科特迪瓦共和國(The Republic
of C?te d'Ivoire, La République de
C?te d'Ivoire ),簡稱科特迪瓦(C?te
約 500 公里,國土面積 322463 平方公里,
首都亞穆蘇克羅,人口 2938 萬(2022 年)
The Republic of C?te d'Ivoire, La
République de C?te d'Ivoire ,C?te d'Ivoire,It
is a West African country adjacent to Ghana,
Liberia, Guinea, Mali, and Burkina Faso. The
coastline is about 500 kilometers long, with a
land area of 322463 square kilometers. The
capital city is Yamoussoukro, with a population
of 29.38 million (as of 2022)
在博鰲亞洲論壇 2023 年年會期間,技術老師余松為科特迪瓦時任總理帕特里克 · 阿希(右)提
Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2023,massagist Yu Song provided on-site service
for the present prime minister of C?te d'Ivoire, Patrick Achi Jér?me (right).He make a deep
impression on the Prime Ministers of Achi . He praised the work as highly skilled。To express
respect and gratitude to the Prime Minister,Yu Song presented a beautiful gift to the Prime Minister (Series products of the FANCI). Prime Ministers of Achi stated that I looked upon the gift as
a seal on our friendship
2023.12 Dec.