2024 年第4 期(總第16期)145
nonproliferation commitment. The contemporary policy implication is that Taiwan’s high-tech industries arelikely to display stronger opposition to United States–demanded controls over trade in semiconductor goodswith China.
6. 主權腳本與區(qū)域治理:東盟對新冠疫情的反應(Sovereignty scripts andregional
governance: ASEAN’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic)Kilian Spandler,斯德哥爾摩大學國際關系系副教授
Julia Hartelius,皇家墨爾本理工大學全球研究學院客座研究員
Alva Montia,斯德哥爾摩大學
Fredrik S?derbaum,斯德哥爾摩大學
【原文】This article seeks to advance our understanding of the role of sovereignty for regional governance,
with a focus on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). We argue that important insights intothis issue can be gleaned by analyzing how ASEAN has responded to the Covid-19 pandemic. Most existingresearch on ASEAN considers sovereignty an obstacle to effective regional governance without further
interrogating it conceptually. Such a monolithic understanding fails to account for ASEAN’s variegatedresponse to the pandemic. To develop a fuller account of the relation between sovereignty and regional
governance, we engage with scholarship on sovereignty that emphasizes its performative and contextual
character, and develop a framework that distinguishes four different sovereignty scripts. Drawing onexpert
interviews and document analysis, we show that ASEAN’s multifaceted Covid-19 response is a result of
member states’ parallel enactment of diverging and overlapping sovereignty scripts, which engender
competing modes of governance. Our study shows that typical governance problems – institutional
proliferation and incoherence as well as implementation gaps – can be understood as emergingfromdiverging imperatives for practicing sovereignty and statehood. We suggest that our framework can be testedin other policy fields and regional organizations beyond ASEAN.