

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-6-09 | 雜志分類:其他


2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)95the dismissal of the head of state or government for violating constitutional rules are being complied with more.6. 政府間政策產(chǎn)出數(shù)據(jù)集(IPOD)的介紹(Introducing the Intergovernmental Policy Output Dataset (IPOD))Magnus Lundgren,瑞典哥德堡大學(xué)政治科學(xué)系副教授Theresa Squatrito,英國倫敦政治經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)院政治科學(xué)系教授Thomas Sommerer,德國波茨坦大學(xué)政治科學(xué)和公共管理系副教授Jonas Tallberg,瑞典斯德哥爾摩大學(xué)法律與經(jīng)濟(jì)系副教授【摘要】越來越多的人認(rèn)識(shí)到,國際組織(IOs)在廣泛的領(lǐng)域制定和采用政策。國際組織已成為各國尋求共同解決氣候變化或新冠肺炎(COVID-19)等當(dāng)代挑戰(zhàn)的重要場(chǎng)所,也是建立貿(mào)易、發(fā)展、安全等框架的重要場(chǎng)所。國際組織以這種身份制定特殊政策和常規(guī)政策,其目的多種多樣,從接納新成員等具有歷史意... [收起]
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2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


the dismissal of the head of state or government for violating constitutional rules are being complied with


6. 政府間政策產(chǎn)出數(shù)據(jù)集(IPOD)的介紹(Introducing the Intergovernmental Policy

Output Dataset (IPOD))

Magnus Lundgren,瑞典哥德堡大學(xué)政治科學(xué)系副教授

Theresa Squatrito,英國倫敦政治經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)院政治科學(xué)系教授

Thomas Sommerer,德國波茨坦大學(xué)政治科學(xué)和公共管理系副教授

Jonas Tallberg,瑞典斯德哥爾摩大學(xué)法律與經(jīng)濟(jì)系副教授





據(jù)集(IPOD),該數(shù)據(jù)集涵蓋了 1980-2015 年間 13 個(gè)多議題國際組織的近 37000 項(xiàng)獨(dú)立政策行為。







【原文】There is a growing recognition that international organizations (IOs) formulate and adopt policy in

a wide range of areas. IOs have emerged as key venues for states seeking joint solutions to contemporary

challenges such as climate change or COVID-19, and to establish frameworks to bolster trade, development,

security, and more. In this capacity, IOs produce both extraordinary and routine policy output with a multitude

of purposes, ranging from policies of historic significance like admitting new members to the more mundane

tasks of administering IO staff. This article introduces the Intergovernmental Policy Output Dataset (IPOD),

which covers close to 37,000 individual policy acts of 13 multi-issue IOs in the 1980–2015 period. The dataset

fills a gap in the growing body of literature on the comparative study of IOs, providing researchers with a finegrained perspective on the structure of IO policy output and data for comparisons across time, policy areas,

and organizations. This article describes the construction and coverage of the dataset and identifies key

temporal and cross-sectional patterns revealed by the data. In a concise illustration of the dataset’s utility, we

apply models of punctuated equilibria in a comparative study of the relationship between institutional features

and broad policy agenda dynamics. Overall, the Intergovernmental Policy Output Dataset offers a unique

resource for researchers to analyze IO policy output in a granular manner and to explore questions of

responsiveness, performance, and legitimacy of IOs.



7. 通過貿(mào)易協(xié)定進(jìn)行移民管理:MITA 數(shù)據(jù)集的啟示(Migration governance through

trade agreements: insights from the MITA dataset)

Sandra Lavenex,瑞士日內(nèi)瓦大學(xué)政治科學(xué)和國際關(guān)系系副教授

Philipp Lutz,荷蘭阿姆斯特丹自由大學(xué)政治科學(xué)和公共管理系副教授

Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik,瑞士日內(nèi)瓦大學(xué)政治科學(xué)和國際關(guān)系系副教授



該數(shù)據(jù)集涵蓋了 1960 年至 2020 年間簽署的 797 個(gè)協(xié)定,對(duì)三類移民條款進(jìn)行了精細(xì)編碼:促進(jìn)











【原文】States struggle to establish multilateral cooperation on migration – yet they include more and more

migration provisions in preferential trade agreements (PTAs). This article sheds light on this phenomenon by

introducing the Migration Provisions in Preferential Trade Agreements (MITA) dataset. Covering 797

agreements signed between 1960 and 2020, this dataset offers a fine-grained coding of three types of migration

provisions: those that facilitate the international mobility of service providers and labor migrants, protect

migrant rights, and control unauthorized migration. Against the backdrop of limping multilateralism, we

examine PTAs’ migration policy content with regard to two key cooperation dilemmas: conflicts of interest

within developed countries and between them and developing countries. Facilitating business and labor

mobility might be a possible way around the first dilemma, commonly referred to as the ‘liberal paradox': the

tension between economic demands for openness and political calls for closure. Nevertheless, this facilitation

is largely limited to highly skilled migrants and agreements between developed economies. Provisions for

migration control tend to be included in agreements between developed and developing countries, which

signals that states use issue-linkages to address the second dilemma, i.e. interest asymmetries. Finally,

provisions for migrant rights stand out because they do not deepen over time. Our findings suggest that while

PTAs have become an increasingly common venue for migration governance, the issue-linkage between trade

and migration cooperation perpetuates entrenched divisions in the international system. The MITA dataset

will allow researchers and policymakers to track the evolution of the trade-migration nexus and systematically

investigate the motives for and effects of various migration provisions in PTAs.



2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


《 歐洲國際關(guān)系雜志 》 ( European Journal of International


European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2024

1. 自反性轉(zhuǎn)向:國際關(guān)系中轉(zhuǎn)向話語的崛起(Reflex to turn: the rise of turn-talk in

International Relations)

Jaakko Heiskanen,倫敦瑪麗女王大學(xué)政治與國際關(guān)系學(xué)院講師

Paul Beaumont,挪威國際事務(wù)研究所高級(jí)研究員


近來最突出的轉(zhuǎn)向。通過挖掘 20 世紀(jì) 80 年代以來最早的國際關(guān)系學(xué)轉(zhuǎn)向歷史并追溯轉(zhuǎn)向話語的演


在 21 世紀(jì)出現(xiàn),而是始于 20 世紀(jì) 80 年代末實(shí)證主義向自反性的轉(zhuǎn)變??傮w而言,這第一波轉(zhuǎn)向使


了 20 世紀(jì) 90 年代中期,這些對(duì)實(shí)證主義的元理論批判引發(fā)了相當(dāng)大的反彈。新一代自反主義者被指

責(zé)助長(zhǎng)了神秘的解構(gòu)主義, 他們開始證明后實(shí)證主義經(jīng)驗(yàn)研究的可行性。因此,21 世紀(jì)以來,國際關(guān)






【原文】The field of International Relations (IR) is being spun around by a seemingly endless number of

‘turns’. Existing analyses of turning are few in number and predominantly concerned with the most prominent

recent turns. By excavating the forgotten history of IR’s earliest turns from the 1980s and tracing the evolution

of turn-talk over time, this article reveals a crucial yet overlooked internalist driver behind the phenomenon:

the rise of reflexivity. Rather than emerging in the 21st century, turn-talk began at the end of the 1980s as a

《歐洲國際關(guān)系雜志》(European Journal of International


自 1995 年創(chuàng)刊以來,該雜志已成為國際關(guān)系學(xué)界一個(gè)重







series of turns away from positivism and towards reflexivity. Cumulatively, this first wave of turns would

denaturalise IR’s state-centric ontology while enshrining reflexivity as a canonical good among critical

scholars. By the mid-1990s, however, these metatheoretical critiques of positivism had produced a substantial

backlash. Charged with fostering an esoteric deconstructivism, a new generation of reflexivists set out to

demonstrate the feasibility of post-positivist empirical research. As a result, IR’s turning also took on a

different form from the 2000s: whereas the first wave of turns had mounted an epistemological and

methodological attack against the positivist mainstream, the second wave set about bringing new ontological

objects under the scrutiny of reflexivist scholars. This shift from anti-positivist to mostly intra-reflexivist

turning was facilitated by the institutionalisation of critical IR as a major subfield of the discipline. It is the

privileged position of reflexivity among critical IR scholars that is the condition of possibility for endless

turning, accentuated by mounting pressures to demonstrate novelty in an increasingly competitive environment.

2. 什么造就了一位發(fā)言人?在克里米亞的委托和象征性權(quán)力(What makes a

spokesperson? Delegation and symbolic power in Crimea)

Alvina Hoffmann,倫敦瑪麗女王大學(xué)國際安全講師




(Pierre · Bourdieu) 關(guān)于語言和象征權(quán)力的社會(huì)學(xué)著作,對(duì)發(fā)言人的授權(quán)軌跡進(jìn)行了理論分析。在此過






【原文】This article argues that spokespersons who claim to speak on behalf of a social group cannot escape

the structural problem of delegation whereby speaking in someone’s name entails speaking instead of someone.

This form of delegated and authorised silencing through the promise of empowerment imposes symbolic

violence on a group which recognises the spokesperson as a valid representative, without recognising its own

potential disenfranchisement. I build on Pierre Bourdieu’s sociological writings on language and symbolic

power to theorise the trajectories of authorisation of spokespersons. In doing so, I critically engage with

theories in International Relations which rely on a separation between speaker and audience to analyse the

legitimation of political speech. Instead, I reformulate the speaker/audience relation through the concept of

symbolic power and introduce the category of the spoken-for. When spokespersons struggle over symbolic

power, they seek to impose social classificatory categories on social groups and spaces. I illustrate these

dynamics in the context of human rights politics in Crimea, showing how various spokespersons are engaged

in a symbolic struggle over ‘a(chǎn)uthenticity’ of their speech and the ‘universal’ of human rights. I conclude by

suggesting new lines of inquiry to analyse creative strategies to mitigate the spokesperson problem.


2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


3. 隱藏的角色:法律專家如何影響國際制度的設(shè)計(jì)(Hidden figures: how legal experts

influence the design of international institutions)

Nicole De Silva,康考迪亞大學(xué)文理學(xué)院政治學(xué)系助理教授兼學(xué)術(shù)主任

Anne Holthoefer,圣安塞姆學(xué)院助理教授

【摘要】誰的偏好影響了國際制度的設(shè)計(jì)? 關(guān)于國際政治法律化和國際法律制度創(chuàng)建的學(xué)術(shù)研究大多











【原文】Whose preferences influence the design of international institutions? Scholarship on the legalization

of international politics and creation of international legal institutions largely adopts a state-centric perspective.

Existing accounts, however, fail to recognize how states often delegate authority over institutional design tasks

to independent legal experts whose preferences may diverge from those of states. We develop a principal–

agent (PA) framework for theorizing relations between states (collective principals) and legal actors (agents)

in the design process, and for explaining how legal actors influence the design of international institutions.

The legal dimensions of the PA relationship increase the likelihood of preference divergence between the

collective principal and the agent, but also create conditions that enable the agent to opportunistically advance

its own design preferences. We argue that the more information on states’ preferences the agent has, the more

effectively it can exploit its legal expertise to strategically select and justify design choices that maximize its

own preferences and the likelihood of states’ acceptance. Our analysis of two cases of delegated institutional

design concerning international criminal law at the United Nations and the African Union supports our

theoretical expectations. Extensive archival and interview data elucidate how agents’ variable information on

states’ preferences affects their ability to effectively advance their design preferences. Our theory reveals how

independent legal experts with delegated authority over design tasks influence institutional design processes

and outcomes, which has practical and normative implications for the legalization of international politics.

4. 國家之外的民族安全化:作為威脅行為體、受威脅對(duì)象和安全資源的散居社群

(Securitizing the nation beyond the state: diasporas as threats, victims, and assets)

Yehonatan Abramson,耶路撒冷希伯來大學(xué)國際關(guān)系系助理教授






僑民。本文基于最近的國家-僑民相關(guān)文獻(xiàn),通過對(duì)以色列精英話語的分析(從 1948 年到 2022 年),





【原文】Securitization theory has paid extensive attention to transnational issues, actors, and processes.

Surprisingly, however, only little attention has been paid to the securitization of diaspora communities, defined

as overseas citizens or co-nationals abroad. This article fills this gap by developing an analytical framework

to study the securitization of diasporas, focusing on three discursive formations: diasporas as threatening actors,

as objects under threat, or as security resources. Building upon the recent literature on state–diaspora

engagement and drawing on an analysis of Israeli elite discourse (from 1948 to 2022), this article demonstrates

how the securitization of diasporas serves as a discursive mechanism that naturalizes and legitimizes extraterritorial policies towards Jews abroad. Thus, the article complements structural and rational explanations of

state–diaspora engagement by examining the intersubjective process that endows diaspora policymaking with

meaning. Against the backdrop of extensive securitization scholarship that focuses on attempts to keep

“foreigners” out, this article shows how securitization justifies bringing certain people in or governing their

national identity abroad.

5. 敘利亞武裝組織集資的法律與政治:國家如何(未能)打擊恐怖主義(The law and

politics of funding armed groups in Syria: how states (fail to) counter-terrorism)

Tasniem Anwar,阿姆斯特丹自由大學(xué)犯罪學(xué)助理教授

【摘要】本文探討了荷蘭政府在 2015 年至 2018 年間支持?jǐn)⒗麃喚硟?nèi)所謂溫和團(tuán)體而實(shí)施的反恐計(jì)劃








的歐洲中心主義假設(shè)。盡管實(shí)證分析立足于荷蘭的背景,但本文的分析對(duì)于 2015 年至 2018 年間參與


【原文】This article examines the political and legal controversies around a counterterrorism programme

conducted by the Dutch government to support the so-called moderate groups in Syria between 2015 and 2018.

The controversies centred around the question how the Dutch government was able to define and support

armed moderate groups in Syria and distinguish them from terrorist organizations. The objective of the article

is to take up this question and unpack how the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs constructed and justified


2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


their definition of material support for moderate groups deployed in this programme, against existing

definitions of terrorism funding and terrorist groups embedded in European counterterrorism financing

regulations. Connecting to the debates around materiality in both International Relations and International

Law, this article follows the material-semiotic practices through which definitions of terrorism come into being.

The empirical analysis draws on interviews with legal professionals, policy documents and court transcripts,

and provides a detailed overview of how multiple and even conflicting definitions of terrorism and terrorism

financing are constructed by the Dutch state. Taking this interdisciplinary approach to materiality and based

on the empirical analysis, I propose that this controversy on defining terrorism and terrorism financing reflects

a Eurocentric assumption about the knowledge and responsibilities of the Western state in the War on Terror.

While the empirics are grounded in the Dutch context, my analysis is relevant for multiple European countries

who engaged in similar operations between 2015 and 2018, as well as for future counterterrorism efforts

targeting terrorist groups.

6. 反和平進(jìn)程的國際動(dòng)態(tài)(The international dynamics of counter-peace)

Oliver P. Richmond,曼徹斯特大學(xué)政治系教授

Sandra Pogodda,曼徹斯特大學(xué)政治系和平與沖突研究講師

G?zim Visoka,都柏林城市大學(xué)法律與政府學(xué)院和平與沖突研究副教授








【原文】Peace processes and international order are interdependent: while the latter provides the normative

framework for the former, peacemaking tools and their underlying ideology also maintain international order.

They indicate its viability and legitimacy partly by meeting local claims as well as through the maintenance

of geopolitical balances. In the emerging multipolar order, the international peace architecture (IPA),

dominated by the liberal international order (LIO), is contested through counter-peace processes. These

processes contest the nature of the state, state-society relations and increasingly international order itself. This

paper investigates the tactics and strategies of regional actors and great powers, where they engage in peace

and order related activities or interventions. Given the weakness and inconsistency of the IPA and the LIO,

such contestation leads to challenges to international order itself, often at the expense of the claims of social

movements and civil society networks.

7. 信任如何喪失:2021 年聯(lián)合國糧食系統(tǒng)峰會(huì)與聯(lián)合國糧食治理的合法性喪失(How



trust is lost: the Food Systems Summit 2021 and the delegitimation of UN food governance)

Felix Anderl,菲利普大學(xué)馬爾堡校區(qū)沖突研究教授

Michael Hi?en,澤佩林大學(xué)政治、行政與國際關(guān)系系研究員




動(dòng)家們相信其對(duì)農(nóng)民和農(nóng)民運(yùn)動(dòng)有影響力。因此,糧食主權(quán)運(yùn)動(dòng)在 2010 年代始終以明顯制度化的方

式在聯(lián)合國糧農(nóng)組織的框架下展開。但是在 2019 年,當(dāng)聯(lián)合國宣布舉行糧食系統(tǒng)峰會(huì)時(shí),情況發(fā)生







【原文】Social movements see participation formats of international organizations (IOs) with suspicion. They

increasingly retreat from cooperation to contest IOs from the outside, because they fear co-optation without

real policy impact. However, the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) was an exception to this trend

because its opening up was seen as long-term dialogue facilitating discussions about the nature of food

production, and because it created credible institutional mechanisms that were trusted by activists to give

influence to farmers and peasant movements. Therefore, the food sovereignty movement participated within

the FAO framework in a remarkably institutionalized way throughout the 2010s. But in 2019, when the United

Nations (UN) announced to hold a food systems summit (United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS)),

this changed dramatically. The food sovereignty movement, many non-governmental organizations (NGOs),

and eventually scientists, decided to boycott the summit, instead organizing an alternative Peoples’ Summit,

and withdrawing from long-held institutional roles in the FAO. How can this be explained? This article traces

the process from the announcement of the UNFSS to its implementation, stressing how institutional trust was

damaged by several decisions in the process that undermined the good faith of activists. As we show in detail,

the circumvention of established institutional mechanisms, and the feeling of betrayal on the side of the

movement, was decisive for losing institutional trust. Importantly, a mixture of substantive and institutional

changes in the context of UNFSS not only undermined the movement’s trust into the integrity and ability of

the summit organizers, but thereby also provoked movement efforts to delegitimize UN food governance at


8. 解讀公眾對(duì)中國的外國直接投資的反對(duì):工會(huì)、耐心資本和成員對(duì)外國直接投資流入

的偏好(Disentangling public opposition to Chinese FDI: trade unions, patient capital, and

members’ preferences over FDI inflows)

Damian Raess,伯爾尼大學(xué)全球政治經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)助理教授


2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


【摘要】本文研究了工會(huì)成員身份是否會(huì)因投資者原籍國的不同而影響個(gè)人的外國直接投資 (FDI)





家的 FDI 之間的支持差距(正差距)會(huì)隨著工會(huì)成員資格的增加而增加。相反,來自無耐心資本國家








【原文】I examine whether union membership affects individual foreign direct investment (FDI) preferences

in ways that vary across investors’ country of origin. I argue that the country of FDI origin will bear upon how

union members assess FDI, because it provides cues about what the economic prospects of (unionized) workers

will look like under different foreign investors. I argue that the salient attribute of foreign investors is whether

they originate from a country that is an important form of patient or impatient capital. Compared with nonmembers, members will be more supportive of FDI from countries embodying patient than impatient capital.

Specifically, I expect the (positive) gap in support between FDI from patient and FDI from impatient capital

countries to increase with union membership. Conversely, I expect the (positive) gap in support between FDI

from impatient versus patient capital countries to decrease with membership. Evidence from original Swiss

survey data corroborates my argument. Respondents were asked to evaluate FDI from China and Europe

(entities embodying patient capital) and from the United States (a country embodying impatient capital). The

results show that the gap in enthusiasm for European FDI versus American FDI increases with union

membership, while the gap in enthusiasm for American FDI versus Chinese FDI decreases with membership.

Complementary qualitative analysis of reports, documents, and testimonies by trade unions in continental

Europe show that their views are in sync with those of their members, suggesting that unions shape their

members’ FDI preferences. The findings have important implications for the politics of backlash against

economic globalization.

9. 愛如何塑造秩序:與國際關(guān)系學(xué)科的交流(How love orders: an engagement with

disciplinary International Relations)

Liane Hartnett,墨爾本大學(xué)國際關(guān)系講師






愛作為積極情感的描述, 本文揭示了愛在國際關(guān)系學(xué)科中被忽視的歷史,它是一種意識(shí)形態(tài)的面具,





【原文】Love plays an important role in the normative production and sustenance of order. Historically

implicated in imaginaries of order, it has been evoked to constitute community, legitimate coercion and

(dis)empower. Put differently, love provides the affective glue that binds groups, frames feelings to enable and

constrain action and is integral to the workings of power. Love can be evoked and governed for various

political ends. Complicating accounts of love as a positive emotion, this article uncovers love’s neglected

history in disciplinary International Relations (IR) as an ideological mask that conceals its implication in

violent worldmaking projects of empire, war and domination. To illustrate this, it identifies three ideal-typical

– or Hegelian, Augustinian and Nietzschean – logics that exemplify love’s ordering work and examines how

they find expression in the work of three leading figures of disciplinary IR, namely Alfred Zimmern (1859–

1957), Reinhold Niebuhr (1892–1971) and Hans Morgenthau (1904–1980).

10. 國家之外的民族安全化:作為威脅行為體、受威脅對(duì)象和安全資源的散居社群(The

politics of human rights trade sanctions: evidence from the African Growth and

Opportunity Act)

Travis Curtice,德雷克塞爾大學(xué)政治學(xué)系助理教授



法案是美國于 2000 年為多達(dá) 49 個(gè)可能符合條件的的撒哈拉以南非洲國家制定的單邊貿(mào)易優(yōu)惠計(jì)劃,




【原文】Scholars contend that embedding human rights conditionality in trade agreements can improve human

rights. We argue that human rights interests may collide with trade, investment, and security interests. We

examine these claims in the context of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), a unilateral trade

preference program with robust human rights conditions, created in 2000 by the United States for up to 49

potentially eligible sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) states. US decisions to terminate AGOA beneficiary status are

determined strongly by US trade, investment, and security interests. The country’s human rights record,

including state-sponsored killings and other violations of physical integrity rights, has a less consistent and

weaker effect.



2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


《國際事務(wù)》(International Affairs)

International Affairs,Vol. 100, No. 2, 2024

1. 不止于普京:俄羅斯外交政策中管理的多元主義(More than Putin: managed

pluralism in Russia's foreign policy)

Damian Strycharz,愛丁堡大學(xué)政治與國際關(guān)系博士研究員




外交政策的必要性。本文主張管理的多元主義(由 Harley Balzer 在 2003 年定義)的理念,這尚未用






【原文】The Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine took most experts by surprise, but before the war, there

were numerous voices in the Russian public debate calling for much tougher policies towards Ukraine and the

West than the ones pursued by the government. This article challenges explanations that prioritize external

factors or focus solely on President Putin and shows that examining opposition, state media and government

discourses is necessary to understand Russia's foreign policy properly. The article contends that the concept

of managed pluralism (defined by Harley Balzer in 2003), which has not yet been used in the analysis of

Moscow's international behaviour, is a useful tool that can address the gap in the literature and shed light on

important mechanisms behind Russia's foreign policy-making. Consequently, the article reveals mechanisms

that, by allowing certain voices while eliminating others, steer Russia's foreign policy in a specific direction,

which in this case made the invasion of Ukraine possible. Finally, it indicates that observing actors admitted

to the public debate and their propositions may be a clue to the direction of Russia's future foreign policy.

《國際事務(wù)》(International Affairs)是國際關(guān)系領(lǐng)域的一

流學(xué)術(shù)期刊,也是多學(xué)科綜合性學(xué)術(shù)期刊。本刊于 1992 年

由倫敦皇家國際事務(wù)研究所查塔姆學(xué)院(Chatham House)


點(diǎn)、熱點(diǎn)問題的最新思考。2022 年期刊影響因子為 4.5,

在 96 個(gè)國際關(guān)系類刊物中位列第 7 名。



More broadly, this article points to policy implications and theoretical benefits of managed pluralism for our

understanding of other states' foreign policies.

2. 從樂觀到懷疑自由主義:在危機(jī)中重塑歐盟外交政策(From optimist to sceptical

liberalism: reforging European Union foreign policy amid crises)

Christine Nissen,丹麥國際問題研究所研究員

Jakob Dreyer,哥本哈根大學(xué)博士研究員








變,但持懷疑態(tài)度的觀點(diǎn)意味著追求這些理想的不同行動(dòng)。本文的論點(diǎn)挑戰(zhàn)了長(zhǎng)期以來對(duì)“正常 vs 規(guī)



【原文】Russia's invasion of Ukraine brought both condemnation and to the European Union. EU policies

were condemned for being complacent, naive and greedy. However, when European leaders conducted a

coordinated response backing Ukraine, the war also vindicated the EU as a liberal project. The crisis has led

to a surge in support for the EU, unprecedented cooperation across policy areas and new accession negotiations

with the EU's eastern neighbours. To understand this shift, the article argues that crisis has catalysed the EU

becoming a sceptical liberal actor. Sceptical liberalism is characterized by a bleak view on the trajectory of

the international order, a self-critical understanding of Europe's role in it, and a willingness to intervene,

including with military means, to tackle political predicaments. The transition changes EU leaders' previous

optimistic liberal approach of pursuing peace and prosperity though mediation and interdependence.

Distinguishing between ideals and actions, the article argues that liberal ideals remain intact, but a sceptical

outlook implies different actions to pursue those ideals. The article's argument challenges longstanding

scholarly debates on ‘normal versus normative power Europe’, which build on an excessively bifurcated

assessment of EU foreign policy that fails to capture contemporary dynamics and the dilemmas they cause.

3. 中國、國際競(jìng)爭(zhēng)和主權(quán)債務(wù)重組的僵局:超越地緣政治(China, international

competition and the stalemate in sovereign debt restructuring: beyond geopolitics)

Shahar Hameiri,昆士蘭大學(xué)政治與國際學(xué)院教授

Lee Jones,瑪麗女王大學(xué)政治和國際關(guān)系系教授


2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


4. “手足兄弟”:法國,盎格魯文化圈和澳英美聯(lián)盟(BrOthers in Arms’: France, the

Anglosphere and AUKUS)

Jack Holland,利茲大學(xué)政治學(xué)院副教授

Eglantine Staunton,澳大利亞國立大學(xué)國際關(guān)系系高級(jí)講師



法國和盎格魯?shù)貐^(qū)的關(guān)系進(jìn)行了理論分析。2021 年 AUKUS 被宣布:這是一個(gè)建立在澳大利亞、英國

和美國三國之間的安全伙伴關(guān)系;但引人注目的是,AUKUS 將法國排除在外,盡管法國也傾向于使

用軍事力量捍衛(wèi)自由國際秩序。為了分析這個(gè)重要的當(dāng)代案例,本文對(duì) 540 篇政治和媒體文本進(jìn)行計(jì)

算機(jī)輔助的比較性話語分析,并對(duì) 37 次精英訪談進(jìn)行了主題分析。首先,本研究通過“手足兄弟”的




系在一起。最后,為了對(duì)外交政策和聯(lián)盟政策研究作出貢獻(xiàn),文本的分析將 AUKUS 置于法國-盎格魯


【原文】Important French foreign policy dyads, such as relations between France and the United Kingdom

and France and the United States, have consistently been subject to empirical, historical and policy analysis.

However, France's relationship with the broader Anglosphere is rarely considered or conceptualized. This

article theorizes France's relationship with the Anglosphere at a pivotal historical juncture. The 2021

announcement of AUKUS, a security partnership between Australia, the UK and the US, spectacularly

excluded France despite a shared proclivity to use military force in defence of liberal international order. To

analyse this vital contemporary case, we undertake a comparative, computer-aided discourse analysis of 540

political and media texts, triangulated with thematic analysis of 37 elite interviews. First, contributing to

constructivist and ontological security theory, we develop a novel theorization of alliance politics, generally,

through the concept of ‘brOthers in arms’, whereby a double identity inscription binds allies antagonistically

together. Second, contributing to critical studies of foreign policy and research on national identity, we locate

France–Anglosphere relations, specifically, towards the thick end of an alliance identity spectrum, held

together in mutual alterity by complementary, competing and co-constitutive exceptionalisms. Third,

contributing to studies of foreign policy and alliance politics, our analysis situates AUKUS within the fractious

longue durée of France–Anglosphere relations.

5. 對(duì)人類世的感受:全球南方的情感關(guān)系和生態(tài)激進(jìn)主義(Feeling for the Anthropocene:

affective relations and ecological activism in the global South)

Adarsh Badri,昆士蘭大學(xué)國際研究系博士研究生








能夠作為這些社會(huì)關(guān)系的供應(yīng)者。本文從實(shí)證的角度考察了在印度 Chipko(抱樹)運(yùn)動(dòng)中生態(tài)激進(jìn)主


和表演)成為印度奇 Chipko 運(yùn)動(dòng)中生態(tài)激進(jìn)主義的抵抗場(chǎng)所。最后,本文解釋了情感關(guān)系如何維系


【原文】How do emotions shape ecological activism in the global South? Despite growing interest in

researching ecological activism in International Relations (IR), there hasn't been much work that draws

insights from the global South due to the predominant focus on western societies. Against the backdrop of the

recent ‘relational’, ‘emotional’ and ‘Anthropocene’ turns in IR scholarship, this article examines how emotions

can contribute to ecological activism in the global South. The article seeks to move beyond the dominant

rationalist technocratic fixes to the Anthropocene condition and conceptualize the ‘a(chǎn)ffective relations’ as a

frame for situating and sustaining relations between humans and nature. It argues that the ‘international’ in IR

is a relational sphere of society—and emotions act as the purveyor of those social relations. Empirically, this

article examines historical insights from ecological activism in the Chipko (tree-hugging) movement in India.

The article argues that feelings as the non-violent practice (in their hugging of trees, silent demonstrations,

protest slogans, street plays, songs and performances) become sites of resistance in ecological activism in

India's Chipko movement. Finally, the article explains how affective relations sustain humans, nature and the


6. 透過民主鏡頭誤解緬甸(Misunderstanding Myanmar through the lens of democracy)

David Brenner,薩塞克斯大學(xué)國際關(guān)系系高級(jí)講師

【摘要】本文以 2021 年緬甸軍事政變及其暴力后果作為起點(diǎn),以分析西方觀察家通常將緬甸政治描









【原文】This article takes the 2021 military coup in Myanmar and its violent aftermath as a starting point for

analysing the dominant lens through which western observers commonly narrate the country's politics as a

struggle for democracy. It shows how focusing on questions of the political system is insufficient for

explaining political processes and conflict dynamics, and how it risks sanitizing the country's past and presence

of nationalism, ethnic conflict and genocide. A postcolonial reading suggests that finding solutions to conflict

and authoritarianism in Myanmar demands questioning the role of the modern nation-state itself. This analysis


2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


contributes to recent research which has found that Conflict and Peace Studies develops theories from some

conflicts over others, reflecting how western interests shape academic choices in a field that aims to inform

policy and practice worldwide. This article contributes to this debate on knowledge production by arguing that

this selectivity bias is not simply a function of general western interest (or lack thereof). It is also linked to the

frames that govern our interest in and understanding of countries and regions worldwide. Studying ‘forgotten

conflicts’ in the global South not only necessitates a turn to specialist literature, but also demands moving

beyond Eurocentric frames of reference.

7. 臨時(shí)聯(lián)盟如何使國際機(jī)制度非制度化(How ad hoc coalitions deinstitutionalize

international institutions)

Malte Brosig,金山大學(xué)國際關(guān)系系副教授

John Karlsrud,挪威國際事務(wù)研究所研究員


會(huì)對(duì)現(xiàn)存的體制安全格局帶來什么后果?其次,如何從概念上捕捉和探索 AHCs 與國際組織一起運(yùn)作



本文提出了去制度化的概念及其特征。本文確定了去制度化的三個(gè)特征:AHCs 可以避開政策制定的


詳細(xì)介紹了 AHCs 如何如何為改變國際和平與安全行動(dòng)融資的做法做出貢獻(xiàn)??傊?,本文揭示了去制



【原文】As ad hoc coalitions (AHCs) proliferate, particularly on the African continent, two questions

crystallize. First, what consequences do they bring about for the existing institutional security landscape? And

second, how can the trend of AHCs operating alongside instead of inside international organizations be

captured and explored conceptually? To answer these questions, we closely examine the Multinational Joint

Task Force (MNJTF) fighting Boko Haram and its changing relationship to the African Union. Through the

case-study and a review of policy and academic literatures, the article launches the concept of

deinstitutionalization and how it can be characterized. We identify three features of deinstitutionalization:

AHCs can bypass standard procedures for decision-making processes, whittle down established institutional

scripts and shift resource allocations. We detail how the AHCs contribute to changing practices of financing

international peace and security operations, with an examination of European Union and United Nations

policies and practices. In sum, the article unwraps processes of deinstitutionalization and identifies three forms

of rationales for this process: lack of problem-solving capacity, limited adaptability and path dependency.

8. 米歇爾·福柯視角下的實(shí)用主義反思:雙邊關(guān)系的治理(Rethinking pragmatism

through the lens of Michel Foucault: governance of bilateral relations)



Suban Kumar Chowdhury,拉杰沙希大學(xué)國際關(guān)系系副教授






(LBA)為例作為闡釋。LBA 成功挑戰(zhàn)了現(xiàn)實(shí)主義的權(quán)利范式,承認(rèn)了??率絼?dòng)態(tài)對(duì)加強(qiáng)務(wù)實(shí)平衡的的

關(guān)鍵性作用。這通過敏銳的治理豐富了建構(gòu)主義范式。在 LBA 中,通過福柯視角解讀實(shí)用主義強(qiáng)調(diào)



中心的范式,強(qiáng)調(diào)通過權(quán)力和知識(shí)的變革交叉點(diǎn)進(jìn)行細(xì)致入微的治理。正如在 LBA 中看到的那樣,



【原文】Pragmatism, responding to the call for ‘decentring International Relations’, fosters analytical

eclecticism for resolving inter-paradigmatic disputes. John Dewey's pragmatism aligns seamlessly with

constructivism, offering nuanced insights. However, in bilateral relations, pragmatism is often confined within

realist frameworks, lacking analytical rigor for understanding governmentality. In this article, the author

challenges this by emphasizing relational power dynamics and non-neutral knowledge, introducing ‘balancing

pragmatism’ rooted in ‘bricolage’ for nuanced governance. Leveraging Foucauldian insights, the author

reconceptualizes governance pragmatism within the power-knowledge interplay, illustrated by the India–

Bangladesh Land Boundary Agreement (LBA). The LBA's success challenges realist power paradigms,

recognizing the pivotal role of Foucauldian dynamics in enhancing pragmatic balancing. This enriches the

constructivist paradigm with discerning governance. Interpreting pragmatism through a Foucauldian lens in

the LBA underscores implications for bilateral governance, highlighting analytical eclecticism and

adaptability within a Foucauldian framework to address geopolitical challenges. It advocates for a more

inclusive analytical approach in international relations. Understanding ‘balancing pragmatism’ is crucial for

practitioners, challenging the state-centric paradigm and emphasizing nuanced governance through the

transformative intersection of power and knowledge. Interpreting pragmatism as a Foucauldian-informed

balancing act, as seen in the LBA, holds broad implications for IR, urging scholars to integrate Foucault's

dynamics for nuanced global analyses of pragmatic balancing.




2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


《國際研究評(píng)論》(Review of International Studies)

Review of International Studies, Vol.50, No.2, 2024

1. 機(jī)制復(fù)合體的協(xié)商:追蹤正在形成的機(jī)制復(fù)合體(Negotiating regime complexity:

Following a regime complex in the making)

Arne Langlet,維也納大學(xué)政治系博士生

Alice Vadrot,維也納大學(xué)政治系副教授








會(huì)議(IGCs)(2018—2019 年)期間收集到的觀測(cè)數(shù)據(jù)。本文結(jié)合此方法的優(yōu)缺點(diǎn)以及對(duì)未來機(jī)制復(fù)


【原文】This article broadens the understanding and empirical study of regime complexes by shifting the

focus from the negotiation outcome to the processes of negotiating new international agreements. Although

they are important to regime-complex formation and delimitation, the sites where states negotiate new

agreements are rather neglected. We aim to enhance the methodological toolbox available to scholars studying

global governance in two ways: (1) by demonstrating how dynamic relationships between states and

international organisations (IOs) unfolding within the social space of international treaty negotiations

contribute to regime-complex formation; and (2) how social network analysis (SNA) can help us to detect

patterns in these relationships. Combining participant observation and collaborative event ethnography (CEE)

with social network analysis, we present new empirical material illustrating how we delimited a regime

complex and how IOs interact throughout the negotiation process. We applied our methodology to the case of

《國際研究評(píng)論》(Review of International Studies)是由


的國際關(guān)系學(xué)術(shù)期刊,其前身為 British Journal of

International Studies (1975-1980)。該期刊致力于反映全球



年該期刊的影響因子為 2.73。



marine-biodiversity governance and use observational data collected during three intergovernmental

conferences (IGCs) (2018–19) on a new treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity

beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) for our analysis. We discuss the results in relation to our approach’s

strengths and weaknesses and implications for future research on regime complexity.

2. 人際關(guān)系的力量:國際機(jī)構(gòu)與人權(quán)倡導(dǎo)的社會(huì)法律分析(The power of interpersonal

relationships: A socio-legal approach to international institutions and human rights


Nina Reiners,奧斯陸大學(xué)法學(xué)院人權(quán)與社會(huì)科學(xué)系副教授




1)描述倡導(dǎo)網(wǎng)絡(luò)中關(guān)鍵參與者的分布,并進(jìn)行 2)過程追蹤和 3)個(gè)人傳記研究。本文將該框架應(yīng)用



【原文】This article further develops and illustrates the argument that relationships between individuals help

to explain the success of human rights advocacy in international institutions. Drawing from advocacy theory

and socio-legal studies, I shift the attention from collective forms of advocacy to the importance of

interpersonal relationships of advocates with individuals in international institutions to influence the

development of human rights. I introduce a framework consisting of three analytical steps – mapping the key

actors in a network, process-tracing, and biographical research – and apply the framework to three cases of

norm development by a United Nations human rights treaty body. My findings highlight the power of

interpersonal relationships for the making of human rights, and they inform scholarship on transnational elites,

human rights advocacy, and the politics of international law.

3. 全球政治中的國際記憶:支持或反對(duì)聯(lián)合國干預(yù)利比亞和敘利亞(International

memories in global politics: Making the case for or against UN intervention in Libya and


Kathrin Bachleitner,牛津大學(xué)國際發(fā)展部(難民研究中心)國際關(guān)系研究員








2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


【原文】This paper is interested in the role and function of memories in United Nations Security Council

debates about humanitarian intervention. It posits that historical experiences and their lessons serve as

interpretative devices for the abstract international norms and principles under discussion. The paper speaks

of ‘international memories’ where the meaning and lessons derived from the past coalesce among a group of

states. Empirically, its case study explores how the memories of totalitarianism/fascism and colonialism were

employed in United Nations (UN) representatives’ verbal pleas to intervene in Libya and Syria after the Arab

Spring. It finds that those who supported or opposed humanitarian intervention held different interpretations

of these memories and their lessons. In each case, however, memories provided essential normative guidance

to states when it came to implementing the abstract international principles, norms, and rights that underlie

humanitarian intervention.

4. 跨國宣傳的雙螺旋糾纏:對(duì) LGBTI 權(quán)利的道德保守主義抵制(The double-helix

entanglements of transnational advocacy: Moral conservative resistance to LGBTI rights)

Phillip M. Ayoub,倫敦大學(xué)學(xué)院政治學(xué)與公共政策學(xué)院教授

Kristina Stoeckl,意大利 Luiss 大學(xué)社會(huì)學(xué)系教授


成就可以追溯到“螺旋模式”中的各種因素,包括 LGBTI 權(quán)利運(yùn)動(dòng)的跨國動(dòng)員、少數(shù)先驅(qū)政府的行動(dòng)


法來主張其權(quán)利,致使反對(duì) LGBTI 權(quán)利的抵抗運(yùn)動(dòng)正在全球日益興起?;谑甑奶镆罢{(diào)查和對(duì)

LGBTI、反 LGBTI、國家和國際組織行為者的 240 次訪談,本文探討了保守的倡議網(wǎng)絡(luò)如何運(yùn)作,包

括人員構(gòu)成及其如何構(gòu)建議程。本文認(rèn)為,保守倡議網(wǎng)絡(luò)采用了使用了許多獲得 LGBTIQ 人群廣泛認(rèn)




【原文】The rights of people who are marginalised by their sexual orientation and gender identity (LGBTI)

have improved in many countries. Largely, these achievements can be traced back to the ‘spiral model’ of

factors including transnational mobilisation by the LGBTI rights movement, the actions of a few pioneering

governments, and advances in the human rights frameworks of some international organisations (IOs). Yet a

rising and increasingly globally connected resistance works against LGBTI rights. It rests predominantly in

the hands of a transnational advocacy network (TAN) that attempts to lay claim to international human rights

law by reinterpreting it. Drawing on a decade of fieldwork and 240 interviews with LGBTI, anti-LGBTI, and

state and IO actors, this article explores how the conservative TAN functions, in terms of who comprises it

and how its agenda is constructed. We argue that this TAN has employed many of the same transnational tools

that garnered LGBTIQ people their widespread recognition. It also conforms to the spiral model of rights

diffusion, but in a process we call a double helix. As the double-helix metaphor suggests, rival TANs have a

reciprocal relationship, having to navigate each other’s presence in an interactive space and thus using related

strategies and instruments for mutually exclusive ends.



5. 超越女性代表人數(shù):承認(rèn)女性在全球治理中的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)作用(Beyond the numbers on

women’s representation: Recognition of women’s leadership in global governance)

Hortense Jongen,阿姆斯特丹自由大學(xué)國際關(guān)系助理教授



球多利益相關(guān)方倡議(multistakeholder initiatives)中激勵(lì)人心和富有遠(yuǎn)見的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力的看法?;趯?duì)一

項(xiàng)前沿的多利益相關(guān)方倡議——互聯(lián)網(wǎng)名稱與數(shù)字地址分配機(jī)構(gòu)(ICANN)——參與者的 467 次訪



的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)特質(zhì)歸于女性而非男性;3、對(duì)于 ICANN 的男性和女性領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者而言,女性和男性的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)特質(zhì)都




【原文】To what extent has the glass ceiling in global governance been shattered? To answer this question,

we need to look beyond the numbers on women’s representation and study how far women are perceived as

inspiring and visionary leaders in global governance. This article offers an analysis of perceptions of inspiring

and visionary leadership in global multistakeholder initiatives from a gender perspective. Based on 467

interviews with participants in a leading multistakeholder initiative, the Internet Corporation for Assigned

Names and Numbers (ICANN), it presents four findings: (1) respondents identify more men than women as

inspiring and visionary leaders, with the difference roughly corresponding to the share of women in leadership

roles; (2) respondents tend to ascribe more leadership attributes to women than to men when explaining why

they find them inspiring and visionary; (3) both feminine and masculine leadership traits are appreciated in

relation to both men and women leaders at ICANN; (4) female respondents identify more women as inspiring

and visionary leaders than male respondents. These findings contribute novel insights into gendered

perceptions around leadership and the importance of role models in global governance. They also shed muchneeded light on the demands and expectations from leadership in global multistakeholder arrangements.

6. 政府間氣候變化專門委員會(huì)中的行為體、活動(dòng)與權(quán)威類型(Actors, activities, and

forms of authority in the IPCC)

Hannah Hughes,卡迪夫大學(xué)國際關(guān)系系高級(jí)講師




學(xué)術(shù)反思性能夠推動(dòng)發(fā)展新的分析方法,為不斷變化的組織結(jié)構(gòu)提供實(shí)用的見解。通過反思對(duì) IPCC

的理解,本文提供了一個(gè)關(guān)于行為體、活動(dòng)和權(quán)威類型新分析框架。通過應(yīng)用該框架,本文闡述了 IPCC


2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)





【原文】Scholarship on global environmental assessments call for these organisations to become more

reflexive to address challenges around participation, inclusivity of perspectives, and responsivity to the policy

domains they inform. However, there has been less call for reflexivity in IPCC scholarship or closer

examination of how routine concepts condition scholarly understanding by focusing on science and politics

over other social dynamics. In this article, I suggest that scholarly reflexivity could advance new analytical

approaches that provide practical insights for changing organisational structures. Through reflecting on my

understanding of the IPCC, I develop actors, activities, and forms of authority as a new analytical framework

for studying international organisations and knowledge bodies. Through its application, I describe the social

order of the IPCC within and between the panel, the bureau, the technical support units, the secretariat and the

authors, which is revealing of which actors, on the basis of what authority, have symbolic power over the

writing of climate change. The fine-grained analysis of organisations enabled by this analytical framework

reveals how dominance can and is being remade through intergovernmental relations and potentially, identifies

avenues that managers of these bodies can pursue to challenge it.

7. 國家之后,人性之前?在伊拉克、阿富汗和巴勒斯坦的合法性元政治學(xué)與國際刑事法

院(After states, before humanity? The meta-politics of legality and the International

Criminal Court in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine)

Janis Grzybowski,里爾天主教大學(xué)國際關(guān)系講師

Filipe dos Reis,哥本哈根大學(xué)國際關(guān)系講師










【原文】In the debate on the (de-)judicialisation of international affairs and the International Criminal Court

(ICC) specifically, the distinctions between legality and politics and between state sovereignty and the

international remain contested. While realist and legalist approaches discuss the transformation of international

politics by international criminal law, sociological and critical-legal perspectives instead highlight the politics

of international criminal law. In this contribution, we focus on how the distinctions between (international)

law and politics matter, not as substantively opposed spheres, but as boundaries that the ICC itself contingently



and flexibly draws when considering particular situations. These meta-politics of invoking and reproducing

key boundaries in seemingly technical elaborations of the interest of justice, the scope of its jurisdiction, or

the application of complementarity reflect the Court’s particular authority but also its predicament of pushing

for an international criminal law serving humanity, rather than states, while reproducing the distinctions

between (international) law and politics. We illustrate the Court’s meta-politics by revisiting three recent

decisions of the ICC to (not) investigate alleged international crimes committed by British forces in Iraq, by

the Taliban, governmental, and US forces in Afghanistan, and by Israeli authorities and Palestinian groups in

the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza.

8. 歐盟的概念政治和應(yīng)對(duì)危機(jī)的韌性(Conceptual politics and resilience-at-work in the

European Union)

Jonathan Joseph,布里斯托大學(xué)政治與國際關(guān)系教授

Ana E. Juncos,布里斯托大學(xué)政治與國際關(guān)系教授



這些事態(tài)發(fā)展的影響。歐盟的韌性(resilience)轉(zhuǎn)向始于 2016 年歐盟全球戰(zhàn)略,其旨在為外部沖擊做




度路徑依賴,本文試圖研究這一概念的轉(zhuǎn)變,并以《戰(zhàn)略指南》(Strategic Compass)和歐盟復(fù)蘇與韌

性基金(Recovery and Resilience Facility)為例來探討這一論點(diǎn)。

【原文】International crises, most recently the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, often

radically change our view of the world and our place within it. The European Union (EU) has been particularly

impacted by these developments because these crises have accentuated some of its ontological and

epistemological uncertainties and insecurities. While the EU’s resilience turn initiated by the EU Global

Strategy of 2016 aimed at strengthening the EU’s ability to prepare and recover from external shocks and

crises, since then, the concept of resilience has undergone a transformation. In recent years, we have seen the

EU turning back in on itself and abandoning the radical aspects of resilience. Hence a paradox has emerged –

the more complex the problems faced by the EU, the more it turns away from the logics of complexity present

in the idea of resilience. In this article, we examine this conceptual shift through the lenses of concepts in

action and the way these have reflected changes in the external context, but also power coalitions and

institutional path dependencies. This argument will be explored by examining the recently adopted Strategic

Compass and the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).

9. 對(duì)心靈的侵犯:戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)和壓迫中的父母?jìng)Γ╒iolations of the heart: Parental harm in

war and oppression)


2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


Rebekka Friedman,倫敦國王學(xué)院高級(jí)講師

Hanna Ketola,倫敦國王學(xué)院博士后研究員

【摘要】本文探討了“父母?jìng)Α保╬arental harm)——當(dāng)父母面臨(可能)失去子女的威脅時(shí)所受到的









【原文】This article examines ‘parental harm’ – a harm that occurs when a parent loses or faces the threat of

losing a child. We contend that the manipulation and severing of relationships between parents and children

has played a central role in war and oppression across historical contexts. Parental harm has long-term and

pervasive effects and results in complex legacies for carers and their communities. Despite its grave impact,

there is little research within International Relations into parental harm and understanding of its effects. We

conceptualise parental harm through two frames – the ‘harm of separation’ and ‘harm to the ability to parent’

– and theorise gendered dimensions of how it is perpetuated and experienced. As such, we advance feminist

understandings of family as a gendered institution that shapes the conduct of war and institutionalises

racialised oppression. Our conception of parental harm offers novel insights into the relationship between

intimate relations, the family, and state power and practices. We illustrate our conceptual arguments through

two examples: the control and manipulation of family in antebellum slavery in the United States and the

targeting of Tamil children in disappearances in Sri Lanka. These examples demonstrate the pervasiveness of

parental harm across contexts and forms of violence.





《政治分析》(Political Analysis)

Political Analysis, Vol.32, No.2, 2024

1. 廣義核正則最小二乘法(Generalized Kernel Regularized Least Squares)

Qing Chang,匹茲堡大學(xué)政治學(xué)博士研究生

Max Goplerud,匹茲堡大學(xué)政治學(xué)助理教授



靈活,無法將 KRLS 與隨機(jī)效應(yīng)、非規(guī)則化固定效應(yīng)或非高斯結(jié)果等理論性擴(kuò)展結(jié)合起來。其次,即

使是大小適中的數(shù)據(jù)集,估算工作的計(jì)算量也非常之大。本文通過引入廣義 KRLS(gKRLS)來解決

這兩個(gè)問題。本文認(rèn)為,KRLS 可以被重新表述為一個(gè)分層模型,從而可以方便地進(jìn)行推斷和模塊化

模型構(gòu)建,其中 KRLS 能夠與隨機(jī)效應(yīng)、樣條曲線和非規(guī)則化固定效應(yīng)一起使用。在計(jì)算方面,還實(shí)

現(xiàn)了隨機(jī)草圖,以顯著加快估計(jì)速度,但同時(shí)也會(huì)對(duì)估計(jì)質(zhì)量產(chǎn)生有限的影響。本文證明,gKRLS 可

以在 1 分鐘內(nèi)擬合數(shù)以萬計(jì)的觀測(cè)數(shù)據(jù)集。此外,需要擬合十幾次模型的最先進(jìn)技術(shù)(如元學(xué)習(xí)器)


【原文】Kernel regularized least squares (KRLS) is a popular method for flexibly estimating models that may

have complex relationships between variables. However, its usefulness to many researchers is limited for two

reasons. First, existing approaches are inflexible and do not allow KRLS to be combined with theoretically

motivated extensions such as random effects, unregularized fixed effects, or non-Gaussian outcomes. Second,

estimation is extremely computationally intensive for even modestly sized datasets. Our paper addresses both

concerns by introducing generalized KRLS (gKRLS). We note that KRLS can be re-formulated as a

hierarchical model thereby allowing easy inference and modular model construction where KRLS can be used

alongside random effects, splines, and unregularized fixed effects. Computationally, we also implement

random sketching to dramatically accelerate estimation while incurring a limited penalty in estimation quality.

We demonstrate that gKRLS can be fit on datasets with tens of thousands of observations in under 1 min.

《政治分析》(Political Analysis)發(fā)表同行評(píng)審的文章,





2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


Further, state-of-the-art techniques that require fitting the model over a dozen times (e.g., meta-learners) can

be estimated quickly.

2. 分離下的假設(shè)檢驗(yàn)(Hypothesis Tests under Separation)

Carlisle Rainey,佛羅里達(dá)州立大學(xué)政治學(xué)系副教授



本文研究表明,研究人員可以使用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)頻率工具輕松檢驗(yàn)有關(guān)模型系數(shù)的假設(shè)。雖然流行的 Wald 檢

驗(yàn)在分離條件下會(huì)產(chǎn)生誤導(dǎo)性(甚至無意義)的 p 值,但作者的研究表明,似然比檢驗(yàn)和分?jǐn)?shù)檢驗(yàn)的


率工具得出有意義的 p 值。

【原文】Separation commonly occurs in political science, usually when a binary explanatory variable perfectly

predicts a binary outcome. In these situations, methodologists often recommend penalized maximum

likelihood or Bayesian estimation. But researchers might struggle to identify an appropriate penalty or prior

distribution. Fortunately, I show that researchers can easily test hypotheses about the model coefficients with

standard frequentist tools. While the popular Wald test produces misleading (even nonsensical) p-values under

separation, I show that likelihood ratio tests and score tests behave in the usual manner. Therefore, researchers

can produce meaningful p-values with standard frequentist tools under separation without the use of penalties

or prior information.

3. 國際關(guān)系中的二元聚類(Dyadic Clustering in International Relations)

Jacob Carlson,哈佛大學(xué)經(jīng)濟(jì)系博士生

Trevor Incerti,阿姆斯特丹大學(xué)政治經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)助理教授

P. M. Aronow,耶魯大學(xué)政治學(xué)系副教授




(DCRSE)。使用這些二元聚類穩(wěn)健標(biāo)準(zhǔn)誤差,作者重新分析了 2014 年 1 月至 2020 年 1 月期間發(fā)表




因此,得出的結(jié)論是,考慮二元聚類既重要又可行,并提供了 R 和 Stata 軟件以促進(jìn)在未來研究中使


【原文】Quantitative empirical inquiry in international relations often relies on dyadic data. Standard analytic

techniques do not account for the fact that dyads are not generally independent of one another. That is, when

dyads share a constituent member (e.g., a common country), they may be statistically dependent, or “clustered.”



Recent work has developed dyadic clustering robust standard errors (DCRSEs) that account for this

dependence. Using these DCRSEs, we reanalyzed all empirical articles published in International Organization

between January 2014 and January 2020 that feature dyadic data. We find that published standard errors for

key explanatory variables are, on average, approximately half as large as DCRSEs, suggesting that dyadic

clustering is leading researchers to severely underestimate uncertainty. However, most (67% of) statistically

significant findings remain statistically significant when using DCRSEs. We conclude that accounting for

dyadic clustering is both important and feasible, and offer software in R and Stata to facilitate use of DCRSEs

in future research.

4. 視覺框架無監(jiān)督和半監(jiān)督分析框架(A Framework for the Unsupervised and SemiSupervised Analysis of Visual Frames)

Michelle Torres,加州大學(xué)洛杉磯分校政治學(xué)系助理教授






一個(gè)新穎的視覺結(jié)構(gòu)主題模型來說明 BoVW 的范圍,該模型實(shí)質(zhì)上側(cè)重于從中美洲移民大篷車的圖


【原文】This article introduces to political science a framework to analyze the content of visual material

through unsupervised and semi-supervised methods. It details the implementation of a tool from the computer

vision field, the Bag of Visual Words (BoVW), for the definition and extraction of “tokens” that allow

researchers to build an Image-Visual Word Matrix which emulates the Document-Term matrix in text analysis.

This reduction technique is the basis for several tools familiar to social scientists, such as topic models, that

permit exploratory, and semi-supervised analysis of images. The framework has gains in transparency,

interpretability, and inclusion of domain knowledge with respect to other deep learning techniques. I illustrate

the scope of the BoVW by conducting a novel visual structural topic model which focuses substantively on

the identification of visual frames from the pictures of the migrant caravan from Central America.

5. 從大規(guī)模新聞檔案中進(jìn)行人臉檢測(cè)、跟蹤和分類,以分析關(guān)鍵政治人物(Face

Detection, Tracking, and Classification from Large-Scale News Archives for Analysis of

Key Political Figures)

Andreu Girbau,東京國家信息研究所數(shù)字內(nèi)容和媒體科學(xué)研究部研究員

Tetsuro Kobayashi,早稻田大學(xué)政治經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)院教授

Benjamin Renoust,大阪大學(xué)數(shù)據(jù)性科學(xué)研究所博士

Yusuke Matsui,東京大學(xué)信息科學(xué)研究生院信息通信工學(xué)系助理教授

Shin’ichi Satoh,東京大學(xué)信息科學(xué)與技術(shù)研究生院教授


2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)





像,就能對(duì)其進(jìn)行可靠的檢測(cè)、跟蹤和分類。本文對(duì)兩個(gè)跨度 10 到 20 年的新聞檔案中的著名政治人



【原文】Analyzing the appearances of political figures in large-scale news archives is increasingly important

with the growing availability of large-scale news archives and developments in computer vision. We present

a deep learning-based method combining face detection, tracking, and classification, which is particularly

unique because it does not require any re-training when targeting new individuals. Users can feed only a few

images of target individuals to reliably detect, track, and classify them. Extensive validation of prominent

political figures in two news archives spanning 10 to 20 years, one containing three U.S. cable news and the

other including two major Japanese news programs, consistently shows high performance and flexibility of

the proposed method. The codes are made readily available to the public.

6. 實(shí)施很重要:評(píng)估比例風(fēng)險(xiǎn)測(cè)試的性能(Implementation Matters: Evaluating the

Proportional Hazard Test’s Performance)

Shawna K. Metzger,布法羅大學(xué)政治學(xué)系助理教授

【摘要】政治學(xué)家通常使用 Grambsch 和 Therneau(1994,Biometrika 81,515-526)普遍存在的 Schoenfeld

檢驗(yàn)來診斷 Cox 持續(xù)時(shí)間模型中的比例風(fēng)險(xiǎn)違規(guī)情況。然而,一些統(tǒng)計(jì)軟件包已經(jīng)改變了檢驗(yàn)的計(jì)算




遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)超過 5%,相比之下,傳統(tǒng)的實(shí)現(xiàn)方法在同樣的情況下卻不存在此類問題。這一令人震驚的發(fā)現(xiàn)




【原文】Political scientists commonly use Grambsch and Therneau’s (1994, Biometrika 81, 515–526)

ubiquitous Schoenfeld-based test to diagnose proportional hazard violations in Cox duration models. However,

some statistical packages have changed how they implement the test’s calculation. The traditional

implementation makes a simplifying assumption about the test’s variance–covariance matrix, while the newer

implementation does not. Recent work suggests the test’s performance differs, depending on its

implementation. I use Monte Carlo simulations to more thoroughly investigate whether the test’s

implementation affects its performance. Surprisingly, I find the newer implementation performs very poorly

with correlated covariates, with a false positive rate far above 5%. By contrast, the traditional implementation

has no such issues in the same situations. This shocking finding raises new, complex questions for researchers

moving forward. It appears to suggest, for now, researchers should favor the traditional implementation in



situations where its simplifying assumption is likely met, but researchers must also be mindful that this

implementation’s false positive rate can be high in misspecified models.

7. 解釋招募極端主義:貝葉斯分層案例對(duì)照方法(Explaining Recruitment to Extremism:

A Bayesian Hierarchical Case–Control Approach)

Roberto Cerina,阿姆斯特丹大學(xué)邏輯、語言和計(jì)算研究所媒體研究系

Christopher Barrie,愛丁堡愛丁堡大學(xué)社會(huì)學(xué)系講師

Neil Ketchley,牛津大學(xué)政治與國際關(guān)系系政治學(xué)副教授

Aaron Y. Zelin,蘭迪斯大學(xué)政治系訪問研究學(xué)者








復(fù)雜。隨附的 ExtremeR 軟件包為應(yīng)用研究人員提供了實(shí)施該方法的功能。

【原文】Who joins extremist movements? Answering this question is beset by methodological challenges as

survey techniques are infeasible and selective samples provide no counterfactual. Recruits can be assigned to

contextual units, but this is vulnerable to problems of ecological inference. In this article, we elaborate a

technique that combines survey and ecological approaches. The Bayesian hierarchical case–control design that

we propose allows us to identify individual-level and contextual factors patterning the incidence of recruitment

to extremism, while accounting for spatial autocorrelation, rare events, and contamination. We empirically

validate our approach by matching a sample of Islamic State (ISIS) fighters from nine MENA countries with

representative population surveys enumerated shortly before recruits joined the movement. High-status

individuals in their early twenties with college education were more likely to join ISIS. There is more mixed

evidence for relative deprivation. The accompanying extremeR package provides functionality for applied

researchers to implement our approach.

8. ??怂剐侣剬?duì)冠狀病毒疫情(COVID-19)期間健康行為的影響(The Effect of Fox

News on Health Behavior during COVID-19)

Elliott Ash,Sergio Galletta,Dominik Hangartner,蘇黎世聯(lián)邦理工學(xué)院人文、社會(huì)和政治科學(xué)系

Matteo Pinna,Yotam Margalit,特拉維夫大學(xué)政治學(xué)與國際事務(wù)學(xué)院教授

【摘要】在 2020 年冠狀病毒(COVID-19)大流行的最初幾周,??怂剐侣?lì)l道提出了一種懷疑論,





2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


文發(fā)現(xiàn)??怂剐侣劦挠绊懖粌H來自其長(zhǎng)期以來對(duì)科學(xué)的不信任立場(chǎng),還來自于將 COVID-19 威脅最小



【原文】In the early weeks of the 2020 coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Fox News Channel advanced

a skeptical narrative that downplayed the risks posed by the virus. We find that this narrative had significant

consequences: in localities with higher Fox News viewership—exogenous due to random variation in channel

positioning—people were less likely to adopt behaviors geared toward social distancing (e.g., staying at home)

and consumed fewer goods in preparation (e.g., cleaning products, hand sanitizers, and masks). Using original

survey data, we find that the effect of Fox News came not merely from its long-standing distrustful stance

toward science, but also due to program-specific content that minimized the COVID-19 threat. Taken together,

our results demonstrate the significant impact that misinformation in media coverage can exert on viewers’

beliefs and behavior, even in high-stakes situations.

9. 交易自由:根據(jù)聯(lián)合數(shù)據(jù)估計(jì) COVID-19 政策偏好(Trading Liberties: Estimating

COVID-19 Policy Preferences from Conjoint Data)

Felix Hartmann,F(xiàn)erdinand Geissler,Heike Klüver,Johannes Giesecke, 柏林洪堡大學(xué)社會(huì)科學(xué)系

Macartan Humphreys,柏林洪堡大學(xué)的名譽(yù)教授,“制度與政治不平等”研究小組主任



德國 10000 多名受訪者進(jìn)行的一項(xiàng)聯(lián)合實(shí)驗(yàn),以研究 COVID-19 危機(jī)期間受訪者對(duì)個(gè)人自由和公共福







【原文】Survey experiments are an important tool to measure policy preferences. Researchers often rely on

the random assignment of policy attribute levels to estimate different types of average marginal effects. Yet,

researchers are often interested in how respondents trade-off different policy dimensions. We use a conjoint

experiment administered to more than 10,000 respondents in Germany, to study preferences over personal

freedoms and public welfare during the COVID-19 crisis. Using a pre-registered structural model, we estimate

policy ideal points and indifference curves to assess the conditions under which citizens are willing to sacrifice

freedoms in the interest of public well-being. We document broad willingness to accept restrictions on rights

alongside sharp heterogeneity with respect to vaccination status. The majority of citizens are vaccinated and

strongly support limitations on freedoms in response to extreme conditions—especially, when they vaccinated

themselves are exempted from these limitations. The unvaccinated minority prefers no restrictions on freedoms



regardless of the severity of the pandemic. These policy packages also matter for reported trust in government,

in opposite ways for vaccinated and unvaccinated citizens.



《劍橋國際事務(wù)評(píng)論》(Cambridge Review of International Affairs)

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 37, No. 2, 2024

1. 作為朝鮮公共外交工具的宣傳照片:對(duì)金正恩效應(yīng)的實(shí)驗(yàn)分析(Propaganda

photographs as a tool of North Korean public diplomacy: an experimental analysis of the

Kim Jong-un effect)

Olli Hellmann,新西蘭懷卡托大學(xué)政治學(xué)和國際關(guān)系高級(jí)講師

Kai Opperman,德國開姆尼茨理工大學(xué)國際政治學(xué)教授



第一步,本文對(duì)美國成年人的代表性樣本(N = 800)進(jìn)行了嚴(yán)格的調(diào)查實(shí)驗(yàn),以證明由朝鮮的官方媒





【原文】A growing body of research shows that the pariah regime of North Korea—as other countries too—

cares about how it is perceived internationally. However, so far, we know very little about how effective North

Korea’s strategic efforts are in improving its image among foreign audiences. As a first step toward addressing

《劍橋國際事務(wù)評(píng)論》(Cambridge Review of International





定者提交多學(xué)科和跨學(xué)科的貢獻(xiàn)。其 2021 年的影響因子

為 2.492,在 96 種國際關(guān)系期刊中排名第 33。


2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


this gap, we employ a rigorous survey experiment among a representative sample of US adults (N?=?800) to

demonstrate that propaganda photographs of Kim Jong-un—produced and distributed by the regime’s official

mouthpiece, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA)—succeed in improving perceptions of North Korea,

albeit only among audiences with limited political knowledge. By providing evidence that news photographs

are effective strategic communication instruments, our paper also makes an original and significant

contribution to general scholarship on mediated public diplomacy, which has until now paid little attention to

visual media as a tool of image management.

2. 從中國視角看俄羅斯在中東的“機(jī)會(huì)主義”(An opportunistic Russia in the Middle

East, a view from China)

Andrea Ghiselli,復(fù)旦大學(xué)國際關(guān)系與公共事務(wù)學(xué)院助理教授

【原文】As Sino-American competition and Russo-American tensions continue to rise, many believe that

China and Russia have established an increasingly well-coordinated division of labour to undermine the United

States. Yet, this discussion has long neglected the analysis of Sino-Russian relations in the Middle East despite

the importance of that region. Hence, this article investigates how Russian actions there are perceived in China

through the analysis of the debate among Chinese foreign policy experts. Russia is seen as an opportunistic

actor whose behaviour is only partially consistent with Chinese interests. However, problems related to

China’s own Middle East policy and the pressure caused by the rivalry with the United States in Asia greatly

limit China’s capability to adopt a more assertive approach. These findings prompt important considerations

about the dynamics of the triangular Sino-Russian-American relations. They also help us to understand

Chinese foreign policy and the evolution of world politics better.

3. 唐納德·特朗普與國際組織的生存戰(zhàn)略:機(jī)構(gòu)行為體何時(shí)才能應(yīng)對(duì)生存挑戰(zhàn)?

(Donald Trump and the survival strategies of international organisations: when can

institutional actors counter existential challenges?)

Hylke Dijkstra,荷蘭馬斯特里赫特大學(xué)政治學(xué)系的副教授

Laura von Allw?rden,荷蘭馬斯特里赫特大學(xué)政治學(xué)系的博士候選人

Leonard A. Schuette,荷蘭馬斯特里赫特大學(xué)政治學(xué)系博士生

Giuseppe Zaccaria,荷蘭馬斯特里赫特大學(xué)政治學(xué)系的博士候選人











【原文】The Trump administration posed an unprecedented challenge to many international organisations

(IOs). This article analyses the ability of IOs to respond and explains variation in the survival strategies pursued

by their institutional actors. It argues that leadership, organisational structure, competences and external

networks affect whether institutional actors can formulate and implement responses to existential challenges.

Providing evidence from the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), United Nations Framework

Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and World Trade Organisation (WTO), this article shows how

institutional actors varied in their ability to pursue survival strategies toward Trump. NATO officials publicly

leveraged the Trump challenge on burden-sharing while quietly shielding the alliance from Trump on Russia

policy. UNFCCC officials considered United States withdrawal from the Paris Agreement to be inevitable and

focused on preventing further withdrawals through coalitions with non-state actors. WTO officials lacked the

leadership and organisational structure to formulate a strategic response.

4. 透視跨大西洋(錯(cuò)誤)信任:不對(duì)稱、拋棄和聯(lián)盟凝聚力(Trans-atlantic (mis)trust

in perspective: asymmetry, abandonment and alliance cohesion)

Matti Pesu,芬蘭國際事務(wù)研究所的首席研究員

Ville Sinkkonen,芬蘭國際事務(wù)研究所的博士后研究員










【原文】This article clarifies the role of trust in alliances with a focus on NATO. We bridge IR scholarship

on trust and alliance theory by dealing with trust as a central factor in maintaining alliance cohesion and

longevity. NATO has, throughout its history, been characterised by an asymmetric trusting relationship, with

Europe being more vulnerable to defection than its American counterpart. This means that a fear of

abandonment, intrinsic to the structure of reciprocal commitment in all alliances, has been felt differently on

the opposite sides of the Atlantic, with implications for how specific crises have led to a fluctuation in

(mis)trust. Whereas the Europeans have harboured mistrust regarding the longevity of the US commitment

and extended deterrence, the Americans have doubted the Europeans’ faithfulness to US leadership and

willingness to share the alliance’s burdens. Simultaneously, general trust – cultivated by shared interests,

institutions, interdependence and converging identities – has bound the allies together. The article then uses

these insights to analyse the Trump presidency, which marked an historic spike in mistrust between the US


2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


and the Europeans. Despite the unforeseen tumult, the presidency did not result in the definitive collapse of

trust in the trans-Atlantic relationship, let alone NATO.

5. 阿拉伯起義對(duì)土耳其外交政策的影響:安卡拉的地區(qū)強(qiáng)國幻想(The legacy of the

Arab uprisings on Turkey’s foreign policy: Ankara’s regional power delusion)

Osman Bahadir Din?er,德國波恩國際沖突研究中心(BICC)高級(jí)研究員








【原文】In the aftermath of the Arab upheavals, Turkey pursued an overambitious regional leadership agenda

that appeared incompatible with its underlying capabilities. In retrospect, there was sufficient evidence in the

wake of the Arab upheavals that Turkey’s power capacity did not match the assertive rhetoric used by Turkish

ruling elites that the region should be remade in their image. However, Turkish foreign policy was not finetuned to the situation. On the contrary, Turkey increased the assertiveness of its tone. In the face of ample

empirical evidence pointing to the unsustainability of Turkish leadership’s ambitions in the region, why did

an overhaul not take place in its Middle East policies? Drawing from multiple qualitative data sources, this

study argues that at least two factors explain this paradox: (i) overconfidence that led to glaze-over effects and

(ii) the civilisational perspective of the ruling elite, which underestimated conventional international relations






《中國國際政治季刊》(The China Journal of International Politics)

The China Journal of International Politics, Vol.17, No.1, 2024

1. 尋求地位:1970-2020 年聯(lián)合國演講中的中國和美國(In Search of Status: China and

the USA in United Nations Speeches, 1970–2020)

Joseph M Parent,美國圣母大學(xué)政治學(xué)系教授

Paul K MacDonald,美國韋爾斯利學(xué)院政治學(xué)系教授



較而言的概念,因此很難衡量。本文旨在通過運(yùn)用 1970-2020 年聯(lián)合國一般性辯論發(fā)言中的文本數(shù)據(jù)





【原文】What is China’s status? The answer has major repercussions for China’s rights, responsibilities, and

risk acceptance in international disputes. Although definitions of status are contested, there is broad agreement

that it is socially constructed and relative to peer states, which makes measuring it difficult. We aim to address

definitional and measurement problems by using text as data from United Nations General Debates speeches,

1970–2020. This allows one to see the language China uses to refer to itself, the language by which others

refer to China, and how that compares to the USA. Contrary to conventional wisdom, we find that China is

not more status obsessed than its peer, is not more status obsessed over time, and is not gaining in status over

time. The implications for world politics are complex but suggest that status will not be a primary cause of

conflict in the foreseeable future.

《中國國際政治季刊》(The China Journal of International

Politics)創(chuàng)刊于 2006 年,2012 年進(jìn)入 SSCI,迄今仍是中

國大陸主辦的唯一一份政治學(xué) SSCI 專業(yè)期刊。自創(chuàng)刊以

來,CJIP 堅(jiān)持發(fā)表原創(chuàng)性學(xué)術(shù)研究成果,重點(diǎn)推動(dòng)國際關(guān)


外知名學(xué)者的文章。CJIP 發(fā)表的文章在東亞、歐洲和北美


化發(fā)展方面發(fā)揮了獨(dú)特作用。2022 年該刊影響因子為 2.0,

在 96 份國際關(guān)系類 SSCI 期刊中名列第 39,是亞洲地區(qū)

排名最高的國際關(guān)系類 SSCI 期刊。


2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


2. 各自為政?非洲當(dāng)?shù)厝A人、世界銀行援助與外國直接投資(Paving Their Own Road?

Local Chinese and World Bank Aid and Foreign Direct Investment in Africa)

Samuel Brazys,愛爾蘭都柏林大學(xué)政治與國際關(guān)系學(xué)院副教授

Yoo Sun Jung,愛爾蘭都柏林大學(xué)政治與國際關(guān)系學(xué)院助理教授






地外國直接投資(FDI)的觀點(diǎn)。然而,本文也發(fā)現(xiàn)一些證據(jù)表明,與來自第三方國家的 FDI 相比,

中國的援助促進(jìn)了本國的 FDI;但這種差異效應(yīng)在中國的 FDI 對(duì)世界銀行援助的反應(yīng)以及美國援助與

FDI 之間的關(guān)系中也是可見的,這表明中國的 FDI 可能只是伴隨任何援助,其援助與外國直接投資之


【原文】China’s emergence as a major donor and economic partner to sub-Saharan Africa has prompted

questions if the aims and impacts of China’s efforts in the region are driven by self-serving commercial motives.

While there are strong reasons to think that the foreign aid may make a location more attractive to investment,

generally, by improving the infrastructural, institutional, or human capital environment and/or by serving as a

signal of a location’s risk, there is also reason to suspect that Chinese aid may be “paving the way” for

investment by Chinese firms. To investigate, this paper uses spatial and temporal variations in localized, georeferenced data to find a strong overall support that local aid boosts local foreign direct investment (FDI).

However, we also find some evidence that Chinese aid boosts its own FDI compared to FDI from third-party

countries; but this differential effect is also visible with the Chinese FDI’s response to the World Bank aid as

well as in the relationship between both aid and FDI from the USA, suggesting that the Chinese FDI may

simply be following any aid and that the relationship between its aid and FDI is not exceptional among bilateral


3. 中國的發(fā)展中國家地位之辯:全球經(jīng)濟(jì)治理中的地緣經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)和“公私分化”

(Contesting China’s Developing Country Status: Geoeconomics and the Public–Private

Divide in Global Economic Governance)

Clara Weinhardt,荷蘭馬斯特里赫特大學(xué)藝術(shù)與社會(huì)科學(xué)學(xué)院國際關(guān)系助理教授

Johannes Petry,德國法蘭克福歌德大學(xué)國家資本金融研究項(xiàng)目首席研究員












【原文】The geopolitical rise of emerging economies has led to contestations and renegotiations of the

boundaries of the developing country status. Established powers put pressure on emerging economies to give

up this status and the benefits it comes with in global regimes. In this article, we analyse the (re)negotiation of

China’s developing country status within the context of US–China geoeconomic competition with respect to

two core areas in the global economy—finance and trade. We show that whether private or public actors are

responsible for status classification influences the outcomes of contestation over China’s status. When private

sector actors are central, China is more likely able to defend its developing country status against US pressure.

We also find that these processes are mitigated by how decision-making processes are institutionalised. Our

two case studies thus illustrate that regulatory processes such as status classification influence the outcomes

of geoeconomic competition in international politics. These findings also shed new light on the power of states

versus non-state actors within global governance amidst the geoeconomic turn: the public–private divide can

serve as an important context factor that influences the probability of the international economic order to cater

more towards US or Chinese geoeconomic strategies.

4. 制度建設(shè)如何塑造大國選邊:基于制度視角的中俄伙伴關(guān)系(How InstitutionBuilding Shapes Great Power Alignment: An Institutional Perspective on the China–

Russia Partnership)

Bj?rn Alexander Düben,吉林大學(xué)公共外交學(xué)院助理教授



展”這一變量所發(fā)揮的作用。在 20 世紀(jì) 90 年代中期之前,雙邊制度基本不存在,如今已迅速發(fā)展成







【原文】Sino-Russian relations have thrived in the post–Cold War era. While the relationship has attracted

ample academic attention, many of the underlying factors contributing to the bilateral rapprochement over the

past three decades remain un(der)explored. This article examines the role played by one of the factors involved

in this process: the development of institutional links between the two states. Bilateral institutions, which were

largely absent until the mid-1990s, have rapidly proliferated into a dense network of commissions and

subcommissions, working groups, and other institutionalised exchanges, encompassing virtually all sectors of


2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


interaction between China and Russia. The article employs analytical concepts borrowed from Institutionalist

theory and develops criteria of analysis to assess the extent to which the process of bilateral institution-building

has contributed to promoting and perpetuating Sino-Russian rapprochement, enabling the two states to forge

a closer working relationship with each other. The article also examines what the limits of this process have

been. It concludes that the practical impact of bilateral institution-building on policy-making has been modest;

however, the institutions have come to constitute important forums to secure a regular exchange and

familiarisation between senior decision-makers and stakeholders, allowing for an active communication of

important information and mutual assurances regarding each country’s policy choices, intentions, and


5. 文明視野下的多元現(xiàn)代性:評(píng)估全球文明倡議(Multiple Modernities in Civilizational

Perspective: An Assessment of the Global Civilization(s) Initiative)

Barry Buzan,英國倫敦政治經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)院國際關(guān)系系名譽(yù)教授





度看待多元現(xiàn)代性的一種方法。隨后,本文對(duì) 19 世紀(jì)初以來的不平衡與綜合發(fā)展(UCD)歷史發(fā)展




【原文】This paper starts from the supposition that civilization is an important concept for thinking about

world order, and one that is increasingly coming back into play in world politics. It opens with a close look at

the Global Civilization Initiative (GCI): what does it say, what does it imply, about what is it silent, and what

are its policy contexts? It offers the theory of Uneven and Combined Development (UCD) as a way of looking

at multiple modernities in terms of civilizational pluralism. This is followed by a historical unfolding of UCD

since the early 19th century, showing how it has generated both single and multiple modernities cast in

civilizational terms. The penultimate section focuses on the risks and opportunities that a world order of

civilizational pluralism would create specifically for China. The conclusions summarize the main points of

argument, and set out a more detailed global vision of what the GCI might aim to achieve if played well.





《太平洋評(píng)論》(The Pacific Review)

The Pacific Review,Vol.37, No.1,2024

1. 次強(qiáng)國在印太地區(qū)秩序轉(zhuǎn)型中的施動(dòng)性(The agency of secondary states in order

transition in the Indo-Pacific)

Jaeyoung Kim,加拿大蒙特利爾麥吉爾大學(xué)政治學(xué)系教授











【原文】The liberal international order (LIO) is now in a complex crisis. Its legitimacy and sustainability are

put to the test with the growth of deglobalization forces, the rise of emerging powers dissatisfied with the LIO

designed by the US, and climate change and the global pandemic. The crisis of the LIO is particularly salient

in the Indo-Pacific, the epicenter of the US-China strategic competition, and secondary states in this region

are increasingly concerned about its geopolitical consequences. However, I argue that secondary states often

treated as the pawns of great powers can turn this circumstance to their advantage by adopting various

strategies that maximize their leverage. We should take seriously the possibility that secondary states, by which

I denote all states that are weaker or smaller than the hegemonic state and the rising power, can shape the

contours of the US-China strategic competition and the newly emerging international order in the Indo-Pacific

region. Preoccupied with great power politics, the existing literature on order transition has neglected the fact

《太平洋評(píng)論》(The Pacific Review)是太平洋地區(qū)研究



重點(diǎn)關(guān)注政策問題。根據(jù) Journal Citation Reports 顯示,

2021 年該刊的影響因子為 2.074。


2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


that secondary states can develop and exercise their own agency. Moreover, it remains vague what agency

means in IR and how secondary states enact it. Against this backdrop, I propose an analytical framework that

unpacks various types of agency along three dimensions—the motivation of agency, the type of mobilized

resources, and the availability of partners. It will help us explain how weaker and smaller states participate

and make their voice in reshaping international order in the Indo-Pacific.

2. 精英角色概念與印尼在“東盟印太展望”中的角色:奪回領(lǐng)導(dǎo)地位(Elite role

conceptions and Indonesia’s agency in the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific: reclaiming


Pia Dannhauer,澳大利亞布里斯班格里菲斯大學(xué)政府與國際關(guān)系學(xué)院

【摘要】2019 年 6 月,東盟發(fā)布了一個(gè)共同的區(qū)域愿景,即“東盟印太展望”(AOIP)。該文件結(jié)





統(tǒng)佐科(2014 -)的影響。本文提出了一種獨(dú)創(chuàng)的“角色整合”模型,認(rèn)為印尼能夠領(lǐng)導(dǎo)“東盟印太




【原文】In June 2019, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) issued a shared regional vision,

the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP). The document ended a debate about how to respond to the

concept of the Indo-Pacific, the United States’ Indo-Pacific Strategy, and new additions to regional security

architecture, especially the Quad. Indonesia, traditionally a leading voice in ASEAN, exerted significant

diplomatic capital developing and securing agreement on the AOIP after a period of diminished leadership

from the organisation. Dominant explanations for this behaviour cannot fully address why the country led in

constructing AOIP despite what most analysts agree was the disengagement of President Joko ‘Jokowi’

Widodo (2014 -) from foreign policy. Developing an original ‘role integration’ model, this article argues that

Indonesia was able to lead on AOIP because President Jokowi’s preference for maritime cooperation and

economic diplomacy integrated with the Indonesian Foreign Ministry’s efforts to maintain ASEAN unity and

centrality in this instance. The findings of this research offer both new empirical insights into the domestic

decision-making processes that shaped Indonesia’s agency in AOIP and add to the role theory literature by

shifting the analytical focus from domestic contestation to cooperative dynamics that can shape the national

role conception.

3. 建設(shè)和平中的施動(dòng)-結(jié)構(gòu)問題:在朝鮮沖突中構(gòu)建有利地位(The agency-structure

problem in peacebuilding: constructing a niche in the Korean conflict)

Dong Jin Kim,愛爾蘭都柏林圣三一大學(xué)愛爾蘭普世教會(huì)學(xué)校



Youngchul Chung,韓國麻浦區(qū)西江大學(xué)公共政策研究生院







【原文】The structural dynamics of the Korean conflict has evolved not only with the inter-Korean rivalry,

but also the geopolitics of great power rivalries. The conflict structure was reinforced going through the Korean

War and the Cold War. There have been several South Korean initiatives to build peace with North Korea in

the post-Cold War era, however the peace process fluctuated due to the escalation of the US-North Korean

conflict over the nuclear and missile development of North Korea, and the dispute over North Korea policy in

the South Korean society. Building on the sociological understanding of “duality of structure” and the

biological insight of “niche construction”, this article demonstrates the South Korean potential, as a democratic

state, to construct a niche space for its citizens’ peacebuilding with North Korea under the ongoing Korean

conflict structure, as well as its limitations in protecting the space before scaling out the disruption of the

conflict structure, when governments do not have a clear sense of agency about their policy due to the lack of

consensus among its citizens.

4. 不對(duì)稱的轉(zhuǎn)變:菲律賓和越南南海政策的演變及關(guān)注的不對(duì)稱性(The transformation

of asymmetry: the evolution of Philippine and Vietnamese South China Sea policies and

the asymmetry of attention)

Guangyi Pan,澳大利亞新南威爾士州悉尼市新南威爾士大學(xué)社會(huì)科學(xué)學(xué)院

Thu Hien Phan,澳大利亞新南威爾士州悉尼市新南威爾士大學(xué)社會(huì)科學(xué)學(xué)院





去高度關(guān)注的優(yōu)勢(shì)。這是不對(duì)稱政治既有理論中缺失的一環(huán)。本文研究了 2014 年至 2016 年間(尤其

是在 2016 年仲裁之后)菲律賓和越南在中國外交傾向于優(yōu)先考慮南海問題前后所做的相關(guān)政策調(diào)整。






【原文】Most relations among states are asymmetric due to a disparity of capacities. This does not mean the

strong can crush the weak at will, as the cost could outweigh the gain. If the weaker side sees an issue as more


2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


important than the stronger side, the former is likely to invest more attention into building a more robust will

and tougher stance against the pressure at hand. However, China’s South China Sea (SCS) policy and

neighbouring states’ responses to it demonstrate another scenario: small states may lose the advantages of

heightened attention if the great power shifts its focus onto the same issue, dedicating more political resources

to it. This represents a missing piece in the established theory of asymmetric politics. The present article

examines pertinent policy adjustments by the Philippines and Vietnam before and after Chinese diplomacy

gravitated towards prioritising the SCS from 2014 to 2016, especially after the 2016 Arbitration. I argue that,

with the US increasingly presence in the region, China’s attention shift to the SCS reflects Beijing’s decision

to put more diplomatic resources and time into forming a consistent strategy to replace its uncoordinated

policies out of the inattention, which previously motivated small states to make significant policy adjustments

in response. In analysing Philippine and the Vietnamese stances on the South China Sea, I gauge the reasons

for the two countries’ policy changes from a proactive stance in internationalising the issue to a low-profile

posture as an attempt to mend fences with China after the attention shift. Hence, this study aims to reveal the

motives behind small states’ policy adjustments, as well as to expand the explanatory scope of the theory of

asymmetric attention.

5. 在中美戰(zhàn)略競(jìng)爭(zhēng)中推銷“獨(dú)立外交政策”:民粹主義與杜特爾特政府領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下的菲律

賓外交政策(Selling “independent foreign policy” amid the US–China rivalry: populism

and Philippine foreign policy under the Duterte government)

Weiqing Song,中國澳門氹仔澳門大學(xué)社會(huì)科學(xué)院政府與公共行政系

Joseph Ching Velasco,菲律賓馬尼拉德拉薩爾大學(xué)政治學(xué)與發(fā)展研究系

【摘要】本文探討了杜特爾特政府時(shí)期(2016-2022 年)的菲律賓外交政策。在此期間,人們普遍認(rèn)








【原文】This paper examines Philippine foreign policy under the Duterte government (2016–2022). During

this period, Philippine foreign policy is widely acknowledged to have undergone dramatic shifts, with the

government making friendly overtures towards China at the cost of its traditional alliance with the US. From

a foreign policy analysis perspective, this paper explicitly focuses on the role of political leadership in guiding

national foreign policy. This paper argues that the Duterte government made strategic use of political

marketing in promoting its populist foreign policy. Thus, political marketing is used as an analytical lens with

which to examine much of the rhetoric and behaviour of the Duterte government, particularly in regard to its

response to the US–China rivalry. By engaging in this supposedly diplomatic game, the Duterte government



tried to sell its foreign policy promises and outcomes as products even when its rhetoric was at times

disconnected from its actual performance. Overall, this paper develops an alternative perspective from which

to add to our understanding of the role of populist foreign policy initiatives in a fragile democratic setting.

6. 非我之戰(zhàn):東盟各國政府對(duì)俄烏沖突的反應(yīng)對(duì)認(rèn)識(shí)東南亞的啟示(Not our war. What

ASEAN governments’ responses to the Ukraine war tell us about Southeast Asia)

Frederick Kliem,新加坡南洋理工大學(xué)拉惹勒南國際關(guān)系學(xué)院多邊主義研究中心








【原文】Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been widely condemned by governments of the ‘political West’.

Most other states have been either neutral or even Russia-leaning in this war. Southeast Asia is no exception.

There is a sense in the West that the primary explanation for this reluctance to unambiguously side against

Russia is the relationship, perhaps even dependency, that these states may have vis-à-vis Moscow; prima facie,

a logical presumption. This article finds that while there is some truth to this claim, the relations between

individual governments’ responses to the war and their bilateral relationships with Moscow is too uneven to

suffice as a satisfactory explanation. Instead, one must look beyond materialistic, mono-causal explanations.

To get the full picture, one must appreciate Southeast Asia’s diplomatic tradition, their form of open and

inclusive regionalism and the continued focus on domestic politics. This research provides the first

comprehensive empirical categorisation of Southeast Asian responses to the Ukraine war and traces these to

ASEAN’s diplomatic culture.




2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


《亞太國際關(guān)系》(International Relations of the Asia-Pacific)

International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Vol 24, No 1, Jan2024

1. 從“國”到“天下”:兩種道家國際關(guān)系理論的聯(lián)系(From guo to tianxia: linking

two Daoist theories of International Relations)

Devin Joshi,新加坡管理大學(xué)政治學(xué)副教授









【原文】This study examines the international relations theory (IRT) of Daoism, one of Asia’s long-standing

traditions to have theorized international politics. Drawing upon Laozi’s Dao De Jing, this study elucidates

two Daoist IR theories. First, Laozi provides a state-focused guo-based IRT for conducting foreign policy and

managing inter-state relations with emphasis on yielding and softness to overcome violence and domination.

Second, Laozi offers a Utopian and globalist tianxia-centered IRT based on following the Dao whereby interstate rivalry is dissolved in favor of peaceful planetary governance in harmony with the natural rhythms of the

cosmos. Whereas previous scholarship often concentrates on only one of these two scenarios, I argue the two

visions are tightly connected with the more pragmatic first theory envisioned as a stepping stone to obtaining

the second. This link demonstrates how Daoism offers a sophisticated non-Western IRT with relevance to

addressing planetary challenges today.

《亞太國際關(guān)系》( International Relations of the AsiaPacific),簡(jiǎn)稱“IRAP”,是出版在亞太區(qū)域最好的原創(chuàng)性

文章的主流國際期刊。本刊創(chuàng)刊于 2001 年,每年在一、






IRAP 官網(wǎng)顯示,當(dāng)前影響因子為 2.545。



2. 駕馭大國競(jìng)爭(zhēng):新古典現(xiàn)實(shí)主義觀點(diǎn)之“對(duì)沖”(Navigating great power

competition: a neoclassical realist view of hedging)

Hunter S Marston,澳大利亞國立大學(xué)國際關(guān)系專業(yè)博士








【原文】Contrary to predictions that smaller powers will balance against or bandwagon with external threats,

Southeast Asian states are hedging by deepening their security cooperation with both the United States and

China. Prevailing accounts of hedging do not adequately explain the persistence of such policy choices given

growing threat perceptions of China and mounting bipolar pressures. After considering the limitations of

existing theories, this article contends that a neoclassical realist approach to hedging better integrates the

domestic and international factors that inform decision-makers’ preferences. It operationalizes this theoretical

framework in three case studies: Singapore, Vietnam, and the Philippines. A neoclassical realist approach

takes the role of individual perceptions and bureaucracies seriously, without dismissing the significance of

variables identified by neorealism, including security threats, treaty alliances, and economic benefits.

Ultimately, a more complete and accurate understanding of what continues to propel hedging in Southeast

Asian states can mitigate the risks of great power conflict.

3. 既不促進(jìn)也不推廣民主:佐科·維多多領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下的印尼在巴厘島民主論壇上的中等強(qiáng)國

特征(Neither promoting nor projecting democracy: Indonesia’s middlepowermanship in

the Bali democracy forum under Joko Widodo)

Mohamad Rosyidin,印尼迪波內(nèi)戈羅大學(xué)國際關(guān)系系文學(xué)碩士

Indra Kusumawardhana,印尼佩塔米納大學(xué)國際關(guān)系研究項(xiàng)目博士

【摘要】盡管印尼總統(tǒng)佐科·維多多(Joko Widodo)的外交政策具有務(wù)實(shí)特質(zhì),該國的民主指數(shù)也有所


一明顯的矛盾。本文認(rèn)為,與其前任相比,維多多并不認(rèn)為 BDF 是促進(jìn)或在國外推廣民主的工具。

相反,維多多認(rèn)為 BDF 強(qiáng)調(diào)了印尼在多邊論壇中的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)作用。這種“中等強(qiáng)國特征”挑戰(zhàn)了以精英為



【原文】Despite the pragmatic character of Indonesian President Joko Widodo’s foreign policy and the

regression of the country’s democracy index, Indonesia remains eager for the continuation of Bali Democracy

Forum (BDF). This article aims to solve this apparent contradiction using the concept of middle power


2024 年第 3 期(總第 15 期)


diplomacy. This article argues that, in contrast to his predecessor, Widodo does not perceive BDF as an

instrument to promote or project democracy abroad. Rather, Widodo considers the BDF to accentuate

Indonesia’s leadership role in multilateral fora. This ‘middlepowermanship’ challenges the elite-based

approach in explaining Indonesia’s foreign policy, which puts a strong emphasis on Jokowi’s personal

character traits. The continuation of the BDF under Widodo reflects Indonesia’s default thinking of its status

as a middle power.

4. 美國會(huì)保衛(wèi)臺(tái)灣嗎?——基于臺(tái)灣地區(qū)和美國的民意分析(Will the United States

come to Taiwan’s defense? Analysis of public opinion in Taiwan and the United States)



【摘要】如果兩岸之間爆發(fā)沖突,美國會(huì)來保護(hù)臺(tái)灣嗎? 中國大陸在該地區(qū)日益增強(qiáng)的自信,以及在





【原文】If conflict breaks out between Taiwan and China, would the United States come to the island’s

defense? China’s growing assertiveness in the region and aggressive military activities around Taiwan have

renewed interest in this decades-old question. This study examines the issue by employing two surveys, one

conducted in Taiwan and another in the United States. Results of the Taiwan survey indicate that while a

majority of Taiwan citizens do indeed believe the United States would help defend Taiwan if it were attacked

by China, five types of respondents—idealists, pragmatists, democracy skeptics, political realists, and

pessimists—can be discerned, each with a distinctive pattern of reasoning. Findings from the US survey reveal

that while Americans mostly hold positive views of Taiwan, there is little consensus on the preferred US

military response in the event of a Chinese attack. These analyses contribute to the existing literature on

evolving public opinion in Taiwan and the United States concerning the possibility of armed conflict in the

Taiwan Strait.


