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2024 年第 1 期(總第 13 期)145【編譯:陳正興】【責(zé)任編輯:嚴(yán)瑾怡】International Affairs,Vol.99,No.5,2023 1. 制造戰(zhàn)爭?俄羅斯方有關(guān)烏克蘭的信息(Fabricating a war? Russian (dis)information on Ukraine) Elisabeth Johansson-Nogués,巴塞羅那國際研究學(xué)院副教授Elena ?imanschi, 巴塞羅那自治大學(xué)政治學(xué)、公共政策和國際關(guān)系專業(yè)博士生【摘要】戰(zhàn)爭宣傳自古以來就是戰(zhàn)爭販子重視的一部分,因此,俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭之前且在之后受到俄羅斯國家控制媒體傳播的宣傳也就不足為奇了。俄羅斯的(虛假)信息宣傳運(yùn)動的更不尋常之處在于,有關(guān)沖突的敘述是大量歪曲敘述或完全虛構(gòu)的。本文探討了俄羅斯在入侵烏克蘭的背景下操縱國內(nèi)受眾信息的內(nèi)容和技術(shù)。我們還研究了沖突前 12 個月內(nèi)公眾對俄羅斯境內(nèi)戰(zhàn)爭持續(xù)強(qiáng)勁支持的基礎(chǔ),盡管這些支持大多是捏造的(虛假)信息。依靠政治心理學(xué)和傳播理論,我們解釋了情感和聯(lián)想記憶如何在俄羅斯公眾對戰(zhàn)爭的持續(xù)認(rèn)可中發(fā)揮了重要作用。研究結(jié)果表明,在缺乏對... [收起]
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2024 年第 1 期(總第 13 期)




International Affairs,Vol.99,No.5,2023

1. 制造戰(zhàn)爭?俄羅斯方有關(guān)烏克蘭的信息(Fabricating a war? Russian

(dis)information on Ukraine)

Elisabeth Johansson-Nogués,巴塞羅那國際研究學(xué)院副教授

Elena ?imanschi, 巴塞羅那自治大學(xué)政治學(xué)、公共政策和國際關(guān)系專業(yè)博士生




內(nèi)受眾信息的內(nèi)容和技術(shù)。我們還研究了沖突前 12 個月內(nèi)公眾對俄羅斯境內(nèi)戰(zhàn)爭持續(xù)強(qiáng)勁支持的基





【原文】Propaganda has been an age-old part of warmongering. It is thus no surprise that the Russian invasion

of Ukraine was preceded by, and continues to be fuelled by, propaganda transmitted by state-controlled

Russian media. What is more unusual about the Russian (dis)information campaigns is the sheer volume of

distorted narratives or complete fictional accounts about the conflict. This article explores the content and

technologies of Russian information manipulation of domestic audiences in the context of the invasion of

Ukraine. We also examine the bases for the sustained robust public support for the war within Russia during

the first 12 months of the conflict, despite being based on mostly fabricated (dis)information. Relying on

political psychology and communication theory we explain how emotions and associative memories have

played an important role in the Russian public's sustained approval to the war. Our findings point to that in the

absence of contrasted and independently-verified information, the volume, frequency, emotional intensity of

slick, plug-and-play media packages on Ukraine have acted to displace and distort the average Russian's

associative social monitoring processes.

2. 傲慢平衡:古典現(xiàn)實主義、自欺欺人和普京對烏克蘭的戰(zhàn)爭(Hubris balancing:

classical realism, self-deception and Putin's war against Ukraine)

Ryuta Ito,廣島大學(xué)教授



【摘要】普京為何決定在 2022 年出兵烏克蘭?結(jié)構(gòu)現(xiàn)實主義者認(rèn)為這是一場預(yù)防性戰(zhàn)爭,具有應(yīng)對










【原文】Why did Putin decide to invade Ukraine in 2022? Structural realists regard it as a preventive war

with a strategic rationale in response to NATO's eastward expansion. However, as many scholars suggest,

Putin's decision-making is riddled with various irrationalities, which can be better framed as overbalancing

and the classical realist concept of ‘hubris’. Lawrence Freedman and others argue that a key to explaining

Putin's overbalancing is applying the concept of self-deception in evolutionary psychology, which can be the

scientific foundation of hubris in classical realism. Thus, Freedman's argument of Putin's self-deception and

others' general theses of self-deception as a cause of overconfidence led to the introduction of self-deception

into classical realism to solve the puzzle of overbalancing in international affairs. Thereby, the novel balancing

concept of ‘hubris balancing’ was developed: irrationally aggressive balancing that exceeds what is achievable

in practice. There are three causal pathways (cognitive, emotional and social) to hubris balancing as ideal types:

overconfidence, anger and nationalism. As a plausibility probe, hubris balancing is illustrated by analysing

Putin's decision to wage war against Ukraine. The result shows that, as the logic of hubris balancing suggests,

driven by overconfidence and anger towards western liberalism, Putin decided to invade Ukraine by driving

exclusive nationalism.

3. 保護(hù)責(zé)任的酷兒化(Queering the Responsibility to Protect)

Jess Gifkins,曼徹斯特大學(xué)高級講師

Dean Cooper-Cunningham,哥本哈根大學(xué)政治學(xué)系國際關(guān)系助理教授



開始涉足這一領(lǐng)域,本研究也更廣泛地圍繞四種 R2P 犯罪來界定酷兒迫害。在本文中,我們闡述了



責(zé)任的理解方面的差距規(guī)模。由于 R2P 經(jīng)常被西方國家視為外交政策問題,而全球南方國家則是 R2P

的對象,因此我們納入了兩個關(guān)于歐洲針對 LGBTI+人群不斷升級的迫害的案例研究,即英國和匈牙

利。我們認(rèn)為,R2P 研究和政策界應(yīng)該消除我們所說的“標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化的蒙蔽”,并更廣泛地參與預(yù)防暴行



2024 年第 1 期(總第 13 期)


【原文】Research on the Responsibility to Protect has become increasingly intersectional with over two

decades of research; however, there remains a blind spot on the persecution of queer people. This is surprising

given that queer people have been persecuted in atrocity crimes as far back as the Holocaust. While the field

of genocide studies has recently begun to engage with this area, we frame queer persecution more broadly

around the four R2P crimes. In this article we set out the rationale and urgency for including a queer lens in

the prevention of atrocity crimes. This is not only about a focus on queer people; we argue for a queer politics

and ethics that ceaselessly interrogates all relations of power. We outline the scale of the gap in academic

research, policy and state understandings of R2P. Since R2P is often framed as a foreign policy matter by

western states, with the global South as the object of R2P, we include two case-studies on escalating

persecution against LGBTI+ people in Europe: the United Kingdom and Hungary. We argue that the R2P

research and policy communities should remove what we call the ‘cishetronormative blindfold’ and engage

more broadly with intersectional approaches to atrocity prevention.

4. 中國眼中的自我與他者:鼻子的國際政治(Chinese visions of self and Other: the

international politics of noses)

William A Callahan,倫敦政治經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)院國際關(guān)系教授











【原文】How does China view the world? While much has been written about how China's international

relations are best seen as intercultural relations that do not exclude the Other, this article examines how

self/Other relations are visualized in terms of the human face in China, in particular through iconic images that

construct the Chinese self with and against foreigners with large noses. It employs interpretivist methods to

consider the interplay of social relations and international relations in order to see how ‘external appearance’

and ‘external relations’ inform each other in Chinese theory and practice. It mobilizes the classical Chinese

concept ‘deep-set eyes and high-bridged nose’ to compare iconic Chinese images of noses from the Tang

dynasty, the Korean War, and twenty-first century China and Taiwan. This critical juxtaposition shows how

foreigners are visualized as both friends and enemies in a hierarchical social system. The article's use of visual

International Relations (IR) methods enables us to re-examine foreign affairs as a site of affective politics, and

thus appreciate how China's ideological world-view resonates with how its artists, scholars and officials



aesthetically view the world. This is a concern for IR scholars because world-views shape how foreign policymakers frame foreign policy problems—and thus foreign policy solutions.

5. 亞洲人口老齡化與國家安全(Population ageing and national security in Asia)

Jennifer D Sciubba,美國外交關(guān)系協(xié)會成員










【原文】Population aging is pervasive in powerful states in the Asia—Pacific region, but the effects of and

responses to it vary in ways that do not neatly fit with what initial theories anticipated. Why have many of

these states' foreign policies been far more aggressive or militaristic than expected for their demographics?

The key to understanding population and national security is an institutional perspective that recognizes how

demographic changes interact with other factors. The range of institutions among the Asia—Pacific powers

explains some of the variation in their foreign policies; policies intended to respond to or adapt to those

demographic shifts explain the rest. Understanding how aging shapes states' external behaviours is

increasingly important as population aging is becoming the predominant demographic trend globally. Those

forecasting the effects of population aging must accurately account for the ways institutions mediate

demographic change, or risk severely underestimating or overestimating the capabilities and intentions of allies

and adversaries. An illustrative discussion of institutional arrangements and military manpower adaptations

demonstrates why the effect of population aging has been diluted in China and Russia thus far but suggests

that Japan is well positioned to manage the economic risks posed by an aging population.




2024 年第 1 期(總第 13 期)


《世界政治》(World Politics)

World Politics, Vol. 75, No.4, 2023

1. 投票反對獨裁(Voting Against Autocracy)

Milan W. Svolik,美國耶魯大學(xué)政治學(xué)教授




一系列一手調(diào)查實驗、傳統(tǒng)調(diào)查和 2019 年伊斯坦布爾市長選舉的準(zhǔn)實驗提供的證據(jù),估算了每種機(jī)





【原文】When and how do voters punish politicians for subverting democracy? To investigate the role of the

public in democratic backsliding, I develop a conceptual framework that differentiates among three

mechanisms: vote switching, backlash, and disengagement. The first mechanism entails defection by voters

from a candidate who undermines democracy to one who does not; the latter two mechanisms entail transitions

between voting and abstention. I estimate the magnitude of each mechanism by combining evidence from a

series of original survey experiments, traditional surveys, and a quasi-experiment afforded by the rerun of the

2019 Istanbul mayoral election, in which the governing party, AKP, attempted to overturn the result of an

election that it had lost. I find that although vote switching and backlash contributed to theAKP’s eventual

defeat the most, each of the three mechanisms served as a democratic check in some subset of the Istanbul

electorate. Persuasion, mobilization, and even demobilization are all viable tools for curbing the authoritarian

tendencies of elected politicians.

2. 民族主義與扭轉(zhuǎn)國家規(guī)模的迷思(Nationalism and the Puzzle of Reversing State


《世界政治》(World Politics)創(chuàng)刊于 1948 年,是享譽(yù)國


領(lǐng)域,其主編是 Deborah J. Yashar。該期刊歡迎的投稿類


系和比較政治問題的評論性文章。2020 年該期刊的影響

因子為 3.444,在 94 種國際關(guān)系類期刊中位列第 18 名,

在 182 種政治科學(xué)類期刊中位列第 44 名。



Lars-Erik Cederman,瑞士蘇黎世聯(lián)邦理工學(xué)院國際沖突研究教授

Luc Girardin,瑞士蘇黎世聯(lián)邦理工學(xué)院國際沖突研究專職計算機(jī)/數(shù)據(jù)科學(xué)家

Carl Müller-Crepon,英國倫敦政治經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)院政府系助理教授

【摘要】在幾個世紀(jì)的歷史時期內(nèi),國家領(lǐng)土面積都在不斷擴(kuò)大,但到 19 世紀(jì)末卻開始縮小,而且

這種趨勢仍在繼續(xù)。本文認(rèn)為,族裔民族主義(ethnic nationalism)引發(fā)的進(jìn)程是這一趨勢的主要驅(qū)動

力。本文的實證方法基于 19 世紀(jì)以來有關(guān)國家邊界和民族地理的時變空間數(shù)據(jù)。通過關(guān)注與民族國





【原文】Having increased for centuries, territorial state size began to decline toward the end of the nineteenth

century and has continued to do so. The authors argue that processes triggered by ethnic nationalism are the

main drivers of this development. Their empirical approach relies on time-varying spatial data on state borders

and ethnic geography since the nineteenth century. Focusing on deviations from the nation-state ideal, the

authors postulate that state internal ethnic fragmentation leads to reduction in state size and that the crossborder presence of dominant ethnic groups makes state expansion more likely. Conducted at the systemic and

state levels, the analysis exploits information at the interstate dyadic level to capture specific nationalist

processes of border change, such as ethnic secession, unification, and irredentism. The authors find that

although nationalism exerts both integrating and disintegrating effects on states' territories, it is the latter

impact that has dominated.

3. 民主與大眾對科學(xué)的懷疑(Democracy and Mass Skepticism of Science)

Junyan Jiang(蔣俊彥),美國哥倫比亞大學(xué)政治學(xué)助理教授

Kinman Wan,香港嶺南大學(xué)政府與國際事務(wù)研究助理教授








【原文】Since the Age of Enlightenment, many thinkers and philosophers have viewed democracy and science

as two aspects of modernity that reinforce each other. This article highlights a tension between the two by

arguing that certain aspects of contemporary democracy may aggravate the mass public's anti-intellectual

tendency and thus potentially hinder scientific progress. The authors analyze a new global survey of public

opinion on science using empirical strategies that exploit cross-country and cross-cohort variations in

experience with democracy, and show that less-educated citizens in democracies distrust science much more

than do their counterparts in nondemocracies. Further analyses suggest that the increase in skepticism in

democracies is not the result of greater religiosity or weaker scientific literacy; instead, it is more likely driven

by a shift in the mode of legitimation, which reduces states’ ability and willingness to act as key public


2024 年第 1 期(總第 13 期)


advocates for science. These findings shed light on the institutional sources of science-bashing in many

longstanding democracies.

4. 守護(hù)者去哪兒了?歐盟的執(zhí)法和超國家的寬容政治(Where Have the Guardians

Gone? Law Enforcement and the Politics of Supranational Forbearance in the

European Union)

R. Daniel Kelemen,美國喬治城大學(xué)麥考特公共政策學(xué)主席法學(xué)教授、戰(zhàn)略與國際研究中心 (CSIS)


Tommaso Pavone,加拿大多倫多大學(xué)政治學(xué)系歐洲政治學(xué)助理教授、挪威奧斯陸大學(xué)客座研究員





小。然而,2004 年后,歐洲委員會啟動的違法訴訟的數(shù)量急劇下降。本文證明,歐洲委員會的政治領(lǐng)




【原文】Why would a supranational law enforcer suddenly refrain from wielding its powers? The authors

theorize the supranational politics of forbearance—the deliberate underenforcement of the law—and explain

how they arise from cross-pressures between prosecutorial discretion and intergovernmental policy-making.

The article then traces why an exemplary supranational enforcer—the European Commission—became

reluctant to launch infringements against European Union member states. While the Commission's policymaking role as engine of integration has been controversial, its prosecutorial role as guardian of the Treaties

has been viewed as less contentious. Yet after 2004, infringements launched by the Commission plummeted.

The authors demonstrate that the Commission's political leadership grew alarmed that aggressive enforcement

was eroding intergovernmental support for its policy agenda. By reining in the bureaucrats managing

enforcement and embracing conciliatory dialogues with governments, the Commission sacrificed its role as

guardian of the Treaties to safeguard its role as engine of integration. The article's findings highlight the

consequences of politicizing international institutions and the tradeoffs facing executives double-hatting as

prosecutors and policymakers.

5. 疫苗外交:COVID-19 疫苗分發(fā)如何增加拉丁美洲對外國政府的信任(Vaccine

Diplomacy: How COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution in Latin America Increases Trust

in Foreign Governments)

Elena Barham,美國哥倫比亞大學(xué)政治學(xué)博士候選人

Sarah Zukerman Daly,美國哥倫比亞大學(xué)政治學(xué)副教授

Julian E. Gerez,美國哥倫比亞大學(xué)政治學(xué)博士候選人

John Marshall,美國哥倫比亞大學(xué)政治學(xué)教授

Oscar Pocasangre,新美國政治改革項目高級數(shù)據(jù)分析師,哥倫比亞大學(xué)政治學(xué)博士

【摘要】疫苗研發(fā)國在全球南方的疫苗分發(fā)為其創(chuàng)造了提升國際聲譽(yù)的機(jī)會。本文利用 2021 年初進(jìn)









【原文】Vaccine distribution in the Global South has created opportunities for vaccine-developing countries

to improve their international reputations. Leveraging a panel survey conducted in early 2021, this article

evaluates whether vaccine diplomacy affects trust in foreign governments in six Latin American countries.

Among vaccinated respondents, trust in the government of the country that they believed developed their

vaccine increased relative to trust in the governments of other foreign powers. Furthermore, providing

information about the aggregate distribution of vaccines within a respondent's country increased vaccineeligible respondents' trust in the governments of countries from which more vaccines were delivered. In each

case, greater trust principally reflects updated perceptions of a common good motivation. The article's

empirical findings suggest that vaccine distribution—especially by China, but for other vaccine-developing

countries as well—can cultivate favorable international public opinion. These favorable opinions may in turn

facilitate great powers' economic, political, or military foreign policy goals.



《國際研究評論》(Review of International Studies)

Review of International Studies, Vol. 49, No. 5, 2023

1. 存在主義與國際關(guān)系:深陷其中(Existentialism and International Relations: In it

up to our necks)

Andrew R. Hom,英國愛丁堡大學(xué)社會與政治學(xué)系國際關(guān)系高級講師,《國際研究評論》聯(lián)合主編

Cian O’Driscoll,澳大利亞國立大學(xué)珊瑚貝爾亞太事務(wù)學(xué)院教授



《國際研究評論》(Review of International Studies)是由


的國際關(guān)系學(xué)術(shù)期刊,其前身為 British Journal of

International Studies (1975 - 1980)。該期刊致力于反映全



2020 年該期刊的影響因子為 2.73。


2024 年第 1 期(總第 13 期)







【原文】What, this essay asks, is the relation between contemporary IR scholarship and the existentialist

intellectual and cultural tradition? How is our discipline informed and animated by existentialist thinking? Is

existentialism a heritage to be recovered, claimed, and embraced by IR scholars, or a shadow to be escaped?

And what resources does it furnish us for thinking through the kind of issues that IR scholars are called upon

to grapple with today? These questions are not purely theoretical. There are practical and political reasons, not

only for considering them, but for considering them now. Living through what has been termed an unfolding

‘Age of Anxiety’, we find ourselves confronted by existential questions and existentialist ideas at almost every

turn. It is, however, unclear how substantive or meaningful this apparently existentialist moment truly is. Does

existentialism have something to say to contemporary IR, or does it flatter to deceive? We think the time is

ripe to take stock of existentialism as it relates to IR and global politics. This is the purpose of this article and

of the collection of essays it introduces.

2. “沒有人可以關(guān)上人類死去的眼睛”:薩特、阿隆和核時代存在主義的局限(‘No

one around to shut the dead eyes of the human race’: Sartre, Aron, and the limits of

existentialism in the Nuclear Age)

Benjamin Zala,澳大利亞國立大學(xué)國際關(guān)系專業(yè)高級講師,珊瑚貝爾亞洲及太平洋學(xué)院研究員

【摘要】核時代的定義源于“存在威脅”(existential threat)的概念。單憑一類武器就能摧毀整個人類


(thermonuclear omnicide)。不出所料,存在主義是在原子彈陰影下站穩(wěn)腳跟的哲學(xué)。本文探討了應(yīng)











【原文】The Nuclear Age is said to be defined by the notion of existential threat. The ability to destroy human

societies in their entirety with a single class of weaponry raises profound questions about human existence. It

even gives us a new form of species extinction – ‘thermonuclear omnicide’. Unsurprisingly, existentialism

was a philosophy that found its feet in the shadow of the bomb. This article explores the possibilities and limits

of an existentialist approach to nuclear dangers. It contrasts the views of two figures central to early

existentialism: Jean-Paul Sartre and Raymond Aron. Sartre responded to the existential threat of nuclear war

with moral outrage about the ‘unreality’ of the Cold War politics driving the arms race and an existentialist

call to reject militaristic social norms. Aron, a key figure in early IR realism, famously rejected existentialism



and turned instead to outlining norms for an international society that might better restrain nuclear-armed

decision-makers. Bringing Sartre’s and Aron’s post-Second World War discussions into the new century, this

article argues that the ongoing, and even growing, threats posed by nuclear weapons highlight the limits of

Sartre’s approach as a guide to authentic existence in modern life. Instead, it supports Aron’s more

conservative approach but also draws on Existentialism to extend it, strengthening the nuclear taboo for the

sake of human survival as a persistent but urgent political project. At a moment in IR when scholars and other

analysts are once again critiquing the fragile norms of global order and speculating about the dawn of a ‘Third

Nuclear Age’, theoretical reflection on the politics of existential threats and the hard choices they entail remain

indispensable aspects of IR’s theoretical toolkit. While Sartre and other existentialists argued convincingly

that existence precedes essence, Aron reminds us that survival remains a precondition for both.

3. 核武器、存在主義和國際關(guān)系:安德斯、巴拉德和滅絕時代的人類狀況(Nuclear

weapons, existentialism, and International Relations: Anders, Ballard, and the

human condition in the age of extinction)

Rens van Munster,丹麥國際問題研究所高級研究員

【摘要】國際關(guān)系學(xué)者越來越多地轉(zhuǎn)向存在主義者的著作,以理解 21 世紀(jì)多重且復(fù)雜的地球危機(jī)。

本文認(rèn)為兩位戰(zhàn)后知識分子,格爾·安德斯(1902-1992)和 J·D·巴拉德(1930-2009),為此類學(xué)術(shù)研









【原文】IR scholars increasingly turn to the writings of Existentialists to make sense of the multiple and

entangled planetary crises that characterise the twenty-first century. In this article, I argue that two postwar

intellectuals, Günther Anders (1902–1992) and J. G. Ballard (1930–2009), offer a rich intellectual ancestry

and inspiration to such scholarship. Both authors critically and creatively reworked central Existentialist ideas

in the context of postwar technological acceleration and the development of nuclear weapons. To Anders and

Ballard, nuclear weapons symbolised, and were the most extreme manifestation of, the pathologies they

associated with technological modernity: mass consumption, spectacular violence, a deadening of affect, and

an increased inability of humans to psychologically process and grasp the destructive capacities of science and

technology. To counter these trends, they both firmly relied on Surrealism to bolster the human imagination

as a catalysator for personal and social transformation. I argue that their work offers an opportunity to

reconnect the study of nuclear weapons in IR to broader existentialist questions and suggest that their

respective attempts to foreground human being in the nuclear age as ‘being-towards-extinction’ holds

important lessons for recent attempts to recentre the study of IR around planetary imaginaries of extinction.

4. 瑪麗·雪萊的《最后之人》:存在主義和國際關(guān)系與后世界末日流行病小說的相遇

(Mary Shelley's The Last Man: Existentialism and IR meet the post-apocalyptic

pandemic novel)


2024 年第 1 期(總第 13 期)


Eileen M. Hunt,美國圣母大學(xué)政治科學(xué)教授,那諾維奇歐洲研究所研究員,兼任性別研究教師












【原文】Mary Shelley mined the ideas of international thought to help develop three new subgenres of modern

political science fiction (‘poliscifi’): post-apocalyptic, existential, and dystopian. Her two great works of

poliscifi, Frankenstein (1818), and The Last Man (1826) – confront the social problems that arise from

humanity's technological and cultural interventions in the wider environment. This article recovers The Last

Man not only as the first modern post-apocalyptic pandemic novel, but also as an important source for the

existentialist tradition, dystopian literature, and their intersections with what I call ‘Literary IR’. Comparing

The Last Man with its probable sources and influences – from Thucydides and Vattel to Orwell and Camus –

reveals Shelley's ethical and political concerns with the overlapping problems of interpersonal and

international conflict. The Last Man dramatises how interpersonal conflict, if left unchecked, can spiral into

the wider sociopolitical injustices of violence, war, and other human-made disasters such as species extinction,

pandemics, and more metaphorical ‘existential’ plagues like loneliness and despair. Despite these dark themes

and legacies, Shelley's authorship of the great plague novel of the nineteenth century also inspired a truly

hopeful post-apocalyptic existential response to crisis and conflict in feminist poliscifi by Margaret Atwood,

Octavia Butler, and Emily St. John Mandel.

5. 國際關(guān)系該如何應(yīng)對“世界末日”?人類世的存在焦慮和可能性(How should IR

deal with the “end of the world”? Existential anxieties and possibilities in the


Dahlia Simangan,IDEC 研究所、和平與可持續(xù)發(fā)展教育與研究網(wǎng)絡(luò)(NERPS)及廣島大學(xué)人文社












【原文】The Anthropocene, a proposed new geological age marking the planetary impact of humanity, is no

longer a newcomer to the field of International Relations (IR). Several scholars have recognised the value, as

well as the danger, of the Anthropocene for theorising international relations. This article focuses on the

existentialist questions and ideas derived from IR’s engagement with the Anthropocene, particularly on the

anxieties surrounding the extinction of the human species, the meaning of the Anthropos, and humanity’s

planetary stewardship. By drawing on scholarly discourses on these physical, spiritual, and moral anxieties, I

argue that existentialist thinking helps expose IR’s anthropocentric, universalist, and hubristic tendencies,

which are also prevalent in the broader Anthropocene discourse. It also serves as a reminder of the freedom to

explore possibilities, albeit with a lack of certainty, for reimagining the place of humanity and IR as a discipline

in this new geological age. Therefore, existentialism reveals IR’s dissonance with the paradoxes and

uncertainties that the Anthropocene brings while offering a path toward theorising the “end of the world”.

6. 衷心的真理:走向存在主義的戰(zhàn)爭倫理(Heartfelt truths: Towards an existentialist

ethics of war)

Cian O'Driscoll,澳大利亞國立大學(xué)珊瑚貝爾亞太事務(wù)學(xué)院教授








【原文】Just war theory appears ever more alienated from the practice it ostensibly regulates, warfare. An

increasingly abstract and esoteric discourse, it can seem very remote from the mud-and-blood actualities of

warfare. This is reflective of a broader disconnect between the study of, on the one hand, the ethics of war,

and, on the other, the lived experience of war. Seeking to address this problem, this article asks: How can we

recentre just war thinking as a ‘lived’ theory? It proposes that we can reconnect just war theory to the lived

experience of warfare by restoring its historical dialogue with existentialism. It develops this position by

reading just war theory through the prism of Albert Camus's writings on political violence. It concludes that

Camus's political thoughts provides a set of signposts for the development of a mode of just war theorising

that places that the lived experience of warfare at the heart of our ethical thinking about war.

7. 海德格爾的遺產(chǎn):真實性的時間政治,過去和現(xiàn)在(Heidegger’s heritage: The

temporal politics of authenticity, then and now)

Andrew R. Hom,英國愛丁堡大學(xué)社會與政治學(xué)系國際關(guān)系高級講師,《國際研究評論》聯(lián)合主編







2024 年第 1 期(總第 13 期)







【原文】For a discipline as philosophically and temporally sensitive as International Relations, it is curious

that Martin Heidegger, widely considered the most important philosopher of the twentieth century, has only

recently begun to receive disciplinary attention. It is also noteworthy that as IR begins to grapple with rightwing extremism, it has not addressed Heidegger’s fascist politics. Conducting a close reading of his account

of existence in time, this article argues that from his magnum opus to his final diaries, Heidegger prefigured

many existentialist discussions, but his particular conceptualisations of time, temporality, and authentic Being

lent political life a dangerous edge. Scrutinising both the conceptual and practical consequences of Heidegger’s

thought, this article traces key tensions in his claims that, to realise true Selfhood, we must overcome social

time on the road to death. This antagonism encourages overly individuated and aggressive habits of thought

and action that reject the possibilities of co-existence. We can see this in how Heidegger’s obsession with

authenticity over time pushed him deeper into Nazism, and in the ways that his existential vernacular resounds

through today’s right-wing renaissance. Juxtaposing authenticity, then and now, helps draw out the

distinctively temporal dynamics of Heidegger’s existentialism as well as the existential politics of our time.

8. 本體論安全、神話和存在主義(Ontological security, myth, and existentialism)

Xander Kirke,英國諾森比亞大學(xué)社會科學(xué)系助理教授

Brent J. Steele,美國猶他大學(xué)政治學(xué)系教授,《全球研究季刊》聯(lián)合主編



整神話以適應(yīng)“存在需求”(existential needs)的過程,需要避免布盧門貝格所謂的“現(xiàn)實的絕對主義”

(absolutism of reality)。本文區(qū)分了此處在本體論安全研究中引入存在主義與該研究領(lǐng)域中其他同類

型的引入,然后從最近的 Covid-19 大流行中提取了關(guān)于神話的工作的例子。談到本體論安全需要發(fā)



德意識,即關(guān)于在 21 世紀(jì) 20 年代及以后應(yīng)該做什么、如何面對和應(yīng)對日益嚴(yán)峻的全球政治挑戰(zhàn)的規(guī)


【原文】This paper contributes to this special issue by examining the existentialist themes re-emerging in

Ontological Security Studies (OSS) and does so by proposing an under-explored and overlapping terrain

regarding the function of myths and ontological security. What Blumenberg calls the ‘a(chǎn)bsolutism of reality’

becomes something to avoid through the process of telling, retelling, and adapting myths to suit our existential

needs. The paper distinguishes our existentialist intervention into OSS from recent ones within that research

community and then draws examples of the work on and of myth from the recent Covid-19 pandemic.

Speaking to the need for OSS to develop an ethical-political perspective to not only explain but also change

the world, the account we develop here also provides a pathway for an alternative politics based in countermyth. It discloses, therefore, a promising and, in the face of rising authoritarianism and anti-democratic forces,



necessary moral ethos regarding prescriptive ideas about what to do and how to confront and and counter the

mounting challenges of global politics in the 2020s and beyond.

9. 離散情感國際關(guān)系的《自由之路》:重讀讓·保羅·薩特的國際關(guān)系三部曲(IR's

Roads to Freedom: Rereading Jean-Paul Sartre's trilogy as an International

Relations text)

Lucian M. Ashworth,加拿大紐芬蘭紀(jì)念大學(xué)政治科學(xué)教授

【摘要】《自由之路》是讓-保爾·薩特在 1938 年至 1940 年導(dǎo)致戰(zhàn)爭和法國陷落的一系列危機(jī)背景下



三,主要角色的互動如何揭示了“疏遠(yuǎn)的調(diào)解”(Der Derian 在 1987 年《論外交》中首次探討)在外交




【原文】Jean-Paul Sartre's trilogy Roads to Freedom is written against the backdrop of the crises between

1938 and 1940 that led to war and the Fall of France. In this article I argue that Roads to Freedom can be read

as an IR text, and I concentrate on four areas. First, a refocusing on the international relations of the everyday.

Second, the anatomy of a crisis from an existentialist viewpoint that can enrich our understanding of crises.

Third how the interactions of the main characters reveal the ‘mediation of estrangement’ at the heart of

diplomacy, first explored by Der Derian in his 1987 On Diplomacy. Fourth, it calls into question our emphasis

in IR on the centrality of causes to understand a crisis. Rather, Roads to Freedom refocuses our gaze on the

diverse effects in everyday IR. The argument of the article is interwoven with my own experiences reading

the trilogy for the first time, and how it influenced my decision to study IR.




2024 年第 1 期(總第 13 期)


《劍橋國際事務(wù)評論》(Cambridge Review of International Affairs)

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol.36, No.5, October 2023

1. 預(yù)防性軍事打擊還是預(yù)防性戰(zhàn)爭?權(quán)力資源的可替代性(Preventive military strike

or preventive war? The fungibility of power resources)

Steven E. Lobell,猶他大學(xué)政治學(xué)系的教授







討以色列為推遲伊拉克(1981 年)和敘利亞(2007 年)的核武器計劃而決定使用預(yù)防性軍事力量,


【原文】Differential rates of growth explanations for preventive war assume that power resources are highly

fungible. That is, they assume that a state’s power resources are easily and quickly ‘moveable’ into practical

military capability. This ‘unidimensional and undifferentiated’ baseline obscures an important distinction in

the motivations for preventive military strikes and preventive wars. To forestall or block an anticipated adverse

power shift, under conditions of perceived low fungibility of power resources, leaders have strong motivation

to launch a limited preventive military strike. High fungibility of power, in contrast, makes only preventive

strikes—not all preventive action—less likely. Leaders have strong motivations to launch preventive wars,

including all-out invasion and conquest, aimed at damaging and/or destroying many of the challenger’s power

assets, including non-threatening ones. In this article, I examine Israel’s decision to use preventive military

force, and specifically military strikes, to delay Iraq’s (1981) and Syria’s (2007) nuclear weapons programs.

2. 關(guān)于 \"一帶一路 \"倡議的政治媒體話語框架分析:來自中國、澳大利亞、印度、日

本、英國和美國的證據(jù)(A frame analysis of political-media discourse on the Belt

and Road Initiative: evidence from China, Australia, India, Japan, the United

Kingdom, and the United States)

《劍橋國際事務(wù)評論》(Cambridge Review of International





定者提交多學(xué)科和跨學(xué)科的貢獻(xiàn)。其 2021 年的影響因子

為 2.492,在 96 種國際關(guān)系期刊中排名第 33。




Baldwin Van Gorp,魯汶大學(xué)媒體研究所新聞與傳播學(xué)教授




政治和媒體傳播語料庫。它首先在五個維度上識別、重建且并列了 14 個文化嵌入框架:中國的意圖



遺產(chǎn))。隨后的演繹分析,沿著 14 個框架的思路,揭示了構(gòu)成中國對“一帶一路”的話語合法性的核心



【原文】The article seeks to unpack the increasingly polarised discussion on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

and provide a holistic understanding of it by identifying the diverging interpretations in the form of frames

and analysing the competing framing practices of actors figuring prominently in the debate. To that end, this

study leverages conceptual insights from cultural framing and content-analyses a purpose-built corpus of

political and media communications on the BRI gathered from China, India, the US, Japan, the UK and

Australia. It first identifies, reconstructs and juxtaposes 14 culturally-embedded frames along five dimensions:

China’s intensions (Ploy, Zero-sum game, Equality), the BRI’s implications for other countries (Bane,

Lopsided, Boon), compliance with high standards (Below par, Qualified yes, Up to par), outcomes (Bumpy

ride, Catchall, Off with a bang), and linkage to the past (Old wine in new bottles, Historical legacy). A

subsequent deductive analysis, along the lines of the 14 frames, sheds light on the core claims constituting

China’s discursive legitimation of the BRI, the salient difference between Chinese officials and foreign

political-media elites, the continuity or change in the position on the BRI taken by foreign governments and

their justifications, and the increasing critical coverage by foreign elite media.

3. 外交政策中的海外經(jīng)濟(jì)利益視角——中國案例研究(Overseas economic interest

perspective in foreign policy—a case study of China)






了一個國家根據(jù)具體風(fēng)險因素調(diào)整的海外經(jīng)濟(jì)利益。以中國為例,借助涵蓋 2013 年至 2017 年期間

與中國有經(jīng)濟(jì)聯(lián)系的 172 個國家的數(shù)據(jù)集,本文發(fā)現(xiàn),自“一帶一路”倡議(BRI)以來,出于地緣政



【原文】We argue that overseas economic interests and traditional non-economic aspects such as political

sovereignty and territorial integrity constitute important parts of a country’s integrative national security set.


2024 年第 1 期(總第 13 期)


To enable a better understanding of the overseas economic dimension of a country’s foreign policy rationale,

we develop an analytic framework inspired by the Multi-Objective Optimisation by Ratio Analysis approach

(Multi-MOORA), which quantifies a country’s overseas economic interests adjusted by country-specific risk

factors. Using China as an example, aided by a dataset covering 172 countries with economic ties with China

spanning a period from 2013 to 2017, we show that its foreign policy focus in developing countries since the

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) motivated by geopolitical and ideological considerations as well as significant

economic interest. Protection of these overseas economic interests is imperative to establish an advantage over

Western firms which presently avoid many of the countries in question.

4. 東地中海難題的地緣政治解釋:主權(quán)、均勢和能源安全考慮因素(A geopolitical

account of the Eastern Mediterranean conundrum: sovereignty, balance of power

and energy security considerations)

Filippos Proedrou,南威爾士大學(xué)研究員








【原文】This paper provides a geopolitical lens to explain the evolving tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean.

More specifically, it unpacks conceptually how sovereignty, balance of power and energy security concerns

drive exploration schemes and forge pipeline politics. First, the discovery of new gas deposits in the Eastern

Mediterranean have created significant Turkish challenges to Cypriot, Greek and Egyptian sovereignty.

Second, Greece and Cyprus have allied with both Israel and Egypt to balance against Turkey. The designated

pipeline infrastructure these countries promote serves to enhance their sovereignty and cement their alliance

and joint posturing vis-à-vis Turkey. Third, Russia’s geopolitical assertiveness has led the European

Commission to vigorously back gas schemes in the Eastern Mediterranean to enhance energy security, promote

diversification and balance against the Russian threat. Together, these three prime objectives account for the

evolving conundrum in the region.

5. 全球南部的區(qū)域間主義:與區(qū)域外、超區(qū)域、跨區(qū)域和泛區(qū)域主義的比較(Interregionalism in the Global South: comparison with extra-, cross-, trans-, and panregionalism)

Shintaro Hamanaka(濱中慎太郎),日本發(fā)展經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)研究所高級研究員










【原文】No region exists in isolation. Regions always have some external linkages. Existing studies on regions’

external relations often emphasise inter-regionalism, namely, a project to link two regionalism projects. The

majority of these studies deals with the European Union’s (EU) ties with regionalism elsewhere. However, the

EU is very unique, because its external policies are centralised in Brussels, and inter-regionalism naturally

plays a dominant role in forming the region’s external relations. This study attempts to analyse interregionalism in a comparative manner, using the cases of cooperation projects across regions in the Global

South. By looking into the web of cooperation projects across Southeast Asia and South Asia as well as that

across Southern America and Southern Africa, this study examines whether inter-regionalism is a substitute

or complement to other forms of cooperation including extra-, cross-, trans-, and pan-regionalism.

6. 文化制裁與本體(不)安全:特大活動背景下的可操作性(Cultural sanctions and

ontological (in)security: operationalisation in the context of mega-events)

Nimrod Rosler,特拉維夫大學(xué)沖突解決與調(diào)解項目講師

Galia Press-Barnathan,耶路撒冷希伯來大學(xué)國際關(guān)系系高級講師





和超大型活動政治的研究做出了貢獻(xiàn),對其對社會 “本體安全”意識的實際影響進(jìn)行了實證評估。最

后,本文指出了對 “國家”本體(不)安全概念進(jìn)行解構(gòu)的重要性,以及社會中不同群體可能或多或少

會受到此類威脅的影響。本文利用在以色列舉辦 2019 年歐洲電視歌唱大賽期間對以色列猶太人進(jìn)行



【原文】Cultural boycotts of mega-events often receive high media profile, but their effectiveness remains

questioned. This effectiveness is influenced by their ability to generate ontological insecurity within the target

state. However, measuring the impact of such threats is challenging in light of the evasive nature of the concept

of ontological insecurity. Hence, we advance a new way to operationalise the impact of both hosting and

boycotting mega-events on ontological security (OS), using quantitative indicators on the societal level, thus

allowing for a more systematic cross-national exploration of the dynamics of OS. We also contribute to the

research on cultural sanctions and the politics of mega-events, by offering an empirical assessment of their

actual impact on society’s sense of OS. Finally, the paper points to the importance of de-constructing the

concept of ‘national’ ontological (in)security and to the possibility that different segments in society may be

more or less vulnerable to such threats. Using data from a national-wide survey among Jewish-Israelis in the

context of the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest in Israel, we found a positive association between its hosting and

OS, a perception of threat to OS to some extent following calls to boycott the event, and differences in these

perceptions among various social groups.




2024 年第 1 期(總第 13 期)


《太平洋評論》(The Pacific Review)

The Pacific Review, Vol. 36, No. 6, 2023

1. 灰色地帶:印太地區(qū)的風(fēng)險化和對沖戰(zhàn)略(Shades of grey: riskification and

hedging in the Indo-Pacific)

郭清水(Cheng-Chwee Kuik),馬來西亞國立大學(xué)(UKM)馬來西亞及國際問題研究所(IKMAS)



(Quadrilateral Security Dialogue,Quad)的反應(yīng),解讀小國和次等國家的對沖行為。報告認(rèn)為,弱










【原文】This essay unpacks the hedging behavior of small and secondary states by focusing on Southeast

Asian responses to the intense US-China rivalry and the emergence of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue

(Quad) in the Indo-Pacific region. It contends that the weaker states’ perceptions of external realities are not

black and white, but shades of grey, as uncertainty breeds ambiguity and ambivalence. The states often do not

view a major power (and its initiatives) as either a clear-cut threat or a straightforward solution. Instead, they

perceive a spectrum of risks and challenges, each with constantly changing manifestations and magnitude, all

of which require complex combinations of mutually-reinforcing and counteracting measures. All ASEAN

states have mixed attitudes towards the competing powers, viewing both the Quad’s Free and Open IndoPacific (FOIP) strategies and China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as bringing not only opportunities but

also risks and dangers. These ambivalent perceptions entail a process of ‘riskification’, where states identify

and prioritize certain risks while downplaying others, in ways that serve elite interests at home. Hence, while

《太平洋評論》(The Pacific Review)是太平洋地區(qū)研究



重點關(guān)注政策問題。根據(jù) Journal Citation Reports 顯示,

2021 年該刊的影響因子為 2.074。



nearly all the ASEAN states have stressed in varying degrees the risks of entrapment, abandonment,

polarization and marginalization, many have downplayed the dangers of big-power aggressiveness and

interference, some more so than others. The varying riskification patterns thus lead to varying hedging acts,

prompting subtly different responses to the emerging realities.

2. 中國對自由主義國際秩序的競爭(China’s contestation of the liberal international


Sung-han Kim,高麗大學(xué)國際研究院國際關(guān)系學(xué)系教授

Sanghoon Kim,韓國海洋戰(zhàn)略研究所助理研究員

【摘要】 “修正主義”這一概念在中美競爭加劇的背景下引起了國際關(guān)系學(xué)者的關(guān)注。它是崛起大國









【原文】The concept of ‘revisionism’has caught the attention of international relations scholars amid

intensifying rivalry between the United States and China. It is a trademark of rising powers, and China was

likewise expected to become a revisionist power, intent on changing the status quo. However, history tells us

that not all rising powers necessarily become revolutionary states, seeking to overturn the prevailing order and

replace it with another through hegemonic wars. This paper presents a novel understanding of revisionism by

distinguishing between strategic‘contestation’and‘challenge’. In the context of declining unipolarity, a

dissatisfied rising power will contest the rules and principles of issue-specific regimes and demand legitimate

adjustments that better reflect the new distribution of power. A challenge emerges when demands are rejected,

and a contestation leads to‘deconcentration’and ‘delegitimation’of the established order. The establishment of

the AIIB can be examined as an example of contested multilateralism that falls short of a challenge. This paper

concludes that China is‘contesting’, not‘challenging’the liberal international order and suggests a set of

countermeasures that the U.S. can think of: selective accommodation, reinforcement of alliances and

partnerships, and overcoming domestic challenges such as populism that undermine the liberal values,

constitutive of the liberal international order.

3. 2007-2021 年東盟人權(quán)共識的演進(jìn)路徑(Five modes of China’s economic influence:

rethinking Chinese economic statecraft)

Atena S. Feraru,臺灣中興大學(xué)博士高級研究員







2024 年第 1 期(總第 13 期)



為的評估。后一項研究詳述了該地區(qū)對 2014 年泰國軍事政變、菲律賓的“禁毒戰(zhàn)爭”、羅興亞人種族

滅絕以及 2021 年緬甸軍事政變和隨之而來的暴力反應(yīng)。

【原文】This article provides a comprehensive understanding of the roles and functions of ASEAN’s human

rights regime by building on widely documented, consistent findings relating to the purpose of the association

and the nature of its human rights institutions. In particular, the paper starts by emphasizing that, despite

continuing debate over the nature and achievements/failures of the regional grouping, scholarship tends to

converge on the two important aspects: ASEAN’s normative framework and its long-standing practice of

‘quiet diplomacy’ are designed to reassure incumbent governments weary of unwanted interference in internal

affairs; and regional human rights institutions are primarily ASEAN bodies. These findings are formulated as

assumptions guiding the analysis of the association’s human rights rhetoric and practice, which centers on the

evolution of intergovernmental consensus, the role of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human

Rights (AICHR) in advancing this consensus, and an assessment of ASEAN responses to gross violations

perpetrated or supported by governing elites. This latter examination details regional responses to the 2014

military coup in Thailand, Philippines’ brutal and largely extrajudicial ‘war on drugs’, the Rohingya genocide,

and the 2021 military coup in Myanmar and ensuing violence.

4. 穩(wěn)定日韓關(guān)系:抑制民族主義、評估對華政策、安撫華盛頓(Stabilizing Japan–

Korea relations: Restraining nationalism, appraising Beijing, reassuring


Leif-Eric Easley,梨花女子大學(xué)國際研究學(xué)教授


島/竹島爭議小島而陷入低谷。樸槿惠拒絕舉行雙邊峰會成為關(guān)系緊張的象征。隨后,2015 年 11 月 2

日,即上任 980 天后,樸槿惠在首爾與安倍晉三舉行雙邊會談。12 月 28 日,雙方宣布關(guān)系緩和,達(dá)

成了一項支持戰(zhàn)時“慰安婦”幸存者的協(xié)議。在文在寅總統(tǒng)任期內(nèi)(2017-2022 年),緊張局勢再次惡

化,這與雙方領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人在 2015 年底扭轉(zhuǎn)關(guān)系的說法相悖。然而,外交關(guān)系并沒有走下坡路。在樸槿惠





【原文】By the time Prime Minister Abe Shinzo and President Park Geun-hye took office, Japan-South Korea

relations were already experiencing a downturn over history issues and Lee Myung-bak’s unprecedented

presidential visit to the disputed islets of Dokdo/Takeshima. Park’s refusal to hold a bilateral summit became

the symbol of strained ties. Then on November 2, 2015 — 980?days after taking office — Park met Abe for

bilateral talks in Seoul. On December 28, the two sides declared a rapprochement with an agreement

supporting survivors of wartime brothels. Tensions worsened again during President Moon Jae-in’s term

(2017–2022), contradicting the narrative that leaders had turned relations around in late 2015. Yet the

diplomatic relationship was not on a downward spiral. Japanese and Korean policymakers managed to put a

floor under their interactions owing to three stabilizing mechanisms that operated during both the Park and

Moon administrations. First, political elites practiced mutual restraint to limit vicious cycles of nationalist

recriminations. Second, Tokyo and Seoul carefully calibrated policies toward Beijing while avoiding



divergence from each other. Third, reassuring the United States about the cost-effectiveness of its alliances

involved trilateral cooperation that also helped stabilize Japan-South Korea relations.

5. 制約與機(jī)遇:2011-2021 年中緬關(guān)系的不對稱依存(Of constraints and

opportunities. Dependent asymmetry in China-Myanmar relations, 2011–2021)

Simone Dossi,米蘭大學(xué)國際關(guān)系學(xué)助理教授

Giuseppe Gabusi,都靈大學(xué)文化、政治和社會系國際政治經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)和東亞政治經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)助理教授

【摘要】本文認(rèn)為,自 20 世紀(jì) 80 年代末以來,一種特殊的不對稱依存模式--\"雙重依存\",即內(nèi)部和

外部依存的結(jié)合--已成為中緬關(guān)系結(jié)構(gòu)的特征。本文提出的假設(shè)是,這種模式的變化是 2011 年至 2021


溯了中緬是如何看待結(jié)構(gòu)變化的,以及這種看法是如何引導(dǎo)各自的政策調(diào)整的。緬甸在 2011-2012 年


可采取的行動方案的范圍;而在 2017-2018 年緬甸恢復(fù)對中國的全面對外依存度后,情況恰恰相反。

本文最后推測,2021 年的軍事政變很可能代表雙邊關(guān)系結(jié)構(gòu)的第三次轉(zhuǎn)變,進(jìn)一步加強(qiáng)緬甸對中國的


【原文】This article argues that a peculiar pattern of dependent asymmetry – ‘dual dependence’, i.e. a

combination of internal and external dependence – has come to characterize the structure of China-Myanmar

relations since the late 1980s. The hypothesis we present is that shifts in this pattern of dependent asymmetry

account for fluctuations in China-Myanmar relations between 2011 and 2021. We test this hypothesis against

empirical evidence from what we identify as two shifts in the structure of bilateral relations: for each, we trace

how structural changes were perceived in Naypyitaw and Beijing, and how such perceptions oriented an

adjustment in their respective policies. Myanmar’s reduced external dependence on China in 2011–2012

expanded the set of the potential courses of action available to Myanmar’s decision-makers and reduced the

set of those available to China; conversely, the opposite happened in 2017–2018, following Myanmar’s return

to full-fledged external dependence on China. The paper finally speculates that the military coup in 2021 could

well represent a third shift in the structure of bilateral relations, further strengthening Myanmar’s external

dependence on China and constraining the military government’s room of manoeuvre.

6. 東南亞土著人民應(yīng)對氣候變化的積極性:區(qū)域標(biāo)量橋梁組織的作用(Indigenous

peoples activism on climate change in Southeast Asia: the role of regional scalar

bridging organizations)

Kim Reimann,佐治亞州立大學(xué)政治學(xué)助理教授










2024 年第 1 期(總第 13 期)


【原文】Indigenous peoples in Southeast Asia have organized on issues that affect their rights at the local,

national, regional and global level. This article argues that one important component of the rise of this activism

is the presence of regional scalar bridging organizations that link activism across scales and support the growth

of Indigenous movements by providing access to global and regional opportunities for action. In Southeast

Asia, the Asian Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) and Tebtebba play this role through their presence in global

political arenas and their many activities with partner organizations in the region. Drawing on social movement

theory, this article outlines how regional social movement organizations potentially support global activism in

the Global South by scale bridging in the areas of (1) resource mobilization, (2) creation of political spaces

and opportunities and (3) the diffusion of ideas. To illustrate this, the case of Indigenous peoples activism on

climate change in Southeast Asia is presented through an examination of the work done in these three areas

by the Asian Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) and Tebtebba.

7. 美菲聯(lián)盟中的網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全:任務(wù)滲漏(Cybersecurity in the U.S.-Philippine alliance:

mission seep)

Gregory H. Winger,辛辛那提大學(xué)國際與公共事務(wù)學(xué)院助理教授







【原文】This study examines the integration of cybersecurity within the U.S.-Philippine alliance. The growth

of new forms of international conflict, like cybersecurity, occur below the threshold of a traditional armed

attack and pose a direct challenge to security alliances designed to rebuff conventional military threats. Using

a process-tracing approach, this article investigates the evolution of cybersecurity within the U.S.-Philippine

relationship and how it has met this new challenge. It finds that despite mutual concern over cybersecurity,

divergent approaches to the digital domain as a policy area has stymied alliance development. This finding

highlights how issues like elite political discord, different threat perceptions, and divergent institutional

preferences can hinder cyber cooperation between partners and stymie alliance development.

8. 區(qū)域主義、成員資格和領(lǐng)導(dǎo)能力:亞洲及其他地區(qū)的啟示(Regionalism,

membership and leadership: insights from Asia and beyond)

Shintaro Hamanaka,日本發(fā)展經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)研究所高級研究員





一假設(shè),本文對 20 世紀(jì)下半葉在亞洲發(fā)起的地區(qū)主義進(jìn)行了研究,并特別關(guān)注了美國的加入和排除。






【原文】Drawing inspiration from a Chinese proverb, this paper offers an alternative interpretation of

regionalism, with a special reference to its membership. This alternative interpretation provides insights into

the exclusionary aspect of regionalism, for which mainstream international relations theories lack a certain

efficacy in providing plausible explanations. We hypothesize that a state forms a regional group in which it

can be a leader, excluding states that are more powerful than it is. A state values the leading position in a

regional group, even in a small regional group. To test the hypothesis, this paper investigates regionalism

launched in Asia during the second half of 20th century, with special attention to the inclusion and exclusion

of the US. By analyzing diplomatic records obtained at four national archives (Australia, Japan, the UK, and

the US), as well as memoirs by retired officials and other studies, this paper shows that regionalism in Asia

was often pursued in an exclusionary manner, mainly by Japan, and to a lesser degree by Indonesia. The paper

also discusses whether and how regionalism in Europe can be explained with this alternative theory.

9. 中國在斯里蘭卡的佛教戰(zhàn)略敘事--利益與佛教?(China’s Buddhist strategic

narratives in Sri Lanka—benefits and Buddhism?)

Tabita Rosendal,瑞典隆德大學(xué)東亞和東南亞研究中心博士










【原文】While the economic impact of China’s ‘Belt and Road’ Initiative (BRI) in Sri Lanka has been closely

monitored in recent years, few studies have focused on the role of China’s Buddhist narratives in furthering

the countries’ interests. By analyzing the Buddhist strategic narratives used in official Chinese and Sri Lankan

statements, this article argues that under the BRI’s ‘people-to-people’ bonds, Chinese and Sri Lankan officials

have used the Buddhist history and exchanges between the two nations to advocate for BRI projects, and to

strengthen their cultural ties. This article finds, more narrowly, that China’s Buddhist diplomacy in Sri Lanka

has increased since the BRI’s inception, and that it has focused on enhancing bilateral relations and mitigating

criticism of projects. China’s strategic narratives have been somewhat successful, but since they are employed

alongside economic investments, their precise impact is difficult to measure. More broadly, the CCP is

increasingly positioning itself and the BRI through religious strategic narratives to mitigate criticism and

further its interests and stature in the international system. However, while China’s projection of Buddhist

strategic narratives, in tandem with infrastructure investments, may ensure the BRI’s continued

implementation, this depends on the willingness of host countries of accepting these narratives.




2024 年第 1 期(總第 13 期)


《亞洲調(diào)查》(Asian Survey)

Asian Survey, Vol. 63, No. 6, 2023

1. 中國公眾參與的類型及其對地方公共服務(wù)滿意度的影響:作為調(diào)節(jié)變量的政治信任

(Types of Public Participation and Their Effect on Satisfaction with Local Public

Services in China: Political Trust as a Moderating Variable)




任的調(diào)節(jié)作用。利用 2020 年一項針對 6089 名受訪者的調(diào)查數(shù)據(jù),本文發(fā)現(xiàn)政府主導(dǎo)的討論和非政治





【原文】Satisfaction with public services is an important index of their quality and an effective way to promote

political legitimacy in China. This article empirically examines how three types of public participation

contribute to citizens’ satisfaction with public services in China, with special attention to the moderating role

of political trust. Using data from 6,089 respondents in a survey conducted in 2020, I find that governmentled discussions and nonpolitical participation have a positive effect on public service satisfaction, whereas

grass-roots election participation has no statistically significant effect. Participation efficacy, political trust,

policy transparency, and unfair treatment are potential factors affecting residents’ satisfaction with public

services. In these correlations, political trust has a significant moderating effect. When political trust is weak,

the influence of participation on public service satisfaction is null or negative; with greater trust, the negative

correlation is mitigated.

2. 清理行動:生態(tài)環(huán)境保護(hù)計劃與中國城市空氣污染(Cleaning Up Its Act: The

Ecological Environmental Protection Plan and China’s Urban Air Pollution)

Jingwen Wu,美國萊克星頓肯塔基大學(xué)政治學(xué)系博士生

James R. Masterson,美國肯塔基州莫爾黑德州立大學(xué)政治學(xué)副教授

《亞洲調(diào)查》(Asian Survey)是加州大學(xué)出版社代表加州


1932 年以備忘錄的形式成立,但在 1935 年更名為《遠(yuǎn)東

調(diào)查》,并于 1961 年獲得了現(xiàn)名。該刊物持續(xù)關(guān)注亞洲


2021 年的影響因子為 0.511,在 84 種區(qū)域研究期刊中排

名第 68。






管方面的有效性。本文利用了多層次建模和差分估計方法,并使用了 2014 年至 2019 年期間中國人口




【原文】The urgent and global concern of environmental problems transcends local and regional boundaries,

posing significant challenges for policymakers in developing countries. Amid conflicting economic and

environmental goals, evaluating the efficacy of regulatory policies becomes increasingly critical. This study

investigates the effectiveness of public policy in incentivizing developing nations to prioritize environmental

regulation, with a specific focus on China’s most recent environmental policy, the Ecological Environmental

Protection Plan. Using multilevel modeling and difference-in-differences estimation with data from six of

China’s most populous cities between 2014 and 2019, we see evidence of air quality improvements following

the implementation of the policy. Furthermore, we observe greater enhancements in air quality in the cities

most affected by the institutional details of the policy. This shows that well-crafted public policy can improve

air quality, providing crucial insights for policymakers and scholars alike.

3. 選舉制度改革與政策變革:以日本兒童保育普及化改革為例(Electoral System

Reform and the Politics of Policy Change: The Case of Universalistic Child Care

Reforms in Japan)

Yosuke Sunahara,日本神戶大學(xué)法學(xué)研究生院公共管理學(xué)教授


試過普遍性的兒童保育支持改革,但并不總是成功。20 世紀(jì) 90 年代的選舉改革促使各主要政黨進(jìn)行





【原文】As women’s participation in the workforce expands, many countries seek to reform child care support

by changing the gender division of labor. Japan also attempted universalistic child care support reforms,

though these were not always successful. The electoral reforms of the 1990s prompted the major political

parties to make universalistic reforms, and the major party leaders advocated similar ideas. Still, they failed to

extend benefits to all children. Agreement on the expansion of funding was particularly challenging. By

analyzing coalition formation within and among political parties, I show that the electoral reform led to stiff

competition, which made it difficult for parties to agree. The change to a majoritarian electoral system not

only intensified inter-party rivalry but also made it difficult to persuade intra-party groups that perceived a

threat to their electoral success.

4. 2012 年后日本的平衡投票:最大反對黨為何獲得非支持者的選票(Balance-Minded

Voting in Post-2012 Japan: Why the Largest Opposition Party Receives Votes from NonSupporters)

Ko Maeda,美國丹頓北德克薩斯大學(xué)政治學(xué)系副教授


2024 年第 1 期(總第 13 期)


【摘要】本研究利用調(diào)查數(shù)據(jù)來描述 2012 年后日本的一種新型策略投票行為。自民黨自 2012 年重





【原文】This study employs survey data to characterize a new kind of strategic voting behavior in post-2012

Japan. Since the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) returned to power in 2012, it has been winning every national

election, while the opposition camp has been fragmented into many parties, none of which has been seen as a

viable contender to the LDP. In this situation in which the LDP will certainly win, there are citizens who vote

for an opposition party, especially the largest one, though they do not believe it is capable of governing the

country. Their concern is the balance of seats among the parties. These strategic voters tend to be older, more

educated, richer, and more attentive to political news than those who genuinely support the opposition.

5. 欺騙性的性別平等: 揭開老撾人民性別平等觀念的 \"黑匣子\"(Deceptive Gender

Equality: Unlocking the “Black Box” of Lao People’s Perception of Gender Equality)

Jungin Jo,韓國首爾淑明女子大學(xué)全球服務(wù)學(xué)院全球合作部教授

Wonjae Hwang,美國田納西大學(xué)諾克斯維爾分校政治學(xué)教授



等,以及對性別平等多個維度的認(rèn)知差異如何影響婦女在醫(yī)療保健和教育方面的權(quán)利。2023 年對 664




【原文】Despite achievements in women’s economic and political empowerment, gender inequalities persist

in the key socioeconomic areas of health and education in Laos. How can we explain these gaps in equality?

We analyze how Lao people perceive gender equality and how differences in the perception of multiple

dimensions of gender equality affect women’s rights in healthcare and education. The results of a 2023 survey

of 664 Laotians highlight the perception of equal responsibilities as the key dimension of gender equality,

which may limit the improvement of gender equality in health. The results imply that female leadership and

greater public consideration of gender equality with respect to rights and opportunities may promote gender

equality in Laos. This study contributes to the study of perceptions and practices of gender equality in nonWestern countries.





《歐亞研究》(Europe-Asia Studies)

Europe-Asia Studies,Vol.75,No.9,2023

1. 政治漫畫中武契奇領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下塞爾維亞的競爭性威權(quán)主義與民粹主義(Competitive

Authoritarianism and Populism in Serbia Under Vu?i? in Political Cartoons)

Neboj?a Vladisavljevi?,貝爾格萊德大學(xué)政治學(xué)院教授

Aleksandra Krsti?,貝爾格萊德大學(xué)政治學(xué)院副教授


特里奇奇(Du?an Petri?i?)是著名漫畫家與政府批評家,我們對其 2013 至 2017 年間的 228 幅政治漫





【原文】We explored links between competitive authoritarianism and populism in Serbia under Vu?i? via

mixed methods. We conducted a quantitative content analysis of 228 political cartoons (2013–2017) by Du?an

Petri?i?, a leading cartoonist and government critic, and qualitative visual and contextual analysis of four

cartoons that reflected key themes—media freedom violations, unfair political competition, and populist and

abusive rule. We found that populism appeared as the ‘soft’ face of competitive authoritarianism, tolerable to

domestic audiences and acceptable to influential international actors because of its reliance on more informal

and sophisticated and less repressive forms of authoritarian manipulation.

2. 停止歸還:羅馬尼亞的少數(shù)民族教會、財產(chǎn)權(quán)和歐洲化(Restitutio Interruptus:

Minority Churches, Property Rights and Europeanisation in Romania)

Beáta Huszka,倫敦大學(xué)學(xué)院斯拉夫東歐研究學(xué)院研究員

【摘要】本文旨在解釋羅馬尼亞境內(nèi)歷史上匈牙利教會財產(chǎn)歸還的動態(tài)變化。在 21 世紀(jì)初,這些教

會的大多數(shù)索賠要求都獲得了批準(zhǔn),但是在 2010 年以后,當(dāng)法院開始質(zhì)疑這些教會的歷史財產(chǎn)權(quán)時,

《歐亞研究》(Europe-Asia Studies)為每年出刊 10 期的

學(xué)術(shù)期刊,由 Routledge 代表格拉斯格大學(xué)(University of


的政治、經(jīng)濟(jì)、社會議題及其 20 世紀(jì)的歷史。


2024 年第 1 期(總第 13 期)




【原文】The article aims to explain the changing dynamics of property restitution to historical Hungarian

churches in Romania. While in the early 2000s most claims by these churches were approved, after 2010 most

of their petitions were denied when the courts started questioning these churches’ historical property rights. It

is argued here that this jurisprudential shift can be explained by the changing political environment after

Romania’s EU accession, when the courts deferred to the prevailing social consensus, reflecting the

unpopularity of restitution to minority churches amongst the Romanian public.

3. 一個享有不穩(wěn)定福祉的社會:俄羅斯的收入流動性和不流動性(A Society of

Unstable Well-Being: Income Mobility and Immobility in Russia)

Svetlana V. Mareeva,俄羅斯國家研究型高等經(jīng)濟(jì)大學(xué)社會政策研究所分層研究中心主任

Ekaterina D. Slobodenyuk,俄羅斯國家研究型高等經(jīng)濟(jì)大學(xué)社會政策研究所分層研究中心高級研


【摘要】本文重點關(guān)注 2009—2017 年間俄羅斯的個人收入流動性。與前幾個后蘇聯(lián)發(fā)展時期一樣,





【原文】The article focuses on individual income mobility amongst Russians in the years 2009–2017. As in

previous periods of post-Soviet development, income mobility in Russia remains high. In comparison to

OECD member countries, income mobility is higher, while the level of persistent well-being is lower.

Subjective individual assessments of income situation are more volatile than objective positions, with

persistent subjective well-being almost non-existent. Subjective mobility does not correlate closely with its

objective counterpart. Persistent well-being is determined by a combination of class and non-class factors,

including labour market position, dependency burden and health status.

4. 圣彼得堡的公民城市專業(yè)知識(2012-2019 年)(Civic Urban Expertise in St

Petersburg (2012–2019))

Svetlana Moskaleva,俄羅斯科學(xué)院社會學(xué)研究所初級研究員

【摘要】本文分析了俄羅斯城市中的城市專業(yè)知識現(xiàn)象,即 urbanistika,這一術(shù)語用于描述與城市規(guī)


個參與 2012—2019 年圣彼得堡城市重建項目的活動團(tuán)體。本研究結(jié)合專業(yè)知識社會學(xué)和城市研究的



【原文】This article analyses the phenomenon of urban expertise in Russian cities, urbanistika, a term used

to describe activities related to urban planning and decision-making. The creation of this field of knowledge

coincided with increased public interest in expert assessment. The analysis focuses on an activist group

involved in urban redevelopment projects in St Petersburg in 2012–2019. Using the insights of the literature

on the sociology of expertise combined with urban studies scholarship, the study sets out to uncover the

mechanisms by which civic urban expertise is constructed and to contextualise the global and local conditions



in which such activity was shaped. The methodological approach tracks the process by which the network is

created that allows for urban questions to become the objects of expert labour.

5. 俄羅斯反西方的虛假信息、媒體消費與格魯吉亞的公眾輿論(Russian AntiWestern Disinformation, Media Consumption and Public Opinion in Georgia)

Ralph S. Clem,佛羅里達(dá)國際大學(xué)史蒂文·格林國際公共事務(wù)學(xué)院教授

Erik S. Herron,西弗吉尼亞大學(xué)政治系教授

Ani Tepnadze,西弗吉尼亞大學(xué)政治系




吉亞的影響。利用 2019 年的調(diào)查數(shù)據(jù),我們研究了三種具體的反西方陰謀論是如何被與俄羅斯有關(guān)




【原文】States have learned how to use media as a means of propagating disinformation in the furtherance

of their geopolitical goals. Often these efforts employ conspiracy theories that target other countries, whether

as direct adversaries or in third-party states. Russia has a well-deserved reputation for being especially adept

at this practice as it seeks to influence public opinion in other states through its international channels as well

as domestic media and local politicians in the target countries. This article assesses the impact of

disinformation campaigns in the Republic of Georgia. Using survey data from 2019, we examine how three

specific anti-Western conspiracy theories were amplified by media outlets associated with Russia or with

Georgian outlets that aired material more sympathetic to Russian foreign policy preferences. We found that

respondents who trusted Georgian media with a pro-Russian orientation and/or who were exposed to Russian

television were more likely to accept conspiracy theories aligned with Russia’s geopolitical interests,

suggesting that Russian disinformation efforts might be moderately successful in persuading some Georgian


6. 話語實踐在公共外交和國際關(guān)系中的作用:俄日關(guān)系的案例分析(The Role of

Discursive Practices in Public Diplomacy and International Relations: The Case of

Russia–Japan Relations)

Ignat Vershinin,筑波大學(xué)博士





【原文】Utilising discourse analysis to evaluate Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Affairs

Minister Sergei Lavrov’s public speeches as part of public diplomacy, this study deconstructs the discursive

practices of Russian political elites in Russia–Japan relations. The data analysis demonstrates that, when

speaking from a position of power, Putin and Lavrov delegitimise Japan’s political decision-making

sovereignty and the role of the Japanese public in the negotiation process. This article argues that even though


2024 年第 1 期(總第 13 期)


the discursive practices of Russian political elites are oriented towards a foreign public, the impact on their

domestic legitimacy is greater.



《地中海政治》(Mediterranean Politics)

Mediterranean Politics,Vol.28,No.5,2023

1. “一帶一路”倡議下地中海地區(qū)的中國基建外交:未來的挑戰(zhàn)?(China’s

infrastructure diplomacy in the Mediterranean region under the Belt And Road

Initiative: Challenges ahead?)













【原文】As Beijing is actively investing in and constructing infrastructure overseas within the framework of

the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), numerous rumours and misconceptions have arisen about the changes

China can and will bring through its infrastructure diplomacy. By way of an analysis of Chinese infrastructure

projects and diplomatic activities in the Mediterranean, examining government documents, companies’

《地中海政治》(Mediterranean Politics)是一本匯集了地






的國家和人口。該刊近五年影響因子為 2.266。



briefings and media reports, we found that China’s infrastructure diplomacy goals are two-fold: 1.to promote

infrastructure cooperation and economic ties overseas through political means. 2. to enhance political trust

between China and other countries via collaboration in infrastructure development. Despite the preliminary

achievements, both China’s economic gains and political influence through infrastructure diplomacy,

including in the Mediterranean Region, remain limited. This derives from several factors, the most important

of which being China’s predicament in its role-taking, which makes its foreign policies such as the

infrastructure diplomacy subject to shifts and open to interpretation.

2. 中國在南地中海:將大馬格里布納入新絲綢之路(China in the Southern

Mediterranean: Integrating the Greater Maghreb in the new silk road)

Yahia H. Zoubir,法國凱致商學(xué)院國際關(guān)系和國際管理專業(yè)教授





的歷史遺產(chǎn)和角色重疊,阿爾及利亞與中國的關(guān)系最為密切。2014 年,中國與阿爾及利亞確立了“全





【原文】This article analyses the evolution of China’s political and economic relations with the Greater

Maghreb States (Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia), a major part of the Southern

Mediterranean that has attracted foreign powers. It discusses how China has gradually incorporated the

Southern Mediterranean states into the New Silk Road through bilateral and multilateral relations, strategic

partnerships, and the development of interconnectivity not only in the Southern Mediterranean but also onto

the adjacent Sahel. Notwithstanding their dependence on Europe, the Maghreb countries’ economic relations

with China have grown noticeably. Due to shared historical legacy and overlapping roles, Algeria has the

closest ties with China, which signed in 2014 a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with Algeria, the first of

its kind in the Middle East and North Africa. China strives for an environment in the region that is conducive

to advancing its economic and national security interests. It seeks to enact that objective through its selfattributed roles as South-South collaborator and developer. The multilateral forums it has instituted contribute

to its external altercasting of ‘developmental values’, to cultivate trust, and engage in greater socialisation with

its partners. Through altercasting, Beijing expects its partners to assimilate and support its policies and accept

China’s national role conceptions.

3. “角色論”視角下透視當(dāng)今中埃全面戰(zhàn)略伙伴關(guān)系(China and Egypt’s

comprehensive strategic partnership in the Xi-Sisi era: a ‘role theory’ prism)



【摘要】盡管中埃雙邊貿(mào)易額和安全合作有限,但埃及是第一個在 1999 年與中國建立戰(zhàn)略伙伴關(guān)系

的中東和阿拉伯國家,也是第二個在 2014 年與中國建立全面戰(zhàn)略伙伴關(guān)系的國家。本文運(yùn)用角色理


2024 年第 1 期(總第 13 期)




通過中國“一帶一路”倡議與埃及 “2030 愿景”計劃的戰(zhàn)略對接,建立全面互補(bǔ)的伙伴關(guān)系。中國和埃


【原文】Despite the limitations of its bilateral trade volume and security cooperation with China, Egypt was

the first Middle Eastern and Arab country that established a strategic partnership with China in 1999 and the

second to build a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2014. This article employs role theory to unpack this

seeming paradox, and argues that it is largely because of the compatibility of their national role conceptions

that China and Egypt have managed to broaden and deepen their cooperation in the Xi-Sisi era. A thorough

examination of the two countries’ official documents and a variety of other related literature reveals that China

and Egypt are determined to build a comprehensive and complementary partnership with the strategic docking

of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Egypt’s ‘Vision 2030’ plan. As pivotal states in Asia and the

Middle East respectively, China and Egypt aim to reshape the global power structure through the pursuit of

multipolarity and solidarity of rising powers.

4. 中法合作競爭中的角色動力與信任(Role dynamics and trust in France-China


Emilie Tran,香港浸會大學(xué)社會科學(xué)學(xué)院政府與國際關(guān)系學(xué)系助理教授







【原文】Among the Mediterranean states, France has arguably the most complex bilateral relationship with

China: their intense economic exchange and all-encompassing cooperation are not only the longest and

eventful, but they are also marred with enduring and mounting concerns. Intersecting two distinct concepts

from the international relations’ literature, i.e., role theory and trust, this article makes both empirical and

theoretical contributions. It examines sixty years of France-China interaction mechanisms, looking at France’

s role conception, expectations, performance and adaptation. On the theoretical front, it proposes to

characterize the concurrent cooperation and competition between France and China as coopetition, thus adding

a new role enactment, that of coopetitor, to the existing conceptions of national roles.

5. 中國參與地中海事務(wù)的局限性:西班牙-中國關(guān)系中的角色沖突和新興不信任(The

limits of China’s engagement in the Mediterranean: Role conflict and emerging

mistrust in Spain–China relations)

Mario Esteban,西班牙埃爾卡諾皇家研究所高級分析師,馬德里自治大學(xué)東亞研究中心高級講師

Ugo Armanini,埃爾卡諾皇家研究所亞太研究助理,馬德里自治大學(xué)政治學(xué)博士







了更具有附加條件的合作,最近在“一帶一路”倡議、外國投資和 5G 網(wǎng)絡(luò)的一系列外交政策證明了這


【原文】Spain has recently endorsed a more critical stance towards China. This article explains this posture

through the application of role theory and the concept of (mis)trust. Role conflict has intensified from the

interplay between China’s new roles of great power and economic and technological competitor, Spain’s

higher expectations towards China, and Spain’s self-identified role, greatly influenced by its relations with its

traditional European and US allies. This has generated mistrust, and Spanish authorities have shown greater

concerns about Chinese behaviour. As a result, they have turned to a more conditional co-operation as

evidenced by a series of recent foreign policy outcomes on the BRI, foreign investment, and 5G networks.

6. 北非擴(kuò)大合作與歐盟的地緣政治覺醒(China’s expanding footprint in North Africa

and the European Union’s geopolitical awakening)

Anna Katharina Stahl,柏林雅克德洛爾中心歐洲外交和安全政策研究員






【原文】For years, the European Union (EU) has sought to portray itself as a normative ‘force for good’ in

the world. With the rise of China, the international environment is changing and elements of rivalry are

sharpening. As a response, the EU’s leadership has promised to make the EU a geopolitical actor that would

be more assertive in pursuing its own strategic interests. Taking the example of China’s expanding footprint

in North Africa, this article examines the EU’s changing role in the region. By applying role theory and

interactionism to the analysis, the article offers a better understanding of the European response to China’s

strategic emergence in North Africa and the EU’s gradual transformation from a normative power into

geopolitical actor in the region.


