: Hi, Tom. How are you?

M:Hi, Jane. I'm fine. Listen, I plan to go swimming in the sports center this weekend. But it's a long way, and I haven't got my driver’s license yet. How about us going together in your car? I'll buy the tickets. W: Well, it's great, but I’ve got homework to do. M: Come on! It doesn’t matter that you go out for one afternoon. W:Oh, I really can't. Although I finished my book report, the upcoming mid-term exam really makes

me nervous. I don’t think I’d enjoy an outing now. Sorry I can’t drive you. M: Oh, don’t worry. I can find someone else. Good luck with your exam!

W: Thanks. See you!


13. sports center 14. driver’s license

15. book report 16. upcoming mid-term exam

17. nervous adj. 18. enjoy an outing

Text 8

M: Hello. I'd like this guidebook, please. How much is it?

W: All things are free here. M: Oh, thanks. I'll stay in the city for one week. Could you tell me what places I should visit?

W: Well, there are a lot. Are you interested in islands, such as Lantau?

M: Islands?

W:Yes. There are a lot of interesting things you can see — old villages and churches. And the scenery

is beautiful. Take this booklet. It tells you more. M: Thank you very much. That’s a great suggestion. W: You are welcome. 19. guidebook n. 20. stay in

21. scenery n. 22. booklet n. 23. a department store 24. an information center

Text 9

W:Dr. Green, congratulations on the success of your new book! We learned that it has been translated

into 30 languages — English, of course, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, and so on. M: Thanks, Helen. W: Well, could you tell us what this popular book is about?

M:It’s called In Praise of Slow. It's about how the world got stuck in fast-forward, and how more and more

people everywhere are slowing down. In other words, it’s about the rise of the Slow Movement. W: What is the Slow Movement?

M:It is a revolution against the idea that faster is always better. When I say “slow”,I don’t mean doing

everything slowly. It’s about doing everything as well as possible, instead of as fast as possible. It’s

about quality in everything we do. W: When and where was this “slow” idea born?


184 歷年高考真題匯編*高考英語聽力*昭通市民族中學校本教材

M:It was born in the early 1990s in Italy. It began as the Slow Food Movement,which centered on food. More recently, “slow” has become popular worldwide. W: Have we reached the point of trying to speed up something that cannot really be sped up?

M: Of course. The Internet connects us in wonderful ways, but it also leads us into trying to hurry up

relationships. So you find people online saying they have more than 4,000 friends. The very idea of

friendship is not considered important. And we may be losing the ability to make friends. In Britain, a

study found that in the past ten years, the number of children who say they have no best friend rose

from under one in eight to nearly one in five!

25. congratulations on 26. been translated into

27. In Praise of Slow 28. get stuck

29. fast-forward 30. slow down

31. in other words 32. the rise of

33. a revolution against 34. quality n. 35. reached the point of 36. speed up

37. be sped up 38. hurry up

Text 10

Good morning, everyone. I'm pleased to be here to give a talk. We’re two brothers from Canada, and

we’ve been living in Thailand for eight years. We noticed that most English lessons here in schools

focus only on reading and writing, so a lot of people can’t understand and speak well in English. And

we’d like to do something about it. Our idea is simple: we want to teach people how to understand and

speak English like a native speaker. Different from broadcast English programs, we design special fun

English programs based on the computer and use them to teach words and expressions we use in

real life. We talk in a casual style on a number of interesting topics, and we share personal stories from our

real lives. Now, we have over 200 units on our website. We make a new unit every week that you can

listen to on your computer anytime you want. Our materials are from English movies, TV shows, and

real-life conversations. We hope people will use the materials to practice every day. We are sure that

your English will improve a lot. 39. focus only on 40. a native speaker

41. different from 42. broadcast English program

43. design n.v. 44. based on

45. in a casual style 46. share personal stories

47. over 200 units 48. materials n. 49. be broadcast live 50. attend the class

全國英語等級考試第二級 2016 年 3 月真題


1—5 CCABA 6—10 CBACB 11—15 CBAAC 16—20 CBBAB


Text 1

W: Excuse me? Can we get a table at the non-smoking area?

M: Sure, but you may need to wait for a few minutes. You can have a look at the menu first at the


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waiting area. Text 2

W: So, you’ve lived in London for forty years. Were you born there?

M: No, I was born and brought up in a small town and only moved to London in my twenties when I got

a job at the BBC. 1. bring up 2. move to

Text 3

M: Excuse me, could you tell me when the next train to New York will leave?

W: Sorry, I don’t know. You can check at the information counter. It’s right down the hall. M: Thank you. 3. information n. 4. counter n. Text 4

M: I’ve just been offered two jobs just now. W: Congratulations! Which one are you going to take?

M: Thanks. I haven’t decided yet. Text5

W: Excuse me. Do you know where Mr. Anderson is?

M: Oh, we're repairing the classroom ceiling this week. So he is giving his class in the library instead. 5. ceiling n. 6. library n. Text6

W: Jason, would you tell us a little about how you became a writer?

M: Oh, I’ve written ever since I was a boy. When I was at school, I wrote stories for a children’s

magazine. Later on, I wrote for The Western Teacher and various other magazines before I got into

writing books. W: Did you start writing your own books after you came to Paris?

M: Yes. My first book was published here in 2004. 7. magazine n. 8. various adj. Text7

W: Love, my stomach aches. M: Mine too, honey. W: I think it was the fish or the meat we ate in the restaurant. M: It might have been. W: Or the soup. M: No, it couldn’t have been the soup because I didn’t have any. Little Jimmy had some and he’s all right. W: Of course we sat in the sun for a long time but I suppose it couldn’t have been the sun. M: That’s true. Now what else did we both eat? Only those lovely apples I bought at the market. It couldn’t

have been them. Were you still eating apples and you washed them?

W: No, I didn’t. I thought you had. M: Oh, Jenny, I didn’t wash them, I’ve thought you did. It must’ve been the apples then. Oh, I feel worse

now. Let’s go see a doctor. 9. stomach n. 10. ache v. 11. soup n. 12. see a doctor


M: Why don’t you like going to the cinema?


186 歷年高考真題匯編*高考英語聽力*昭通市民族中學校本教材

W: Well, there’re too many problems. M: Like what?

W: For example, when the film is popular, the cinema is rather crowded. When the traffic is bad, it takes a

long time to get there. M: Are these all the problems?

W: No, the worst is the people. Children running up and down, people chatting endlessly and so on. So I’d rather stay at home and wait to see the films when they are shown on TV. M: Then you may see the films a bit later than other people. W: Yes, but I’ll be more comfortable in the quietness in my living room. M: Well, I can’t stand others talking about a new film before I see it. So I prefer seeing films at the

cinema as soon as they come out. 13. go to the cinema 14. rather crowded

15. up and down 16. endlessly adv. 17. be shown 18. comfortable adj. 19. quietness n. 20. prefer doing sth. Text9

M: Can I talk to you for a minute, Professor Smith?

W: Sure, David. What can I do for you?

M: I didn’t get a copy down all the terms you mentioned in today’s lecture, and I know they were

important. W: Do you remember what parts of the lecture you have trouble with?

M: Er, not really. W: Mmm, can I take a look at your notes?

M: Sure. W: Mmm, interesting. M: What?

W: David, just by looking through your notes from today and from last week’s classes I can tell that

you’ve been missing a lot of the important information for my lectures. Your notes are rather incomplete. M: What’s wrong? I thought I took good notes. W: Mmm, not exactly. I think your note-taking skill needs some improvement. M: Oh. W: What I suggest is that you copy down the key points that I put on the board at the start of each

class. That way you can follow along and keep up with the main ideas of the lecture. M: OK. W: Second, use the key points to help you fill in the details that develop each main point. Don’t worry

about writing down everything I say word for word. It looks you were trying to do that. Focus on

understanding the organization of the lecture, that will help you find the most important

information you should write down. M: All right. Thanks, Professor Smith. W: Oh, and one more thing, you might find it useful to shorten word than use special marks, that can save

you a lot of time. 21. term n. 22. mention v. 23. lecture n. 24. have trouble with

25. note n. 26. miss v.


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27. rather incomplete 28. note-taking skill

29. improvement n. 30. copy down

31. key points 32. put on the board

33. follow along 34. keep up with

35. focus on 36. organization n. 37. shorten v. 38. special marks

39. save time 40. professor n. Text10

M: It is no secret that many famous people including Napoleon, Caesar the Great, and even the queen of

England loved silk clothes. In the 13th century, Marco Polo traveled the Silk Road and brought silk to

Venice. You can be sure that Italians value this precious material greatly. Some of the designs added into

their clothing were copies of paintings by Leonardo da Vinci. Today there are no world-class dress

designers who have not used Italian cloth materials made of Chinese silk. A famous poet said, “What

diamonds do for the hand silk does for the body.” Silk has a comfortable and expensive quality. Silk

dresses and suits certainly add beauty and style to one’s clothes collection. You want to be considered as

successful as those who know what quality is, don’t you? No one who was anyone should be without this

special material. Come and buy a silk dress or a shirt today. 41. It is no secret that... 42. queen n. 43. silk clothes 44. the Silk Road

45. value v. 46. precious material

47. design n. 48. be added into

49. world-class adj. 50. poet n. 51. diamond n. 52. silk dresses and suits

53. clothes collection 54. style n. 全國英語等級考試第二級 2016 年 9 月真題


1—5 BACBC 6—10 ACBAC 11—15 AABCC 16—20 BAABC


Text 1

M: Would you mind if I borrowed your car?

W: Well, when exactly?

M: Until Monday or Tuesday of next week. W: I’m sorry, but my family is going out this weekend. Text 2

W: How do you feel about your moving to Los Angeles, Jack?

M: Well, I’m really looking forward to it. I can’t fall asleep at night these days. Text 3

W: What’s wrong, Carl? You look terrible. M: Miss Brown, I’ve had a headache all day. And my nose is blocked. W: You might have caught a cold. You don’t have to come to school tomorrow. Stay home and have a



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Text 4

W: We need a new refrigerator. This one hardly holds our food for a week. M: In that case, we’ll go to town this weekend, instead of the movie. 1. refrigerator n. 2. in that case

Text 5

M: Excuse me, could you tell me when the next train for Chicago leaves?

W: Well, trains for Chicago leave every 3 hours. You just missed the 8:30 train by 10 minutes, I’m

afraid. Text 6

M: Mom, may I work at the zoo?

W: Work? Where?

M: We have a chance to work at the zoo for the whole holiday. All my classmates are going. Can I?


W: Sounds interesting. M: Does that mean you are letting me go?

W: Yes. But how about a favor from you in return when breakfast is over? Go and practice cleaning

cages by starting with that cage you call a bedroom!

3. favor n. 4. in return

Text 7

M: You’re Molly, right? Alice asked me to look after you today. W: Thanks, Dr. Laver. I’m not sure of what to do the first day at work. M: Don’t worry. Now, Molly, let’s get started right now. W: Right, doctor. I’ve never had to look after such young babies before. I’m quite nervous really. M: Nothing to it. Just pick up a baby and have a nice little chat, to make it feel comfortable. W: Ah, hello there, Babyface! What have you been up to today?

M: See? You’re a natural. I’m sure you’ll make a lovely mother one day, Molly. Text 8

M: Biology department, Webster speaking. W: Hello Professor Webster. This is Janet Hill calling. I live two doors down from Professor Don

Williams. Don asked me to call you, because he has got a terrible cold and lost his voice. M: Lost his voice? Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do for him?

W: Well, he has a class this afternoon from 2:30 to 4:00, and he won’t be able to teach it. M: Does he want me to try to find somebody else to teach the class?

W: No, not exactly. What he wants to do is get someone to go in for him, just to pass back the

mid-term exam papers. M: His class is at 2:30, you say? Well, I’m free at that time and I could do it for him. What room is his

class in?

W: Carter Hall, Room 214. You can get the papers in his office. M: OK, that’s fine. W: Thank you very much, Professor Webster. M: That’s all right. Thank you, and hope Don will get better soon. 5. biology department 6. in return

7. got a terrible cold 8. pass back

9. mid-term exam papers 10. neighbour n.


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11. assistant n. 12. lose one’s voice

Text 9

M: So, you’ve applied for the Saturday position, right?

W: Yes, I have. M: Can you tell me what made you reply to our job offer?

W: Well, I was looking for a part-time job to help me through college. M: Do you know exactly what you would be doing as a shop assistant?

W: Well, I imagine I would be preparing the shop for business, helping shoppers, and keeping a

check on the supplies in the store. M: What sort of student do you regard yourself as?

W: I suppose I’m a reasonable student. I passed most of my exams, and I enjoy studying subjects

that interest me. M: Now, do you have any questions for me about the job?

W: Yes, could you tell me what hours I’d have to work?

M: We open at 9:00 But you would be expected to arrive at 8:30. We close at 6:00 p.m., and you

would be able to leave 10 minutes later. I think I have asked you everything I wanted to. Thank you for

coming along to the interview. 13. apply for 14. position n. 15. reply to 16. a job offer

17. a part-time job 18. a shop assistant

19. keeping a check 20. supply v. n. 21. sort n. 22. regard sb. as

23. reasonable adj. 24. be expected to do

Text 10

In today’s program, we are talking about London Underground trains. The quickest way to get around

London is no doubt ‘the tube’, London’s way of saying the Underground train. The tube is made up of

twelve lines, each bearing a name and a color on the tube map. For example, the Central Line is red. And as its name suggests, it runs from east to west, taking in central London. The Circle Line is yellow, and is the only line which runs in a complete circle. About 2.5 million people use the tube each day. If you

want to travel fast around London, taking the tube will get you to wherever you want quicker than bus or

taxi. Trains generally leave every 3 or 4 minutes, less frequently at weekends and late at night. There are

maps at each station, as well as inside each train, to make sure that you can see where you are going and

that you are on the right train. If you find yourself going in the wrong direction, simply get off at the

next station and cross the platform to the other side. Every train will show its direction on the front of

the train. So, it is a good idea to look at the train as it is coming into the station. 25. program n. 26. no doubt

27. bearing a name and a color on the tube map

28. a complete circle 29. tube n. 30. the wrong direction 31. get off

全國英語等級考試第二級 2017 年 3 月真題



190 歷年高考真題匯編*高考英語聽力*昭通市民族中學校本教材

1—5 CACBB 6—10 CBCBA 11—15 BACAC 16—20 ABCAB


Text 1

M: What about coming to my place for a coffee, Mary?

W: I can’t, John. I’ve got a meeting at ten o’clock, so I have to go to my office now. Another time, maybe. Text 2

W: The dress I’m trying on is too small. Do you have a larger size?

M: Yes, but not in that color. We have a larger one in red. W: Red? Red would be lovely. M: Here you are. Text 3

M: Linda, could you hold this ladder? I need to get onto the roof. W: Sure. Why are you doing that?

M: I want to clear the leaves off the roof. 1. ladder n. 2. leave n. 3. clear off 4. roof

Text 4

M: Are you going to the exhibition in Sydney next week, Ellen?

W: Well, I was planning to, but I haven’t been able to reserve a hotel room. M: Have you tried the Hillsboro Hotel? They might still have space. And it’s not too far from the

exhibition hall. 5. exhibition n. 6. reserve a room

7. space n. 8. far from

Text 5

W: Why on earth are we inside on such a beautiful day?

M: Well, it was you who wanted to spend the day at a museum. W: Shall we leave now and take a walk outside in the city square?

9. city square 10. take a walk

Text 6

W: Hi, Don! So nice to see you. M: Pam! Where have you been for the last three months? I never see you anymore. W: Oh, I’ve been working strange hours these days. I don’t see much of anyone anymore. M: Well, I understand. I wish I could stay and talk, but here comes my bus. Why don’t we go out


W: I’d like that. Call me soon. M: Sure. Are you still living in the same apartment?

W: On Walker Avenue. M: Okay. Take care!

W: Yeah, you too. Catch you later!

11. apartment n. 12. catch you later

Text 7

M: I’ll have to make a choice soon about next year. I’ve got a chance to go on a six-month journey to

South America, but I’ve just been offered a job in a bookshop here.


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W: Wow, South America? How could you say no?

M: Well, believe it or not, I don’t have a burning desire to see the world. I’d much prefer just to stay at

home. Anyway, it’s hard to decide. W: Well, I would strongly advise you to think of the future. Working abroad is much more exciting than

working in a small town. You’re lucky to have a choice. A lot of people don’t. 13. make a choice 14. offer v. 15. believe it or not 16. a burning desire

Text 8

W: This is Word Master on Radio 4. Today we have Professor Danny Sheffield from Arkansas Community

College. Okay Danny, could you tell us how to produce a good piece of writing in college?

M: Well, one of the basic things about any writing is to remember three key points: number one, say what

you’re going to say. So you’re telling the reader what you’re going to write about, and maybe also your

opinion in the beginning part. The second thing is: say it. And here’s where you provide details and

facts to support what you have stated. And the third part is: say it again. Conclude the main parts of

your article and re-state the key points that you’ve made, and what you want your readers to understand. W: Uh, what really separates an excellent article from the average ones?

M: I would say it’s a personal voice. Because people respond to such an article much more easily. So if

you want to touch the reader’s feelings, your natural voice will help. That puts your writing more into the

excellent type, rather than, “Oh, this is a good formal article.” 17. a good piece of writing 18. key point

19. in the beginning part 20. provide details and facts

21. state v. 22. separate...from... 23. average adj. 24. a personal voice

25. the excellent type 26. rather than

Text 9

W: I can’t believe it’s almost summer. M: Yeah, I know. The year went really fast. W: What are you going to do this summer vacation?

M: I’m going to work for a company. W: A company? What’s that? What do you do?

M: We help at parties. Our company prepares and serves the food. And usually, another company

provides the music. W: I didn’t know you could cook. M: I don’t have to cook. I’m only an assistant. W: When do you start?

M: Tomorrow. We’re helping a birthday party. Then, a big family get-together. W: So, what exactly do you do?

M: Before the party starts, I help set everything up. You know, bring the food in and arrange the

tables. Make sure it looks nice. W: Sounds pretty easy. M: That’s only the first part. During the party, I have to serve food and drinks to the guests. W: Well, at least you get to meet people. M: Yeah. And after the party is finished, I help clean up. W: Yuck. I hate to wash dishes.


192 歷年高考真題匯編*高考英語聽力*昭通市民族中學校本教材

M: Oh, I don’t wash dishes. Someone else does. I just put everything in the trunk. W: That’s not so bad. Sounds like a cool job. 27. summer vacation 28. work for

29. at parties 30. serves...to... 31. a family get-together 32. set everything up

33. arrange the tables 34. wash dishes

Text 10

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the program. We all know plants need sunshine to grow. But actually, not all vegetables need lots of sunshine. Mark Hoffman and his wife own a guesthouse in Kempton, Illinois. They often serve their guests fresh vegetables from their garden. For almost ten years, the

Hoffmans have been experimenting with shade plantings. Curious visitors often ask how they do it. Here is

the answer: they grow tomatoes near the trees that produce a lot of shade. Tomato plants grow as long as

they get five hours a day of direct sunshine, especially morning sun. This goes against the traditional

advice that tomatoes need eight, even twelve hours a day of full sun. In fact, plants and tree roots can share

something in common. Besides tomatoes, the Hoffmans grow Irish potatoes. Plants with wider leaves

seem to do better in shady environments. The potatoes grow better in the shade than in full sun. 35. own a guesthouse 36. experiment with

37. shade plantings 38. curious visitors

39. as long as 40. root n. 41. share sth. in common 42. shady environments

全國英語等級考試第二級 2017 年 9 月真題


1—5 BAACB 6—10 ABCAB 11—15 CBACA 16—20 CBCAC


Text 1

M: Jane, do you have a map of Manchester? I want to find a good place to eat. W: Why not try Chinatown? There are plenty of good Chinese restaurants there, and it's near here. Text 2

M: Let's do something different for vacation this year. Oh, let's go to Colorado. I want to learn to

snowboard. W: Oh, Paul. You know I don't like cold weather. Can't we go someplace warm, like the beach?

Text 3

W: This job is for three days a week: Monday, Friday, and Saturday. Are you Okay with that?

M: Mmm. . I was hoping to have Saturday free. But I need the job, so. . . can you tell me what exactly I

wil do?

Text 4

M: Do you know if John's coming home for dinner?

W: He'll be late. He said not to wait for him. Text 5

W: I'm really tired from packing all these boxes for three hours. It's about time to call it a day. M: I know. Maybe we could do it first thing tomorrow morning.
